Starting with Real Madrid

Chapter 140: gamble

Completely different from other stadiums in the world, the visiting team's locker room at the Stade de France is the real home team's locker room.

Why is this happening?

It also has something to do with Zidane and Ronaldo.

In the 1998 World Cup in France, both France and Brazil reached the World Cup final, but France was not assigned to the home team's locker room because it was playing at home, but was assigned to the away team's locker room.

In the final, the French team led by Zidane defeated the Brazil team led by Ronaldo to win the World Cup.

Since then, every time the French team played at the Stade de France, they have chosen to stay in the visiting team's locker room.

And tonight, this spacious and bright dressing room belongs to Barcelona.


When Rijkaard entered the locker room, it was dead silent.

All the Barça players were still immersed in the frustration of the first half.

They went from leading by one goal to losing two goals in a row. This psychological gap made many people unable to let go.

When Rijkaard entered the door, his eyes naturally fell on the bottle of super large champagne that was placed in a prominent place.

It was specially found by Barcelona and bought with a lot of money, the purpose is to celebrate the second Champions League championship in the team's history.

When they learned that they were assigned to the visiting team's locker room at the Stade de France, they were all very excited, because it represented home games and luck.

Don't laugh, in the football circle, luck is still valued by quite a few people.

For example, there are countless so-called curses in English football.

In order to boost the morale of the team, Rijkaard specially made people put the bottle of champagne in a conspicuous place, hoping to use it to motivate the players, to boost the morale of the team, and to make everyone fight for it!

But now, a one-two deficit makes it seem more ironic.

Rijkaard didn't have to think about it to know that when the player entered the door just now, he must have been very depressed when he saw it.

So is he.

Nothing yet, the real irony is yet to come.

If the game is lost, what about the champagne?

The funeral is happy, drink it directly, and celebrate the team's loss of the Champions League?

Or take it back?

With such a big bottle of champagne, the whole world knows that Barcelona brought it into the Stade de France, and then took it out?

Ha, what will the media report?

Rijkaard is a person who attaches great importance to his own image, but at this moment he really regrets it. How could he have followed the club's advice and brought such a large bottle of champagne into the Stade de France?

Of course, now is not the time to get this headache.


Rijkaard came to the middle of the players and looked directly at the Barcelona players in front of him.

"In the first half, our offense was closely guarded by the opponent, and it didn't perform very well."

Everyone looked up and looked at Rijkaard.

Ten Carter didn't even enter the locker room tonight, much to the satisfaction of many.

No way, this assistant coach who always plays the role of the devil coach is really unpopular in the locker room.

"We know Real Madrid's defense, but this is by no means the reason for our weak attack. We have to make adjustments and changes in the second half, especially our frontcourt."

Having said that, Rijkadra came to the tactical board and adjusted the pieces placed on it for the opposing sides.

"Real Madrid's defense is very meticulous, but it is not without loopholes. After the start of the second half, Eto'o pulled to the left flank and used your speed to attack Abeloa. You have an advantage in this regard."

Eto'o's speed is very fast, although Abeloa's speed is not slow, but in the face of Eto'o, it is still very disadvantageous.

Only in this way, Eto'o will be away from the goal.

Rijkaard certainly wasn't that simple.

Ronaldinho was placed in the middle of the frontcourt by him, giving full play to his excellent characteristics of holding the ball with his back.

Many people are actually blinded by Ronaldinho's talent and footwork. In fact, the Brazilian is very good at holding the ball with his back.

He is a technical genius, has devilish footwork, and is good at holding the ball himself. As long as he gets the ball, he will basically not lose it. All these make Rijkaard make up his mind to gamble on Ronaldinho.

"You suppress the opponent's two central defenders, Ramos and Woodgate, in the middle of the frontcourt. What to do, you decide according to the situation on the field, whether you want to go up or withdraw, and put Ramos and Wood behind. Get out."

Rijkaard changed the position of the pieces and changed the situation on the field.

For example, he pulled Ronaldinho back to the attacking midfield, and because he had the ball, Ramos followed, so that there was a gap behind Ramos and Eto'o This loophole can be quickly inserted obliquely.

This style of play has also been tried by Barcelona, ​​and the effect is very good.

"Remember, we attacked at the beginning of the second half and equalized the score as soon as possible!"



Gao Shen did not know what tactics and adjustments Rijkaard arranged at half-time, but at the beginning of the second half, he clearly saw the changes in Barcelona's players' positions.

Ronaldinho actually stood in the middle outside the center circle, while Eto'o stood on the left side of the center circle and Messi was on the right.

"Have their positions changed?" Gao Shen asked Lucas.

Lucas also had a solemn look on his face. "There were obvious changes when we kicked off in the first half, but we will have to look at the details."

High nod.

It's just about to kick off, the game has not yet started, how do you know what adjustments Barcelona will make?

But as the game unfolded, Barcelona's midfield adjustments were quickly reflected.

Ronaldinho appeared in the middle, while Eto'o was changed to the left.

This style of play is very new, and this is the first time for Gao Shen to see it.

But soon, it showed its advantages.


After an unsuccessful attack, Barcelona was oppressed by Real Madrid and passed all the way back to goalkeeper Valdes.

After Valdes stopped the ball at the front of the penalty area, he glanced ahead and drove directly to the front court with a big foot.

Ronaldinho failed to gain the upper hand in the duel with Woodgate and the ball was pushed back into midfield.

But Barcelona planted a lot of troops in this area and quickly grabbed the ball back.

When Xavi got the ball, Ronaldinho quickly retreated from the front, leaned on Dela Reid with his body, pushed Xavi's pass to Deco, turned and ran for neutral.

Deco moved forward, and after seeing the right moment, passed the ball to Ronaldinho in the gap.

Two Brazilian players completed a two-player match in a small area.

When Ronaldinho got the ball, Ramos quickly stepped forward to grab it, but the Brazilian superstar kept the ball and rubbed the ball behind him.

The football passed Ramos and fell directly to the penalty spot in the penalty area.

Eto'o started at the fastest speed, like a black lightning, and went straight to the penalty spot.

This caused the whole stadium to exclaim for a while.

At the critical moment, Casillas resolutely dropped the goal, took the lead and threw the ball, holding the ball in his arms.

Eto'o jumped over from Casillas and missed the perfect single-handed opportunity.

Until this moment, the voice of the fans was heard in the stadium again.

Barcelona's attack just now is too dangerous!


Standing at the scene, Gao Shen looked at this scene on the court with a stern face, and he found Rijkaard's adjustment.

Some surprises.

Unexpectedly, Ronaldinho can also play in the middle of the frontcourt.

In this way, Guardiola let Messi play the nine position, or learned from Rijkaard.

"What should I do?" Lucas was a little nervous.

The attack just now was too dangerous.

If it wasn't for Casillas' strike in time, the ball would have been lost.

Not only was Lucas nervous, but Maqueda, Buenaventura and others also all looked at Gao Shen.

Real Madrid must make adjustments, the key is, how to adjust?

After thinking about it for a while, Gao Shen went straight to the sidelines and made adjustments immediately.

"David." Gao Shen shouted at Beckham.

He signaled Beckham to retreat and play a three-back midfielder, Zidane centered, and Raul and Negredo to form a double forward.

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Said to be a double striker, but in fact still let Negredo go to the two side gaps of Barcelona, ​​and Raul still actively returned to defense.

After the high-level adjustment, although Barcelona created a dangerous situation again, it was Ronaldinho who turned around after taking the ball with his back in the middle and sent a kick behind him, but this time it was Ramos who took the lead. Au had kicked the ball out of bounds before.

Ramos, who had just been criticized for conceding the ball, was applauded by Real Madrid fans this time because of his defensive contributions.

Real Madrid also quickly completed the adjustment and deployment, stabilizing the defensive position.

At this time, ten minutes have passed since the game.

When Rijkaard saw that the two attacks at the beginning of the second half failed to work, he decisively made a substitution In the 60th minute, Barcelona took the lead in making substitution adjustments.

Iniesta replaced Van Bommel, Barcelona adopted a more aggressive midfield configuration, letting Xavi drag behind, Deco and Iniesta ahead, Rijkaard's substitution is obviously more important. radical.

Harvey first played at the No. 4 position, and he is not unfamiliar with this position.

But this substitution shows Rijkaard's big bet.

It's no wonder that Barcelona has 75% of the ball control rate and can completely play Real Madrid with applause.

Gao Shen was unmoved, and continued to signal the team to play steadily and adopt a steady defense and counterattack tactics.

In addition to the front of Negredo, including Raul and Zidane, began to actively return to defense.

Real Madrid's defense has been tested by strong teams such as Arsenal, Juventus and AC Milan. In the face of Barcelona's passing and control, Real Madrid is also not afraid, and has always maintained a meticulous defensive position.

This made Rijkaard's team feel helpless.

When the game reached the 70th minute, Rijkaard was forced to make a second substitution and replaced the goal hero Messi with Larsen. This is obviously to further strengthen the team's offense, especially The score of the diagonally inserted penalty area.

Although today's Messi is amazing and his strength is outstanding, he is not as terrifying as the briquettes king.

It was also when Barcelona made the second substitution adjustment that Gao Shen decisively made the first substitution.

He replaced the captain Raul with Ronaldo and let the Brazilian form a double striker with Negredo.

This suddenly made Rijkaard in the next coach's command area grit his teeth with hatred.

However, Barcelona has no way out! Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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