Starting with Real Madrid

Chapter 153: I'll just follow you!

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Two days before Gao Shen arrived in Madrid, the results of the Real Madrid presidential election came out.

Because of Gao Shen's resignation, coupled with Martin's aggressive attacks on Gao Shen in the media, his image plummeted, and his personality completely collapsed. As a result, he failed to pose the slightest threat to Calderon in the presidential election of Real Madrid.

Calderon was eventually elected as the new president of Real Madrid, and his running mate Mijatovic became the general manager of the team.

After the two announced their election the day after the election, they directly announced the name of Real Madrid's new head coach, Capello!

This matter has sparked heated discussions throughout European football.

Gao Shen has just led the team to win the double championship, which can be described as a rapid retreat, and Capello taking over Real Madrid at this time undoubtedly needs courage, because Real Madrid fans will only have higher requirements for him.

On the other hand, Barcelona, ​​after experiencing the setbacks of last season, came to the rescue and brought in the superstar Henry, vowing to fight with Real Madrid again, and the strength is better than before.

At the same time, Capello coached Real Madrid and Juventus was punished for relegation, which made the Bianconeri start to lose heart.

Including Vieira, Ibrahimovic, Emerson, Cannavaro, Zambrotta, Thuram and other world-class players are looking for teams in the transfer market, seeking to leave Juventus , and do not want to sink into Serie B with the Bianconeri.

But there are also famous players like Nedved, Del Piero, Buffon, etc., who have chosen allegiance and continued to advance and retreat with Juventus.

After Capello coached Real Madrid, Turin Sports Daily also revealed that Juventus' selection of coaches is basically locked in five people, one of which is Gao Shen, who just led Real Madrid to the double crown.

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This also caused a lot of heated discussion among Juventus fans.

According to the questionnaire survey, even though Gao Shen has achieved such success as a double crown in Real Madrid and has been recognized by many celebrities including Sacchi and Valdano, there are still many fans who do not recognize his strength.

In the investigation of Turin Sports Daily, less than 20% of the fans who accept Gao Shen as the coach of Juventus.

The reason is also very good, that is, they do not think that Gao Shen can lead Juventus to a revival.

For the strong reaction of Juventus fans, Gao Shen is not particularly concerned.

When he coached Real Madrid, didn't the fans also object?

But now what?


The day Gao Shen arrived in Madrid, he received a call from Florentino.

The former president of Real Madrid knew when he was arriving and called him specifically to ask him to have a meal.

Gao Shen did not refuse, and went to the appointment that night. There were Butragueno, Manuel Redondo and Valdano in the same seat. Naturally, the topic of the meeting was inseparable from Real Madrid's presidential election.

Florentino said that he still has not figured out what path Real Madrid should take, so he did not participate in this presidential election, but he felt that Calderon was actually capable.

Gao Shen has reservations about this.

Calderon must be capable, otherwise he would not be where he is today, but whether he can do the job of Real Madrid president well is another matter.

Just like the former Barcelona president Gaspart, needless to say, the best vice president in history, but after becoming president, he became the worst president in the history of Barcelona, ​​who can reason?

Florentino also inquired about Gao Shen's situation with concern, and even asked him if he needed help.

To say that in La Liga, Florentino's contacts are still very wide.

But Gao Shen politely declined, saying he could handle it.

To put it bluntly, he didn't want to owe Florentino a favor.

The debt of favor is so hard to repay!

On the other hand, Valdano gave Gao Shen a lot of suggestions, and they were generally all about team selection.


During the meal, Gao Shen received a call from Fernando Lucas.

After returning to the hotel, Lucas was already waiting there.

And he also brought a message.

"Lorenzo is back in Seville."

"Why?" Gao Shen was very surprised.

He knew that Lucas was talking about Sevilla as a city, not a club.

That's Buenaventura's hometown.

"When Capello coached Real Madrid, he would bring his own coaching team, including a fitness coach, so Mijatovic refused to renew his contract with him and terminated the contract directly."

Lucas still looked indignant when he talked about this.

This is the hero of Real Madrid's double crown, and it was opened like this.

If the direct contract expires and is not renewed, even the liquidated damages are saved.

Gao Shen was also very uncomfortable. He still trusted Buenaventura's ability very much.

After thinking about it, he still made a phone call to Buenaventura in Seville.

"I'm back. In the past few days, when I have time, let's meet and I'll have a good chat with you."

On the phone, Buenaventura was a little depressed, but he was very happy to receive a call from Gao Shen. He immediately said that he would take care of the family affairs by himself, and go north in a few days to meet and talk again.

"Seriously, Gao."

After Gao Shen hung up Buenaventura's phone, Fernando Lucas also looked at him solemnly, "Real Madrid is not what it was when you were there, Capello has his own set of people. , I'm actually not bad, after all, Capello has no analyst, but Maqueda has been completely marginalized."

After a pause, Lucas gritted his teeth and said, "I'd better follow you!"

Gao stared at his friend, he had no doubts about Lucas' loyalty to him, "Fernando, you know, I haven't picked a team yet, and it's probably not a team in the five major leagues, you have to think carefully about it. ."

"I know, it's a matter of more money and less money." Lucas looked away, "Besides, we were able to lead Real Madrid to win the double title before, even if we don't coach the teams in the five major leagues this time, we will still do the same. Can take him to the Champions League, I have confidence in you!"

Gao Shen nodded and patted Lucas on the shoulder hard, "Okay, that's it, but you have to continue your studies at Loughborough University. This is our core weapon."

"Of course, I'll go the extra mile."


Speaking of which, Lucas really went to Butragueno the next day and quit his job directly.

At the beginning, before Gao Shen left, he specially told Butragueno to take care of Lucas.

At that time, he felt that Buenaventura was very capable, and Real Madrid had no reason to embarrass him. Instead, Lucas made him more worried, but who would have thought that Lucas was fine, but Buenaventura was was fired.

This time Lucas resigned himself, but Butragueno refused, but when he heard that he was going to go with Gao Shen, Butragueno could only agree, and called Gao Shen again and said this. thing.

But Butragueno is also righteous. Although he has terminated the contract with Lucas, the tuition he paid for Lucas before at Loughborough University did not allow Lucas to supply Real Madrid.

Lucas also directly checked into Gao Shen's room in the hotel, and the two began to prepare materials for meeting with Juventus.

Mainly for Juventus' current lineup and situation, Gao Shen has to formulate a detailed plan, including how to advance from Serie B and how to deal with the next Serie A.

He wants to help Juventus regain its former glory in the shortest possible time.

At the same time, Gao Shen also wrote a detailed analysis, mainly aimed at the current situation of Italian football, including the tactical style of Serie A teams. He believes that the current Serie A league has long lost its previous technical and tactical advantages.

In this analysis report, Gao Shen conducted a detailed analysis one by one from Juventus to AC Milan, Inter Milan, and even Roma and other Serie A teams, and came to an obvious conclusion that Serie A is outdated in terms of technology and tactics Yes, a major overhaul is needed.

Just asking questions is not enough, and Gao Shen also gave a solution to the problem.

That is his next tactical train of thought.

He said that if he coached Juventus, what aspects would he start from, what changes he planned to bring to the team, and what goals to achieve, thereby driving the improvement of the overall competitiveness.

His eyes are not only on Serie A, on the contrary, he has been targeting European competitions, especially the Champions League, from the very beginning.

In lofty words, if he is allowed to take charge of Juventus, with the club's full support in terms of signings and financial resources, he is confident that within three years, he will create a team that is very competitive in European football.

Even, he divided the whole plan into different The purpose of each stage was written very clearly.

It can be said that this is a very feasible solution.

Not only that, Gao Shen also secretly listed a list of Mavericks who may be dug into the Serie B league at this stage based on his memory before the time-travel. All of them are players with extremely high cost performance. If Gao Shen successfully coaches Juventus, He intends to dig these Mavericks into the Bianconeri one by one, and gradually replace veterans such as Nedved.

Of course, no one knows about this list except him.

He is confident enough that within three years, he will not only bring Juventus back to the forefront of Serie A, but also bring back the Champions League!

After writing the plan, Gao Shen also showed it to Valdano, Sacchi, Carlo and others, and they all gave some suggestions of their own, especially Sacchi, who is more familiar with Italian football. Many of his suggestions are on point and very valuable.

But they all have a common doubt, that is, Gao Shen is too confident in signings.

You know, even if it is a giant team signing, the probability of failure is very large.

But Gao Shen didn't seem to have any worries in this regard in the plan, and was full of confidence in his vision for signings.

When asked why, Gao Shen always laughed without saying a word, and they didn't ask much.

Perhaps it is because Gao Shen has its own set of selection criteria.

But in any case, in the words of Sacchi and Valdano, this is a very high-quality and complete team plan.

"Take this plan to see Blanco, I believe there must be no problem." Sacchi encouraged on the phone with a smile.

Gao Shen also thinks it is feasible.

He can't even wait to make a big splash in the new season and on the new stage.

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