Starting with Real Madrid

Chapter 161: The influence of the double crown

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Before leaving for Naples, Su Qing, who was in China, called Gao Shen.

A few days ago, after Gao Shen got the formal contract negotiated by the lawyers of the two parties, he was not very relieved. After Su Qing heard about it, she asked Gao Shen to fax it to her. She ran back to the capital and went to the university to find an old professor from the law school. .

At present, football contracts in China are still very messy. Europe is relatively strict. This old expert is also very interested. He specially helped Gao Shen check it. He thinks that there is basically no problem, and the terms are very strict.

"There is one place that he doesn't understand very well." Su Qing said on the phone.


"You turn to page 16, look down, Article 4, there doesn't seem to be a specific time limit here, does that mean that it will take effect permanently?"

Gao Shen took a look. This clause is an agreement between Gao Shen and the Naples club on the sharing of the difference in player transfer.

But perhaps it was the first time that both parties saw such a strange clause, and it was specially added by De Laurentiis, so some of the contents were not particularly rigorous, after all, they had no previous experience.

Normally, the terms should take effect when Gao Shen coached Naples, but according to the actual terms, even if Gao Shen leaves Naples in the future, the share will still be given.

Gao Shen guessed that this should be because the lawyers on both sides misunderstood the meaning of the two.

Or maybe there was no misunderstanding, it was just that De Laurentiis was clever but was mistaken by cleverness, and he didn't want to understand this.

Of course, if you stand at the level of newly-promoted Serie B, it's actually nothing, but if you take into account that players will often cost tens of millions of euros in transfer fees in the future, then this is amazing.

For example, the high-level signings list ranked first, now playing for Brescia teenager Hamsik.

How much is he now?

Brescia has also fallen into the Serie B league now, and Hamsik is not the main force of the team. Giving two million euros is very high, but what about the future?

Either Naples will not sell it, and it will cost tens of millions of euros, and 20% of the difference will be given to Gaoshen. How much is that?


De Laurentiis doesn't want to sell?

It's alright, I'm going to coach another team, I'll just rip you off and **** you off, you stingy old monster!

My God, that picture is so beautiful that I don't even dare to think about it.

"By the way, if you sign like this, will it cause any controversy?" Gao Shen asked.

"I don't see it at the moment. The lawyers on both sides are experienced and the terms are clear. There is no problem. Our professor said that he didn't understand it. Let me ask you. If it's not good for you, it's better to change it."

"That doesn't need to be changed." Gao Shen couldn't help laughing out loud.

It's a tortoise son of a bitch.

"Why do I listen, it seems who was sold by you?" Su Qing was also curious.

"Don't worry, don't worry, no one will be willing to sell you if you sell it." Gao Shen laughed, "You helped me a lot this time, I'll look back for the time, you come to Italy for a trip, I'll cover all the necessities."


"It is necessary, our brother Shen's words always count."

"No? I remember when you were in third grade..."

"Stop, don't mention the past..."



When it comes to Naples, Italy, everyone's first reaction is the mafia and the mess.

This is actually not without reason. There are many immigrants in Naples, and the security is naturally not much better.

But De Laurentiis proudly told Gao Shen that he doesn't need to worry about these things when he is the head coach of Naples, because football is the best pass in this city, and even the Mafia is the most ardent Naples fan.

Of course, no one can have the Napoli coach's name on their forehead, so be careful.

After getting off the plane, the staff responsible for picking up the plane specially carried Gao Shen through the old city and bustling streets of the city center, allowing him to browse this city, which is known as the most authentic Italian style, more intuitively.

The building is not high, and you can feel the dilapidation of an economic crisis from the exterior.

Ads and graffiti are as ubiquitous as dog skin plaster.

The driver driving in front did not feel disgusted by this, but was rather contented, and focused on introducing to Gao Shen the huge graffiti of Maradona in the center of the city, which was made by Naples fans in 1990.

Even after more than ten years, the city has never forgotten Maradona, maintaining his graffiti from time to time.

Naples is a city around the bay, the airport is in the northeast of the city, and the San Paolo Stadium is in the southwest of the city.

But what’s interesting is that the Posillipo area where the stadium is located is precisely the area where the wealthy live in Naples, and it is also the area with the best security, commonly known as the Bay Area.

When Gao Shen arrived at the San Paolo Stadium in Naples, it was already crowded with hundreds of media reporters.

Some of them are local reporters, and some of them come from Rome and Milan, or even from abroad.

Just three days ago, De Laurentiis released the news on the local media that Gao Shen was going to coach Naples.

This suddenly caused a strong earthquake in the entire European football.

Before, the media had been rumored that Gao Shen was going to coach Juventus, but Juventus did not deny it. Blanco even said in public that Gao Shen was the most anticipated young coach in European football today.

Players such as Nedved, Buffon and Del Piero have also expressed their opinions in public one after another, believing that Gao Shen's coaching of Juventus will be very exciting, which is equivalent to giving the green light to Gao Shen's coaching.

But who would have thought that when Gao Shen turned around, he went to coach Naples.

Although they are all Serie B, there are 22 teams in Serie B. Juventus is the quasi-champion that everyone booked early, and Naples is a newly-promoted Serie B team that has created two seasons. Can it be the same?

Why did Gao Shen give up Juventus and coach Naples?

Could it be that he was fooled by De Laurentiis in Naples again?

Those in the know don't say anything, and those who don't know can only rely on guesswork.


De Laurentiis stood in front of the window of the office, watching the media reporters coming in one after another, and his mood was surging.

He still remembered that not long ago, when he cut the ribbon for the official name change of the club, there were only three or two kittens in the media reporters, and he sent all the drafts to the major media, and they were all just in inconspicuous corners. reported a sentence.

But now, he hastily counted, at least more than 200 media.

"This is the influence of the double-headed coach!" De Laurentiis was full of admiration.

Not to mention him, even if the famous coach Ventura was invited to coach before, he didn't have such appeal.

"Of course, Gao Shen is popular now." Marino also smiled.

De Laurentiis is very proud of his own operation. With the former head coach Reia, he has also taken care of the aftermath, and there will be no problems. The next step is to officially sign with Gao Shen.

Before that happens, however, there is a small hidden danger to be eliminated.

"Pierre Paul, there is something I need to tell you in advance." De Laurentiis, who was smiling just now, just like his face changed, he suddenly became sullen, and when Marino saw it, he couldn't help but feel in his heart. cold.

This boss is really moody.

When he likes you, everything is fine, but once he hates you, sorry, **** off.

"Boss, say it."

"You know, I've put a lot of effort into digging deep this time, and I've also made a big bet. I don't want anyone in the club to stumble and make tricks on this matter, you understand me do you mean?"

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by Android and Apple. 】

Marino's heart suddenly jumped, and he nodded immediately: "Understood, don't worry, I will watch."

"Well, you have to fully cooperate with Gao Shen and form the team as soon as possible. I'm looking forward to it. We will appear in Serie A next season." De Laurentiis laughed. This was the first five years he had formulated plan.

"I understand."

De Laurentiis' eyes looked old, but they were actually sharp, like eagles, and after staring at Marino for a while, he turned his head, "I know, you are wronged in this matter, but you can rest assured. Go to work, this thing is done, you can be the general manager."

When Marino looked up, he was full of surprise, then he was beaming and nodded hastily, "Don't worry, boss, there will be no trouble."

As the technical director, after Gao Shen took office in Naples, Marino suffered a loss, because part of the power that originally belonged to him was transferred to Gao Shen, and Marino was more like an executor under Gao Shen's command.

It's impossible to say that Marino doesn't have a lump in his heart.

Humans always have emotions.

But De Laurentiis at Marino dare not defy.

It's different now. If you are promoted from technical director to general manager, but still hold the post of technical director, then Marino's power will be greatly increased all of a sudden.

More importantly, his future career prospects are also broader.


Seeing Marino happily going out to run errands, a small smile appeared on De Laurentiis' mouth.

He is still very satisfied with this technical director. Having served in Udinese for many years, Marino has enough contacts and skills to create a scouting network all over the world for Naples.

It's still early, but when the team is promoted to Serie A in the future, the network will be able to play a role.

Gao Shen is also a person he attaches great importance to.

De Laurentiis actually doesn't like the Italian coaches very much, because they are all too mature and prudent and lack the courage to forge ahead, so Italy's overall tactical style is very conservative.

But Naples is different.

Whether it's De Laurentiis, or this team, or this city, it's all passionate and full of passion.

Especially now that the team has been promoted from the third tier to Serie B, De Laurentiis is bent on rushing to Serie A and reviving the glory of Naples.

Rhea has the ability, but not the courage.

But they are different in depth. They are young and full of energy and courage. They are also advanced in technical and tactical concepts. They dare to think, dare to speak, and dare to do. This is very consistent with the current situation in Naples, and also very much in line with De Laurentiis's thoughts.

He is very much looking forward to whether Gao Shen can really turn Naples into a strong Serie A team within three years.

So, he is willing to make a big bet!

The greater the risk, the greater the reward. He understands this truth!

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