Starting with Real Madrid

Chapter 173: Dissatisfied? I hit you!

"Starting with Real Madrid (

On the evening of August 18, the San Paolo Stadium in Naples.

The team's debut of the new season is a Coppa Italia against Frosinone, the old rival of the C-1 League.

This opponent's strength is not strong, but it can't be careless.

The key is to see, what is the overall strength of Naples after investing more than 16 million euros?

This is not only a question for Naples fans, but also a question for Italy and even the whole of Europe.

With the halo of La Liga and the Champions League double, but decided to coach Naples, a newly promoted Serie B, this is an incredible choice at any time.

But Gao Shen did it!

The local media in Naples believe that Gao Shen’s move from Real Madrid to Naples is the same as Maradona’s transfer from Barcelona. They will all open a new era in Naples.

In the Maradona era, Naples also invested a lot of money. Now we have ushered in a profound era. Although Naples' overall investment is far less than that in the Maradona era, it is quite courageous.

Now, it's time to hand in the answer sheet.


De Laurentiis was a little nervous, in the office, fidgeting and waiting.

Tonight, the attendance at the Sao Paulo Stadium was quite good, with more than 50,000 fans entering the stadium, which was almost full.

For the first round of the Coppa Italia, the opponent is not a strong team, and it can have such a box office appeal entirely because of the high-level debut and the club's reorganization and investment this summer.

But the more so, the more nervous De Laurentiis became.

He made movies, but his career was more in Hollywood in the United States.

In Hollywood, every movie has a strict planning process from the beginning of the project. Basically, the whole process is followed. Before it is released, everyone already knows, is this movie a big seller? Or mediocre? Or a big loss?

But football is different. No one knows the result until the moment when the cup is revealed.

De Laurentiis opened the humidor several times, but he was not interested.

Marino finally knocked on the office door from outside.

Seeing the general manager of the club he had just appointed walk in, De Laurentiis immediately asked, "How is it? What did he say?"

"He said, very confident," Marino replied.

De Laurentiis clicked his tongue, "Confidence is not enough, you have to win."

He is now making a big bet.

More than 16 million euros, which is an astronomical amount for a Serie B team.

If he doesn't win, then he De Laurentiis will become a joke in Italian football.

"No, I'll ask him myself." De Laurentiis couldn't help himself.

From July 10th, after the team officially started training, De Laurentiis only went to Fort Volturno once, on the second day of the camp, he went to meet the players, and the rest of the time he Waiting.

Sure, he sneaked off to watch a game, but what to say?

The play was still unsatisfactory, although the game was won.

Now, he is really worried.

The opponent is Frosinone, the opponent of the C-1 League last season, Naples defeated the opponent 3-1 on the road, and drew 1-1 at home, and the strength and performance are dominant.

Although every game is different, if after investing a lot of money, you can't beat the opponent, what will De Laurentiis do? Has he been laughed to death yet?

But as soon as he reached the door, De Laurentiis stopped again.

The Naples boss turned his head and looked at Marino, "Are they on the pitch, or in the locker room?"

"The final preparations before the game in the dressing room."

De Laurentiis clicked his tongue again and exhaled heavily, "I promised not to enter the locker room without his permission."

Marino stood aside, looking at his nose and heart, with no expression.

"Pierre Paul, when Gao Shen said this, what did you think of his expression? If you are confident, will you definitely win? Or will you win with a high probability? Or half to half?"

Marino is a little dumbfounded, how can I see this?

But he is not advanced, but he does not dare to play sloppy eyes with De Laurentiis and bargain.

Immediately after frowning and thinking, he nodded and said, "I think there is a high probability of winning."

"Bullshit, Gao is the coach of the double champion, and we have invested so much. There is a high probability of winning, but isn't there a small probability?" De Laurentiis found that he was going crazy.

Marino secretly rejoiced: Boss, how can there be 100% on the football field?

But he dared not say it.

Some words, Gao Shen said it was fine, he said it, and he would immediately greet the spittle stars.

What kind of character his boss is, he knows.

In fact, he really admires Gao Shen, and he regrets that he agreed too quickly.

I don't know what I thought at that time. After being thoroughly analyzed by the boss, he immediately agreed.

Nima, if you also learn the advanced way, take it easy, and hold back for a while, maybe the boss will not dare to manipulate yourself so casually.

Fortunately, when he doesn't get angry, the boss is still good to himself.



"Do you know who we are going to face tonight?"

As Napoli prepares for the game in the home team's dressing room, Frosinone's coach, Ivo Jaconi, is questioning his players aloud in the visiting team's dressing room.

"Naples, last season's nemesis," shouted one player sitting in front of a cabinet.

Jaconi shook his head, "No, not just Naples, but stronger ones."

"Profound?" Another player asked.

"Yes!" Jaconi nodded, "Last season's Real Madrid head coach, La Liga and Champions League double champion coach, the hottest young coach in European football today!"

When Jaconi said this, he looked directly at his players, and he was making the final mobilization.

"You all know this, but you must also know that when he first came, he shouted that he wanted to win the Serie B, he wanted to rush into Serie A, and he wanted to build a strong Serie A team within three years. What are you doing?"

"Does he think that no one can stop him in the Italian Serie B? Does he really think that in the entire Serie B, Naples, which he leads, is the strongest, and other teams are useless?"

Speaking of the end, Jaconi's successive rhetorical questions made the players on the scene infected.

Too contempt for people!

"I can tell you that right now, in the whole Serie B, all the teams want to beat him and are proud to beat him, and we have this opportunity to be the first Napoli to officially challenge Gao Shen and him. team!"

"We should be proud of this! At the same time, we have to show our best performance, in front of Gao Shen and Napoli, and tell them ruthlessly that Serie B is not their backyard, Serie B teams, at least we Frosinone, not a soft persimmon for them to knead!"

"Tell me, are you all worthless?"

"No!!!!" The players stood up one after another and roared in unison.

"Very good, go and prove it to me!"


When walking out of the Sao Paulo Stadium, Ivo Yaconi saw a deep smile on his face.

Gao Shen was waiting for him at the player tunnel.

In his heart, Ivo Jaconi was unconvinced, and even disgusted, with the unbelievably young double-crowned coach.

Not just for his grades, but also for his behavior.

Too crazy! Too arrogant! Too high profile!

As soon as it came, it was the enemy of the entire Serie B. Do you really think that there is no one in Serie B?

Young people are too aggressive, not a good thing!

Ivo Yaconi is just fifty years old this year, twice the age of Gao Shen. He feels that he has eaten more pasta than Gao Shen has traveled, so he does not like what Gao Shen does.

Such a character is destined to hit a wall in Italian football!

As a result, after meeting with Gao Shen, he didn't give a good face. He always turned a face, shook hands, and after a few polite words, he turned around and walked back to the visiting team's coaching bench.


Gao Shen was confused.

How did you provoke him to provoke him?

For no reason, how do you put on an expression that you owe him millions?


"Have you hit a nail?" Carlo asked with a smile.

Gao Shen hehe, "Did I mess with him?"

"Italy has a very conservative atmosphere. You say you want to win the championship as soon as you come. Although it's okay from your point of view, they are naturally disliked by the older generation, and you are indeed too young."

Carlo's words make some sense.

On weekdays, the handshake between the coaches is very rare for middle-aged or old men in their 40s and It is very rare for them to be in their thirties.

Now a 25-year-old young coach suddenly appears, and the key is that he also won the La Liga and the Champions League double. You say, this has made them play football for the rest of their lives. Seniors, what do you think? When we meet, how do we deal with ourselves?

Not to mention Jaconi, even Carlo, in fact, had tossed in his heart for several months, and finally admitted with conviction that he was indeed inferior in many aspects, and only then did he agree to be his assistant coach.

"Understand, remember what you said before, you Chinese have a saying, not being jealous is mediocrity, you have to get used to it!"

After listening to Gao Shen, he was rather happy, "My respected Mr. Carlo, are you comforting me? Or are you praising me?"

"It's fine, whatever you understand." Carlo also laughed happily.

In fact, to be an assistant coach for Gao Shen, except that he is too young, there is nothing wrong with the rest, and the cooperation is very pleasant.

Gao Shen smiled, raised his head, looked around in the chairman's stand, and found that there were indeed too many people.

Sacchi said before that he was going to support him tonight, and Gao Shen specially gave him a ticket.

There are also some players' families, such as Rakitic, and Sanchez's family, they are arranged in the chairman's stand.

This is the premiere of the new season, not only a high-level debut, but also the debut of this group of young players from Naples, their first game in Italian football!

Gao Shen exhaled heavily, turned his head again, glanced at Jaconi in front of the visiting team's coach, and gritted his teeth inwardly.

bring it on!

I'm ready!

Dissatisfied, right?

I'll beat you straight to the point!

Didn't Saki say everything?

Not only to win you, but also to fight until you are convinced, this is the real ability, this is called greatness!

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