Starting with Real Madrid

Chapter 176: First match in Serie A

"Starting with Real Madrid (

"Thank you, Mr Jaconi, for a great game at the St Paul's."

After the game, at the entrance of the player tunnel, Ivo Yaconi was greeted with a deep smile on his face.

At this moment, the old face of Frosinone's head coach looks like a pig's liver.

This was a complete fiasco, both in terms of the process of the game and the results, it was a fiasco.

But the most embarrassing thing for Jaconi is the various arrangements and arrangements he made before the game.

For example, demeaning Gao Shen in the locker room and giving Gao Shen a face before the game.

He has to be thankful that the Coppa Italia is not live on TV, otherwise, his ugliness will be completely exposed to the entire Italian media and fans.

"Congratulations, you have won!" Jaconi finally put away his arrogance, stretched out his hand and shook Gao Shen.

Tall was even younger than most of the players on his team, which made Jaconi unbelievable.

In fact, he was really curious, how did Gao Shen come up with such a tactic?

But he refused to ask.

But one thing he can be sure of is that Gao Shen is by no means a parallel importer.

On the contrary, he has his own very unique, very advanced tactical philosophy.


After a few simple conversations, Jaconi left.

Gao Shen did not embarrass him.

If you win the game, you have to find a place to cry and hide from the embarrassment, right?

If you win the game, you will be embarrassed. Isn't this not giving people a way to live?

No matter how you look at it, Gao Shen is not such a person, right?

Get down on the ground and step on the stone, take revenge, and the meaning will be fine.

"Is he serving?" Gao Shen asked with a smile.

Carlo, Lucas and Buenaventura all laughed.

"Or, I'll catch up and ask for you?" Lucas was the most active.

"Okay, I'll leave this matter to you. If you don't ask for the result, don't come back." Gao Shen pretended to be serious.

Lucas immediately begged for mercy, how dare he ask?

In minutes, he was beaten into a pig head by the players of Jaconi and Frosinone.

Everyone was also amused.

Winning the ball, especially such a big win, everyone is in a very good mood.

Gao Shen looked at his five right-hand men, stretched out his hand, shook hands and hugged them one by one, and thanked them for their hard work and dedication over the past month.

Although it is the first year of cooperation, everyone's ability has been reflected during this time.

For example, Carlo is really good at leading training and player management. Naples is now dominated by young players, which is just right for Carlo's appetite.

Buenaventura took up the challenge given by Gao Shen, and strives to make all Naples players run more than 10 kilometers per game in the new season. Serie B has 42 games in a season. This challenge quite big.

But if it succeeds, Buenaventura's performance in physical training will go to the next level.

The same goes for the likes of Lopis and Borrell.

Many things have no effect yet, or the effect is not very obvious, but if it continues for a long time, it will gradually reveal itself, such as Napoli's one-kick shot and quick pass and cut.

Whether it is as small as a person or as big as a team, temperament is not something that can be achieved overnight. It takes a long time to cultivate, accumulate and precipitate.

"If you're polite, I won't say more, everyone has worked hard!" Gao Shen smiled at the coaching staff.

"There are still challenges to come. Three days later, it will be another Coppa Italia. We will continue to work hard!"

The biggest challenge of the Coppa Italia this season is the schedule.

Playing three consecutive rounds in a week is a huge challenge for any team, and it is a single knockout match.

In other words, you have no way of knowing in advance who your opponent will be in the next round.

For example, now, after Napoli eliminated Frosinone, tomorrow the Italian Football Association will conduct the second round of the draw.

Only after the result of the lottery comes out, can we know who the opponent is, and there is no way to prepare in advance and spy on intelligence.

Moreover, the first round of the Coppa Italia was not broadcast live on TV at all.

So now, Naples are also smearing their opponents in the next round.


When Gao Shen sent the players on the court back to the locker room one by one, the club owner De Laurentiis also brought Marino over.

From the expression on his face full of spring breeze, it is not difficult to see how happy he is at this moment.

This is the debut of the new season for Naples, and it is the first game after Gao Shen coached Naples. De Laurentiis was very nervous before the game, and he is finally relieved.

At the door of the locker room, he was full of praise for Gao Shen's coaching.

"I have no doubt now that you will be able to lead the team to Serie A and achieve success!" De Laurentiis laughed bluntly, and Marino nodded along.

However, Gao Shen asked with a smile: "So, you still have doubts before the game."

The smile on De Laurentiis' face stopped, embarrassed, "It's still a little bit, it's human nature."

Marino on the side continued to look at his nose and his heart.

Sometimes he really admires Gao Shen, he is obviously a wage earner, why is there such a big difference?

It's all my fault that I was fooled at the beginning, I promised too readily, and I wasn't reserved enough!

Afterwards, Gao Shen let De Laurentiis enter the locker room to meet the players.

The German guy is also a ruthless character. When he praises people, he is also eloquent, which makes Lucas and Buenaventura dumbfounded.

Only then did they begin to understand why Gao Shen chose to cooperate with De Laurentiis.



Napoli beat Frosinone 6-0!

Sophisticated Italian debut was a big success!

This garnered a lot of attention in the media the following day.

Although the opponent's strength is not strong, it is at least a team in the Serie B league. It is at the same level as Naples. It is not easy to win 6-0.

It is a pity that since the game was not broadcast live, many media did not know the process of the game at all. Otherwise, it is estimated that there will be more discussions and more attention.

Even the local media in Naples put more emphasis on the team's offensive when reporting, without conducting in-depth analysis, so that the outside world still doesn't know much about the process of the game.

At the same time, there are other games that are not short of victories.

The one who scored the most goals was Ascoli from Serie A. Like Naples, this team beat their opponents 6-0. Even they were still away, but the opponent was a team in the second league.

Naples are playing at home, and their opponents are stronger. In contrast, it can be regarded as a draw.

Because of the profound reasons, there is another young coach who has received attention in the Serie B this season, that is, David Ballardini, who is known as a disciple of Sacchi and coaches Pescara.

In his debut of the new season, Pescara, coached by Ballardini, beat Pavia 4-0.

It is the first Italian club Pavia that was later acquired by a Chinese consortium, and is currently in the C-1 League.

Gao Shen has a close relationship with Sacchi. Ballardini is a disciple of Sacchi. The teams coached by the two have won big in their debuts, which has also attracted a lot of attention in Italian football.

Another offensive madman Zeman, coached Lecce on his debut, but encountered Waterloo.

Zeman's side got off to a shaky start against Caveise, a League One side, conceding two goals in five minutes.

Afterwards, despite Lecce's desperate attack, they failed to reverse the situation. In the end, the team that beat Mann 1-2 away from home got off to a bad start and was eliminated from the Coppa Italia.

By the way, Osvaldo, who later shined in Espanyol, Roma and Southampton, is now in Zeman's team and is still the main force.

Juventus, on the other hand, challenged Martina in the C-1 League away, and finally won the opponent three-0 with goals from Marchionne, Bojinov and Nedved.

Gao Shen has specially arranged scouts to closely follow the situation of Juventus.

Deschamps' team adopts a four-four-two formation, with a combination of Sarayeta and Bodinov on the front line, Buffon, Nedved, Billindelli, Chiellini and Lerotale, etc. The players are all starting, and the overall strength can be regarded as crushing the opponent.

The score of 3-0 must be a little bit of strength, after all, there will be a game in three days.

Since the first round of the Coppa Italia did not receive much attention, there was not much media coverage and the impact was limited.



After the first round of the Coppa Italia, the Italian Football Association immediately organized the draw for the second knockout round.

Thirty-two first-round winners were assigned to a random draw, but this time Napoli's luck was clearly not so good.

The opponent Naples drew this actually beat the rival Serie A team Ascoli with six goals in the first round.

Both teams won 6-0 in the first game, and they met in the second round, which undoubtedly added more suspense to the game.

Ascoli's attack power can be seen in the first round of knockout, and his strength is not weak.

Fortunately, Naples are still playing at home.

Ballardini's Pescara also encountered Serie A's Atalanta and played at home. The challenges they encountered were the same as Naples. They were all daunting.

After all, they are one league level apart from each other, and there is a huge gap in the level of player strength.

Juventus' luck is relatively much better, and they met Cesena in the mid-level of Serie B.

It is not difficult to see from this that luck is actually a crucial part of the Coppa Italia format.

A single knockout match, and such a hurried schedule, does not give you any time to prepare at all. The strength of the opponent is very strong and has a great impact.

When Gao Shen learned that he had drawn Ascoli in Serie A, he couldn't help but feel a sudden shock.

He was mentally prepared, but he was still a little uncomfortable when he was drawn out of the Serie A team.

Fortunately, it is not a strong team like Lazio, otherwise it will be more difficult.

Gao Shen is not afraid of the strong Serie A teams, but Naples has not yet been shaped. Facing the strong Serie A teams, it is indeed a lot of misfortune.

As for a Serie A relegation-level team like Ascoli, Gao Shen is eager to try.

He told his players bluntly that this was a rare opportunity to practice.

"We can take a look at the level of the Serie A relegation team in the game and be mentally prepared, because next season, we will face Ascoli, a Serie A that is even stronger than Ascoli. team!"

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