Starting with Real Madrid

Chapter 230: Tianzi No. 1 high blow

In the first round, did you arrange the yellow card of Perrotta? "

The words of Italian bald strongman Spalletti were like an incomparably sharp sword, only 0.01 centimeters away from the deep throat. In that short quarter of a second, his mind Countless thoughts flashed through, and countless possibilities were analyzed. Finally, Gao Shen showed a confident smile to Spalletti.

This is a sending proposition.

Gao Shen's first reaction was to deny Sanlian: I'm not, I don't, don't talk nonsense.

But this kind of denial is really too pale.

Then how should we answer?

He analyzed Spalletti's question in-depth and went straight to the core of the problem, that is, why did Spalletti ask such a question?

In fact, he wanted to find some comfort.

He wanted to tell Gao Shen, and even the whole world, that he lost because his most important midfielder, Perotta, was absent, causing Rome's entire midfield to lose ground.

In this way, Rome's fiasco is not so ugly.

Spalletti has also found a step, although he will still be criticized and criticized, but it will definitely be much smaller.

At least a lot of people will sympathize with him.

There are indeed shortcomings in Roma's lineup. There is indeed a problem with the Coppa Italia's rule of suspending the game after accumulating two yellow cards.

Even, he can comfort himself, I didn't lose to Gao Shen, I didn't lose to Naples, I lost to a yellow card!

What about the depths?

According to the Italian media's impression of him, he must be directly labeled as a villain, and he is the kind of big villain who has never met in a long time. When the time comes, any conspiracy theories will spew out, and Huo Huo will win a game for nothing.

This is something that Gao Shen cannot tolerate no matter what.

As a confident, sunny, positive and realistic young man in the new era, Gao Shen did not intend to give Spalletti such a chance, so he showed a confident smile.

"With or without Perotta's yellow card, the result of the game will not change!" Gao Shen pretended to laugh.

After speaking, he turned around and left.

Behind him, Spalletti suffered a hundred times the crit, and felt that the blood on his forehead was rapidly draining, and he almost died on the spot.

Nima! After winning so many goals, they didn't even give me a step down!

After the game, Gao Shen celebrated with the players in the Sao Paulo Stadium.

Club President De Laurentiis and Marino also stepped down from the stands to celebrate such a big victory.

At the same time, it also gives players encouragement and appreciation.

Reaching the semi-finals of the Coppa Italia is really commendable for a Serie B team.

And also considering that Naples are now ranked first in Serie B, which is even more rare.

De Laurentiis said a lot of nice things, but Gao Shen always felt that something was wrong.

Why is the boss's voice so hoarse?

Could it be that when you were in the stands just now, you were so excited that you saw the team's offensive and frequent goals?

Looking at the general manager Marino again, he was like a shriveled old sprout. He couldn't be in any mood. He was always smiling, as if he had just been swept by the Morandi typhoon.

This is so strange!

But Gao Shen didn't pay too much attention to it, and focused on the team.

The affairs at the administrative office have nothing to do with him.

While Naples celebrated at the St Paul's Stadium, the news of Rome's 6-0 away defeat, before the game was over, had already caused a strong earthquake in Italian football and even in European football.

From the media to fans, from bookmakers to competitors, no one would have thought that Roma would lose so miserably and lose their armor and armor on the road.

It doesn't make sense at all, does it?

In any case, Roma is also the second-ranked team in Serie A. Even Inter Milan, who is ranked No. 1, cannot beat Roma 6-0 at home. How did Naples from Serie B do it?

Everyone's first reaction was, fake news.

This is definitely fake news!

But soon, the news caught up, and everyone was surprised to find that the news turned out to be true.

This time Italian football is on the frying pan.

Naples beat Roma 6-0? !

Are you sure the score is not reversed?

This is the contest between the Serie B team and the Serie A strong team!

But more detailed news came out one after another, and everyone began to understand the process of the game, which made them even more shocked.

Roma were beaten all the way through the game with little power to fight back. Although they had a threatening attack, they were never able to score a goal. Instead, it was Naples who had nearly 12 shots on target in the whole game, and scored six goals which were not too many. .

Some netizens left a message on the website: Is Rome's back line made of paper?

Yes, is it paper paste?

How could it be made of paper?

Looking at the Serie A standings, Roma is in second place, and they have conceded exactly the same number of goals as Inter Milan. Is such a defense a piece of paper?

If it wasn't paper, then Rome didn't do its best?

Not right either.

Looking at the starting lineups of the two sides, Roma has already sent all the main players to the game. Except for Perotta, who was suspended for accumulating yellow cards, all the other main players were given, especially the back line.

Nima, why did you lose so badly?


This must be a match-fix!

Otherwise, Rome would never have lost so embarrassingly!

This point of view was quickly recognized by many netizens, as well as the thoughts of many viewers who watched live TV and post-match sports news.

Because only in this way, can we explain why Rome lost so embarrassingly.

But the only thing is that no one is willing to admit that Naples is doing too well!

As the world's No. 1 high blower, Sacchi made a phone call with Gao Shen after the game and ran to the hotel to write.

That night, his manuscript appeared on the official website of Gazzetta dello Sport.

In the game commentary, Sacchi re-emphasized the advanced nature of Naples' tactical play, and believed that this game perfectly interprets the concept of football.

"From the perspective of strength, Naples has great potential, but in terms of immediate combat power, whether it is defense or offense, it is not as good as Rome, especially the defense on the right, which is a huge weakness. This is the biggest hidden danger for Naples in the future. ."

But Sacchi believes that the reason for such an insane score was because Napoli played a forward-thinking football that completely dominated the midfield and ripped apart Roma's attack through the midfield advantage. and defense.

"In the game, we can clearly see that almost every counter-attack after a steal by Naples makes Roma unable to resist, and almost every attack is creating a threat, while Roma, on the other hand, the tearing of offense and defense has caused them to More just to form a threat through long-range shooting, lack of effective offensive means."

Saki believes that this is a profound victory!

"In the case that the overall strength is not as good as that of the opponent, and in the case of a 1-2 loss in the first round away from home, Gao Shen used a hearty 6-0 game to shock the entire Italian and even the entire European football world!"

Sacchi made another appeal, hoping that Italian football people can study this game carefully. He believes that,

This is a game that is worth studying and has far-reaching implications.

"A Serie B team, 6-0, slaughtered the best Serie A team with all their might, this is an incredible miracle!"

Saki's column has aroused a lot of attention and debate, mainly on advanced technical and tactical issues. .

As time passed, more and more news was revealed.

Especially at the post-match press conference, Roma coach Spalletti said very disappointedly that the team encountered an attack from outer space.

"We were completely out of rhythm throughout the game, completely lost our own ideas, we were led by the nose by the opponent, we had no autonomy, and even every attack of ours seemed to help the opponent score."

Spalletti didn't mention Perotta's yellow card, because Gao Shen said that the result of the game would not change with or without the yellow card, so he was embarrassed to mention it again.

But he accepts a view that Roma lost in midfield.

"Their midfield looks like there are only three people, but there are actually five people, and the two wingers will often withdraw,

There is a very close connection with the midfield, and sometimes they reach six people, with the left-back often appearing in midfield. "

Spalletti said that Napoli played a very fluid football with fluid movements.

Generally speaking, players easily leave their range of activities, which can easily lead to out-of-control formation and confusion.

But not in Naples. This is what makes Spalletti most helpless.

"They're playing a whole new kind of football that's integrated, offensive and defensive!" Spalletti admitted.

This is also an If Napoli's football is not strong, what is Roma who lost 0-6?

Spalletti's post-match speech caused a lot of discussion.

Before, Naples beat Juventus, Parma, and Ascoli. Many people still questioned, thinking that this team doesn't seem to be great.

Isn't it just playing offensive football?

Do you really think that you can go to heaven after you have won a low-level giant and two teams in the relegation zone of Serie A?

But this time it's different. Naples won against Roma, and now ranks second in Serie A, and Roma, which is almost on a par with the leader Inter Milan!

And it's six to zero! !

What is this concept?

Everyone was speechless!

All doubts disappeared!

Because in the face of this absolutely strong score, any question is not a question to Naples, but a question to Italian football and the competitiveness of Serie A.

What Saki said, they can deny it, because Sacchi is the number one trumpet, but what Spalletti said, do you recognize it?

Everyone in Italy, from the media to the fans, had to admit that Naples won this game beautifully.

But they are still not convinced!

Could it be that in Italian football, no one can really cure Gao Shen and his Naples?

Do you really want to watch a 26-year-old young man with a group of young people around 20 years old, invincible in the small World Cup, killing all the proud pride of Italian football to nothing?


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