Starting with Real Madrid

Chapter 232: Our goal is the Serie A champion!

When the referee Christian Brigitte blew the whistle for the end of the game, thunderous cheers from the fans broke out at the Meazza Stadium.

He had the illusion that these applause and cheers were all for him.

But the cold number on the scoreboard reminded him that he lost the game!

≡ Completely defeated!

Inter Milan is really strong, very strong!

This kind of strong is the kind of strong that has no obvious defects. Mancini's use of troops is not surprising, the standard 442.

Gao Shen even had a suspicion that he used four-four-two on purpose.

Because, at the coaching summit, Sacchi criticized Italian football for being conservative and not aggressive.

And Mancini is now using his 442 to completely defeat the advanced 4231.

The formation is dead, but Mancini's move is undoubtedly proving one thing, as long as the strength is strong enough, then conservative tactics can also defeat the opponent.

Therefore, this three-to-zero, he should be very happy to win.

Gao Shen stood blankly on the sidelines, staring blankly at the court, without speaking, reacting, or moving.

Behind him, Carlo, Pep Guardiola and others were also depressed.

Inter Milan is really strong!

Although Naples has great potential and strength, at least for now, there is still a big gap from Inter Milan.

In the last half hour, Mancini even let Adriano come on the bench and put out a lineup of three centers. It is not unreliable, and he even has the momentum of wanting to take a breath and beat Naples.

Gao Shen made adjustments decisively and held on to the score.

Defending in the first half and defending in the second half.

Do not keep? how to kick?

Ibrahimovic completely suppressed the combination of Cannavaro Jr., Solari and Maxwell tonight,

Completely blowing up Naples' right side, coupled with the pressure of Fei I and Maicon on the left side, Naples was suppressed and unable to move.

Only three goals to lose, in fact, are considered good.

But this can't be said.

Especially when Carlo and others looked at Gao Shen's back from behind, although they couldn't see the expression, they could feel the tragic blow to Gao Shen from this game.

It was the worst loss of his tenure as a coach.

Zero to three, complete defeat!

More importantly, skills are not as good as people!

Carlo, Lucas, Guardiola, Buenaventura, Borrell and others all want to go forward and talk to Gao Shen, even if they say something casually, but they don't know for a while. How to speak.

Just when they hesitated, Gao Shen walked forward.

The player is off.

"It's fine."

"Don't be sad, everything has me."

"Get up and don't keep your head down."

"Come on, look up and smile."

"Like me, take it easy."

Gao Shen comforted the players who walked off the court one by one.

His heart is more uncomfortable and more painful than these players.

This was the first time he discovered that even if he tried his best, he was still unable to defeat his opponent, and he was even beaten again and again by his opponent. This feeling was really painful and unpleasant.

But he is also very clear that he is not qualified to be injured and lick the wound at all.

Because he is the head coach of the team!

Nearly 30 players in the first team, coaching staff, staff, and even the management, everyone up and down Naples is watching him and relying on him, he cannot fall!

Absolutely not!

"Isn't it just losing?"

After returning to the visiting team's locker room, Gao Shen was still cheering for the players.

"Which team hasn't lost? Which team hasn't gone from constant failure to success? Aren't all great teams reborn from the ashes of fiasco?"

When Gao Shen said that at the end, he clenched his fists tightly, not only encouraging the players but also himself.

All great coaches come out of fiasco.

Who is not?

I won't talk about it from a distance, but closer, how many defeats did Ancelotti, who he admires the most, lose?

The Champions League final leads three to zero, and he can be reversed by his opponent!

But the result?

This year, he will take his AC Milan to reverse Liverpool and avenge that arrow!

And the future Guardiola, how many defeats has he suffered? Don't you get up again and again?

Heynckes, what did you say about the Sanya Kings season when he coached Bayern Munich?

But as soon as you look back, they will immediately give you a triple crown!

Success is always rare, failure is the norm.

Gao Shen is in a very bad mood at this moment and is very painful, but he knows very well that only those who can bear failure are qualified to embrace success!

If tonight, in front of the 0-3 at San Siro, he collapses, then he will never get up!

"Come on! You all look at me!" Gao Shen shouted in a deep voice.

In the dressing room, all Napoli players stood up in unison, raised their heads, and looked at their coach.

"Remember this 0-3 tonight, but don't be beaten by it, I promise you here, I swear, I will definitely return to this stadium, I must give this 0-3 back to Inter Milan!"

When Gao Shen said the end, he clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.

He does not hate Inter Milan, because the skills are inferior to others, there is nothing to hate.

Football is like that, the winner is king.

But he will definitely avenge the revenge himself!

With a dignified victory!

Right here at the San Diego Stadium!

All the players on the scene, including the coaching staff behind Gao Shen, felt the strong determination of Gao Shen.

"I lost!"

Gao Shen just walked into the post-match press conference, and before waiting for the media reporters to ask questions, he took the initiative to give the answer everyone wanted. .

He admits that he lost!

There was an uproar at the scene.

The vast majority of media reporters felt that Gao Shen would at least be stubborn for a while, and would even be speechless when questioned by them.

But unexpectedly, Gao Shen admitted it all at once.

"I don't think there's anything to admit, I don't even think it's something to be ashamed of, zero-to-three, we lost to one of the strongest teams in Italy and even in Europe, the International Milan, we are convinced that we lost."

Gao Shen gave his reasons for losing.

"I won't find any excuses for this loss, and I don't want to find any reasons. If you lose, you lose. The opponent is better than us, and the performance is better than us. That's it."

All the media reporters at the scene were shocked as if they had known Gao Shen for the first time.

They all came here with a schadenfreude mentality, just to see what Gao Shen looked like after losing the game, preferably with the expression of a dejected rooster, which can greatly satisfy their psychology.

Unexpectedly, what they saw was Gao Shen accepting his failures calmly.

It can be seen that Gao Shen lost the game and felt very uncomfortable, but he accepted the defeat.

"I am very grateful to Mancini and his Inter Milan, they gave us a painful blow and a lesson when we were making great progress, which made us sober and let us see ourselves clearly, and we are in line with today's European football. The strength gap between the strongest teams also sees our own weaknesses and shortcomings."

"This game has given us a lot of valuable experience and lessons, and we will learn it well."

Gao Shen said that he would like to apologize to all the Naples fans who came to the away game with the team.

Before the game, he had promised to bring them a victory, but unexpectedly, the team suffered a fiasco.

But he said that everyone on the team, he and the players, have done their best.

The opponent is really strong!

"Inter are a very mature, very stable team with very good players in every position, which made it difficult for us to gain an advantage in the game, so we lost."

"But what I want to say is that we are a young team, our average age is only in our early twenties, I believe that after tonight's game, our players will gain more valuable experience and usher in greater improvement."

Gao Shen admitted that Meazza's 0-3 game basically sentenced Naples to death, but being eliminated from the Coppa Italia is not necessarily a bad thing.

"It's still five months away from Serie B, and my goals are still the same. Even, I am more confident and eager than ever."

"I will adjust our team to the best in the next five months. I will do my best to stimulate the fighting spirit of every player and tap the potential of every player. I will try my best to make up for the team's tactical shortcomings and shortcomings in the lineup, and I will do my best to improve my coaching level..."

"All in all, in five months, I will definitely show everyone a stronger Naples!"

"We will be promoted to Serie A in the new season as Serie B champions. We will play our Naples football again in Serie A in the new season. We will subvert the Serie A league just like the Serie B league!"

"Tonight's loss is a painful but it is also the motivation for us to work harder!"

"I'm here, and I can even tell everyone directly that next season's Serie A, we Napoli have only one goal, and that is the championship!"

""I'm here, and I can tell all my opponents that Naples will be stronger next season than they are now! \"

"I will definitely go back to the San Siro, I will take the players of Naples and personally wash away this disgraceful defeat tonight!"

High-pitched, sonorous and powerful words drifted in every corner of the press conference hall.

I don't know when it started, the media reporters all fell silent.

They originally wanted to see the downfall of Gao Shen's failure, but in the end, they were disappointed.

When Gao Shen left the press conference hall, the media reporters came to their senses one after another, and there was an uproar at the scene again.

Everyone expressed doubts about these words of Gao Shen, especially the oath to avenge Inter Milan, which is even more sneering.

But I don't know why, he is obviously a down-and-out loser, but it gives people a feeling of forging ahead with enthusiasm

From coaching Real Madrid https://

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