Starting with Real Madrid

Chapter 242: Barca is incurable

“The food in this restaurant is good, but I kinda miss the Juan Rotaco in Madrid.”

On the way back to the hotel, Gao Shen said unfinishedly, feeling very satisfied.

Guardiola's favorite player was not poached by Gao Shen, and he was also happy in his heart. When he saw Gao Shen's eloquent appearance, he couldn't help laughing.


"I guess you didn't want Busquets from the beginning," Guardiola said.

Gao Shen, who was sitting in the passenger seat, turned his head sideways and glanced at Guardiola, "Of course, I'm not stupid. That's a gift for you. You can't keep busy like this for a while, right?"

Guardiola's heart haha, do you still have this conscience?

"I think, you already knew that it was impossible for Barcelona to sell Busquets."

"Tsk, you made me think badly again, didn't you?"

Guardiola didn't care either, driving the car, hehe smiled, "You never thought about Belletti, you only wanted Thiago Motta from the beginning, but you just deliberately didn't say it, and finally Really let you cut the price down.

The Milan duo wanted 1.5 million euros to take away Thiago Motta, but Barcelona refused to agree.

In the end, how much did Gao Shen give?

One million euros!

At most, there is a clause in the clause. After the number of appearances next season reaches a certain level, Napoli will pay another one million euros.

In any case, this is a super cost-effective transfer of one million euros to take away a player with an estimated price of six million euros. No matter how you think about it, it is a profit.

Gao Shen was also proud, but he still put on a reluctant appearance, "Don't think that I took advantage of your Barcelona, ​​do you think, if Tiago Mota stays, can he participate in the game? With his current state of mind, do you think he can play well?"

"Also, in the second half of last season, after a long absence from the game, he directly missed training. This season's internal competition pressure is so great, what do you think he can do? Sitting on the bench for another season, it is estimated that Barcelona will only be able to do it. Let him go free."

Guardiola has to admit that the in-depth analysis is also reasonable.

At the end of the day, Thiago Motta is a player who was abandoned by Rijkaard and the Barcelona management.

"That's right, but can you stop acting like you're good at being cheap? It's like you're at a disadvantage." Guardiola couldn't help laughing and scolding.

Gao Shen looks like I'm at a loss.

"By the way, don't come to see me tomorrow, I'll call a car to the airport by myself." Gao Shen suddenly said that Guardiola had no doubt about him, nodded and agreed.



Near noon the next day, Gao Shen was in the hotel and saw Thiago Motta, who had been missing for a long time.

After negotiating with Begiristan last night, Gao Shen asked for Thiago Motta's contact information and contacted him after returning to the hotel. After all, if he wanted to transfer him to Naples, he still needed his own consent.

Gao Shen also wanted to take the opportunity to have a good talk with him and resolve his knot.

Communication and communication, this has always been the most important thing for Gao Shen to manage the locker room.

And this meeting is really not suitable for Guardiola to know.

After all, Naples has not officially made an offer to Barcelona. Strictly speaking, high-level contact is illegal.

Of course, there are too many things like this, and people don't ask officials to investigate.

Thiago Motta is a player with both Brazilian and Italian nationality. In a deep impression, he later chose the Italian national team instead of the Brazilian national team.

The reason why it is not very sure is mainly because there are too many players named Thiago and Mota.

For example, the Portuguese player Mota, and a future Barcelona midfielder Thiago, and other…

His memory is a bit muddled, but it should be correct.

When Gao Shen coached Real Madrid, when he played against Barcelona, ​​Thiago Motta was still the main player of Barcelona.

Although it was because of too many injuries in the Barcelona team at the time, his performance was really outstanding. Otherwise, Rijkaard would not have placed high hopes on him.

But later, as the wave of injuries subsided, and players such as Thuram and Zambrotta joined, the competition within Barcelona became fierce, and Thiago Motta gradually lost his position.

Now, he looks decadent, without the spirit of a young man.

Anyone who sees him, the first impression is that he is seriously lacking in self-confidence.

If this is a disease, it is impossible to cure it in Barcelona.

"My agent said that there was no notification from Barcelona."

Not long after sitting down, Thiago Motta went straight to the point.

His impression of Gao Shen is very complicated, because strictly speaking, his loss at Barcelona started when he played against Real Madrid, and since then, he has been getting worse.

Of course, this does not mean that he holds a grudge against Gao Shen, but that he is always uncomfortable.

"I've talked to Begiristan, but we haven't made an official offer yet. Barcelona won't inform you, but that doesn't mean what I told you is invalid. If you refuse to join Napoli, then we won't make an offer. , you have never seen me." Gao Shen smiled confidently.

Sometimes, he really enjoys the power to control the life and death of others.

Thiago Motta looked at Gao Shen deeply. He believed that there was no need for Gao Shen to lie about this kind of thing.

"I don't understand, why would you want to introduce me? Don't you have a lot of talent in Naples?" Thiago Motta was surprised, he couldn't figure it out.

"Yes, we do have a lot of talent, Biglia, Rakitic, Vidal, and even Hamsik, and we will introduce high-level midfielders this summer to further improve the team's strength and bench thickness. ."

Gao Shen was outspoken, and his eyes were on Thiago Motta.

The Brazilian's hands on the table were very unnatural, or rather, were clasped there nervously.

It seems that his confidence has really been worn away.

For such a player, it is not easy to help him regain his confidence in the game, but if he does, it will completely change his career.

"You should have heard of Woodgate, right?" Gao Shen suddenly changed the subject.

Thiago Motta looked at Gao Shen in amazement, not understanding why he was mentioned, but nodded anyway.

How could they not know each other?

"When I took over at Real Madrid, Woodgate was injured all the time, the injuries kept coming, but you didn't find out, he didn't have a serious injury during my tenure, at least he didn't miss it, but when I left After...\"

Woodgate is leaving Real Madrid and chose to return to the Premier League because he started to suffer frequent injuries again last season.


The England central defender has expressed in the media more than once that he misses Gao Shen very much, and he is also complaining about Capello's training method, but there is no way. Capello is the head coach and he has to obey.

According to a deep understanding, the problem lies in Woodgate's training and injury protection.

In this regard, Buenaventura's role is very obvious.

Many people think that he is a physical fitness coach, but in fact, he is also a very good rehabilitation physiotherapist, and he has a very good set of injury prevention and rehabilitation physiotherapy for players.

Under his training, Woodgate has never suffered serious injuries. In addition, Gao Shen basically only uses him to play once a week, so he has maintained a very good state, but under Capello, it is obviously not possible.

"I have the confidence to help you stay away from injury, Thiago." Gao Shen said confidently, "I understand,

Your right knee surgery was very successful. The problem should be your training, so I'm not worried about your injury at all. "

Thiago Motta was actually moved by listening to it.

This is the first time in the past year that someone has told him that.

"In addition, although our midfield is full of talents, I will try to play four-three-three in the new season, that is, a tactical formation like Barcelona's, which requires a backward four player who has the ability to pass the ball. And organizational skills, you must have the ability to see the big picture and read the game, have a good body, and be able to protect the penalty area when defending, and even return to the central defender position.”

Speaking of which, Gao Shen has spread out all his thoughts and put them in front of Thiago Mota.

"Among the players I can think of, the one that fits my requirements the most is you, Thiago Motta!"

The Brazilian stared at Gao Shen, his hands on the table trembling slightly. He was needed!

And the eyes are still profound, this former opponent!

This made him both complicated and excited, because he hadn't been needed for a long time.

When he found out that all the people around him, the head coach who had trusted and supported him, the teammates who had played with him, all of them didn't need him anymore, and he started to be dispensable, it was a really great feeling. despair.

He never thought that the one who reached out to him and pulled him would be his former opponent Gao Shen.

But the feeling of being needed is too good, and he doesn't want to miss it.

"I see, Mr. Gao, I'm willing to join Naples!" Thiago Motta said on the spot, without even discussing it with his agent.

Gao Shen was very satisfied with his attitude, nodded and said, "Don't worry, we won't let you suffer in terms of the contract."

According to deep understanding, Thiago Mota's contract with Barcelona is not high, and it is quite cost-effective.

"In the next period of time, don't think about anything, just relax, let go of yourself completely, leave everything in the past behind, think about a bright future, let's fight for the Serie A championship together in the new season!" Gao Shen said encouragingly.

Thiago Motta's eyes lit up, "Do you really want to hit the Serie A championship?"

"You think I can't do it?" Gao Shen asked back.

Tiagomota hurriedly shook his head, "No, no, it's just..."

Gao Shen can lead Real Madrid to win the double, which in itself is a miracle in an impossible situation.

Now he says that everyone thinks it is impossible to win the Serie A championship, just like when he took Real Madrid.

But Thiago Motta felt that nothing was impossible.

Because he is profound!

"Be mentally prepared, Thiago, you are joining a team with the goal of winning the Scudetto, you have to put in more effort and sweat, show your best effort and state, I believe in you , you have to believe in yourself!\"

Facing the deep encouragement, Tiago Mota nodded heavily with red eyes.


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