Starting with Real Madrid

Chapter 337: Naples are close to the championship!

"Naples are close to champions!"

It was the next day, and the headlines of the La Repubblica in Rome and other Italian media were also very close, generally saying that after such a victory, Naples were close to the league title.

Of course, they only said they were approaching.

The Roman Repubblica believes that in this game, Naples showed an amazing level of strength and technical and tactical levels, firmly suppressed Inter Milan on the scene, and showed the strength to hit the Serie A championship.

"After a 5-0 rout of Inter Milan, Napoli successfully reversed and climbed to the top of the Serie A table for the third time."

The Roman Repubblica analysis, the reason why Inter Milan suffered such a humiliating defeat away from home, a very important reason is that Mancini's team encountered huge troughs and difficulties during this period.

The Republic first described the whole process of the game, and at the same time listed a lot of data.

It is worth mentioning that the linkage between the three aspects of running distance, ball possession rate and passing success rate mentioned by Gao Shen in the post-match press conference was also cited by the La Repubblica to prove that Naples are in the game. A huge advantage in the game.

The La Repubblica believes that Naples have the advantage of the home court, and the players are in the best physical and state.

An obvious piece of information is that Naples is fully tidy and has no injuries, while Inter Milan has many players injured and missed, including Ibrahimovic. Several players have just returned from injury. The game was in poor shape.

But La Repubblica doesn't want to prove that Naples won't win, but wants to say that Mancini's preparations were done very badly. The moment Inter Milan walked into the Sao Paulo Stadium, many people Sentenced to death.

"It's just that no one thought that Inter Milan would lose so badly."

And Roma also revealed another figure in the report, that is, Inter Milan has been unbeaten in 32 away games.

This is another very incredible achievement.

Looking at the four major leagues, I am afraid that only Inter Milan can reach such a height.

32 unbeaten away games, coupled with the strength of the home, Inter Milan's dominance in Serie A is really amazing.

"But at the St Paul's Stadium, the mighty Inter Milan met the overwhelming Napoli, suffered a humiliating Waterloo, and may even lose the entire season!"

In the end, the Repubblica believes that after Inter Milan lost the focus game, morale has been greatly reduced, but the most important thing now is to regroup. Mancini has made it clear after the game that he will not voluntarily resign, and in the current situation, the international Milan should cheer up and catch up.

"Now that the two teams have the same points, it is uncertain who will win the championship."

"Comparatively speaking, Inter Milan's chances are still slightly larger than Napoli's."


The Roman Repubblica was actually right.

Because after the game, the three major European bookmakers have revised their odds one after another, greatly increasing the probability of Naples winning the championship and reducing the probability of Inter Milan winning the championship. Obviously, they also saw the impact of this fiasco.

But even so, Inter Milan is still the favorite to win the Serie A championship.

The bookmaker also specifically explained this point, believing that Inter Milan has an advantage in the schedule, and the team has a stronger lineup. After Mancini's team is out of the trough, I believe it will soon be able to regain the momentum of the Serie A hegemony. .

As for Naples, the performance is indeed quite amazing, but at a young age, in the last twelve rounds of the championship, the slightest mistake may lead to the loss of the championship.

"Now, for these two teams, whoever makes the fewest mistakes and loses points will win the championship!"

In the case of choosing one of the two, the three major gaming companies have chosen Inter Milan.

This is actually understandable, because Naples is a newly promoted horse, and it is too young.

At critical moments, this kind of thing is still very trustworthy.


chaos! chaos! chaos!

It was the front page headline of Gazzetta dello Sport the following morning.

The Milanese media used three messes in one go, and it was a shocking scarlet and bleeding.

Gazzetta dello Sport believes that after winning consecutive Serie A championships, Mancini's team is obviously a bit too big, wrongly thinking that they have no opponents in Serie A.

But actually?

"As early as last summer, when Gao Shen led Naples to Serie A, he clearly stated his goal, he wanted to lead the team to the Serie A championship, and this season, he has led Naples to the top twice. Serie A standings."

"Of course, everyone feels that the lofty goal is impossible to achieve, because in the history of Serie A, no newly-promoted horse has ever won the Serie A championship, and Napoli is no exception."

"But as the season deepens, especially since the winter break, Naples has firmly ranked second in the league standings. With Inter Milan losing consecutive points, Naples kept chasing, and now it has surpassed the top."

Gazzetta dello Sport analysis, Napoli's summit is the effect of Inter Milan, is the failure of the Raiders of Mancini's season.

The media even believes that Mancini's team did not take Naples seriously from the very beginning, which led them to usher in such a situation after the winter break, especially in mid-to-late February. a wave of troughs.

"This is a very bad situation!"

Gazzetta dello Sport believes that it was Mancini's failure that pushed Inter Milan to the present embarrassing predicament step by step.

"In fact, apart from other aspects, from a technical and tactical point of view and season strategy, Gao Shen is much better than Mancini in Naples."

"Although Naples also had serious problems in the last two months of the first half, Gao Shen made adjustments after the winter break and brought in a high-level fitness coach Antonio Pintus, which improved Napoli's fitness and form. He has made a considerable improvement, and then played the best level in this strong dialogue."

But Gazzetta dello Sport, like other newspapers, believes that Napoli's ascent to the top is only temporary.

Although Napoli performed very well in this strong dialogue, they still believe that Inter Milan will win the Serie A championship.

"But it's clear that the situation in Serie A has changed."

"Gao Shen and his Naples are like a bolt of lightning, splitting the sky of the Apennine, and letting the whole Italian football see a new and advanced tactical concept."

Gazzetta dello Sport also devoted most of the page to the introduction and analysis of the advanced tactical concept.

Italy, as the kingdom of football tactics, many readers like to study tactics, so the media are also willing to analyze these tactics in depth, and this set of tactics in Naples seems to be no big deal at first glance, but after in-depth research, you will find that in fact The knowledge inside is very deep.

This is also the first time that the Italian authoritative media has publicly acknowledged the advanced nature of this tactical style of play in Naples.


In his column, Sacchi was also full of praise for Gao Shen's achievements.

As early as in a column before the game, Sacchi predicted that the game will end with a victory in Napoli.

But the score he gave at the time was 2-1 or 1-0 and Napoli won by a small margin.

But he never thought that Naples would rout Inter Milan 5-0, which made him happy. In the column, he said with some hindsight, "Mancini must not have read my column carefully."

Regarding this game, Sacchi said that Gao Shen has brought out the coaching standards of top famous coaches. Whether it is pre-match preparation, team communication, formation, targeted training, or on-the-spot command during the game, Gao Shen is better than Mann. Chiney is better.

"The game was controlled by Napoli at a rhythm that Napoli was familiar with and good at from the beginning. Mancini was at a disadvantage from the start, but they didn't hold it and conceded two goals in ten minutes. It was a very bad and very demoralizing start. ."

But Sacchi believes that Inter Milan could have avoided such a fiasco.

Whether it is the third conceded goal, or the subsequent two conceded goals, it is actually due to Mancini's adjustments, especially substitutions.

Sacchi criticized Mancini's substitution, believing that he had made wrong judgments and decisions under great pressure.

"Obviously, from the very beginning, the overall state of the Inter Milan players was not very good, and the fighting spirit was not very strong. Several injured people were eager to return and did not show a good performance."

"In this kind of strong dialogue should not be too obsessed with the reputation of the players, but more should consider their immediate combat power and performance, but Mancini made the wrong decision, and then When you make substitutions, you continue to make mistakes."

Afterwards, Sacchi praised Gao Shen and his Naples fiercely. He believed that with the battle last night, Gao Shen was enough to lock in this season's Serie A Oscar for the best coach of the Golden Seat in advance.

But Sacchi, like other Italian media, generally believes that Naples wants to win the championship, and it is still a little far away, because the next two rounds are all strong dialogues, and the gutter will capsize if you are not careful.

At the same time, Inter Milan will not give up.

"Mancini's mistakes, Gao Shen should learn from experience and learn from it, and don't let Naples repeat the mistakes of Inter Milan!"

Sacchi believes that after taking the lead again, Napoli's biggest enemy is no longer Inter Milan, but himself.

"If Gao Shen and his team want to have the last laugh in the Serie A championship, then he should use himself as an opponent in the next game, continue to make breakthroughs and show better performance!"


Not only in the whole of Italy, but in Europe, but all over the world, all the media are full of praise for this battle in Naples, and praise for the high level of coaching.

In the words of L'Equipe, this battle made the whole world really realize the profound and his tactical philosophy.

"From now on, Gao Shen has stepped out of the halo of Real Madrid's double crown, allowing all the media and fans around the world to re-know him, enter the hall, and officially join the ranks of European-level famous coaches!"

On the contrary, it is Gao Shen himself, and he is not used to all this overwhelming praise.

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