Starting with Real Madrid

Chapter 357: miracles

On the evening of May 24, the Stadio Olimpico in Rome.

This year's Coppa Italia final is the 60th, which has attracted great attention from the entire Italian football world.

As early as the beginning of the season, the Italian Football Association specially revised the competition system in order to commemorate this Coppa Italia. The final was changed from the original two rounds to the current single-match decision. At the same time, the final venue was arranged in the first Italy. Cup final venue.

Olympic Stadium in the capital Rome.

According to the highest voices of the media and fans before the season, this should be the peak matchup between Rome and Inter Milan.

In the past three seasons, the Coppa Italia final has always been Inter vs. Roma. Inter have won two of them. Last season, Roma beat Inter to win the championship.

Before the season, everyone thought that it should be Rome against Inter Milan.

But who would have thought that a Naples was killed in the middle.


To say that Naples reached the final of the Coppa Italia, before the game also provoked a great big man.

That is the current president of Italy, Napolitano.

The president, who took office in 2006, was born in Naples and is a big fan of Naples.

De Laurentiis can also be regarded as an eye-catching hand. After reaching the Coppa Italia final in Naples, he did not know what channel to contact the president, and he was actually invited to the final scene to supervise the battle.

Also sitting in the final stands of the Olympic Stadium, there are also Italian Olympic Committee President Petrucci and Italian Football Federation President Abette, both of which are important figures in Italian sports.

Inter Milan, president Massimo Moratti did not attend, but let his sister as the representative of Inter Milan.

But the Nerazzurri's technical director, Blanca, was in the final.

In Naples, in addition to President Napolitano, Maradona was also invited to attend the Coppa Italia final.

This was the agreement between De Laurentiis and the players, and it was also something that Maradona promised at Fort Volturno. After hearing that Naples had reached the final, Maradona was also readily invited to attend.

Numerous guests made the finals even more grand.

Before the game, the Italian Football Association also held a brief celebration ceremony to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the Coppa Italia final.


Naples are still playing their best four-two-three formation tonight.

Goalkeeper: Handanovic.

Defence: Vargas, David Luiz, Bonucci and Lichtsteiner.

Midfield: Biglia and Rakitic are behind, Di Maria, Hamsik and Sanchez are in front.

Forward: Cavani.

This is also the main lineup of Naples this season.

Inter Milan adjusted their starting tactics and faced with a four-five formation.

Goalkeeper: Cesar.

Defensive line: Maxwell, Chivu, Burdisso and Maicon.

Midfielders: Cesar, Vieira, Stankovic, Zanetti and Balotelli.

Forward: Suazo.

When Gao Shen saw the Inter Milan players standing in the locker room, his first reaction was surprise.

Because he found that Mancini actually put Balotelli on the right flank.

Inter Milan changed formations on the spot, adopting a strange four-five formation, which he did not expect.

"What does he want to do?" Gao Shen asked in confusion.

He originally guessed that Inter Milan would still take what they are best at. At best, it is to adjust the role of the players. He did not expect Mancini to play so much.

Look at Balotelli, the position is directly on the far right of the center line, and it is obvious that he is going to play on the wing.

Napoli's coaches are also puzzled.

"Could it be a surprise soldier?" Carlo asked cautiously.

Gao Shen shook his head, is this like a soldier?


As soon as the game started, Napoli took the initiative.

This is their signature tactic, attacking from the start.

Inter Milan defended steadily, but after taking the first shot of the game in Naples, Inter Milan also played a quick counterattack in the third minute.

When Suazzo took the ball, he attracted the attention of the defense and sent a straight pass to the right, which is Napoli's left.

Balotelli plugged in at high speed and tried to counterattack, but the referee raised the flag to signal that it was offside!

When he saw this, Gao Shen understood Mancini's intention.

"Is he lacking in skills? He pinned his hopes on a seventeen-year-old general." Gao Shen shook his head and sighed.

Mancini's tactics really let him down. Gu Xing

Unexpectedly, it changed and changed, and the result was a big bet on a seventeen-year-old guy.

Balotelli is a genius, and Gao Shen admits it, but is he worth the gamble?

Gao Shen didn't think so, especially the seventeen-year-old Balotelli.

So, Gao Shen immediately walked to the sidelines and signaled that Biglia and Vargas should pay more attention to Balotelli.

Stop him!

Don't let him break through and cut in easily!

The high-level instructions quickly reached the pitch, and the Naples players quickly got the news.

At the same time, Gao Shen asked David Luiz and Bonucci to control Suazzo.

In fact, in terms of personal ability, Suazzo is not too strong, let alone two central defenders from Naples teaming up, even if it is a one-on-one duel, Gao Shen has confidence in his own players, and killing Suazzo will not be a problem.

Balotelli is only 17 years old and has always been a center striker. Now let him pull the side, he is really uncomfortable.

In fact, even in the 2012 European Cup, when Balotelli was at his peak, Pirlo's long diagonal pass did not allow Balotelli to dribble the ball forward, but to allow Balotelli to dribble the ball forward. He went directly to attack the opponent's defense.

What's more, there was an increasingly mature Cassano beside Balotelli at that time.

But now, Mancini is to use Balotelli as a winger.

Gao Shen really couldn't figure it out, what exactly did Mancini want to do?

Perhaps, just like the tangled emperor before a Champions League final in the future, he always thinks of a miracle.


With the adjustment of the height, Balotelli was contained on the right.

Gao Shen knows Balotelli very well, and knows that this teenager is crazy. The more you make him babble, the more energetic he will be.

So, he asked Vargas and Biglia to stop him fiercely several times in a row, and several consecutive frontal breakthroughs were intercepted and blocked. Balotelli became a little anxious, especially without the support of his teammates. , the more you play, the less confident you are.

As for Suazzo, after the high-level adjustment, the distance between him and Balotelli was widened.

Inter Milan's two centers began to fight on their own, lack of contact, naturally unable to create a threat.

From the thirtieth minute of the game, the game was completely under Napoli's control.

In the 31st minute, Cavani returned after receiving a pass from his teammates in the penalty area. Hamsik followed up knowingly and shot directly, but the angle was too straight and was saved by goalkeeper Cesar.

However, after Rakitic, who was inserted in the back row, grabbed the ball at the top of the penalty area, he kicked up and played again, still taking a long shot.

This time, it directly pierced through the goal of Inter Milan and opened the scoring for Naples!

One to zero!

Then Naples opened the siege mode against Inter Milan, planning one attack after another.

Inter Milan was forced to switch to a shrinking defense, and this shrinking defense made it difficult for the two forwards in front to create a threat, exacerbating the isolation situation of Balotelli and Suazo.

In the second half, Mancini tried to replace the poor Stankovic with Pele.

The reason is very simple. The goal conceded in the first half, whether it is Hamsik's long-range shot or Rakitic's goal, was at the front of the penalty area, but Stankovic did not appear in time twice, Protect the restricted area.

The substitutions did not change the situation on the field.

Napoli continued their onslaught against Inter Milan.

Especially after entering 55 minutes, the difference in physical fitness between the two teams is already very obvious.

Inter Milan's morale is low, and the players' confidence is not strong, which causes them to play less and less confident on the field, and the more they play, the more boring they are, and the greater the physical consumption. On the other hand, Naples, on the other hand, completely controlled the situation and rhythm on the field. beat.

In the 59th minute, it was Cavani's support again. After receiving the pass from the Uruguayan center, Hamsik pushed the goal from close range and scored another victory for Naples, 2-0!

It can be said that at this moment in the game, the situation has basically stabilized.

Inter Milan is simply unable to make a strong counterattack against Naples.


"Tonight's Naples showed a high level of technical and tactical Instead, it was Inter Milan, which did not play the strength of a strong Serie A team. It seemed a little lack of confidence and lack of desire to win."

"I am sure that all Italian fans watching this game will be disappointed with Mancini and his Inter."

"Goshen and his Napoli, despite the tidal wave of boos at the Stadio Olimpico in Rome, played at the highest level and showed their strength."

"It seems that Mancini is powerless to stop Gao Shen from ascending to the supreme throne at the Olympic Stadium in Rome!"

"This will also be the second time Napoli have won the Italian Double after 1987."

"If it is said that Naples belonged to the football king Maradona, then after a lapse of 20 years, Naples, which has been reborn from the Nirvana of the lower league after going through bankruptcy and reorganization, is a team that completely belongs to A great team."

"Every player in this team is personally selected and cultivated by Gao Shen, which can be said to be tailor-made for his tactics, which makes Naples always play a very strong overall offensive. football."

"With the Serie A and Coppa Italia titles this season, we absolutely have reason to believe that Serie A is ushering in a new era, and the traditional power structure of the past will be completely broken."

"From now on, the Naples team trained by Gao Shen will surely become an emerging force that cannot be ignored in Italian football."

"Especially after tonight!"

Even the commentators can see that tonight's Mancini not only lost a final, lost a championship, but also lost the confidence and fighting spirit of Inter Milan.

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