Stay away from Conan

Chapter 318 The Kidnapped Conan

Chapter 318 The kidnapped Conan

After hearing Conan's inquiry, Xiao Yiqu's legs sitting on the ground shrank inward more cautiously, and the hands holding his knees held them tighter -

Then, Xiao Ai buried her whole face between her arms, her body was trembling slightly, as if she was recalling an extremely terrifying scene, and then Conan heard Xiao Ai say in an emotionless voice:

"Last night, Gao Yuan noticed something strange and asked me to hide here beforehand. As a result..."

After saying that, Xiao Ai raised her head, her eyes empty——

"He was captured by the organization's people."

Looking at Xiao Ai's current appearance, Conan couldn't help but feel extremely resentful in his heart——


Conan vented somewhat excitedly:

"Why did the organization find Mr. Akechi! And why was my identity discovered!"

"Not sure."

With empty eyes, Xiao Ai shook his head:

"But the organization has deep connections in the political, economic and scientific circles. Maybe there were members of the organization among the corporate representatives at yesterday's celebration banquet."

He lowered his head and continued to hug his knees tightly. There was still no emotion in Xiao Ai's words.

Hearing this, Conan couldn't help gritting his teeth and feeling deeply regretful in his heart - so that's what happened! Was it because my actions yesterday were noticed by the organization members present, and that’s why Dr. A Li and Mr. Akechi were implicated?

In response, Conan couldn't help clenching his fists and trembling all over - at this moment, a feeling of suffocation lingered in Conan's heart!

"Leave here first..."

Lowering his head, turning around, Conan said with some disappointment - now that the matter has come to this, he can only try his best to make up for it.

But at this moment, a hand stretched out from behind Conan, holding a handkerchief, and suddenly covered Conan's mouth and nose with force——

This taste...


For a moment, Conan wanted to resist, but the smell from the handkerchief instantly made Conan's consciousness blurry——

Although he couldn't see the person behind him, with his lingering vision, looking at the metal bracelet with some red embellishments on the wrist of this hand, Conan was already convinced who made it——


With his thoughts at this point, Conan no longer had the chance to think about the answer, and was passed out directly from the drug.

Seeing Conan lose consciousness in front of him, Xiao Ai let go of his hand with an indifferent expression, walked aside, casually threw the handkerchief stained with medicine on the ground, looked at Conan indifferently, and sighed softly, He looked towards the door.

At this moment, Edogawa Fumiyo walked in from the door.

After looking at the situation in the study, she couldn't help but clasped her hands in front of her body and said with a joyful smile:

"Miss Haihara, your acting skills are great!"

In this regard, Xiao Ai didn't say much, but showed a cold and arrogant expression:

"It's nothing. If we don't take this opportunity to let him have some memory, I don't know what trouble will happen in the future."

However, Edogawa Fumiyo didn't seem to care about Xiao Ai's attitude. Instead, he went straight to the study, picked up the sleeping Conan, rubbed his face with a smile, and said happily:

"As expected - Xiaoxin was so cute when he was little!"

"It's time to go."

Seeing this, Xiao Ai said calmly, "It's time to prepare for the next thing. Besides, Dr. A Li's wine should be almost sober."

In response, Edogawa Fumiyo pouted, as if he wanted to complain, but after thinking about it, he hugged Conan and left Akechi's house with Xiao Ai...

"Ah! Why am I here!"

When Conan woke up again, he found himself in a strange room and his hands were tied with rope——

In the dim room, the evening sun shines through the window.

"This seems to be the kitchen?"

Conan made this judgment after roughly observing the surroundings. However, due to the drug, Conan still felt dizzy after just waking up——

"By the way...I remembered..."

Recalling what happened before he fell into coma, Conan remembered that he was drugged by that girl Haihara Ai...

But why?

Is it possible that she is also an accomplice of that gang?

Or was Mr. Akechi threatened because he was arrested? After all, she once said that Mr. Akechi was the only person she could rely on...

Thinking like this, Conan shook his head vigorously and stopped thinking about these things.

Because only his hands were tied up, Conan was still able to stand up and walk around the room at will.

So, Conan tried to jump on the kitchen sink and looked out of the room through the window——

"It's on the second floor... They took advantage of me being drugged and sent me to the second floor of this old house..."

Looking at such a vertical height, Conan couldn't help but put away his thoughts of jumping out of the window and escaping——

"What? You haven't killed him yet?"

At this time, Conan suddenly heard a middle-aged man questioning from the next room.

So, noticing that there was a hole in the wooden wall of this old room that was connected to the next room, Conan immediately ran there quietly and observed the situation in the next room through the hole -

"Don't force me, it's clearly stated above that you can't kill him!"

In his sight, Conan saw the woman who called herself Edogawa Fumiyo, retorting to a man with his back to him, wearing a black cloak and a black top hat.

——"It's the woman from before! The person talking to that man?"

Thinking like this, Conan frowned and continued to observe - he didn't see Dr. Agasa and Mr. Akechi... not even Haibara Ai... What the hell is going on!

"No matter what, he is a special case of side effects caused by taking that kind of medicine. 'Shirley' specifically ordered that he must be brought back to the organization for further investigation!"

The woman who called herself Edogawa Fumiyo explained with a panicked look.

"so troublesome……"

The man with his back to Conan spoke:

"This way we have to try to bring him back to the will really cause trouble for people!"

——"So that's what happened. I don't know if they will kill me... And if you put it that way, Haihara Ai may be in the same situation as me..."

After hearing their conversation, Conan thought in his mind - "But who is that man?"

Suddenly, through the hole, Conan saw the man in black suddenly turning his head and looking in his direction. Therefore, Conan also noticed the appearance of this man - he was actually wearing a mask!

The eyes of the mask are shaped like crescents that curve downwards. Together with the eyes that curve upward and the mouth that looks like a weird smile, the entire mask looks extremely scary!


Conan was immediately stunned - "Who is this man wearing a scary mask?"

Thinking like this, I saw the man suddenly walking in my direction!

"What a tragedy! He came this way...did he find that I was awake?"

——Suddenly Conan broke into a cold sweat.

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