Stay away from Conan

Chapter 528 Possible cases

Chapter 528 Possible Cases


Koizumi Hongzi repeated the word, thought for a moment with some confusion, then sighed indifferently, and couldn't help but speak slowly:

"Akechi, what you want to say is not the so-called ability to communicate with the spirits of the dead mentioned by those who call themselves 'spiritual mediums', right? If that is the case, I can only tell you, There is a high probability that it does not exist.”

With a somewhat serious tone, Koizumi Hongzi said firmly:

"In the inherited knowledge of my family, I have never heard of such an ability existing in this world... Of course, although I cannot be 100% sure that it does not exist, with the divination and prophecy abilities of my family, I have not discovered it for so many years. If you have this kind of ability, then there is a high probability that it does not exist. And..."

Having said this, Koizumi Anko couldn't help but pause for a moment, her tone seemed a little dazed and profound, and she sighed questioningly:

"Does 'spirit' really exist in this world?"


Hearing this, Gao Yuan felt Koizumi Hongzi's confusion and couldn't help but feel strangely surprised.

"No, it's okay..."

Koizumi Anko sighed softly.

"Yeah...that's disturbing you."

Hearing Koizumi Hongzi's uncertain answer, Gao Yuan couldn't help but reply, and then in a hurry, he was about to hang up the phone——

"Hey, Akechi..."

"What's up?"

Hearing Koizumi Hongzi suddenly say this, Gao Yuan stopped hanging up the phone and asked in surprise.

"I have a hunch...perhaps, one day, your research in this area will surpass mine..."

In this regard, Gao Yuan was speechless. Faced with such words, he didn't know how to answer for a while——

"Anyway, if you find anything special, please tell me."

After Koizumi Hongzi said this, she hung up the phone.

As the phone call ended, Gao Yuan happened to come to the area where food was sold in the amusement park.

So, after Gao Yuan bought two hot cocoa and crepes, he was ready to go back to look for Chengzuka Jade.

Although, even after asking Koizumi Anko, Gao Yuan is still full of doubts about Shirozuka Hisui's behavior just now, but what if what she said is true...

With this in mind, Gao Yuan took the food and returned to the original route.

"What if what she said is true..."

But after walking a few steps, Gao Yuan thought about this carefully and couldn't help but feel a little dazed——

This Dorobiga amusement park seems to have just opened not long ago, right?

If I remember correctly, this is the starting point where Kudo Shinichi became smaller and became Conan. In the original aquarium incident between Kudo Shinichi and Maori Ran, Kudo Shinichi mentioned that this place seemed to have just opened.

So if you calculate it carefully, if what Shirozuka Hisui mentioned is true, then if you can feel the "spirit" of the dead in the area where the Ferris wheel takes off, the most likely thing is that the incident happened on the Ferris wheel. among——

That is, after the amusement park has opened.

If you analyze it this way...

Wouldn't it be true that if what Shirozuka Hisui said was true, then the events she "sensed" had happened recently!

Thinking of this, Gao Yuan couldn't help but frown. He quickly took out his cell phone and dialed Officer Memu directly——

In this case, perhaps Officer Megure can give me the answer!

So, after the call was made, Gao Yuan asked directly:

"Officer Megure, have any junior high school girls been murdered recently?"

Originally, Gao Yuan only wanted to further inquire from Officer Megure's reply, but after Officer Megure's long silence, he heard words beyond his expectations——

"Brother Mingzhi, what did you find?"

With a serious tone, Officer Memu asked in a heavy voice.

And just by the attitude of Officer Megu's answer, Gao Yuan could feel that something must have happened!

"Is she an unidentified girl around twelve years old?"

Gao Yuan hurriedly asked——

Originally, I had guessed that it was a recent incident, but judging from Officer Megure's tone, I was basically certain that a similar incident must have occurred, and the case had not yet been solved.

At the same time, according to Shirozuka Hisui, the "spirit of the dead" who "channeled" her seems to be a student of Sakuraba Women's Academy. However, the school has not heard of any missing students recently, which means that the school does not I know about the murder of students.

Moreover, due to the Ye Yue Ya Ge incident, the police have also gone to the school to investigate in the past few days. If the police discover the incident and confirm the identity of the victim, then they should also launch relevant investigations in the school, then It is unlikely that there is no news in the school.

To sum up, what Gao Yuan can think of is -

Police have information about the murder of a teenage girl, but are unable to identify the victim.

As for the school, perhaps because the students did not go to school for legitimate reasons, the school did not know that a student was killed and did not call the police.

At the same time, because the Ye Yue Ya Ge incident had just been solved today, Gao Yuan also knew that there were students like Ye Yue Ya Ge who had no relatives to visit her even if she jumped from a building and died.

Therefore, it is possible that even if this girl was killed, no one called the police.

Therefore, as long as everything Shirozuka Hisui said is true, Gao Yuan has roughly inferred the most likely existence from Officer Megure's reaction, so he asked such a question.

After listening to Gao Yuan's words, Officer Mumu suddenly became anxious and asked quickly:

"Brother Mingzhi, what did you find?"

Hearing such an anxious tone, Gao Yuan was convinced that his guess was probably correct——

However, doesn’t this mean that what Shirozuka Hisui said is more likely to be correct?

The mysterious girl Shirozuka Hisui has the strange ability of "psychic". Based on this, the conclusion drawn by reasoning seems to be correct, then...

sufficient conditions.

Well, it’s not considered necessary.

Thinking this way, Gao Yuan, still a little confused, couldn't help but replied:

"It's not a discovery. It's just that when I was commissioned to investigate the Hazuki Yage incident today, I found that there seemed to be students in Sakuraba Women's Academy who were missing, so I wanted to ask about it just to be on the safe side."

Unable to tell the truth, Gao Yuan could only tell a not-so-perfect lie and informed Officer Megure about the possible murder of a girl at Sakuraba Women's Academy.

Afterwards, I heard Officer Memu ponder for a moment, and then responded in a serious tone:

"I understand, we will investigate."

Immediately afterwards, Officer Megure hung up the phone.

In response, Gao Yuan couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, his expression became more solemn, and he walked towards the bench where Jadeite was located.

And when Gao Yuan returned to the original place, he saw that at this time, Chengzhong Jade was in trouble——

There were three boys who looked like high school students, sitting on the bench next to Shirozuka Jade with a bad look on his face.

The chattering and various frivolous words coming from the mouths of the three boys made Shirozuka Jade, who was already in a bad mood, shrink back and look embarrassed...

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