Stay behind the scenes from Super Mario

Chapter 114 The Mysterious Man of Bird Island

Of course, Ouyang Luo's question didn't get any response.

He could only stare at the camera and keep asking.

The sound was getting closer and closer to a roar!

"Why do you want to do this?"

"You can obviously design a puzzle in any level of the seventh or eighth level, or simply set a trap to block everyone's way!"

"Why did you deliberately put us in level 8-4, and designed such an easy way to pass the level?"

"Actually, when Oss helped pass the sixth barrier, I had already noticed the time. At that time, I even felt that the time was too late, and I wanted to give up. But my identity is here, and I can't give up easily !”

"But seeing Mario enter the 8-4 level so easily, my heart is filled with hope."

"In order to pass the level, I asked Oss's friends to help me draw the damn map!"

"This time, I took the game seriously, but what did you do?"

"First deprived me of hope, then deliberately gave me hope, and finally humiliated me with this extremely simple way to pass the level!"

"Am I your plaything?"

At the end, Ouyang Luo's voice even showed a hint of crying.

From childhood to adulthood, Ouyang Luo has lived to the age of 20. No matter what he does, he usually goes smoothly.

It was the first time he had tasted the pain of being humiliated after failure today.

And this feeling is really uncomfortable.

At this time, there are still a large number of water friends in Mr. Zhou's live broadcast room.

Seeing Ouyang Luo's performance just now, they all sent barrages one after another.

It's just that, live barrage, you know everything.

There are consolations, but relatively few.

"It's just a game, don't take it to heart."

"Maybe the gloomy handsome guy isn't targeting you at all, you're thinking too much."

"If you lose, you lose. Who hasn't lost before, so it's fine to win next time? It happens that there will be a second game tomorrow, so you can work harder."


In the barrage in the live broadcast room, more of them are still rubbing salt on the wound.

"Let you go crazy again! Lose this time, retribution!"

"Think about what you said yesterday. Isn't it normal for a melancholy handsome guy to deliberately humiliate you? If it were me, I could do even more!"

"If you want to cry, go home and cry, brother stinky! No one in this studio wants to see you cry!"


At this time, Teacher Zhou who had been by the side finally moved.

He rushed to the camera for the first time and said.

"Sorry guys, this is the end of today's live broadcast. I will start a live broadcast tomorrow. Brothers who like it, don't forget to subscribe and come back tomorrow."

After speaking, he directly turned off the live broadcast room.

At the same time, there are also those barrages with malicious words.

"Director Ouyang, don't pay too much attention to me..."

At this moment, Teacher Zhou still wanted to comfort Ouyang Luo, but in the middle of speaking, he watched Ouyang Luo fall down slowly in front of him!

In an instant, everyone in the room rushed to Ouyang Luo and dragged his body onto the bed.

"Director, what's wrong with you?"


For a moment, the room was in chaos.

At this moment, Oss walked to the bed, glanced at Ouyang Luo, and then said very calmly.

"Don't worry, it's the same as yesterday, I didn't eat for a day and my blood sugar was low!"

As someone with some experience with hypoglycemic fainting, Oss was right.

The reason why Ouyang Luo collapsed suddenly was because of low blood sugar.

No way, today's live broadcast has been going on since 8:00 in the morning.

Everyone probably only ate breakfast and didn't eat the rest.

In addition, Ouyang Luo has maintained a high level of mental tension from the beginning to the end.

In the end, my heart was stimulated again, who would be dizzy if he didn't?

It just so happened that what Ouyang Luo felt yesterday, he felt it today.

Now that he knows that Ouyang Luo has hypoglycemia, then the next steps will be easy.

Everyone took action one after another, some were looking for water, some were looking for food.

Leng used the most primitive way to gradually recover Ouyang Luo.

And just after Ouyang Luo recovered, he struggled to stand up from the bed.

Then, he looked at everyone with a complicated expression.

Finally, he looked at the little wild boar and said in a weak voice.

"Little wild boar, take everyone, Mr. Zhou and Oss to dinner as soon as possible."

"All expenses, ask me to reimburse you tomorrow!"

With that said, he turned his head and was about to leave here.

Seeing this scene, the little wild boar couldn't help asking.

"Director, are you not together?"

Ouyang Luo shook his head and walked straight out.

"I want to be alone."

After saying this, Ouyang Luo left completely, leaving only the people in the room looking at each other.


After leaving the hotel, Ouyang Luo did not go far.

He went to a convenience supermarket next to the hotel and bought a large bottle of mineral water.

Then, sitting directly on the small steps in front of the supermarket, he raised his head and took a big gulp.

"Google gurgle..."

In one breath, he drank half of the large bottle of mineral water.

At this time, Ouyang Luo, the proud son of the sky, looked very embarrassed.

Then, he took out his mobile phone from his pocket and dialed a number.

This number was exactly the one he wanted to ask for help when he was stuck in the third level of Super Mario Generation.

However, at that time he thought over and over again, but in the end he didn't dial.

But this time, the call was made.

"Hey, brother. I lost, you see."

Soon, there was a burst of hearty laughter from the other end of the phone.

"Hahahahaha...Xiao Luo, you don't want to cry at me just like you did when you were a child, do you?"

Hearing this voice, Ouyang Luo scratched his head in embarrassment.

But immediately, his expression became serious again.

"I'm serious, brother! Stop kidding me!"

Immediately, the other party responded.

"Then what do you mean? Want me to help you avenge?"

"That can't be done! You know, I'm honeymooning with your sister-in-law on Bird Island right now."

"If I dare to do anything else, she will kill me."

Hearing these words, Ouyang Luo was even more helpless.

There is no way, since he was a child, he has never been a match for his cynical brother.

"Then you can at least help me analyze it, why did I lose?"

"Could it be that that melancholy handsome guy is really much stronger than me? I don't believe it!"

Soon, the other party laughed again.

"Hahahaha... Do you really want to know why you lost?"

"Why don't you think about it first, what are your weaknesses or shortcomings?"

weakness? shortcoming?

Hearing these two words, Ouyang Luo couldn't react for a while.

However, he still asked tentatively.

"Too crazy?"

But immediately, the other party gave a reply.

"Crazy? No! You're only twenty years old, isn't it normal to be crazy?"

"Your biggest shortcoming is that you don't have the concept of respecting your opponent at all!"

"And your opponent, that gloomy handsome guy, did a great job at this point!"

Respect your opponent?

Ouyang Luo scratched his head, apparently not understanding what the other party meant.

Fortunately, the other party explained directly to him.

"In order to make it easier for you to understand, let's go back to the first level of the Super Mario generation..."

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