Stay behind the scenes from Super Mario

Chapter 191: Fierce Failure

The battle between the flowing water team and the little black dragon boss has begun again.

And this battle, according to the previous experience, will last for a long time.

At the very least, when the boss has more than 50% health, there shouldn't be any surprises.

However, there is a premise.

That is, there is no interference from the mobs in Orgrimmar.

Unfortunately, Liu Shui guessed right.

The moment they came into contact with the little black dragon boss, the mobs in the entire city of Orgrimmar seemed to be summoned at the same time, and they even lined up in an orderly queue in the city of Orgrimmar.

Looking at the battle, they seem to be transformed into real soldiers, resolutely planning to go to the battlefield.

And the distance from Orgrimmar to the little black dragon boss is five minutes away.

I believe that if there is no player to stop them, they will soon rush to the little black dragon boss and launch the most brutal attack on the running water team.

At the same time, the game character controlled by the little wild boar has been standing at the gate of Orgrimmar City according to the distribution of the flow in front.

Of course, he noticed the changes of those little monsters immediately.

"Director, bad news."

"Those little monsters have been summoned by the boss, and they are already in formation."

In fact, without the little wild boar telling him, Ouyang Luo saw the game screen by himself and fully understood the situation.

He just looked at the running water and took a deep breath.

"It's okay, as expected."

"Attention players at the gate of Orgrimmar now, prepare to fight the mobs."

"No matter what, we must temporarily hold back their pace of supporting the boss!"

However, for Ouyang Luo's weak pre-war mobilization, many players actually did not buy it.

"Can you hold it if you say it is delayed? We only have so many players here, and how many mobs are there on the opposite side, can't you see it?"

"You are telling us to die! Forget it, it doesn't matter if we die anyway."

"However, I will only die this time. If I fail again this time, I will not play with you."


It made Ouyang Luo very helpless, and the battle started amidst all kinds of complaints from the players.

In the beginning, there were not many mobs coming out of Orgrimmar.

Full play and full calculation, that is, a team of thirty people.

The job distribution among them is very reasonable.

Five tanks, eight healers, and the others are output occupations.

And the moment they saw the players blocking them, they immediately entered the fighting state.

Five tanks rushed to the front one after another.

And their target is the relatively high-ranking healer among the players.

Eight treatments, very tricky positions.

The distance is just enough to increase the blood of the tanks without focusing the output of the players.

As for the remaining output occupations, some support the attack of tanks, and some help control players who want to attack and heal.

Although it was only a small team, their cooperation, although not perfect, was well-organized and very powerful.

On the other hand, the players are chaotic, really chaotic!

For melee output, I only know how to run to the opponent for treatment regardless of everything.

But always in the middle of the journey, others slow down and control them, and they are beaten in vain.

Long-range output, or at a super long distance, contribute one or two innocuous small skills to the opponent's tank.

Or, if they get too close, they will be set on fire by the opponent and die directly.

As for the tank and treatment, there is no cooperation at all.

Even, there are often situations where the tank rushes too far forward and the treatment cannot take care of it.

In this way, this battle, which was originally very unfair in terms of numbers, is developing towards a one-sided situation.

Of course, the balance of victory is not for the players, but for those mobs.

One and a half minutes. In the end, the total time of this battle was fixed at a very embarrassing number of one and a half minutes.

As a result, more than one hundred players fought against thirty mobs, and they were completely defeated!

Even in the end, the death count of mobs was only a pitiful eleven!

Seeing this scene with his own eyes, the little wild boar swallowed hard.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never have believed that there was such a battle ending in World of Warcraft.

But now, he could only look at Ouyang Luo with helpless little eyes.


But at this moment, Ouyang Luo waved his hand at him, signaling him to stop talking.

Then, he walked straight to Liu Shui and said softly.

"Flowing water, at the gate of Orgrimmar, the players did not block the mobs."

"Pay attention, those mobs should be here soon!"

Hearing this sentence, Liu Shui's heart was actually very desperate.

However, the results came out, and he could only accept them passively.

"Well, I see."

Then, continue to fight with the little black dragon boss.

In fact, at this time, Liu Shui has been focusing on the battle with the boss, not knowing the specific situation on the other side.

If he knew that more than a hundred of those players beat others for thirty and ended up in a disastrous defeat, he probably wouldn't be able to sleep at night.

Fortunately, for Liu Shui, the painful process only lasted another five minutes.

Just when they suppressed the blood volume of the little black dragon boss to almost 50%, a crowd of mobs rushed over.

Those mobs are very ruthless.

Without saying a word, he was a ruthless blow to the running water team.

As a result, one can imagine.

After the game character died, Liu Shui looked at Ouyang Luo.

"Director Ouyang, it seems that what I just said is correct. If these little monsters are not resolved, we probably will not be able to handle the boss."

As he said that, Liu Shui sighed for a while looking at the boss who was flying to Orgrimmar.

He never thought that he would encounter so many things just to defeat a boss today.

But at this time, Ouyang Luo certainly understood Liu Shui's words.

If you don't clear the mobs first, you can't beat the boss peacefully.

But how to clear it?

In fact, this question has been lingering in Ouyang Luo's mind from the beginning to the end.

He bowed his head in front of the crowd.

Slowly, he raised his right hand, stretched out his fingers, and put them to his mouth.

Just like before, licking one after another.

And all the people around chose to be quiet very tacitly.

However, the real office can be quiet, but it can't be quiet on the Internet.

Whether it was the barrage in the live broadcast room or the players in the game, they all erupted completely.

"Forget it, stop playing, log off!"

"What's the point? It's boring."

"I think it's okay. Anyway, after the game official finds out about this matter, it will definitely solve it."

"In any case, we can't let the whole World of Warcraft be occupied by monsters."

"That's right, I believe it won't be long before the officials will receive complaints from players and they will resolve them."

"This kind of thing, we players just watch the excitement."


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