The wind was still blowing, the snow was still falling, everything was waiting quietly, but the wind chime’s light cluster suddenly moved.

The movement of the light group is very ordinary, usually it is not even flying, but it rolls freely with the wind like a ball. The light group rolled a few hundred meters to the left, stopped, then rolled a few hundred meters to the right, and then stopped again. The strange thing is that the two scrolls are very precise, and they end wherever they start. After the two scrolls are completed, the light group stands in its original position without even a slight deviation.

The light group stopped for a while, and then it moved again, but compared to the previous position, the scrolling direction was slightly changed this time.

Then in the surprised eyes of the gods, the light group began to roll from the landing place for the third, fourth, and even countless times.

Time passed, until the light ball hit the crystal pillar of the next altar base, no one among the gods suddenly came to light. The wind chimes were exploring the location of the next altar.

Sure enough, after hitting the base of the altar, the light ball no longer rolled, but slowly rose up, and then was suddenly sucked in by the flame above the altar. As before, the flame can obviously feel the smell in the wind chime that makes it coveted.

Bathed in the sacred fire of “retribution”, the light group begins to grow at a speed visible to naked eye. But everyone can see that there is a problem with the growth of the light cluster. The first light cluster grew out of a few branches, just like the seeds of a big tree popping out of the flames with several bare branches. The organism is obviously not a good-growing organism, and it is probably a kind of monster that is mostly plant. The light group seemed to be aware of this, the rays of light flashed by, forcibly cut off the things that didn’t look right, and then began to grow again. This time it was a dozen or so mantis legs-like knots, and the light group seemed to realize that it was wrong again, and then cut them off again. In the next half day, the light ball grew out of tentacled legs, snake-like heads, silk-like arms, tadpole-like heads…anyway, none of them makes everyone feel normal.

Until… she stretched out five crystals.

These five crystals are slightly translucent and look no different from the crystals of this world overwhelming majority, except that inside the crystal, there is a light purple rays of light, which is running slowly, like Arkham Oub Like those large crystals on his body, they contained Star River energy and were extremely noble in quality. Hundreds of line of sight were swiped almost at the same time and focused on Arkham Oub. Arkham Oub’s eyes were extremely surprised, but at the same time ecstatic, the flames jetting from his eyes suddenly became bigger. . Wind Chime Princess probably thought of him, and only then would she create a new entity in such a crystalline state.

God’s punishment is probably the most favorite thing to turn the object of punishment into a different kind. From the result, Atriana obviously thinks that turning a living body into a crystal should also be a punishment. It’s just that she forgot that the natural creatures in this world are all crystals, and other planes seem to be a punishment. It’s normal here, even the body of Tirathemis on this plane. At the beginning, it was also a crystal. Now the wind chime reappears in the form of a crystal. The god of punishment naturally cannot distinguish the difference between punishment and natural growth. It will automatically think that the object in the flame has been absolutely punished and will no longer exert its power.

A moment later, a new-born wind chime Princess was born from the sacred fire, still with long purple hair, but from the look, after experiencing two sacred fires, the face of the wind chime was extremely pale, with long purple hair. The tip of the hair has turned white, which is a sign of excessive loss of divine force.

The wind chimes reappeared, and walked down from the second altar. A new statue was left in the altar, which was a round ball.

The wind chime who walked down the altar didn’t turn her head back, because she didn’t turn her head back when she opened the bow, and she didn’t leave a way out for herself. The third, fourth, and fifth altars standing in front of the wind chimes are connected together, and the colors of the flames on the three altars are blue, azure, and white. “After the general punishment, the god will exile the punished person to a space he is not familiar with. It is for the anger of’exile’. The place of exile has no God’s attention. The exiled person must face everything below, as for all of this. What is in it, probably only the god who casts the anger himself knows.” This is a reminder of Tirathmis.

What will be in those three altars? The wind chimes already don’t care. Tirathmis didn’t explain it before, but this kind of reminder is actually no different from Ming said. The wind chimes themselves are gods, and the place of exile-a place where the gods are exiled, there are just a few of them: one is a closed space, the other is a natural disaster, or a place where rare beasts haunt. On the surface, these three altars can unambiguously mark their exile spaces that belong to the category of natural disasters.

But after the baptism of the first two altars, the wind chimes have been hit hard. Whether she can pass the following three altars based on plane power is indeed a great test.

Wind chimes looked at Tirathemis at the other side of the altar, Tirathemis seemed to be confident and nodded to her.

The wind chime also responded to Tirathmis nodded, saying that he could hold it, and then resolutely stepped into the flames of the third altar!

Go through water and tread on fire at that moment, just because of your trust.

Snowflakes were originally floating in the sky. It was a snowflake made of crystal energy. The flame of the third altar was activated, and the flame affected the power of the plane. The clouds in the sky rolled up, and the wind suddenly increased. , A tornado leaped out of the cloud and pressed down towards the third altar. Numerous crystal blocks were condensed and formed under the force of nature. They were wrapped in the wind like a blade and tried to cut the things in the altar into pieces. When the wind chime stepped into the flames, several large and small wounds appeared immediately. Feng Chime pressed the wounds with his hands, but found that his hands were immediately cut into some wounds. As the body is injured, the purple energy in the body flows out like a liquid, which is the blood of God. The other side of the flame was only a short three to five meters in front of her, but it was as difficult as heavenly ascension to move forward. As soon as she lifted her foot, the ice on her leg was cut into three or four one-inch-deep half chi long wounds. , The violent energy of the plane is affected by the wrath of the gods, the formidable power can be seen.

The wind chime lay down and moved forward with her hand, but it took only two steps, and her arm was also riddled with scars. She wanted to influence her own power to defend, but she tried it and found that those powers could not be used in this flame. Thinking about it, she can explain that her own divine force was originally used to trap the power of these gods’ wrath. If you are in the sacred fire, the equivalent to bowl is thrown into the water, but how can you achieve the effect of trapping the water?

Is he going to fall here after all?

The distance in front of this flame is only two or three meters, but it is difficult to heavenly ascension. Feng Chime struggled and climbed a step forward, and there were three or five wounds on his raised face.

At this moment, there were many voices of prayer coming from all around. The wind chime was taken aback, that was the prayer of a mortal she was so familiar with. Originally, as a god, she would respond to the prayers of these mortals to satisfy their small wishes, but now she is trapped in the flames, but how does she respond to them?

Wind chimes can only smile wryly.

But next moment, something unexpected happened. The wind chime lay on the ground and distinguished it carefully. These prayers did not have much actual content, but they were somewhat similar to the established classics, like some kind of praise. Words, the magic is that these prayers shout in unison as if they are organized and regular. Both the syllables and the dots of heavy and light sounds coincide with a certain rhythm. If you look closely, this rhythm is actually in line with the rhythm of the wind. echo!

The wind has been resonated unbelievably, and it has become bigger and smaller. When I was young, I couldn’t even drag the crystals the size of my fingers. Those crystals would crackle and fall to the ground. The cutting force of the crystal block brought by the wind is instantly small and can be ignored, and the movement immediately becomes free. Taking advantage of the interference of the next prayer, the wind was weakening, and the wind chimes gathered all their strength and rolled out of the flames of the third altar.

The voice of prayer did not stop, but it changed the rhythm.

The flames in the fourth altar are full of thunder and lightning, and the sound of prayer is still effective. Those thunder and lightning are disturbed, either on the ground or in midair. On the body of the wind chime, there was even a strip that split on one end of the flame and penetrated from the other end. Forcibly stripped the flame away. The wind chime took advantage of this effort and staggered through the gap in the flame. After all, it is a god. The response is so little bit fast.

As for the fifth altar, the voice of prayer was replaced with long singing. The power of the plane obviously needs to deal with all the singing of this world urgently, but this singing is so unified, it seems to occupy a place. The spirit with too much face power, the power that originally cut everything contained in the light is forcibly twisted into twists. These sounds are somewhat similar to the way the wind chimes control Star River’s power. They interfere with the energy, and the flames are in the middle. There were many more twists and turns, and the wind chime lowered his body, and quickly climbed from one end of the flame to the other end with the strength of the whole body.

“As long as the place of exile can survive, God can only sigh for his punishment object, because the existence of those places of exile that can survive has the completeness of will beyond the reach of divine force. The scope of the six. The sixth altar is the fire of’sigh.'” Tirathmis said.

The fire of sigh basically can’t help even stronger mortals, let alone a wind chime as a god.

When she staggered out of the flames of the sixth altar, Tirathmis smiled and said: “You are free.”

The wind chimes were silently facing Tira Themis knelt down, unable to deal with the numerous large and small wounds on his body, and said exhaustedly: “Great Tirathemis, I, wind chime, will follow you from now on, and I am willing to be your servant. !”

Tirathemis nodded looked indifferently, and pointed towards the wind chime’s back: “These will become your relics in this world.”

The wind chime is covering the wound on his body. Turning around, there were already four statues bathed in sacred fire on the four altars behind. Those are the mirror images of her most painful moments left in this world.

The word freedom is so hard to come by!

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