Chacon stared intently at the lord's camp, feeling both excited and frightened.

In the previous several charges, he could vividly remember the tragic scenes of those unlucky people being hit. Cha Kong, who had no worries about food and clothing since childhood, had very good eyesight at night. The thing was opened, maybe it was the little thing called a bullet in Fergus' mouth.

But he did not dare to disobey his father's order.

So before he charged, he put on the family's ancestral full-body armor. The armor was polished very finely, shining brightly under the moonlight.

This is an armor made of high-quality steel. Even the sharpest sword can't break through its defense. Chacon is confident that he can use it to rush into the lord's camp, take off the brutal lord's dog's head, and hug the beauty Return, just like in the adventure novels of the brave—if that Miss Setia is still safe and sound.

Holding the big sword in both hands, he walked forward bang bang bang.

"Listen everyone, after I give an order, you all charge with me. This time we must expel that evil being possessed by the devil from the world!"

He raised the big sword in his hand high.

"Victory! It will definitely belong to us!"

Because of this set of family armor, Chacon looks very good now, very mighty, and he is the second son of the prestigious Warren family. His appearance suddenly saved the depression caused by repeated charge failures morale.

"Kill the tyrant!"

"Fuck Graham to death!"

"Justice will prevail!"

The desperadoes raised by the big families shouted along with madness, no matter how you put it, there were only about fifty people on the other side.

"They are preparing to charge again!"

Rudy reminded everyone loudly.

After being repulsed several times in a row, the rebels once again gathered their hands to surround them.

"Damn it, how many of them are there?"

Paul was a little scared, wondering if he should choose a direction to break through.

No matter how low the opponent's morale is and how **** the fighting power is, if one's own side just stays in place and defends motionlessly, there is no reason for the opponent to retreat.

If something unexpected happened to the request for help, the reinforcements were delayed, and the ammunition, food, and fresh water on their own side would always be exhausted, while the rebels' energy was continuously replenished. You can also take turns to rest.

But this area itself is so unfamiliar, and the rebels have been planning for so long, every road may be full of traps.

When heaven and man were at war in his heart, a frantic howl came from the depths of the woods, accompanied by many slogans vaguely.

"Okay, then come on, I'm not afraid of you!"

Paul raised the pistol bitterly. In the previous battle, he used this gun to kill five people.

There was still some residual heat on the gun, even though it had just been soaked in water and then wiped dry.

The previous high-intensity battle made the barrels of many people hot. Fortunately, each guard has two guns, and the relatively low temperature at night also helps to dissipate heat.

However, due to the heating of the gun barrel and the cover of the trees, the rebels had already broken into the camp several times. Fortunately, they were at the end of their strength at that time, and they all retreated under the heroic counterattack of the guards, but Paul's side also Almost everyone was injured.

The rebels surrounded them again.

When Victor saw the charging enemy army, he opened his eyes, and then patted the "sniper" Egram beside him who had just loaded the rifle with ammunition.

"Did you see that guy who burned the buns?"

"Master Victor, are you talking about that glowing guy?" The moon gave Chacon's exquisite armor a layer of mysterious and elegant brilliance.

"Yes, it's that idiot. You save the bullet for now, and you'll kill him later when he rushes into range."

"As you order, Lord Victor."


With a loud cry, Chacon quickly moved his lower legs, held up his big sword, and began to charge while dragging his heavy armor.

"Kill!" His accomplices also ran towards the lord's camp on his left and right.

Bright flames flashed in the lord's camp again, just like the previous few times, traitors one after another were knocked down by bullets.

Chacon tried hard not to look at the miserable plight of those hapless ones, and forced his eyes to fixate on Greiman's camp.

At this moment, he suddenly felt that something had hit him in the stomach. The force was so great that Cha Kong, who was charging hard, stopped abruptly.

Whoa! It hurts!

Chacon suddenly felt a sharp pain, as if his abdomen had been hit by a big hammer.

With a bang, his armor made a collision sound, and Chacon suddenly fell to his knees on the ground, panting heavily.

He stretched out his hand cautiously, and slowly groped the belly of the armor.

Fortunately, there is no broken place! This shows that the thing called a bullet did not invade it.

After taking a few breaths, Chacon endured the discomfort in his abdomen and stood up again.

"Hit the tyrant!"

With a cry, he joined the charging crowd again.

"Damn! Couldn't your marksmanship be more accurate?"

The head of the guard Victor angrily reprimanded his subordinates with rifled guns.

"Master Victor, I'm sorry!" The guard Egram apologized while reloading the ammunition swiftly, "But I should have hit it just now. Look at the movement of him kneeling just now."

Well, Victor thought helplessly, maybe the quality of the opponent's armor was too good, or maybe the darkness of the night affected the shooter's judgment of distance, so that the force when hitting the target was already very small.

"I swear the next shot will definitely kill him." Egram said viciously.

Several people spotted Chakong shrouded in the moonlight, and they also opened fire on him as a target.

But this guy was so lucky that the others didn't even hit him with a single shot.

Seeing that Cha Kong was about to run to Juma, and Egram had just loaded the ammunition.

It was too late and then soon, an astonishing tongue of flame suddenly shot out from Paul's side, like a giant python attacking its prey, and the flame hit Chacon with a whimper—the green-haired witch made a Chacon, who had been baptized by flames, seemed to be doused with grease, and the flames quickly spread to his whole body.

"Oh! No-no-!"

Chacon threw away the great sword in his hand, and slapped himself in horror, with such force that his armor made a rattling sound.

However, this was of no avail, the astonishing heat was quickly transmitted along the metal armor to his flesh.


! "

In less than a minute, Chacon was unable to make any rational movements. He fell to the ground and rolled around indiscriminately based on the stress response to pain.

If anyone got close to him, he would be able to smell something coming from that full body armor.

This armor that was supposed to protect him turned out to be a cage that trapped him.

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