Steel, Guns and the Industrial Party Across the World

Chapter 577: Aftermath of the Rebellion II

The prison in Arda is different from other places. With the increase in financial revenue in recent years, the lord Earl Paul Greiman instructed the Ministry of Public Security to carry out a series of renovations to the prison.

The prisons of other lords are often dark, damp, and do not see sunlight all year round. When you walk inside, a decayed, turbid, and disgusting smell will rush into your nostrils, and then your The brain is stimulated like a sap. These terrible smells often come from the decay of utensils, the feces of prisoners or rotting wounds, or even corpses that have not been disposed of in time. Even if you can bear the smell itself, it will also be caused by poor ventilation Chang always feels that there is not enough air to breathe. Not only that, the prison is often full of mice, cockroaches and lice. These unpleasant creatures settle and multiply here. Pass a rat, and if you don't get out in time, you'll probably unknowingly contribute to the expansion of cockroaches and lice into their living space—often your own dwelling.

And Arda's prison, after Paul's own oversight of the transformation, has become a paradise for mortals serving sentences in traditional prisons-if they are lucky enough to see it. Each room will have a small iron window for ventilation, and also to ensure that there will be a certain period of time in a day to be able to shine in natural light. The ground in the prison is paved with bricks and stones, and the walls of the prison —Whether it’s the corridor or the prisoners’ rooms—all are painted with a layer of white powder. Even if the windows are in the shade, under the reflection of light, the daytime will not be too dim.

Prisons have strict requirements on sanitation conditions. There are fixed toilets in the prison. The prisoners in each room are required to keep the room tidy and tidy, and a monthly cleaning is organized. After entering, each prisoner will be issued three pieces of uniform style. Prison uniforms, and are required to change clothes and take a shower at least once a week. Rats, cockroaches, and lice are all treated as enemies, and half of them will be surrounded and suppressed if they find any clues.

Prisoners wake up at 6:30 every morning to take roll call and are sent to the courtyard for exercises. They eat at 7:30, start working at 8:30, have lunch at 12, continue to work at 1:00, and have dinner at 6:00. Manual work, after 9 o'clock, you can rest and apply for a bath, and you must go to bed at 10:30.

To an outsider, Arda Prison seems almost a low-profile version of the Arda Barracks. In fact, after several years of detention, many prisoners have become better physically and temperamentally than before because of years of physical exercise and regular work and rest.

Tennyson Fadeyev is hammering nails into a high stool that has already been formed. His task today is to assemble fifty such stools.

"Hey! Student boy! Do you want me to help?" Someone around asked him jokingly. Physical bullying by prisoners is strictly prohibited in Arda's prison, and those who violate it will be severely punished, but it can't stop some people from being quick with their tongues.

Tennyson ignored it. He raised his head, touched the sweat on his forehead, and planned to take a break when he heard someone calling his name.


The prison guard who has only met a few times—it seems to be the warden here—is approaching him accompanied by the guards.

The inmates consciously distanced themselves from Tennyson. If this guy was unlucky, don't implicate himself.

"Tennyson Fadeyev?" The warden stood in front of him, looking at his face.

"Yes, my lord, I am Tennyson." He was a little scared in his heart, he was already unlucky enough, could there be even greater misfortune waiting for him?

Bad memories reappeared in Tennyson's mind. That day, he had just finished preparing the acid solution requested by his teacher in the laboratory. A group of vicious policemen rushed in and handcuffed him, saying that he had participated in the rebellion. Inexplicably, Tennyson was brought to this ghostly place. People from the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Intelligence interrogated him repeatedly. Only then did he know that his family participated in the rebellion against the lord, and people from his family were detained in the former A labor camp for mercenary prisoners. Tennyson, who knew nothing, was naturally not found anything useful, but the innocent he was not let go, but was ordered to work here every day. layer of cocoons.

The warden patted him on the shoulder and said blankly: "Congratulations, Mr. Tennyson Fadeyev, you are about to be free?"

"I...can I go out?" Tennyson was a little overwhelmed by the sudden good news.

"Yes, your teacher is here to pick you up, come with me."

"My teacher? Is it Master Wells?"

"Yes, hurry up and follow me!" the warden said and turned to leave.

Hearing that Tennyson was going to be released, all the prisoners around turned their envious and even jealous eyes on this guy whom they jokingly called "Student Boy". Lucky boy, how could he have such a caring and powerful teacher? .

Excited, Tennyson kept up with the warden, and in the reception room of the prison, he saw Wells, the teacher he hadn't seen for more than ten days.

"Tennyson, you have suffered!" Wells greeted each other first.

"Mr. Wells, why are you here?"

Tennyson soon learned the whole story from the teacher, which included the conditions for his release.

"But...but what about my family?"

Hearing the news that he was discussing the prison Tennyson was very excited at first, but before he could thank the teacher in the future, he thought of his relatives of the same clan.

Wells sighed and stroked the student's shoulder, "The lord has already said that if we can find a way to make large-scale steel within half a year, everyone in your family who did not directly participate in the rebellion will be pardoned."

"Half a year? But...but...we are almost facing a brand new field!" Tennyson's tone revealed serious doubts.

Wells encouraged him: "Oh, Tennyson, you have to have confidence in yourself, you have to have confidence in your colleagues, and I will also participate in it. Now let's go back to the laboratory and start researching. Don't delay for a second."

Wells is now a little excited. In fact, on the way to the prison, he has already received the promise of the lord, temporarily put aside his worries about the students, and then slowly began to think about the tasks assigned by the lord. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that the There is a lot to do, although it is not a way to turn other substances into gold, but turning ordinary iron into stronger steel is also enough to leave a strong mark in history.

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