Steel, Guns and the Industrial Party Across the World

Chapter 602: Gabela's Transformation IV

Felix was protected by his guards and ran all the way from the front hall door to his residence.

Antonio's men followed them all the way.

In the process of fleeing, most of Felix's guards died. In fact, they had planned to fight back against the pursuers, because the pursuers didn't seem to have many people.

But after one attempt, they no longer dared to have such an idea.

Those people are really weird.

Not only are there flames shot from afar, but the bows and arrows they shoot are also extremely precise, almost hitting every shot.

When fighting hand-to-hand, they even discovered that the armor on the opponent's body was so sophisticated that their weapons seemed extremely difficult to break through.

The people who fought with them were skilled in martial arts, and their strength was outrageous.

Felix wondered why Antonio had arranged such a group of elite subordinates far surpassing the Yellowstone guards in the palace.

"They must have resorted to evil sorcery to become so powerful."

In desperation, Felix thought of a reason that was closest to reality.

In order for the First Prince to break away from the pursuers, many people sacrificed their lives.

The palace of the Gabella Empire is a large complex of buildings. The sacrifices of those guards are worthwhile for the time being. After fleeing all the way, Felix, who was running out of breath, took the few remaining guards with him. He fled to his bedroom in the palace.

The people they met along the way, because they couldn't tell whether the other party belonged to Antonio, attacked them indiscriminately.

The guards, officials, and servants walking alone caused countless casualties.

"Here we are!"

Felix almost wept with joy, his bedroom was a relatively independent building, and guards loyal to him were standing guard at the door.

Seeing the eldest prince rushing over with several guards in a panic, the guards on guard felt a little strange. It wasn't until they got closer and saw the blood on their bodies that they realized that something serious must have happened.

"Quick, quick! Organize the defense immediately! Never let anyone rush in!"

Felix barked orders to the guards.

"Yes! Your Highness!" The guard accepted the order nervously.

Although because of the relationship between the two princes, many people expected that such a day would come sooner or later, but when it really happened, the people involved in the incident still felt that it was sudden.

As soon as Felix rushed into his palace, a large group of people followed and blocked all the exits of the bedroom.

On Antonio's side, in addition to the men and horses who appeared from the front hall of the palace, Anbolov, one of the chief guards of the palace, also came to support with the part of the guards he could command.

The second prince appeared on a white horse surrounded by everyone, and he shouted to his brother's guards:

"Felix is ​​hopeless, he will... fail today! It is pointless for you to continue to carry out his orders."

"His Royal Highness Antonio!" The chief guard in charge of the defense at the entrance of the palace replied, "We choose to be loyal to our oath, please step over our corpses."

Antonio sighed and shook his head, then waved, "Attack!"

Flames, bows and arrows, and crossbow arrows were thrown towards the palace one after another.

Those armed men in armor also shouted in unison, and rushed to the guards of the bedroom who were holding on.

After entering the palace, Felix ran all the way to the northwest corner, where there was a room with a tunnel entrance leading to the outside of the palace.

As long as he passes through the tunnel, he can escape from Ascension, join the Dias family, gather superior forces, and launch a counterattack against Antonio's side.

"Your Highness! What happened? Why are you in such a panic!"

In the corridor, Felix met Ms. Coleridge, the court lady who served him.

She is still so elegant and charming, with her snow-white silver hair attracting attention.

But Felix didn't care about showing his chivalry. He grabbed Coleridge's hand, pulled her and ran together.

"Your Highness?"

"Coleridge, the Lord of Light really cares about me. I am so lucky to have you here."

Felix explained out of breath, "That **** Antonio, he dared to start a rebellion!"

"His Royal Highness Antonio?" Coleridge's tone was very surprised.

"Yes! The bastard! The witch's bastard! How dare he? How dare he?"

Felix, who had already disregarded his demeanor, began to curse, and now he hated this half-brother who was likely to take his life.

The two and the guards ran through the long corridor, and Coleridge, who was a woman, did not drag them down.

After entering the room with the tunnel entrance, Felix made arrangements, pointing to his guards.

"You, you, you, and you, go in with us. The rest of you, stay here."

The faces of the people who were arranged to die darkened, and they knew their fate.

"Please rest assured, Your Highness!"

The constraints of the oath and the safety of their families made them choose to obey the order.

Felix took Coleridge and the four selected guards into the tunnel.

After the sound of Dongdi, the heavy stone door closed behind them, the shouts on the ground were no longer heard, and the tunnel suddenly became quiet.

Only the footsteps of the eldest prince and his party echoed inside.

"Ah, we can finally relax temporarily."

Felix lamented so.

"Your Highness, I think it's too early to be reassured."

Ms. Coleridge, who was beside him, said suddenly.

Stop by Felix Huh? Why do you say that! This leads to my grandfather's mansion, as long as we get out, we can gain a strong force to fight back. "

Ms. Coleridge moved on a few steps, keeping some distance from him.

She asked Felix behind her back, "Your Highness, do you hate witches?"

Felix replied without thinking: "Of course, aren't witches all evil?"

"Then do you like me?"

"Haha, does it need to be said? My heart for you is thicker and harder than the stone gate we just passed."

Coleridge, the beautiful court lady, seemed a bit embarrassed and said: "This is a contradiction, you can't hate and like the same thing at the same time!"

"Ah, what did you say?" Felix was a little confused.

The lady turned around slowly, her face still half covered by darkness due to the dim light in the tunnel.

But the other half's face, which could be seen clearly, made Felix shudder.

Yes, that face is still beautiful, the skin that can be broken by blows, the flawless face, everything is so perfect, just like before.

But when Felix moved his gaze to her eyes, the tenderness was gone, the intellectual grace was gone, and all that was left was an endless chill.

The gaze of "Coleridge", like the cold wind in the coldest month of winter, mercilessly invaded Felix's bone marrow.

"you you…"

Realizing that there was a problem, Felix stretched out his finger and pointed at the other party. The four guards reacted quickly and immediately drew their weapons.

"I'm sorry, Your Highness Felix."

The tone of "Coleridge" is the same as her gaze, with a chill that can be felt in the heart.

"I am a witch!"

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