Strange mountains and rivers

Chapter 255 Volume C: Calm down and look forward to new breakthroughs

The entire Longlinyuan became lively.

There are more than 300 mortals here who are busy cleaning and repairing, which is quite lively.

At this time, the first group of Chonghua disciples who arrived was close to eighty, and then fifteen more disciples recruited from Fuyang Dao also arrived at the same time. The entire Longlinyuan suddenly had more than four hundred people.

After being cleaned and repaired, the habitable courtyard houses will be able to accommodate the newly arrived disciples.

There will be more than a hundred disciples in the future and it will be difficult to satisfy them. A number of houses will need to be rebuilt, but time is too late.

Fortunately, there is no shortage of wood and stones in Wolong Ridge, and many of the two or three hundred mortals recruited have worked as bricklayers.

As long as the food supply is sufficient and the Taoist priests who come along are there to help supervise, there will be no rush in doing the work.

This is what Chen Huaisheng and Chen Song considered at the beginning.

If the Chonghua Sect is to truly build up in Wolong Ridge, it will inevitably involve large-scale construction projects. Without three to five years of continuous construction, it is impossible to reach the original state at Panshan Mountain Gate in Langshan.

If you want to make it more ambitious and perfect, and truly become the foundation of the Chonghua Sect in Hebei, then you have to invest in ten or twenty years of continuous construction.

It is not that simple to rebuild a mountain gate, and it also consumes a lot of money.

Fortunately, the Chonghua Sect had a foundation that was hundreds of years old. They evacuated in such a relatively peaceful way. Except for the fixed assets in the mountain gate that could not be taken away, other floating wealth was basically taken away.

Chen Huaisheng didn't know how much the Chonghua Sect had accumulated over the past few hundred years, but he knew that the Chonghua Sect was relatively conservative in terms of financial expenditures, and its accumulation would not be small. It was estimated that there must be several million spiritual stones.

As for the gold and silver that are commonly used in mortal society, there will naturally be no shortage of them, and they can also be exchanged with spiritual sand and spiritual stones. This is not a problem.

As long as there is no shortage of spiritual stones, no shortage of manpower, and no shortage of various resources in Hebei, it will not be difficult to build it.

"Uncle, it seems that the head master and the others are very stimulated and determined to change."

Chen Huaisheng accompanied Wu Tianen as he walked under the foothills on the west side of Longlinyuan, looking at the busy people around him.

With the arrival of the disciples in the sect, the construction of the three-layer mountain-protecting formation must also be put on the agenda.

The Taoist masters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have already begun to survey and select the entire Longlinyuan area, and are considering the layout of the formations and gates.

"Can it be a big deal? In the words of the head brother, he entered the Dengzi Mansion in order to practice cultivation and paid too little attention to the affairs of the sect. As a result, the Chonghua lineage was almost destroyed in his hands. If that really happens, then he will become the sect's eternal sinner and will never die in peace, so he once wanted to resign as the leader and hand it over to Senior Brother Zhu." Wu Tianen was also filled with emotion.

"But if the leader and Uncle Zhu don't enter the Zifu, then our Chonghua Sect will be really ruined. The Baishimen will never give us any chance, not even the Nine Lotus Sect can stop us."

Chen Huaisheng is quite sure, and Wu Tianen also agrees: "You are right, in the final analysis, a sect still has to base its own strength on its own, just like a practitioner, it also needs to determine its own level based on its own realm. fate, the master brother is ready to wait until the relocation here comes to an end, and also prepare to travel around to experience and look for opportunities to advance..."

Li Yu is also at the peak of foundation building, but has been unable to cope with the calamity and advance to the next level.

Previously, it was mainly because Shang Jiuling was in seclusion and Zhu Fengbi failed to respond to the calamity for the first time. Therefore, he originally had the opportunity to advance to the calamity, but he could only delay it because of the common affairs.

Now that both Shang Jiuling and Zhu Fengbi have entered Dengzi Mansion, it is his turn.

It is a big challenge to break through the situation in response to the tribulation. If not done well, the path will be destroyed and the people will be destroyed.

Chief Elder Zhu Fengbi suffered a setback when he attacked the Zi Mansion for the first time in twenty years. Fortunately, the Chonghua Sect was well prepared at that time, with various spiritual materials and elixirs to protect the soul and spirit. In addition, Zhu Fengbi had a strong Taoist body and was able to withstand that disaster. , there was no on-the-spot dissolution.

After another ten years of hard training, he attacked the Zi Mansion again for the second time and finally succeeded.

Facing the crazy expansion of Baishimen, the Chonghua faction is now deeply aware of the crisis, and both Zifus feel that they are not practical enough.

Especially when the foundation-building group of the Chonghua Sect is quite weak, it needs to be further enriched and consolidated.

Even though we have arrived in Hebei now, if we want to return to Zhao, the White Stone Gate is a threshold that we have to cross.

Baishimen already has three Zifu Immortals, and it has also absorbed Zifu disciples from Wuyue. Its strength will definitely expand further in the future. If the Chonghua Sect does not work hard to catch up, it will only be further and further left behind. the further away.

"Some of the original rules of the sect were indeed limited by stereotypes and bad habits, such as centralized teaching in the Chuan Gong Academy. This was a good method in the early days and could be used to screen out disciples with different types of characteristics, but later on, the teachings were Taoist masters don’t have that much energy, or they don’t care enough. They are nowhere near as serious as the Taoist masters who actually become disciples. This is human nature..."

"Now that the sect has made changes, I believe it will immediately enhance the enthusiasm and passion of both master and disciple..."

Chen Huaisheng can still clearly see the changes brought about by this change.

Once the foundation builders all begin to recruit disciples and preach, the competition between them will immediately become apparent. Whether they are masters or disciples, they will go all out in terms of reason and face.

This is of great benefit to the growth of disciples.

"Not only that, the sect will also favor outstanding disciples in terms of spiritual materials and elixirs. As long as they perform outstandingly, the sect will not begrudge the spiritual materials and elixirs and help them grow faster and better..." Wu Tianen said with certainty: "The sect did very poorly on this point before, being too conservative and stingy. As a result, many disciples were too slow to enter the middle and high stages of Qi refining, and their subsequent practice was delayed. I can’t keep up with that,…”

Finally realizing this, Chen Huaisheng nodded slightly.

When he first entered the sect, he didn't understand anything.

After all, when he was hanging around in the Qingmu Sect and the Xuanhuo Sect, he was either a deputy sect or a small sect. People used him as a spiritual farmer and hunter, and did not consider his cultivation growth at all.

After arriving at the Chonghua Sect, he felt quite good with a little favor.

But after seeing how much sects like Jiulian Sect and Baishi Sect invested in their disciples' cultivation, they realized that the Chonghua Sect was seriously lagging behind in this aspect, and could even be said to be shabby and mean.

It can be said that this is also one of the main reasons why the Chonghua Sect has not only few outstanding middle-level and high-level disciples but also poor conditions.

He mentioned it to Wu Tianen, but this was not something Wu Tianen could change. He only began to realize and make changes after the Chonghua sect suffered such a heavy blow and was even forced to leave his hometown.

It is not too late to make amends for the situation, and it is not too late now that we have arrived in Hebei.

"In addition, the sect is also too conservative in recruiting disciples. It was basically limited to Langling and even Yijun. It took a lot of effort to make adjustments in the past two years, but it encountered..."

Wu Tianen shook his head.

"Uncle, it's not too late. The Taoist talents here in Hebei are not bad. In my opinion, they are even more abundant and outstanding than those in Yi County. Looking at Fuyang Taoism, basically no one can compete with us, not even the Sixth Taoist School of Yanzhou. , that is, the Tianhe Sect can compete with us, but they are also relatively conservative, and are mainly limited to the two roads in the west, the east and the south. We still have a great opportunity to expand our influence and attract more outstanding disciples. Come vote,..."

Wu Tianen also agreed with Chen Huaisheng's words: "The sect also has this intention. It must follow the practices of the super sects in Da Zhao and send personnel to patrol the Six Paths of Yanzhou and even the entire Hebei Province to find outstanding disciples. The Zhike Academy must take on the responsibility. With this responsibility, we will also take the selection seriously for those who take the initiative to come to our sect to join the mountain..."

Chen Huaisheng realized that the Chonghua Sect, which had been hit and stimulated, was really going to change completely, but it was indeed a little late.

Even if it is now in full bloom to attract and recruit outstanding talents into the sect, without twenty or thirty years of hard training, there will be no results at all.

No matter how outstanding a disciple is, starting from the beginning of enlightenment, without twenty years of hard work, it is impossible to break through the enlightenment and advance to the foundation building.

Thinking of this, it seems that I have broken this routine a bit, but there is a special reason here, that is, I started too late, eight or nine years later than ordinary disciples. Maybe this can be regarded as a compensation?

"Huai Sheng, I see that you seem to be quite interested in these general affairs. Senior Brother Mu Yang and Wang Yao both said that you are very talented in this area, but I want to remind you that as a cultivation sect, in the final analysis, it is up to you to decide your own destiny. No matter how proficient and proficient you are in general affairs, if your level of cultivation is poor, it will still be difficult for you to enter the elegant hall, and you will not be valued in the sect."

Wu Tianen's tone became serious: "Ou Qingchun and Tong Baichuan are typical examples. They lost their mentality and courage to make progress early in practice, and became increasingly depressed. Therefore, the headmaster and the headmaster did not pay enough attention to them, which made them complain. So many questions have arisen, but at this point, the sect still adheres to this view and will not change it. Those who have no desire to make progress in practice will be embarrassed by their great responsibilities..."

Chen Huaisheng was a little confused.

Although I habitually like to participate in common affairs, I have never thought of neglecting my practice for the sake of common affairs. That would be putting the cart before the horse.

His concern for general affairs is also for the sake of the sect. Only when the sect becomes stronger can the big tree next to him provide him with better resources and help.

"Master, don't worry, this disciple has no intention of doing this. Cultivation should be the first priority. Originally, the disciple thought that when he settled down at the mountain gate, he would practice in seclusion, trying to eliminate some of the problems that may exist after breaking through the realm during this period. To make up for the shortcomings, I am also thinking about re-selecting one or two spells to increase combat power..."

Hearing what Chen Huaisheng said, Wu Tianen became happy and nodded repeatedly: "It's good that you understand the importance of this. I'm afraid you'll get lost in your thoughts..."

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