Her eyes were as bright as the moon and as deep as water, and her long eyelashes were like a veil separating her sight. Her upper body was only wrapped in a small piece of red cloth, which was dotted with shiny gold pieces. Her skirt was lower than her navel. The skirt is dotted with gold pieces like the tube top. When the moonlight envelopes the entire Dunhuang, red lanterns are always lit in the center of the bustling inn. In the haze, Sanskrit music sounds, gongs and drums beat lightly, and with the rhythm During the music, Ley stood in the middle of the wooden stage and danced. Her slender waist twisted like a snake. The gauze covering her face covered her face, but made her eyes look even more special. of charming.

All the lonely men on the business trip were staring at this beauty, pouring large bowls of wine into their mouths, eating big chunks of meat and drinking big chunks of wine during their barbaric travels. To meet such a beautiful woman, too many people are willing to spend a lot of money. Buy good wine and watch Lai dance. The swing of his arms is as easy as holding the moon, and his feet are on tiptoe, as if he wants to fly away. In the Sanskrit music, sing, dance, and drink until the sky turns white and everyone is drunk. . After the businessmen who passed by woke up, washed their faces, had a meal, and then hurried on their way again, but no matter whether they were coming or going, as long as they arrived here, they would definitely stay one night to enjoy Ley's dance.

It can be said that Lai is the pearl of Dunhuang. Of course, it is not only the passing merchants who benefited, but also the owners of the taverns here. After Lai came, his business was a hundred times better than before, and he made a lot of money. With a smile on his face, in order to keep Lai, he provided free accommodation for Lai, and also gave Lai a small share of the money he earned, but other than that, he did not have much interaction with Lai, except that he knew her I don’t know where she came from or where she is going, because apart from dancing, Ley can hardly do anything and can’t talk to other people. The only person accompanying her is a drummer. A little foreign boy and a little foreign girl who plays the instrument, both of whom look to be no more than ten years old and neither talk very much, share a room with Rai.

One night, the passers-by doing business didn't know if they had drunk too much. By midnight, they were so drunk that they fell asleep for most of them. There were still a few people who were drunk and crazy, sitting on the ground and talking to themselves. At this time, That's when Ley stopped dancing. After finishing work, she slowly climbed up the stairs to the second floor with her two children.

At this time, the tavern owner must be sitting in front of the table and counting the money with a smile. The ingots of gold and jewelry made him feel the joy of the world. He counted the day's income and locked up all the treasures in boxes. After entering the room, the tavern owner took out some broken silver, weighed it in his hand, climbed up the stairs to the second floor, and placed the silver in front of Lay's door. It is like this almost every day. When the tavern owner puts the money at the door, the children will open the door and take the money in. Even when eating, it is the children who bring the food into the room to eat.

Whenever someone laughs at the tavern owner, he always smiles helplessly. He is almost forty years old and is alone in this desert with no wife or children. Loneliness is unavoidable. Occasionally he will go there. Visit a brothel not far from here to vent the emptiness in your body. It's not that he hasn't thought about a beauty like Rai, but he's just hinted many times, but Rai is indifferent. Among getting rich and women, the tavern owner chooses getting rich, so when he can't help himself, he always sits down with a pot of wine. Downstairs, looking at the figure of Rai reflected on the window paper on the second floor, whether it was from the side or from the back, he thought about it for a long time.

On this day, he was lonely again. He took out the fine wine he had collected and drank it alone. From time to time he looked up to the second floor, and his mind was filled with the shadow of Lay. At this time, a drunk man got up from the ground and took a picture. He patted the tavern owner on the back and asked with a lewd smile: "Brother, it's late at night, why don't you go up and rest?"

"Your Majesty, you drank too much." The tavern owner smiled and pushed the drunkard to the ground. He was used to facing these drunkards. No matter what he did to them, they would not remember it when they woke up, so he didn't bother to care. Should this drunkard crawl on the floor or sleep on the table?

The drunk man was also extremely drunk. After being pushed to the ground, he fell asleep. But what the drunkard said tickled the tavern owner's heart like a poisonous insect. He just wanted to rush to the second floor and get Lai regardless. But he was a smart man, and if he annoyed Lai Yi, if Rai left here, it would be a big loss for him, so he had to drink sips of wine.

While drinking, the tavern owner felt a little dizzy before he knew it, so he climbed on the table...

At this time, the door on the second floor creaked open. The little boy stretched out his head and glanced downstairs, and said softly to the people in the room: "Ley, they are all asleep."

"Are you sure? Sandor." Rai's voice was as thin as a mosquito.

After hearing this, the little girl ran from Rai to the door, looked at the drunken people below, and replied in a positive tone: "They are really all asleep, Rai."

After saying that, he closed the door again. Not long after, the three people climbed down from the second floor quietly and ran towards the foot of Mingsha. They did not expect that the tavern owner was just drunk but not asleep. When the three of them came down, the tavern owner woke up. He only felt strange that these three people were going somewhere sneakily, so he followed them quietly. He followed Lai all the way to Crescent Moon Spring. The Crescent Moon Spring is nearly 100 meters long from north to south and 25 meters wide from east to west. The spring water is deep in the east and shallow in the west. The deepest point is about five meters. It is named because its shape is like a crescent moon.

After arriving at Crescent Moon Spring, the three of them jumped in unison. At the moment when the water splashed, the tavern owner was so frightened that he lost his drunkenness. He wondered whether the three people had committed suicide and hurriedly ran to the spring. While searching, he looked here and there. It was dark and he couldn't see anything. The circles of water that had just surged towards the spring were pushed back. Gradually it became calm, and nothing happened on the lake. Pass.

"It's terrible, it's terrible." The tavern owner walked back and forth anxiously. If this man drowned, his future business would be ruined.

what to do? Besides, if a person dies in his own tavern, others will definitely think that he has something to do with it. After thinking about it, he didn't care so much, took off his shoes and jumped into the spring.

The spring was big or small, but it was only that deep. The tavern owner held his breath and searched back and forth, but found nothing, not even a body. However, the water plants in the spring scared him several times. After climbing ashore, the tavern owner wrung out his clothes and ran back. He had to go back before dawn and go back to his room to pretend to be asleep, otherwise he would let others know that he didn't want to catch nothing and get into unexpected trouble. .

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