Li Wenyu drove Xuehu and Xiaoying to the school and inspected it until midnight. Nothing special happened. This was a good thing for them. When they returned, Xiaoying became playful and pulled Xuehu to use it. Li Fei returned to Li Wenyu's house and left Li Wenyu alone at school. While lamenting the unreliability of Goblin, Li Wenyu started the car. With a bang, the car drove away, but Li Wenyu saw something he shouldn't have seen in the rearview mirror.

A red shadow, getting closer and closer, became clearer and clearer. A woman wearing a phoenix crown appeared in the rearview mirror. The woman's tongue stuck out of her mouth and fell to her chin. Li Wenyu swallowed his saliva and sat up straight. The next look, the woman's feet were not touching the ground. Suddenly, the hair on Li Wenyu's thighs began to stand upside down.

With a bang, he stepped on the accelerator, and Li Wenyu drove the car as fast as he could, dumbfounding the security guards at the school security office. Li Wenyu's car bent the handlebars and disappeared quickly on the road.

The security guard touched his head and broke into a cold sweat. He comforted himself and said, "Fortunately, I know someone and know who to ask for compensation, otherwise I would be dead."

At this time, Li Wenyu was more scared than the security guard because he always felt that the woman in red was following him, so he hit a red light and just wanted to get home quickly. He thought he was safe when he got home, but little did he know that when he got out of the car, a shadow followed him. It wasn't until he opened the garage door that he felt something was wrong. When he looked back, he saw the female ghost in red sitting in his car, still smiling at himself...

"Help! Snow Fox." Li Wenyu had no choice but to scream like this. This was not the first time he saw a ghost, but this ghost had been following him, and he knew that nothing good was going to happen.

Xuehu heard the cry and rushed to the garage. When he saw it, Li Wenyu was frightened, and the female ghost was less than one meter away from Li Wenyu. Xuehu asked coldly: "What do you want to do?"

"##(percent sign)$^(percent sign)\u0026..." The female ghost looked at Xuehu, her mouth was moving, as if she was talking, but Xuehu couldn't understand it at all.

At this time, the little parrot ran over, saw the scene in front of him, and complained: "Hey, you are such an unlucky guy. Are you lonely when you go home alone? And you brought a female ghost back with you!"

"I'm...scared to death." Li Wenyu reacted at this moment and quickly hid behind Xue Hu.

The female ghost in red spoke again, her mouth kept moving.

"^$^$$\u0026$$ # $ # $"

Xuehu didn't understand what the female ghost was saying, but Xiaoying replied word for word. "She said she had no ill intentions and just wanted to ask Mr. Wangchuan to help her heal her tongue."

"Damn, can you understand such a difficult subject?" Li Wenyu looked at Xiaoying with some admiration.

Xiaoying held her head high and replied: "Of course." Xiaoying is a parrot. If even she can't repeat what the female ghost said, no one will understand what the female ghost is saying.

After hearing this, Xuehu said softly: "Go back. My husband is not here, so I can't help you."

The female ghost whined and shook her head, refusing to leave. She just stood there. Li Wenyu swallowed and said to Xuehu: "I don't know if this female ghost is really looking for Wangchuan or fake. She came back from school with me." Fortunately, I didn't look back at that time, otherwise I would have been so scared that I crashed to death outside." Thinking of it, Li Wenyu felt scared.

Xiaoying looked at the female ghost in red and said sympathetically: "Actually, this female ghost is quite pitiful."

"What's so pitiful about her?" Li Wenyu felt that he was the most pitiable at this time. In a room full of goblins and ghosts, he was the only one.

Xiaoying glanced at Li Wenyu and said loudly: "Think about it, she is a hanged ghost. If she goes to the underworld, her tongue will be cut out."

"Will you?" Li Wenyu didn't know what the underworld was like.

Snow Fox nodded and replied: "Yes, because the hanged ghosts died by hanging, their tongues are hanging out and there is no way to take them back. In order to make it easier for these ghosts to reincarnate, the King of Hell will cut off their tongues in the underworld."

"Also, the King of Hell will punish the person based on what he has done in his life. If he has not done any bad things, he will be cut off with one knife. If he has done many evil things in his life, he will slowly, slowly, piece by piece kill the ghost. My tongue is cut off, it hurts just thinking about it." Xiao Ying added.

Li Wenyu has a lot of imagination. After imagining such a scene, he was so frightened that he couldn't stick out his tongue. He asked with his tongue hanging out: "Then why doesn't she go to the underworld?"

"Ask her, how do I know?" Xiaoying pouted.

The female ghost in red listened to the conversation between Xuehu and Xiaoying, and slowly floated towards them. Li Wenyu couldn't even hide in time. Snow Fox didn't have anything to do with it. He just reminded the female ghost when she was getting closer: "Don't touch this person, otherwise I'll be rude to you."

The female ghost in red shook her head and whined. Xiaoying had to translate: "She said, I didn't want to hurt him, but it must be a kind of fate that he can see me. It's thanks to him that I can find Wang." Mr. Chuan, I will not hurt him."

"Haha..." Li Wenyu smiled awkwardly. He didn't know whether he was unlucky or did something good to attract a ghost back. "I hope so."

Seeing that the female ghost did not look like a modern person, Xuehu asked softly: "How long have you been dead?"

The female ghost in red looked sad, watching the snow fox whimpering, and the little parrot translated: "It's been a long, long time..."

"Then why don't you go to the underworld to report?"

The female ghost in red shook her head, and Xiaoying translated: "I still have great vengeance to avenge in the Yang world."

"Hey, you seem to have been dead for so long. Are there any living people you know in the world?" Although Li Wenyu was scared, he was also a little curious.

The little parrot scratched his neck, glanced at Li Wenyu, and said angrily: "Hey, are you done yet, asking so many questions, I

Aren’t you tired of translating? "

"He who can do it should work harder." Li Wenyu smiled.

Xuehu thought for a moment and realized that there were indeed many suspicious things about this female ghost, but there were also pitiful aspects. Xiaoying's words were not unreasonable, so he made an exception and said: "Why don't you tell me your origin first, and then we can think about it." There’s nothing I can do to help you.”

" # (percent sign)..." The female ghost in red began to enter endless memories... everything she wanted to say was accurately translated from Xiaoying's mouth.

This girl's name is Aqiu. She was born during the Qianlong period. Her family was a small businessman. She lived a good life despite being rich. As a child, Aqiu grew up with the love of her parents. She never expected that One day there will be a big change waiting for her.

When she was seventeen years old, her father was falsely accused of selling counterfeit medicine and was imprisoned by officers and soldiers. Aqiu's mother was in tears every day, not knowing what to do. At this time, the one who was usually closer Shibo gave Aqiu's mother an idea and asked Aqiu's mother to ask Mr. Zhang, who was in charge of the case, for help. This person's official position is not high, but a relative in the family is an official in the court, so he is also an influential figure. After listening to Shibo's words, Aqiu's mother prepared some money and went to Zhang's house. She stayed there for three days. When Aqiu's mother came back, she was already very haggard.

"Mom, what's wrong with you?" Aqiu quickly stepped forward to help her.

Aqiu's mother didn't speak, just shed tears. After two days of not eating or drinking, she hanged herself from a beam. Before she died, Aqiu's mother left a letter to Aqiu. In the letter, she told the reason why she was seeking death. It turned out that Mr. Zhang was not a good person at all. Seeing that Aqiu's mother was still pretty, he even forced Aqiu to die. His mother was insulted and he made fun of A Qiu's mother for three consecutive days. At that time, A Qiu's mother endured physical torture in order to save her husband. Who knew that in the end Master Zhang turned his back and refused to help A Qiu's mother? .

Losing integrity first and despairing later, Aqiu's mother chose to pass away...

Aqiu cried heartbrokenly. Her mother was dead and her father was still in prison. She really didn't know what to do. With the help of relatives and friends, Aqiu completed the funeral for her mother.

Unexpectedly, just after the burial, while she was still wearing sackcloth and mourning, Master Zhang ordered someone to come to the ward and said that Aqiu's father was sentenced to be executed by the Queen of Autumn. This was a huge blow to Aqiu. At such a young age, she could not withstand this. The hatred and resentment in her heart were buried. She just wanted to save her father.

As a result, Ah Qiu sold all the belongings in his family, including his house, and embarked on the road to redress his injustice. But how many people in the world do not obey the law? How can there be no mutual relations between officials and officials in the world? Ah Qiu sued all the way, but to no avail. All he got was a slap in the face.

Ah Qiu came out of the Yamen crying and murmured to himself: "They say that today's emperor is a sage, why do you condone these corrupt officials..."

"Little girl, you can't say these things." An old man selling steamed buns kindly reminded him.

When Ah Qiu saw the old man, she thought of her father. Her father would be executed in autumn, but she had no choice but to do anything...

Walking soullessly on the street, suddenly, an acquaintance walked up to Ah Qiu. When Ah Qiu saw it, it was He Shibo, who had business dealings with his family.

"He Shibo..."

"Hey, Ah Qiu, how did you end up like this?"

"I avenge my father, but I don't want officials to protect me..." Aqiu said and started to cry.

Seeing Ah Qiu crying pitifully, the businessman surnamed He whispered: "Hey, I heard about your father. You said that this man has everything wrong with him. You can't sue him anywhere."

"But my father was wronged..."

"Only he knows whether he has been wronged or not, but you, on the other hand, lost your parents at such a young age. What will you do in the future?"

"In the future..." Aqiu no longer thinks about the future. For her, the future is very far away because the darkness in front of her cannot be bypassed.

"How about this, you stay at my house first, and when you feel better, you can then find a way to save your father."

"He Shibo, aren't you afraid..." After the accident happened in Aqiu's family, those who usually interacted with each other stopped for fear that she would be implicated. Aqiu did not expect that He Shibo would dare to take her in, and she was immediately moved.

"Hey, your family was not kind to me before. Speaking of which, your father and I are also old friends. I can't let you live on the street."

"Thank you He Shibo." Aqiu cried with gratitude. After the house was sold, she had nowhere to go. In addition, she was almost defrauded of all her money by corrupt officials. She could no longer stay in an inn, so she had to go back to his home with the businessman surnamed He.

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