It was only three days before the birth of the demon baby, and more and more demons and Taoists had gathered near the school. Luo Sichen and Wangchuan sat in Li Wenyu's car, watching the demons wandering outside the school.

"How is it? Do you have a way to deal with it?" Luo Sichen looked at Wangchuan with a smile. According to his estimate, the number of demons that have gathered now has reached hundreds, let alone three days later.

Of course Wangchuan saw the situation clearly. Those monsters were here to welcome the Demon Infant into the world. They would pick it up when the Demon Infant broke out of the ground. When the Demon Infant was out of control, the Demon Infant would grow amazingly. The moment the baby becomes a king, mankind will be in an inevitable catastrophe. Facing these demons, Wangchuan and Luo Sichen had the same stance, so Wangchuan asked coldly: "What good ideas do you have?"

"What can I do? It will take you two an hour or two to deal with them with your bare hands, and the day lilies will be cold by then." Luo Sichen pursed his lips.

Although Li Wenyu couldn't see so many monsters, he could see those low-level ghosts. Seeing those ghosts guarding outside the school, he was a little scared.

"Wangchuan, you won't hurt innocent people when you fight, right?"

"Do you think it's possible? With such a big movement, the entire school will have to be sealed off with a barrier. No one inside will be able to come out." Luo Sichen had already thought of a way to minimize the damage.

When Li Wenyu heard what Luo Sichen said, he yelled, "Isn't that the end of everyone in our school?"

"So, I have informed the honorary chairman of your school and asked him to give you a week's vacation." Luo Sichen laughed. He had not forgotten that he had invested funds into this school. Of course he can do it.

Wangchuan nodded, this was the best thing to do. It would be better not to have talented people in the school, because he was still worried that the demon baby would be hungry when it came into the world. If the demon baby was hungry and refused to eat, then it would not be July 14th. People who are still alive cannot escape this disaster.

At this time, Li Wenyu thought of a question, looked at Luo Sichen and asked, "What about the school janitor?"

"Do you think I'm just a freeloader? Everyone in the school, including the security guards, gave them a day off. In short, there can't be a single person in the school the day before the devil baby is born."

Wangchuan glanced at Luo Sichen and asked, "Will this arouse others' suspicion?"

"Is there anything to be suspicious about? The school has issued a secret order, saying that it is suspected that there is poison gas left by the Japanese during the war in the school, and that it must be strictly investigated. I believe that no one is not afraid of death."

"You're so cruel." Li Wenyu sincerely admired Luo Sichen for being able to make up such a thing, but if he said it like this, he probably wouldn't really have anyone in the school.

Wangchuan said coldly: "Okay, let's go back first."

"We're leaving like this. What will happen to the big beauty and the little beauty?" Li Wenyu turned around and looked at Wangchuan who was sitting in the back seat. Xuehu and Xiaoying came with them when they came. Just now Wangchuan After asking Xuehu and Xiaoying to check the situation, Xuehu and Xiaoying have not come back yet.

"Don't worry, they will come back on their own."

"But..." Li Wenyu hesitated. It would be no problem to carry Snow Fox and Xiaoying in the car.

Luo Sichen smiled and patted Li Wenyu on the shoulder: "Okay, don't worry unfounded, they are monsters, and those monsters will not do anything to them."

"That's why I'm worried. Haven't you seen that these are all Taoist priests? Look, there's another one holding a Bagua mirror there." Li Wenyu pointed to the one standing not far from their car. The old man, wearing a gray Tang suit, stared at the school with bright eyes.

Luo Sichen took a look and laughed: "He is a sensible person. There are so many demons here now. If he dares to attack, he will be a fool."

"According to what you say, why is he here?" Li Wenyu didn't quite understand.

Luo Sichen replied: "He is not stupid, but he has his own responsibilities. I think he came here just for the demon baby, not other fairies. When he does not have enough ability and no companions, he I won’t do anything.”

"you sure?"

"Basically confirmed."

"This is what you said. If something happens to the beautiful lady, you will be responsible." Li Wenyu muttered and started the car.

Luo Sichen smiled and replied: "It's okay if I say it's okay. Even the ghost doctor isn't worried. I don't know what you are worrying about."

"Hmm..." Li Wenyu hummed in dissatisfaction, turned the car around, drove towards his home...

When he got home, the first thing Li Wenyu did was to call and order something. What he ordered was nothing else but a whole truck of garlic. Luo Sichen was sitting on the sofa drinking coffee and heard Li Wenyu ordering garlic on the phone. feel strange.

"Is your family in the garlic business? You need to buy so much."

"Your family is in the garlic business, your whole family is in the garlic business!" Li Wenyu hung up the phone and walked up to Luo Sichen angrily.

Luo Sichen looked at Li Wenyu and asked in confusion: "Then why did you buy so much garlic?"

"Help you."

"Help us?" Luo Sichen was a little confused.

After Li Wenyu sat down, he said frustratedly: "I am a mortal. Unlike you, this is all I can do to help you. Didn't you say that those demons are afraid of garlic? I just want to buy a few carts of garlic and place them around the school to stop them. .”

"Pfft~!" Luo Sichen spit out a sip of coffee and sprayed it all over the table. Li Wenyu's words made him dumbfounded.

Wangchuan reminded softly: "Fairies are not afraid of garlic."

"Little handsome boy, I have never heard of any fairies being afraid of garlic. Those who are afraid of garlic are zombies!" Luo Sichen explained with his eyes closed, very speechless.

Li Wenyu opened his mouth wide, blinked his eyes, and asked, "Isn't it true? Only zombies are afraid, not fairies?"

"Little handsome boy, come here." Luo Sichen waved to Li Wenyu, and when Li Wenyu came closer, he grabbed Li Wenyu's neck. "You and Xuefu have been together for such a long time and have had meals together. Have you seen that they are afraid of garlic?"

"Yeah, why did I forget." After Luo Sichen reminded him, Li Wenyu remembered that time the parrot ate garlic white meat very happily, and he was not afraid of meat and vegetables, but he had already ordered garlic..." So what should I do now?”

"Let's do business~" Luo Sichen shrugged.

Li Wenyu lowered his head and asked, "What business?"

"How many carts of garlic have you bought? Can you finish it? Before you finish eating, they are all broken, or they have taken root and sprouted. You can't plant them in the small garden in front of your door, so the best solution is Send the garlic to the wholesale market, sell it cheaper, and make some money back.”

"But I haven't sold it before..." Li Wenyu is still studying. He has no business experience.

Luo Sichen shook his head and replied: "I can't help you with this. Just treat it as an internship and figure it out yourself." After saying that, Luo Sichen wiped all the coffee on the table with a paper towel. After finishing it, he took the cup into the kitchen.

Li Wenyu didn't expect that he would make such a big mistake, so he looked at Wangchuan pitifully. After Wangchuan became impatient, he chose to go upstairs.

" have to help me..." Li Wenyu watched one of them go upstairs and the other into the kitchen, feeling chilled in his heart.

This question made Li Wenyu think about it all afternoon. There was one more thing he didn't tell Luo Sichen and Wangchuan, and that was that he ordered a batch of Buddhist beads from the temple... not just Buddhist beads from one temple... Thinking of this, Li Wenyu felt as cold as water.

By the time Snow Fox and Xiaoying came back, Li Wenyu had already turned into a fossil sitting in the living room, motionless...

Xiaoying walked forward and waved in front of Li Wenyu. Seeing that he didn't respond, he shouted: "Hey!"

"...Are you back?" Li Wenyu slowly raised his head and looked at the little parrot.

Xiaoying frowned and asked softly: "What's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing, I'm going to be in bad luck." Li Wenyu was in a very depressed mood because he spent a year's living expenses, but the things he bought were of no use.

Xuehu felt that something was wrong with Li Wenyu, so he asked with concern: "Master Li, are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Li Wenyu shook his head.

At this time, Luo Sichen came down from upstairs and said with a smile: "Don't worry about him, he is not in a very good mood now. He was like this when I went upstairs, and he is still like this now. It will probably take a while to Become normal.”

"He is..." Xuehu looked at Luo Sichen.

"Don't worry, he's fine." Luo Sichen replied with a smile, walked up to Xue Hu, and asked softly: "By the way, Xue Fu, what did you gain from Xiao Ying today?"

"I said, I said." Xiaoying had become familiar with Luo Sichen in the past two days, so he happily ran to Luo Sichen.

Luo Sichen smiled and touched the little parrot's head and replied: "Okay, you tell me."

"Today, Sister Xuehu and I first followed the teacher's instructions and looked around the school, and then went into the school to have a look. You don't even know how dangerous we are. The scary thing is not the goblins, but the goblins. He is a Taoist priest, that old man, who has been following me and Sister Xuehu. I don’t know if he wants to do us harm. Fortunately, Sister Xuehu and I got rid of him, otherwise, he would have to come back." Xiao Ying pouted. , playing with the hair on his chest.

After hearing this, Luo Sichen probably had an impression in his mind, and asked quickly: "Is it the one holding the Bagua mirror and wearing a Tang suit?"

"Yeah, yeah, it's him, how did you know?" Xiaoying looked at Luo Sichen in surprise.

"Of course I know, hum, because he is already here." Luo Sichen smiled and looked out the window. The Taoist priest he saw outside the school in the afternoon was standing outside the French window looking inside. The Taoist priest looked very confused.

Luo Sichen knew why the old Taoist priest was confused, because the Taoist priest should have seen his identity. The Taoist priest must be thinking why the psychic would get involved with the goblin. Of course, the Taoist priest still doesn't know about the ghost doctor. Luo Sichen didn't want him to know about it, so Luo Sichen planned to send the Taoist priest away in person.

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