Strange Tales of the Ghosts

Singing wild fungus (3)

Things started when Shi Donglai lived in the mountains. As Luo Yi said, Shi Donglai was a person who didn't like to work hard in the world. Because his family was well off since he was a child, he had more ideals of his own. After graduating from college, , Shi Donglai, who loved painting, built a small wooden house on the mountain and lived there. In the beginning, everything was very fresh. In order to maintain contact with the outside world, Shi Donglai even connected the Internet cable to the cabin. In addition to painting and surfing the Internet every day, he even went down the mountain to buy food once every half month. One day, it suddenly started raining heavily in the mountains. Looking at the lingering drizzle and white mist, Shi Donglai was particularly inspired. It took him more than three hours to create a painting. When he was appreciating his painting At that time, I suddenly remembered something. The dead mother once told Stone that there were times when their family was very poor. At that time, her mother would get up very early on rainy days and go to the mountains to gather game, because they had no more money to buy delicious food. Yes, those delicacies have undoubtedly become their feast. Anyone who has lived in the mountains or has had such an experience will know that once it rains heavily in the mountains, many attractive fungus or mushrooms will grow on tree trunks or on the ground. Shi Donglai remembers eating them when he was a child. It tasted delicious and he couldn't forget it. With longing for his mother and memories of his childhood, Shi Donglai changed his clothes and ran into the woods despite the rain. Large drops of rain fell from the gaps in the leaves and hit Shi Donglai on the head. He searched for half an hour without finding a single mushroom, and walked deeper and deeper into the forest. Just when he was about to give up, he saw the black fungus growing on the tree trunk. They were small and arranged one by one on the wet tree trunk. They were shaped like small ears and were very cute. This made Shi Donglai very excited. He patiently picked the flowers one by one and quickly filled half of the bag. With his loot, Shi Donglai returned to the wooden house, opened the refrigerator, took out a piece of lean meat he bought yesterday, put on an apron, and prepared to fry fungus meat slices to reward himself. First he cut the meat into slices, then mixed it with seasonings and marinated it. After the oil boiled, he first poured the fungus into the pot and stir-fried it. The reason why he did this was because his mother taught him to pick it in the mountains. The fungus must be cooked before it can be eaten. It must be cooked thoroughly, otherwise it will be poisoned, so he has to fry the fungus until it is cooked, then stir-fry the meat slices, and finally put the two together and add the green onions. and garlic, then it will be a perfect plate of fried meat with fungus. Thinking about it, Shi Donglai felt it was delicious. Looking at the wild fungus fried in the pot, Shi Donglai hummed a song.

Humming, Shi Donglai seemed to hear other sounds, as if someone was singing along with him. He hurriedly turned to look into the room and saw that the computer was turned off. There was no one else in the room except himself. Shi Donglai I couldn't help but laugh, thinking I heard it wrong, so I continued to hum and stir-fry wild fungus. At this time, the pot made a sound of "squeak...squeak...squeak...squeak", and the small fungus became swollen after being fried in oil, and the pieces were bulging, like the two cheeks of a toad, Shi Dong Lai looked at it and actually laughed: "Hey, I'm warning you, don't explode." After saying that, he laughed to himself. In this mountain, he couldn't talk to anyone else except himself. I am used to talking to myself like this. As for the computer, it is just for uploading works and simply communicating with some painting friends.

About ten minutes later, the fungus meat slices were fried. Shi Donglai brought the fungus meat slices to the table, heated up the cold rice in the microwave, and started eating.

The next day, it was still raining. As if he was addicted, Shi Donglai braved the rain and went to the mountains and forests again. Just like the previous time, he came back with a full load. He was happily frying fungus in the kitchen and listening to the fungus. 'Squeak...squeak...squeak...', everything was normal...but for some reason he suddenly felt that the hairs on his arms stood up. The sound of 'squeak...squeak...squeak' sounded like... Crying, looking at the wild fungus that swelled like small balls in the pot, Shi Donglai felt a little scared, as if he had killed someone. But he quickly controlled his thoughts with reason, because it is impossible for plants to have life similar to 'human', at least that's what he thought.

In the evening, after packing up his easel and uploading his work, Shi Donglai went to bed... On rainy days, in addition to working and doing things he likes to do, Shi Donglai believed that the best way to spend his time was to sleep. The sound of rain would make sleep more enjoyable. He has good quality, and he has had this habit since he was a child. He sleeps soundly whenever it rains.

As soon as Shi Donglai fell asleep, he slept until midnight. He vaguely heard that it was still raining outside. After turning over, Shi Donglai continued to sleep... But no matter how much he wanted to sleep, he couldn't fall asleep. He always felt that he heard something. Listen carefully. It sounded like someone was crying or singing. The more I listened, the more familiar the tune became. After cheering up and thinking about it, Shi Donglai became more energetic. Isn't that tune the same song he sang yesterday? But who would hum such a song in the middle of the night? There is no one else in the cabin except yourself, and there is no one living around. Who could it be? Shi Donglai quietly got up, put on his coat, and tiptoed outside, only to see that it was dark outside and the computer was turned off. There was no choice but to turn on the light, so Shi Donglai had no choice but to move forward listening to the sound. As he walked, he entered the kitchen... As soon as he entered the kitchen, the singing voice became clearer. Shi Donglai looked around for the source of the sound, but found nothing. Unable to see it, Shi Donglai lost his patience and simply turned on the light. When the light came on, the singing stopped.

"Strange? Did I hear it wrong?" Shi Donglai touched his head, turned off the light and returned to his room. As soon as he returned, the singing started again, thinking that he was singing it to Shi Donglai on purpose. Same…..

For many days, Shi Donglai heard someone singing in the wooden house. The singing only sounded at night, which made Shi Donglai, who did not believe in evil, think that he had encountered a ghost.

After coming down the mountain, Shi Donglai told his father about his experience in the wooden house. When Shi Donglai's father heard this, he was frightened and quickly found a Taoist priest to accompany Shi Donglai up the mountain. It's a pity, Tao

The arrival of the priest did not stop the singing. On that rainy night, the Taoist priest who came to catch the demon was wrapped in something and rolled down the mountain. The next day, the police found the Taoist priest's body at the foot of the mountain. , Shi Donglai became a suspect, but in the end the prosecution was abandoned because the police had no evidence.

This made Shi Donglai's father very worried, so he asked his son to move back to the urban area, but for some reason, Shi Donglai refused. This made Shi Donglai's father very anxious, so he looked around and found someone. The introduction found Luo Yi. Although the price offered by Luo Yi was very high, Shi Donglai's father did not hesitate at all and paid the money readily. Luo Yi was also a resolute person. After receiving the money, she rushed up the mountain overnight. Fortunately, she went up the mountain because when she went, Shi Donglai was wrapped in a wild fungus and was about to die. Breathe….

Luo Yi knew that it was not an ordinary fungus, it must have become a spirit, so he quickly used magic to fight off the fungus spirit, rescued Shi Donglai, and sent him to the hospital. After seeing it, the doctor said he was in danger , because if Shi Donglai held his breath for a few more seconds, he would probably be dead. Shi Donglai's father felt very fond of Luo Yi and treated Luo Yi well. Luo Yi was naturally a conscientious person. In case the fungus spirit would find Shi Donglai again and cause trouble, he went up the mountain to look for him. , it was a pity that it was sunny for several days, and Luo Yi found nothing. In the end, she had to put a magic talisman on the wooden house to solve the problem. What she originally thought was that after posting the talisman, the fungus spirit would no longer be able to harass Shi Dong. Come, unexpectedly, after Luo Yi left, she learned on the phone that Shi Donglai suddenly stopped eating, at least not eating meat, saying that animals have life... At that time, Luo Yi only thought that Shi Donglai might be special. Somewhat, because Shi Donglai was already awake when she left, and Luo Yi also carefully explained the current situation to Shi Donglai, and asked him to be on low defense, and also gave Shi Donglai a talisman. Generally speaking, when the business ends here, it is considered over, so Luo Ao didn't ask any more questions... It wasn't until Shi Dong came to Li Wenyu's house today that Luo Ao knew that everything was not over yet...

After hearing this, Li Wenyu gritted his teeth and asked, "Can fungus also turn into sperm?"

"Nonsense, the stone can still be used." Luo Yi shook her head.

Wangchuan looked at Luo Yi and asked quickly: "Then what happened next?"

"Ask him about this, don't ask me..." Luo Yi pointed at Shi Donglai and continued: "Actually, I made it very clear to you, Mr. Shi, that the fungus spirit is not a kind person. You have to be careful. I I don’t know how you got involved with it again, or do you think you have everything and you have to do something like this to make yourself, a rich second generation, special?”

Shi Donglai didn't respond, but Li Wenyu blushed: "Idol, don't you want to kill a whole boatload of people with one shot, okay?"

"I didn't tell you." Luo Yi frowned.

Wangchuan knew that Luo Yi was angry, but now he was really interested in hearing what happened next, so he turned to look at Shi Donglai and asked softly: "She found you later?"

"Hmm..." Shi Donglai nodded and lowered his head. "After that incident, my father advised me not to go back to the mountains, but I didn't listen to him because I was very curious..."

On the first day when Shi Donglai returned to the cabin, he heard the singing again. Looking for the song, Shi Donglai walked out of the cabin unconsciously. In an instant, he was wrapped in something wet. It seemed to be slippery, making him breathless. While struggling, he asked: "Who are you..."

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