Strange Tales of the Ghosts

Singing wild fungus (5)

Not long after Little Fungus Chanyu left, it started to rain. The rain was very heavy. The rainwater flowed down the stone slope and hit the roof drop by drop, making a loud banging sound. The evening in the mountains is the hardest to pass away. It comes faster than the night outside, and is also mixed with some white rain and fog. Shi Donglai sat in front of the computer, looking at the endless rain outside the window, and fell into deep thought. As for what he was thinking about, He didn't know what it was, it was like his mind was blank.

Waiting until night, Little Fungus Chanyu didn't come. Shi Donglai sat in front of the computer and fell asleep while waiting...

In the middle of the night, suddenly that kind of singing came from the room again. Shi Donglai woke up in a daze and looked for the sound, but found Chanyu squatting on the ground singing outside the door.

"So it's you who is singing?"

Little Funu Chanyu was startled, looked up at Shi Donglai, and replied innocently: "This song is very nice."

"Did you learn to sing after hearing me sing it?" Shi Donglai knew that a fungus living in the mountains would never have heard such a popular song.

Chanyu stood up and nodded: "I will sing when I hear you sing that day."

"You are so smart." Shi Donglai laughed.

Zenyu saw Shi Donglai laughing and said in a panic: "What's so funny? You can sing it, and I can sing it too."

"I didn't say you can't sing." Shi Donglai explained with a smile: "I really think you are very smart, you will know it after listening to it once."

"it is true?"


Little Funu Chanyu smiled happily after hearing this, clapped her hands and said, "You are the first one to praise me for being smart."

"Not before?" Shi Donglai really wanted to know what the world of fungus was like.

Chanyu shook his head and replied: "Our life is very short. We may live for a day or two, maybe a week. As long as the sun comes out, we will die."

"… so?"

"Well, I heard Uncle Big Tree say that our life is like this. Only the presence of rain and Uncle Big Tree can make us grow. Once there is no rain, we will die."

"After you die, you will..." Shi Donglai wanted to know whether Fungus would be reincarnated like humans after death, as in the legend.

Little Fungus Chanyu looked back at Shi Donglai and replied dejectedly: "After death, our vitality will be returned to Uncle Big Tree and other plants and trees that support us. When it rains next time, we can start again."

"So, you always grow up quickly and die quickly?"

"Yes." Zen Yu nodded and then added: "But this is different from you humans eating us. If we are eaten by you humans, we will never have a chance to live again."

"So that's it..."

"What about you humans?"

"...We humans have a much longer lifespan than you. Generally speaking, we can live for at least several decades, and some can even live to be a hundred years old before dying."

"What happens after you die?"

"After death?" Shi Donglai was asked, where do people go after death? In the past, Shi Donglai would definitely answer that after death, people would be burned and turned into a handful of ashes, leaving nothing behind. Now he didn’t know what to say. If there really were fairies, would they be the same as in the story? It's the same thing, people also have reincarnation? After thinking about it, Shi Donglai replied softly: "Maybe, after we die, we will go somewhere in the underworld, be judged, drink Meng Po soup, and then, like you, reincarnate and start over. .”

Chanyu seemed to understand, and asked curiously: "What is Mengpo soup?"

"Meng Po Soup is just a bowl of soup. I heard that after drinking Meng Po Soup, you will not remember the past." Shi Donglai was glad that he had heard the relevant legends, otherwise he would not be able to answer this question.

Chan Yu listened and opened his mouth wide: "Wouldn't it make you miserable after drinking that soup? Wouldn't it be sad if you don't remember anything?"

"Sad? Will you remember it after you die?"

"Yes, after we die, if we try again, we will have our previous memories." Little Funu Chanyu replied proudly.

Shi Donglai smiled and asked quickly: "Then how long do you remember?"

"Let me do the math..." Little Funu Chanyu really counted on his fingers. After a long time, he happily answered: "One hundred and eighty years."

"What?!" Shi Donglai didn't expect that Little Fungus actually lived for 180 years. "So you are one hundred and eighty years old?"

Chanyu shook his head and replied mischievously: "I'm not that old. I'm only sixteen years old now, and my algorithm is different from yours."

"...Sixteen..." Shi Donglai suddenly understood why Principal Tan said that he would be twenty-five forever. It turned out that he also learned this trick from the fungus, and he would always stay at this age.

Chan Yu smiled and nodded. Suddenly, Chan Yu heard a call from the mountain forest and hurriedly said, "It's time for me to go. Just wait for me in the house."

"Hey, where are you going?" Shi Donglai didn't know why Chan Yu suddenly left again. Inexplicably, he felt a little fond of this little fungus and was a little reluctant to part with it. After all, no one had chatted with him like this for a long time.

Chan Yu ran a few steps, looked back at Shi Dong and said, "Don't worry, go back to the house quickly."

"But..." Before Shi Donglai could finish his words, there was no one left in Chanyu. It was windy and rainy outside. After standing alone for a while, he returned to the wooden house. But Shi Donglai couldn't sleep. He seemed to be a little excited. Something called inspiration came to Shi Donglai's mind.

, set up the easel, propped up the canvas, picked up the oil paint, Shi Donglai painted as much as he wanted, until he got excited, and his eyebrows were dancing. When it was daybreak, Shi Donglai threw the brush away and looked at the picture. There was a lifelike figure on it. Zen Yu was drawn alive by him.

"A perfect work..." Shi Donglai felt that he had never painted so well before. The colors and expressions were captured so well. He finally understood the teacher's words. What is emotion is the source of creation? It is precisely because of Zen. Shi Donglai was very happy that he could create such paintings only because of the stimulation given by the rain. But such joy did not last long before turning into a little sadness in his heart. Chan Yu said that Fungus only has about a week to live. Will he still see Chan Yu after a week? Drowsily, Shi Donglai lay on his bed and began to have a fever. This was all because he was so excited that he forgot to get wet in the rain and forgot to dry himself off. In a hazy dream, he saw Chan Yu. They were playing in the mountains. One was singing and the other was painting. They were so unhappy. In the dream, Chan Yu was not a fairy, but a friend, perhaps more than a friend. Little by little, that feeling made Shi Donglai's heart palpitate. Suddenly, the scene in the dream changed. The scorching sun was in the sky, and the sun scorched the entire land. Shi Donglai saw Chan Yu crawling on the ground dying, with blood oozing from his chapped lips. .

"Don't... don't... Zen Yu!" Shi Donglai sat up in fright, his forehead covered with sweat.

Little Fungus was also startled. She just touched Shi Donglai's forehead with her hand. After realizing that the other person was very hot, she was about to wake Shi Donglai up. Shi Donglai sat up on his own and was still calling his name. .

When Shi Donglai woke up and saw Chan Yu sitting in front of his bed, he smiled happily: "Chen Yu, it turns out you are not dead..."

"Who will die? It's you who will die!" Chanyu hit Shi Donglai in retaliation for being scared.

Shi Donglai smiled and shook his head: "No, I had a dream. I dreamed that a big sun appeared in the sky and you were about to die..."

"Are you afraid that I will die?" Chan Yu blinked and looked at Shi Donglai.

Shi Donglai nodded and replied: "I heard you say that you only have one week to live, and I am very...scared..."

"Idiot." Chan Yu covered her mouth and smiled, and replied cheerfully: "Don't worry about me anymore. I'm not an ordinary fungus now. I'm a fungus spirit. Even if you die, I'm still alive."

"Really? That's good." Shi Donglai wiped the sweat from his forehead, looked at Chan Yu and asked, "You've been back for a few hours. Did something happen at home?"

When Chan Yu heard this, he smiled and said, "Are you confused by illness? I went back for a day and a night, and it's night now." Chan Yu pointed out the window with his finger, and Shi Dong looked around. Sure enough, it was dark outside. Shi Donglai smiled: "I've slept for too long and I'm hungry. Are you hungry? I'll make something for you to eat." With that said, Shi Donglai was about to put on his shoes and get out of bed.

Chanyu shook his head and replied: "I'm not hungry, I'm already full."

"..." At this time, Shi Donglai had already walked to the refrigerator. The food in the refrigerator was either ham or vegetables... He hesitated whether he should take it or not... As for the plate of uneaten fungus meat slices inside, he I couldn't eat anymore, so after thinking about it, I closed the refrigerator door. "It seems like I'm not very hungry."

After saying that, he walked up to Chan Yu and asked with a smile: "By the way, what do you usually like to eat?"

"Rain, I like it when it rains non-stop. I can drink so much." Little Fungus Chanyu showed a happy expression when he spoke. "Did you know? We fungus never kill animals. We can grow taller and bigger as long as we drink rainwater. Even if we rely on the big tree uncle, we will only absorb a little bit of his nutrients. When we When he dies, all will be returned to him."

When Shi Donglai heard this, he suddenly felt that the old method of burial was better. After people ate and drank, some could be returned to others after death. At least it could be used as mud to protect the grass and flowers. What could he say now? It was best to drop the subject, so Shi Donglai took Zenyu to the easel.

"Here, let me show you something."

"What are you looking at?" Chan Yu stared at Shi Dong in confusion. When she came to the easel, she was stunned: "Wow, so beautiful..."

"Do you think it's beautiful too?" Shi Donglai looked at Zen Yu with a smile.

Chan Yu nodded: "Yes, I have never seen such a beautiful woman." Although Chan Yu had no chance to see anyone in the mountains, this was her truth, but she still didn't know who the person in the painting was. .

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