Strange Tales of the Ghosts

Headless General (1)

On the other side, Luo Sichen was so busy that he just finished the donation. Another thing came to his door. Luo Sichen looked at Xuehu and asked helplessly: "Xuefu, are you in a hurry to find Xiaoying? ?”

"..." Xuehu shook her head. She didn't know how to answer Luo Sichen.

Luo Sichen sat in the car and sighed: "What kind of luck is this? There is no business when you are short of money, but business comes when you have something to do." As he said that, he opened his mailbox on his mobile phone, and there was an email in the mailbox. I received it a day ago from a real estate developer in Shanxi. The email said that a piece of land used for real estate development was haunted. People who were about to start construction saw it and were frightened. , I hope Luo Sichen can take care of it. Of course, the reward will be generous. After all, the real estate boss is rich. After Luo Sichen thought for a while, he looked at Xuehu. "How about this, Xuefu, you accompany me to Shanxi first, and after you finish handling the matter, I will accompany you to find Xiaoying?"

"It's up to you." Xuehu nodded, having no objection to Luo Sichen's words.

Luo Sichen breathed out and called to book a flight to Shanxi... In the afternoon, Luo Sichen and Xuehu appeared in the office of Boss Dong, the developer of Yinghe Garden. Of course, at this time, Xuehu The fox is dressed like a normal human woman. Boss Dong was obviously attracted by the beauty of the snow fox. After staring at it for a while, he woke up and said softly: "I really want to trouble you this time, Mr. Luo."

"Boss Dong, you're welcome. I accept people's money and help them eliminate disasters." Luo Sichen smiled brightly. He also learned this sentence from Luo Yi. He is a person who has no pursuit of money, but Luo Sichen Ai likes to mention money from time to time, but there's nothing he can do about it. If he doesn't earn a little more, Luo Ao might borrow some money for him and leave it there, waiting for him to pay it back. Rather than wait till then and be extremely busy. If you want to live, you might as well make a fortune while you can.

Boss Dong nodded, smiled, looked at Engineer Cheng who pushed in the door, and introduced: "This is an engineer from our company, surnamed Cheng. For more details, you can call him Engineer Engineer, and I will ask him to follow you." introduce."

"No problem." Luo Sichen stood up and said with a smile, "If possible, take me to the construction site by the way."

Boss Dong said loudly to Engineer Cheng: "Engineer Cheng, this is Mr. Luo, the master I invited. Please tell him carefully about the situation on the construction site."

"I understand, Mr. Dong." Cheng Gong pushed up his glasses and looked at Luo Sichen. "Mr. Luo, please come this way."

Luo Sichen nodded and pulled Xuehu behind Chenggong. Fortunately, their company had a car, so it wasn't too much trouble. In less than forty minutes, Chenggong took Luo Sichen and Xuehu to Yinghe. At the construction site in the garden, the scorching sun was shining brightly. Luo Sichen was burnt on the outside and tender on the inside. He complained that it was so hot. Engineer Cheng handed over two bottles of frozen mineral water and said with a smile, "Thank you for your hard work."

"It's okay." Luo Sichen took the water and laughed, and drank most of the bottle in one go. Then he took the water bottle and looked around. After reading it, he turned back and looked at Cheng Gong and asked, "Cheng Gong , what was this land used for before?" The reason why I asked this was because the foundation of the entire land was dug out, mud was everywhere, and the original appearance was no longer visible.

Engineer Cheng pushed up his glasses and replied: "This used to be a hospital, but the hospital moved away a long time ago."

"A long time long?" Luo Sichen didn't like this answer without a number. He hoped to get an accurate answer.

After thinking for a while, Cheng Gong replied: "It's been seven or eight years."

"Seven or eight years ago... Then when did your company buy this land?"

“When the hospital moved, our company bought the land.”

"Did anything weird happen during this period?"

Chenggong thought for a while and shook his head: "I don't know, because our company has never used this piece of land, so it has been left alone."

"Okay then, tell me briefly, what have you seen on the construction site recently?" Luo Sichen could only ask this simply. It seems that this engineer is not a reliable person, and he doesn't blame him. , after all, the land needs to be used, so he is needed. He will not come here to wander around when he has nothing to eat and is full.

After hearing this, Cheng Gong laughed sheepishly: "Actually, people like us shouldn't believe in the rumors of ghosts and evil in this world, but seeing it with our own eyes makes people have no choice but to believe it..." Cheng Gong He recounted the horrific experience that night. He remembered it very clearly. That day he came to check the red line of the land. The reviewer said that they had exceeded the red line and made some requirements. Because he received the notice very late, he was Driving all night to the construction site. When he came, there was an excavator still working, digging mud. He walked around the construction site with the drawings and found something buried in the ground near the excavator. The engineer called over At first, he thought it was some kind of material or steel pipe, so he asked someone to dig it out. What Cheng Gong didn't expect was that what he dug out was a coffin. The wood was almost rotten and cracked into pieces, but there was nothing inside the coffin. Engineer Cheng didn't take this matter seriously, but several other workers said it was unlucky. Because the new materials had to be delivered tomorrow morning, the engineer stayed in the office at the construction site. The so-called offices are temporary buildings made of bricks, used for offices, and some are used for workers to live. Because it was a construction site, the light was not very bright. The engineer took the drawings under the light and carefully proofread them without any hesitation.

Inadvertently, he worked until midnight. Chenggong began to feel a little hungry and wanted to find something to eat. He searched all over the office, but there was no instant noodles. This made Chenggong very depressed. It was so late at night. If he drove out to eat and had to go back and forth, he would be afraid that it would be dawn, so he would have to endure hunger. However, when he sat on the chair, he was frightened because

The direction he was sitting was facing the window, so he saw someone standing motionless outside the window. Although he couldn't see clearly, he could vaguely see that the person had no head. Mr. Cheng kept taking deep breaths. He didn't believe there were ghosts in the world. After calming down, he thought it was his coworkers joking and shouted angrily: "Why are you standing outside in the middle of the night without sleeping?"

It stands to reason that most workers would be scared and walk away when they heard that Engineer Cheng was angry. On the construction site, apart from the boss, it was the engineer who had the authority, but the man remained motionless. Cheng Gong was so angry that he opened the door and wanted to go out and teach the man a lesson. There was a pause, but just as he was about to walk out, he heard a man's scream. The man was clearly shouting, "There is a ghost..." At this time, Cheng Gong could hear the movement in other rooms, but the one outside the window The person was still motionless, which made Chenggong a little scared. He quickly took pictures with his mobile phone... At this time, he saw something that would make him regret his whole life. What stood there was a corpse, or a corpse without a head. , the corpse was wearing ancient armor, and the armor had a heavy patina... Looking at the broken part of the neck, Cheng Gong concluded that the man must have been dead for a long time, because there was no blood on the neck, and it was as dry as dried meat. Same... Cheng Gong began to feel his legs trembling... The corpse's dry hand still held an ax... Cheng Gong's mind was full of thoughts, will this corpse move? Or who put it here? Mr. Cheng almost peed his pants thinking about it. It wasn't until a worker who lived not far away rushed over with a guy that the body disappeared in front of Mr. Cheng. If Mr. Cheng saw it correctly, the body was running away. , I am running...

The workers surrounded Chenggong and asked if he was okay. Chenggong could only shake his head and rationally told him that he did not dare to admit that there was a ghost on the construction site, otherwise the boss would be the first person to have trouble with him. However, the rumors of ghosts spread more and more fiercely. The workers were discussing among themselves. One man swore that he had seen it and that he was the one who made the scream. What did the engineer say? Three days later, this matter reached the ears of Mr. Dong. When he first heard about it, Mr. Dong was very angry. He thought that someone wanted to sabotage their start of work and deliberately came out to cause trouble. He also ordered people to kill them. The "haunted" person was arrested, and not only that, he also said that if anyone said such things again, he would be fired. When the workers below heard this, they were naturally frightened. Although ghosts were scary, living in this world without money to support their families was even scarier, so they no longer dared to say anything. The matter calmed down for four days. Four days later, Mr. Dong could no longer remember the incident. It just so happened that that night, Mr. Dong’s father-in-law wanted to go to the construction site to have a look. Mr. Dong said that his father-in-law was an old engineer. Of course, he was very happy to take his father-in-law with him. After a round of inspection, the old man felt very satisfied and praised Mr. Dong. Mr. Dong was very happy. He relied on his father-in-law to make his fortune, so he would rather offend his wife than his father-in-law. After flattering him, Mr. Dong invited his father-in-law to sit in the office. At the same time...the same thing happened...the headless corpse appeared at the office window like a time bomb, facing Mr. Dong's father-in-law who was sitting on the chair. The old man was old and could not withstand the scare. After taking one look, he fainted from fright. When Mr. Dong came to his senses, the headless corpse staged an escape plan in front of Mr. Dong. Mr. Dong was so angry that he asked the workers to chase him. Unexpectedly, the workers chased him all the way. , after chasing up the hillside, the figure disappeared, and there were no buildings on the left and right of the construction site, and no one lived there. It was a barren slope. Even a dog would be able to see it clearly, let alone a person standing on it. Because of this ... Mr. Dong felt scared... He didn't know what he saw, whether it was a human or a ghost...

After Cheng Gong finished speaking, Luo Sichen laughed: "It seems that Zhang Tianshi, who does not believe in evil, has really seen a ghost..."

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