Strange Tales of the Ghosts

Headless General (3)

There were no tables and stools for eating on the construction site, so Luo Sichen took Xuehu and some migrant workers, squatted on the ground and started eating. He swallowed a bowl of food that could not be said to be delicious. After eating, Luo Sichen The two bowls were returned to the aunt. Of course, he did not forget to thank her and give her some tokens of appreciation. This made the aunt very fond of Luo Sichen, so she knew exactly what Luo Sichen asked her. However, when it came to the haunting that night, the aunt only heard about it because she happened to have something to do at home that day. I went home and didn't rest at the construction site at night.

"If you want to know about this, you have to ask the person named Zhou." The aunt winked.

Luo Sichen looked back and saw that the middle-aged uncle who had just spoken for him was squatting next to him smoking a cigarette. Luo Sichen walked over, squatted next to the middle-aged uncle, and said with a smile: "Brother Zhou, smoke less." Smoking is not good for your health."

"Hey, I'm used to it." The middle-aged uncle surnamed Zhou glanced at Luo Sichen and said with a smile: "My name is Zhou Yongcai. Others call me Lao Zhou. You can just call me Lao Zhou."

"Old Zhou." Luo Sichen smiled and nodded.

Zhou Yongcai asked while smoking, "Are you the leader sent by the company?"

"No." Luo Sichen only told the truth. He didn't expect Zhou Yongcai's reaction to be huge. Luo Sichen could understand why Zhou Yongcai regarded him as the leader. That was because Cheng Gong had been by his side in the afternoon, giving him Zhou Yongcai caused the illusion. "Actually, I was invited by your leader to investigate the haunting."

"You?" Zhou Yongcai looked at Luo Sichen suspiciously, mainly because Luo Sichen was too young to be believed.

Luo Sichen nodded and asked with a smile, "Does it look different?"

"It's not like..." Zhou Yongcai shook his head, took a puff of cigarette, and asked seriously: "Are you really sent here to investigate?"

"Yes." Luo Sichen nodded, not forgetting to add: "Mr. Cheng brought me here this afternoon to understand the situation at the construction site."

After Zhou Yongcai heard this, he nodded and felt that he had figured it out, so he asked, why did the engineer bring a young man to the construction site? Originally, he thought that a leader was here, but he didn't expect that he was here to investigate the haunting. That ghost, he was about to sigh: "Hey, that matter is really suspenseful. If it hadn't been discovered early that night, someone might have died."

"Why do you say that?" Luo Sichen was not sure which life Zhou Yongcai was talking about.

Zhou Yongcai pinched the butt of the cigarette, took a deep puff and replied: "I always feel that the ghost is here for revenge."

"I don't understand." Luo Sichen shook his head and looked at Zhou Yongcai.

Zhou Yongcai threw the cigarette butt to the ground and looked ahead: "I can't explain this for a while, it's just a feeling."

"Feel it? Have you seen it with your own eyes?"

"Ha, I'm not afraid of your jokes. As a grown man, I was so scared that I almost peed my pants that night..." Zhou Yongcai looked at Luo Sichen and laughed. After laughing, he seemed to feel that it wasn't funny anymore. After all, it was This was really not a happy thing for him. Zhou Yongcai still remembers that night. He got up and went to the latrine. He walked halfway with the toilet paper and saw the light in the office was on. Zhou Yongcai thought to himself, it's so late, who would be in the office? With a little sense of vigilance, fearing that a thief would come to steal something, Zhou Yongcai quietly walked over there. When he was about twenty meters away from the office, Zhou Yongcai stopped because he saw someone standing outside the window. Holding a person. Because of the night, Zhou Yongcai couldn't see very clearly. His curiosity made him take two more steps forward until he could clearly see who was standing outside the window. Looking up from the bottom, Zhou Yongcai discovered that the man seemed to be wearing What iron sheet? Zhou Yongcai thought it might be something stolen. Just when he was about to shout, he saw the man's neck... The neck was bare, where was the head? Is that a human being? How come there is no head? Zhou Yongcai was frightened, but what was even more frightening was yet to come... The man in iron clothes shook the thing in his hand from time to time. After looking at it several times, Zhou Yongcai saw clearly that it was an axe, and the man's moving posture was like that of an axe. It was like killing someone. At this time, Zhou Yongcai no longer cared about who was in the office and shouted out in fright... When the workers heard Zhou Yongcai's cry, they all put on their clothes and ran out to see what was going on. The headless man seemed to have heard the movement. , ran away. The workers didn't know the truth and chased after him... Only Zhou Yong didn't go. His legs were so weak that he couldn't stand up. Later, I heard from my co-workers that the headless man had disappeared. He searched everywhere but could not find it. Zhou Yongcai became more and more frightened. He felt that the headless man must not be a human being, but maybe an evil ghost... With this thought, Zhou Yongcai He couldn't sleep every night, his ears stood up like rabbits. Finally, a few days later, there was movement again. This time, although he didn't see it, he heard that Mr. Dong's father-in-law was frightened by that ghost. Dizzy... This incident became more and more popular among the workers, and Zhou Yongcai didn't find it strange, because what he saw was even more unbelievable than what the workers said.

"Are you scared?" Luo Sichen looked at Zhou Yongcai.

Zhou Yongcai sighed: "What can I do? People live just to save their lives. If something like this happens, you may die one day, but if you don't have money to eat, it will be even harder to live." After saying that, Zhou Yongcai He sighed heavily again.

Luo Sichen could understand Zhou Yongcai's mood. The life of migrant workers at this stage is really not that good. Why do they leave their hometown and come to other places? The goal is to earn two hard-earned money and support the family. Generally, in such a family, one laborer has to support several members of the family. The hardships of migrant workers are beyond the imagination of white-collar workers, so Luo Sichen also understands why Zhou Yongcai is afraid, Still don't want to leave.

"What happened next? Did the headless ghost appear again later?"

"The leader won't let me say..." Zhou Youcai looked back at Luo

Si Chen, after thinking for a while, smiled and said, "But you were sent by the leader. I tell you, it should be fine."

"When did it appear?"

Zhou Yongcai replied in an affirmative tone: "Yesterday."

"Did you see it again last night?"

"No, someone else saw it."

"What was the situation?"

"I heard from them that in that situation, I didn't know what the headless ghost was looking for. He stood at the office window and looked in, as if he was looking for something." After Zhou Yongcai finished speaking, he expressed his own opinion: " You said, a ghost has no head and can't see anything. What is he doing at the window? It's really a fool's errand."

Luo Sichen smiled. As Zhou Yongcai said, Luo Sichen was also wondering what the headless ghost was going to do. Three times, at least three times, each time it was at the window. Luo Sichen felt a little strange and hurriedly asked: "Old Zhou, who was in the office last night?"

"No one. Ever since what happened, Cheng Gong and the others have stopped coming at night." Zhou Yongcai looked at Luo Sichen and replied.

This answer surprised Luo Sichen. Wasn't the headless ghost looking for someone? Looking for something? What will be in the office? Luo Sichen seemed to have some clues. He took out his mobile phone and called Mr. Dong. He asked Mr. Dong for the number of the engineer because only the engineer on the construction site had the key to open the office door. Before it gets dark, go into the office and look around, maybe you can find something. Although Cheng Gong didn't want to come, he had no choice. After all, he felt that this place was a bit eerie, especially at night, but his arm couldn't twist his thigh. Luo Sichen was the person invited by Mr. Dong, and Cheng Gong didn't want to offend him, so he insisted After driving for dozens of minutes, the keys were delivered to the construction site. However, after delivering the keys, Cheng Gong left, running away faster than a rabbit. Luo Sichen somewhat understood what Cheng Gong was thinking. Although there were some important information in the office, most of them were copies and were lost. He could still get it back, and he wasn't afraid of Luo Sichen rummaging around and losing it, so of course he would leave first, as it was important to save his life. After getting the key, Luo Sichen took Xuehu into Engineering Engineer's office. Although the office was small, there were a lot of things in it, including construction drawings and approval documents. Cheng Gong was also very thorough in giving the keys. Whether it was a large cabinet or a small drawer, he gave it to Luo Sichen at once, so Luo Sichen went through everything without any hindrance. After searching, Luo Sichen didn't find any valuable clues. He turned around and looked at Xue Hu, who was helping the search, and asked softly: "Xue Fu, did you find anything?"

"..." Xuehu held a book he couldn't understand in his hand, put it on the table, and replied softly: "It doesn't seem to have anything to do with the headless ghost."

Luo Sichen agreed with Xuehu's view: "On the surface, it is true. It seems that everything has nothing to do with the headless ghost..." After speaking, Luo Sichen reminded: "But we don't know what the headless ghost is. Who it is, so I can’t confirm it.”

"So, our search was not in vain?" Xuehu looked at Luo Sichen.

Luo Sichen waved his hand and said with a smile, "No."

"what have you found?"

"Look here." Luo Sichen pointed to the large cabinet in the office. The cabinet is made of thin metal. Originally, the layout inside should be one grid after another, but I don't know why this cabinet has grids inside. It can be removed, just like the partitions in the refrigerator. After taking off those partitions, it becomes an empty cabinet as tall as a person. After Luo Sichen removed the partitions one by one, he put them under the cabinet, pointed at the empty cabinet and explained with a smile: "At least we found a place to hide."

"" Xuehu pointed at himself.

Luo Sichen replied with a smile: "We share blessings and hardships together. Now is the time to test whether our relationship is good or not." Luo Sichen knew that the feeling of being bored in this cupboard must not be very good, and maybe he would fight in the middle of the night. When a thunderstorm came down, it conducted electricity to the cabinet, and he was cooked, but this was the only place where he could see clearly, so he planned to wait in the cabinet at night for the headless ghost to come, and of course, the snow fox.

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