Strange Tales of the Ghosts

Headless General (6)

After a day and a night of hard work, Tang Lei finally got something. The result was enough to make him so happy that he couldn't sleep for three days and three nights. It turned out that this coffin was from after the Tang Dynasty but before the Song Dynasty. That is to say, the accurate period of the coffin should be the Five Dynasties. In the Ten Kingdoms, another astonishing discovery was given to Tang Lei by a fellow Taoist, that is, the pattern on the bottom of this coffin shows that this coffin came from the late Northern Chu period. Tang Lei told Luo Sichen the good news. Luo Sichen didn't believe it. He picked up the coffin and asked, "You said this coffin is from the late Northern Chu period? But I remember that Northern Chu should be in what is now Hubei."

"Whether you believe it or not, I believe it anyway. As for why this coffin appears here, I don't know." Tang Lei said this sentence humorously. He did not expect that someone would quote him in the future. , quoted to the point where it can make the world angry and unable to laugh.

Although Luo Sichen didn't believe it, if the conclusions Tang Lei came to were not credible, then he didn't know who to turn to, so he said dubiously: "Assuming this coffin is from the late Northern Chu period, then the pattern on it represents What do you mean?"

"I don't know, I think this has nothing to do with the historical background." Tang Lei took off his glasses, wiped them with a cloth, put them on again, looked at Luo Sichen and replied: "I have thought about this question too, we Think about it, is it possible that, just like people today writing secret diaries, some information is transmitted through some codes or secret words, for example, I call you a dead person, which may mean a good friend."

"Fuck you, who is the dead person?" Luo Sichen laughed.

Xuehu touched the pattern on the coffin with his hand and thought for a while: "Is everything on it his secret?"

"It's not impossible. A person who keeps his secrets during his life may not want others to know after his death." Tang Lei nodded, looked at Luo Sichen, and suddenly said mysteriously: " The headless guy you told me about actually looks a lot like another person."

"Another person?" Luo Sichen did not expect that there would be such an example in life. He had never encountered it.

Tang Lei answered seriously: "Yes, a long time ago, there was a soldier abroad who died in a war. But before he died, he took over a very important task. When he died, he had certain thoughts in mind. He wanted to complete this mission, so after he was shot and died, he ran far and wide to complete this mission. When he completed the mission, others discovered that this soldier had actually died long ago."

"Is this happening?"

"You may not believe me, or you may not believe Du Niang, but Brother Gu is still quite reliable." Tang Lei said, taking a sip of mineral water.

Luo Sichen knew that Tang Lei was not joking, but he could not explain why coffins from the Northern Chu period appeared in Shanxi. Who buried the coffins here? Could it be that the headless ghost is the person in the coffin? This bold imagination makes the whole thing look even more confusing. From that day to now, the headless ghost has not appeared again. Why? Where did that headless ghost go? Luo Sichen was thinking, and so was Xuehu. Snow Fox had to be confident in her sense of smell. She tried very hard to find the scent of the headless ghost, but the smell of corpses in the entire place made it impossible to find the scent. After hearing Tang Lei tell that little story just now, Xue Hu seemed to believe that maybe that person was dead and had no soul? In this way, it can explain why the snow fox cannot smell the ghost's breath. At this time, Luo Sichen and Xue Hu both ruled out the possibility that the headless guy was a demon. If it were a demon, the action would not be so simple if it wanted to get something, it would definitely be more complicated. However, that guy never hurt anyone else, which proves that the other person is not a demon or an evil ghost. So, is the headless ghost really just a corpse? Neither Luo Sichen nor Xuehu could capture the headless ghost's thoughts, so all their hopes were placed on Tang Lei. Tang Lei's discovery was a help to Luo Sichen, but it did not finally help Luo Sichen. Si Chen asked what the pattern on the coffin meant.

"Xiao Lei, is there any way to check again and find out what these patterns mean?" Luo Sichen looked at Tang Lei with longing eyes.

Tang Lei spread his hands and shook his head: "It can't be done. It's like I wrote a string of numbers, and you keep guessing whether it is an ID number, a bank password, or a birthday. If you want to know the expression of the pattern, What is more difficult than guessing a number? If you want to know the answer, there is no other way than asking yourself."

"There's nothing you can do?" Luo Sichen looked at Tang Lei unwillingly.

Tang Lei shook his head and answered decisively: "There is nothing you can do." After saying that, he added: "It's not just me. I can responsibly say that none of the cultural relic experts in the country can know the answer, because this is a personal matter." It is written by consciousness, and there is no back figure that can be studied. If you don’t know who the other person is, what kind of experience, what kind of mood, if you don’t know anything, you can’t deduce what these patterns mean.”

"I understand." Luo Sichen was a little discouraged, but he still had to thank Tang Lei. "Thanks, Xiaolei."

"No need to thank me, you promised me." Tang Lei touched the coffin and smiled.

Luo Sichen shook his head: "You can't take this thing away yet."

"Why?" Tang Lei thought Luo Sichen regretted it, so he was surprised.

Luo Sichen had no choice but to explain the reason, emphasizing again and again that this coffin was very likely to lure away the headless ghost. Tang Lei was not an unreasonable person. He knew that if he took the coffin away by force, he would definitely get into trouble. If it was really like Luo Sichen said, he might still be in danger, so he promised Luo Sichen not to take away the coffin for the time being. At the same time, Luo Sichen also promised him that after the matter was settled, he would take the coffin with him. A coffin was sent to him.

After Tang Lei left, Luo Sichen became increasingly depressed because now he had to do that

The reason why he was upset about the decision was because he was not sure. How to set up the situation well and how to catch the headless ghost were all things Luo Sichen considered. Xuehu couldn't do much to help, so she had to help Luo Sichen bring tea and water. The only thing she could do to help was to turn into her original body and chase the headless ghost next time. She was thinking that maybe that was the only way to save the day. It is possible to catch up with the headless ghost. Of course, this is all based on the appearance of the headless ghost.

In a flash, Luo Sichen and Xuehu had stayed in Shanxi for seven days. Mr. Dong didn't push him. Naturally, Luo Sichen didn't have much pressure on him. On a dark day, Luo Sichen asked Cheng Gong to temporarily The workers at the construction site were dismissed. As a result, there was no one in the entire construction site except Xue Hu and Luo Sichen. After nightfall, Luo Sichen lit a fire on the construction site. The light from the fire was enough to see half of the construction site and clearly see the things next to it. Luo Sichen took the coffin and slowly walked towards the fire. Xuehu stood aside and watched anxiously. She didn't know if Luo Sichen really wanted to burn the coffin. The hand holding the block of wood reached above the fire and let go...

If you put this in slow motion, the speed of the wooden board falling towards the fire can be divided into 0.1 seconds and 0.2 seconds. At the last second, the snow fox saw... The pile of soil next to the excavator suddenly rose up. , the dirt flew everywhere, and a person jumped out from the ground and ran towards the fire quickly, which made Luo Sichen very excited.

"Xue Fu, do it!"

Snow Fox transformed into its original form and rushed towards the figure, but the opponent's strength was beyond her imagination. He pushed Snow Fox away at once and grabbed the coffin. Holding the coffin, the headless man wanted to escape. Unexpectedly, two iron chains flew out from under the mud and locked his feet tightly. This was no ordinary iron chain. It was made of the strongest steel. Luo Sichen spent a lot of air freight to get it to the construction site, which was specially used to deal with the headless man. The headless man struggled twice and couldn't pull the chain, so he waved the ax in his hand. Luo Sichen looked on and did not stop him because he knew that the other party would keep cutting. Soon, the headless man would also Realized this. What Luo Sichen didn't expect was that the headless man actually put down the ax in his hand and squatted on the ground holding the coffin.

"What is he doing?" Luo Sichen looked at the headless man motionless.

The snow fox, now the white fox itself, wagged its tail and replied, "I don't know."

"...There's something weird..." Luo Sichen's mind was filled with the games he had played. After the boss in it stopped moving, he might use a big move to kill someone, so he didn't believe that the headless man was like this. Surrender.

The white fox transformed into Snow Fox glanced at Luo Sichen and slowly walked towards the headless man. When he was only two or three meters away from the headless man, Snow Fox saw clearly that the headless man did nothing. She just hugged the coffin tightly. Although the other party could not speak and there was no sound, Xuehu seemed to have a special feeling, as if tears were falling from her heart. That feeling was called sad, yes, she What he felt was the sadness of the headless man. Xue Hu turned his head and said to Luo Sichen, "He seems to be crying."

"Crying?" Luo Sichen was stunned for a moment. A majestic headless man was actually crying? To be honest, he didn't know how a headless man could cry. Most people would either burst into tears or silently cry. But a headless man without a head, how could he cry? "Are you sure he's crying?"

Xuehu shook his tail, lowered his head, and replied: "Yes...I feel that he is very if he almost lost the person he loves most..." The reason Xuehu knows that feeling is because she has also experienced it. , she didn’t know why she could feel the other person’s sadness, but she just felt it.

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