He was also really drinking .

But the foreign boy didn’t drink much , and he was already stupid .

in the movie is definitely that he can drink more .

But before filming , the two also tried to drink once .

Foreign little brother can’t do it at all !

It was at that time that Wu Jing missed Qin Xiaoxian very much .

If he is there , I believe it will be a hearty wine party !

The resolute Wu Jing .

He simply contacted Qin Xiaoxian directly at night .

Anyway, the movie promotion is basically coming to an end now .

He also had time to spare for a good drink .

After receiving Wu Jing’s invitation , Qin Xiaoxian was also very excited .

It seems that sometimes , tacit understanding really exists !

He was still thinking about when he could have a good drink with Wu Jing .

Wu Jing’s invitation came from the mobile phone .

Message back quickly .

The two sides agreed on tomorrow !

This night was destined to be inevitable for the two of them .

There is no way .

For a person who likes to drink, it is really rare to be able to find a like-minded person .

This feeling is no less than the first date with a girl .

This time, the wine party .

Wu Jing also specially invited Uncle Yu and Sun Yue .

In Deyun Society .

who can play the most are definitely Yu Qian and Sun Yue .

Both of them are down-to-earth Yanjing people .

I have always loved to play since I was a child .

And play this thing to the extreme .

In addition, both of them have very generous personalities .

Wu Jing has a good relationship with the two .

where several people met was still at the uncle’s horse farm .

This kind of party .

Going to a restaurant always feels a little less interesting .

‘s what you do , and you feel better when you eat it .

But this time, the person who cooks has changed from Yu Qian to Sun Yue .

From his physique, it is not difficult to see that Fatty Sun is also a master who likes to eat very much .

And he has his own unique way of eating .

And a few people gathered , never said to fry 10 dishes and 8 bowls .

One pot side every time .

Pork was stewed before , but this time it was mutton .

For everyone .

Eating big meat and drinking big pieces of alcohol is the real happy life .

From the perspective of cross talk generation .

Whether it is Yu Qian or Sun Yue , they belong to Qin Xiaoxian’s elders .

When he meets, he needs to call Master Shi or Master Shi .

But today .

Several people have become friends .

Completely forget about worldly troubles and become real brothers !

Such a feeling also made Qin Xiaoxian extremely happy .

person can have a few like-minded friends in his life .

Be able to have a drink together and brag .

Absolutely fortunate thing !

Today everyone drank and continued the unrestrained style of the last time .

But in order to make everyone have a good time .

Not to fall to the ground in the first place .

This time it was beer .

, beer has a significantly lower alcohol content .

In addition to making a few more trips to the toilet , it is still difficult to make people drunk !

680 of course .

Except for a cup like Xue Zhiqian !

These days today .

Drinking is a master , obviously there will be no such situation .

Qin Xiaoxian first poured himself a pot , although today’s pot is not particularly big .

But also enough to hold 4 bottles of beer .

Several are his elders , even if they don’t care about seniority now .

All are treated as brothers .

But he’s still the youngest .

He directly picked up the basin , and took the lead in offering a basin to a few people .

Watching Qin Xiaoxian drink it up .

The rest of the people did not hesitate , they also picked up the basin and drank it happily !

After this .

Everyone drank a few more drinks .

The feeling of beer is more of a support .

However, the enemies are the masters of all battles, so I don’t think there is any problem .

, who was drinking happily , was also very emotional at this time .

” I feel more and more now that raising elephants is good !”

” When my father recommended me to go to the zoo, he told me a sentence , son , the zoo is quite suitable for you , at least it is better to serve animals than people !”

” I still remember this sentence , and I feel more and more that this sentence makes sense . Compared with the complexity of the human world , animals seem too simple !”

” But not long ago , the elephant I was serving passed away . The relationship that lasted for 10 years ended like this . To be honest , I am really heartbroken !”

Sun Yue’s expression was extremely frustrated .

In the ten years he has raised elephants, he has been with elephants every day .

spare time , he would talk to elephants .

And he doesn’t need to think too much , and he doesn’t need to worry about his secrets being leaked .

The two are like friends for many years .

The elephant is the listener and he is the talker .

But did not expect .

Just a friend of mine for many years passed away some time ago !

This is definitely a bolt from the blue !

Qin Xiaoxian and the three did not speak when they heard the words .

Let alone 10 years , even if it is a year or two , there will be feelings that cannot be given up .

What’s more, we have been together for 10 years !

many 10 years can a person have in his life ?

Speaking of Sun Yue in the emotional part , her eyes slowly became wet .

He is not a hypocritical person , but at this moment , it is difficult to keep calm .

In front of others , he can only disguise himself .

Make yourself look less sad .

But today , in the face of these brothers .

He couldn’t control his emotions any longer .

” But it’s okay , although the elephant has left , I still have your brothers , and you guys accompany me to talk and drink with me !”

” I won’t say more , it’s all in the wine !”

After Sun Yue finished speaking , she directly drank the wine in her hand .

Several other people saw it, and they all followed .

In this wine game today , everyone drank a lot .

Also completely opened up .

Talk about unpleasant things .

That’s how good bro .

Be able to accommodate everything and be by your side when you need it most ! .

Chapter 143 Fishing with Deng Gang , master-level fishing technology is online (2 more , please subscribe !)

Chapter 143 Fishing with Deng Gang , master-level fishing technology is online (2 more , please subscribe !)

This time, in the Brotherhood Bureau , several people had a great time drinking .

And after everyone opened up their hearts , they got to know each other better .

Let the relationship between several people go a step further .

” Old Wu , Lao Qin, you two are just too busy . Sometimes you should let yourself have more time to spare . You can’t finish chasing fame and fortune in a lifetime !”

” Let oneself live comfortably , and let oneself live satisfied is the king !”

, Uncle Yu also talked about his own way of doing things .

Fatty Sun’s attitude is similar to his .

Both belong to the more Buddhist kind .

Not to say no work at all , but also not to turn life into work .

Proper relaxation , occasional indulgence , are essential in life .

People’s life is long and long , and short is also very short .

But it’s only been a few decades .

This is still in the absence of illness and disaster .

In case of any accident , no one knows what will happen in the future !

Instead of being a slave to life, be affected by life all your life .

It is better to be the master of life and lead life for the rest of your life .

Become more open-minded , become more calm .

Then everything doesn’t really matter that much .

” I agree with Brother Qian’s idea . There are so many things that people can’t let go of in one’s life !”

” But sometimes , you just have to learn to give up , you just have to learn to bear , otherwise , it’s really too tiring to live every day !”

Sun Yue also expressed her thoughts at this time

He is able to have the physique he is now , more than half of the reason comes from his character .

Heart wide and fat !

Only by allowing yourself to maintain a relaxed state of mind can you have a healthy life .

Wu Jing nodded .

” I understand the truth , but sometimes , I really can’t let it go !”

” And I think that if a person chooses comfort at the age of struggle , then there will be no great achievements in this life !”

” Every age group has the pursuit of another age group . When you are young , you should struggle , you should work hard , and when you are old , you should enjoy it !”

Wu Jing’s idea also has its own unique reason .

choose to be comfortable at the age when they should struggle , then their whole life will be mediocre .

Sometimes , you should give yourself some pressure and force yourself hard .

No one knows what will happen in the future , but having a bright future is obviously not something that can be accomplished by waiting !

More still needs to struggle !

Back then , Wu Jing went to Hong Kong alone , just for the dream in his heart .

Although his final results in Hong Kong were not ideal .

But this experience also gave him more help for his subsequent return to the mainland .

Let him not only successfully shoot Wolf Warrior 1, but also directly continue this series .

If he had chosen to be at ease and had chosen to give up fighting, he would have only been a supporting role at most .

” I think what everyone is saying makes sense . People should really struggle hard , but they can’t struggle all the time. Sometimes it ‘s essential to relax properly !”

” Struggle when it’s time to fight , and relax when it’s time to relax , it’s actually quite good !”

Qin Xiaoxian finally made a concluding speech .

In this life , if you want to become better , there is only one way to go .

But on this path of struggle , there is no need to push yourself too hard .

Sometimes pushing too hard can backfire .

Faced with such a situation , it is better to let yourself relax at the right time .

Stop to look at the roadside scenery and reminisce about the past when you were struggling .

It can also make you more motivated and more energy to face the next challenge .

” There’s nothing wrong with what Lao Qin said. If you should fight, you must fight , but if you should lie down, you must lie down resolutely !”

” Come on, let’s have a good drink , respect brothers and sisters , respect life !”

Several people’s ideas are correct . It is definitely a happy thing to be able to drink with such a group of like-minded friends !

Everyone drank less today , but no one was drunk .

First, everyone didn’t drink fast , and they didn’t drink continuously like before .

Second, everyone had a good time talking .

Drinking is sometimes very mood -dependent , very person-friendly .

Maybe you can drink two glasses on weekdays , but when you meet the right person , you will not get drunk if you drink four glasses when you are in a good mood .

But sometimes .

can drink ten glasses , but when you feel unhappy, you may get drunk after two drinks .

Obviously everyone is very happy today , and everyone here is the right person .

Even if I drink a lot of this wine , it is completely fine !

” I know a friend who is very good at fishing , why do n’t we go fishing together tomorrow and have a good day ? ?!”

, Sun Yue took the initiative to propose .

, Sun Yue has always wanted to come out one step at a time , and never be sloppy !

Thinking that he liked goldfish very much , he installed a huge fish tank in his living room .

They don’t even have a place to stay .

But Sun Yue was extremely happy .

If he likes this thing , he is willing to study it, and he is willing to understand it .

Later .

Gradually, he fell in love with fishing , and fell in love with this slow-paced life .

Fishing is a very self-cultivating sport , and it is a very big test for the fisherman’s patience and temperament .

who can catch fish well must have a very peaceful temperament .

” No problem , I’ve wanted to fish for a long time , but no one has been with me . It’s rare for everyone to be together today , so let’s go fishing tomorrow !”

Yu Qian also said seriously at this time .

” I have no opinion . To be honest, I haven’t fished before , and this is my first time !”

Qin Xiaoxian also had no objection .

has always been yearning for fishing .

Too bad he hasn’t done it yet .

Now that Sun Yue has put forward an opinion , he must be happy to see it happen .

” I’m fine too , but I don’t know if I can have that patience !”

Wu Jing finally agreed .

, he was very skeptical of his own patience .

before that .

It’s not that he hasn’t fished .

It just fails every time .

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