The two consecutive failures made several people feel a little disheartened .

Yang Di directly chose to be rotten .

” Why don’t you just give us the clothes in the fifth room , I don’t think we need to continue anymore !”

In the current situation , he really has nothing to do .

No matter how you adjust it, there is still no way to get a good result .

Team games are really torturous …

” I think we performed well this round , at least we answered a few questions correctly !”

At this time , Lang Lang said with a look of relief .

Compared with the questions and answers in the first two rooms , everyone in this room has obviously made great progress .

This is definitely a very happy result .

Jia Ling looked at Lang Lang helplessly .

” Brother Lang Lang , your requirements are too low !”

” Our ultimate goal is success , not future !”

hahaha …

” I also don’t think it is necessary to continue . This is simply an impossible task . If it really doesn’t work, we can wear our own clothes . Stop torturing us !”

Fan Chengcheng would also be very frustrated .

The tacit understanding shown by several people is really indescribable .

This spring outing family has too much moisture !

” I don’t think we should be discouraged , maybe we’ll make it to the next level !”

” Have confidence in everyone , and have confidence in everyone !”

Qin Xiaoxian took the initiative to encourage everyone at this time .

After he finished speaking , the eyes of several people all focused on him .

” Take it down , if it weren’t for you , we would have succeeded a long time ago , and you are too embarrassed to say it here !”

” In the last room , you were a proper black hole of the game . In this room , you still contributed to your stable performance . We are now doubting whether you came with a mission today !”

hahaha …

Originally Qin Xiaoxian was kind enough to comfort everyone .

Unexpectedly, he has become the target of public criticism !

All the artillery fire turned to him !

” Otherwise , in the next round , the five of you will complete the first round . If you can complete it, I will prove my fault !”

” But if you can’t finish it , then I’m sorry , I don’t bear the blame !”

Qin Xiaoxian was also very aggrieved after he was made a target of fire .

Immediately he spoke his mind .

Facing his proposal , everyone nodded .

” I think this proposal is a good one , it will also make you understand a little bit more !”

hahaha …

After a few conversations , they came to the next room .

” Wow , Doraemon ! ” _

After seeing the clothes here , Jia Ling’s face was full of joy .

Every girl has a girly dream , and Jia Ling is no exception .

Although she looks very manly on weekdays, she looks like a female man .

But she also has her own dream of a pink girl , and she also longs to wear beautiful clothes .

Doraemon ‘s clothes are all childhood memories .

If you can dress up in this costume , you can also experience the feeling of a young girl !

” It’s the 4th room now . If you can pass this level , then you can get Doraemon ‘s costume . If you can’t pass , then you will directly get the 5th room costume ? ?!”

After everyone was in place , Wu Tong explained the rules to everyone .

” The clothes in this fifth room feel so old !”

” Maybe it’s even more outrageous than the Beggar Gang !”

” So , we must win this level !”

After Wu Tong introduced the costumes of the fifth level , everyone’s mood was particularly complicated .

This is your last chance to make your own choice .

Self-selected and gifted by the program group are completely two concepts .

And judging from the games designed by the program group .

They obviously want everyone to wear room 5 costumes .

Now is your last chance !

Are you putting your destiny in your own hands , or handing it over ?

It all depends on their performance this round !

The spring tour boy introduced the rules of the game in a timely manner .

” This round of games has nothing to do with the brain , it tests the tacit understanding of everyone !”

” Everyone can choose two people as helping guests , and the remaining four people will perform a dressing relay , from the first person to the fourth person , and from the fourth person to the first person , if the time does not exceed 50 seconds , that is success !”

of the introduction of the spring tour boy, he showed a T -shirt to everyone .

seeing the T -shirt , Jia Ling compared it with his hands .

” I specified that I can’t wear it , and it’s up to you !”

Jia Ling’s figure is obviously a circle bigger than T ‘s .

Not to mention relay , even if it is difficult to put on .

Plus she’s a girl , it’s not convenient to play this kind of game .

There must be a seat for her to help the guests !

” But I don’t think I can wear it , and Lang Lang probably can’t wear it either !”

, Jia Ling turned his attention to Qin Xiaoxian .

This kind of relay game is obviously the thinner the body, the easier it is to operate .

among several people .

She and Lang Lang’s body are fat .

The other four were thin .

If Qin Xiaoxian can replace Lang Lang in this round , I believe the chance of success is still very high .

” Don’t look at me , just now you said that I was undercover . This time I said that I would not see it, so I just watched , but I want to see if you can complete the task !”

hahaha …

Qin Xiaoxian was full of pride at this moment .

Heaven has reincarnation , who the heaven will forgive !

He had already become the target of public criticism .

I didn’t expect to turn around in this round .

The test is not IQ , but physical exercise .

And the project of dressing relay is also very suitable for him .

” Oh , old Qin , we were all joking with you just now , why are you taking it seriously ?”

” We are not stupid , how can we not see your ability , we need you very much this round , and it is also your chance to prove yourself !”

” Yeah , Lao Qin , I think this will definitely not be a matter of anger , or we should focus on the overall situation . At the very least, we should win the game first , and then settle our personal grievances !”

” Yeah , if we win the game, each of us can wear the clothes we want , otherwise it will be assigned by the program team !”

At this moment , all the members of the Chunyou family staged a face-changing Sichuan opera .

Just now, I was disgusted with Qin Xiaoxian in all kinds of ways , but when I turned around , it was a flattering meal .

Seeing such a situation , Qin Xiaoxian was shocked .

” It’s too fast for your face to change ?”

hahaha …

Several people all laughed , and then looked at him expectantly .

” How about it, Lao Qin , do you want to join in ?”

In the face of everyone’s active invitation , Qin Xiaoxian still chose to refuse .

” No !”

” I believe in your strength , and I have to prove it to myself once . If I fail in this link , I will really jump into the Yellow River and I won’t be able to wash it out !”

After Qin Xiaoxian finished saying this , everyone changed their faces collectively once again .

” You can’t wash it now !”

” Yes , this is obviously what you are good at , but you chose to refuse at this time . Isn’t it obvious that you don’t want us to win the game !”

” Old Qin , you must have come with a mission today , but unfortunately , your mission is doomed to fail . We have cracked your trick !”

Director Wu Tong couldn’t stand up straight with laughter at this time .

Today, he did not give Lao Qin any tasks , and everything he does now is Qin Xiaoxian’s own behavior .

of the Chunyou family are really entertaining .

Or rather .

It’s Qin Xiaoxian who understands the effect of variety shows too well .

He knows too well how to move people’s emotions !

Which variety show wouldn’t want such an actor ?

of discussing permanent residence with Qin Xiaoxian must be determined as soon as possible .

, it will be a huge loss for this program .

“. ” Look at me , I’m just a little test , and you’ve changed your face again , and the weather hasn’t changed so much ! ”

hahaha …

Qin Xiaoxian’s complaints made all the people present laugh .

” You better test others , we don’t need you , we can still succeed !”

” Today we will prove to you the tacit understanding of our Chunyou family !”

” Your undercover mission is doomed to fail , Lao Qin , it’s too obvious that you’ve made trouble !”

” Come on , I don’t think this round is difficult . As long as everyone works together , we will definitely be able to overcome the difficulties !”

After a few people finished speaking , they were ready to start the challenge .

In order to be able to complete the mission , everyone deliberately discussed tactics .

Lang Lang was placed between Yang Di and Zhou Shi , while Fan Chengcheng was placed first .

This arrangement will be more conducive to their operations .

Yang Di and Zhou Shi are both short-statured types , and at the same time they are very thin .

Dressing and undressing is very fast .

Even if it is said that Lang Lang may have some difficulties in dressing .

But there are so thin people on the left and right , and they can buy more time for them .

And although Fan Chengcheng is thin , his height ( Zhao Hao ) is there .

It will also be a little difficult to operate .

Putting him in the first place can also save everyone’s time .

” Are you ready ?”

After a few people stood still , Wu Tong turned his attention to them .

” Ready !”

Everyone responded in unison .

” Start !”

Wu Tong gave an order and the challenge officially began .

Jia Ling hurriedly helped Fan Chengcheng undress .

And put it on Yang Di’s head with the fastest speed .

Qin Xiaoxian on the side was in a wait-and-see state and did not help .

In the relay between Fan Chengcheng and Yang Di , it was still very smooth .

Jia Ling put the clothes on Yang Di’s body very easily .

However, when switching from Yang Di to Lang Lang , it became extremely difficult .

Lang Lang’s figure is much larger than this half sleeve .

Now the relay between the two has entered a stagnation in an instant .

hahaha …

Seeing this scene , Qin Xiaoxian couldn’t stop laughing .

” Qin Xiaoxian , don’t hesitate , we will succeed !”

Jia Ling said with oath while helping the two relay .

” Time is up !”

But just after she finished speaking , Wu Tong issued another order .

In 50 seconds , let alone a back-and-forth relay , even if it was one-sided , they didn’t complete it .

At this moment , the Chunyou family’s face has been greatly embarrassed ! No. _

Chapter 204 Success is also Lao Qin , defeat is also Lao Qin (2 more , please subscribe !)

Chapter 204 Success is also Lao Qin , defeat is also Lao Qin (2 more , please subscribe !)

nothing wrong with self-confidence , but if blind self-confidence is instantly slapped in the face , it will be embarrassing !

Now , Jia Ling is in such a state .

To her, she never expected Wu Tong’s face-slapping to come so quickly !

When she just swore that she wanted to prove it to Qin Xiaoxian , Wu Tong announced that the game had failed …

This face hit is really fast and loud ~

” Wu Tong , are you sure you have timed out ?”

” Why do I feel like you’re deliberately targeting me ?”

Jia Ling turned his attention to Wu Tong angrily .

Wu Tong seems to have expected it !

I took out my phone directly , and what was displayed on it was the timer !

” The game I called after a 10 -second delay was not aimed at you at all !”

Hearing Wu Tong’s words , Jia Ling’s anger grew even greater !

” Wu Tong , since it’s been delayed, why didn’t you call earlier , isn’t it obvious that it will embarrass me ~”

hahaha …

Qin Xiaoxian showed an unkind smile here .

Jia Ling regarded Wu Tong as a venting tool , no matter what he said , Jia Ling could always find a reason to question the other party !

” Okay , my fault , this time I’ll definitely tell the time strictly !”

Wu Tong is also very aware of Jia Ling’s temper . In order to let the game continue , he decisively took the blame !

” I think it’s okay not to be too serious !”

hahaha …

Fan Chengcheng said actively .

A few people just failed to even succeed in one aspect, which is enough to see how difficult this game is !

If they can be more graceful in time , maybe they can still have hope .

Otherwise, the possibility of failure is very high !

” Come on , everyone is ready !”

Wu Tong just smiled and did not respond positively to Fan Chengcheng’s proposal .

” Start !”

Wu Tong gave an order, and everyone acted instantly !

This time , Jia Ling’s movements were obviously more agile than before .

In order to be able to prove that they can , this time everyone fought hard .

The relay between Fan Chengcheng and Yang Di was very happy , and the relay between Yang Di and Lang Lang was much faster than before .

The body around him gives him a unique advantage in relaying !

Everyone is very focused , and everyone really has the possibility of success !

However, when going back to the relay , Zhou Shi and Lang Lang had another problem .

Lang Lang’s figure made it extremely difficult for him to wear T- shirts .

In addition, the stature of the whole body is too short , which makes it extremely difficult .

Jia Ling wasted a lot of time with the two of them .

However, Wu Tong did not stop at this meeting , nor did Jia Ling’s hand stop !

After repeated adjustments , Jia Ling finally put the half sleeves into Lang Lang’s upper body .

After passing his level , the next relay will become much smoother !

In the end, Jia Ling successfully put the half sleeve back on Fan Chengcheng’s body !


When the relay was completed , several people surrounded each other excitedly and hugged each other tightly .

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