When Yang Qinggang and Sun Hongsheng returned home, Sun Dawei and his sister were already trying on clothes.

The family of three was all red-faced, and Yang Qinggang didn't see a little bit of the gloom on his cousin's face after being divorced and replaced by a job.

Sun Dawei's head was raised high, and when he saw his father and cousin coming back from outside, he first shouted, "Dad, I bought you new clothes, come and try them on."

Then he rushed forward, hugged Yang Qinggang's shoulder, and said excitedly: "Brother, this time, I sent a ton of grain, a ton!" said and patted Yang Qinggang's shoulder


Although Yang Qinggang was a little unhappy in his heart, he didn't show it on his face.

Instead, he praised it: "Not bad, it's very capable, I'll give you a ...... in the factory

" Yang Qinggang's words were not finished, but he was interrupted by Sun Dawei, "Brother, the boss said that if the quality of the grain this time is okay, he will come to me again to buy it, you say that if it goes on like this, will I be completely haired!" Sun

Dawei waved his hands as he spoke, and drew a big circle in midair.

Yang Qinggang understood that this younger brother was floating.

If Sun Dawei wants to do business or something in another ten years, he will support him very, ten thousand, and maybe he will become the first batch of rich people.

But now, doing business is a debatable matter.

The current mainstream public opinion is that doing business is speculation, and although there is no legal provision, this is a very serious political mistake. It is an act of digging up the foot of the socialist wall and digging the wool of socialism.

If the situation is very serious, eighty percent of them will eat the gun.

A person like Sun Dawei who resells grain by tons is definitely a serious situation.

Yang Qinggang just pulled off his cousin's hand on his shoulder and didn't say anything more, but the smile on his face disappeared.

Sun Dawei beeped a few more words, and also found out that his cousin was abnormal.

Sun Dawei hesitated for a moment, and then continued to smile at Yang Qinggang: "Brother, don't worry, I will never forget you, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't have made this money, I will share half of you!" Yang Qinggang

was a little crying and laughing, this younger brother still thought he was jealous, but he was also kind to himself, he didn't help him at all, he just took him out of the village, introduced his friends, and was willing to give him half of it.

Yang Qinggang patted Sun Dawei on the shoulder and said, "Okay, okay, you are so angry with me?"

Yang Qinggang didn't wait for Sun Dawei to reply, so he said to his aunt: "Auntie, it's time to cook, I haven't eaten breakfast yet." My

aunt also sensed the difference between the two brothers, and hurriedly said, "It's time to cook, so Dawei, you go to the village store to buy two bottles of wine, and Xiaohong will come over to help me cook." Qinggang, you drink some tea first, chat with your uncle, and it will be done soon. Sun

Dawei ran away, his favorite thing now is to spend money, and spending money is too happy.

In just over half an hour, there were already two plates of cold dishes on the table, all of which were vegetables grown in his yard.

"Your uncle and nephew drink first, and the hot food will come up in a while, Dawei will accompany your brother well!" said before the aunt entered the kitchen.

She didn't want the two of them to have any more estrangement because of this money.

Well, she also thinks it's because of the money.

Yang Qinggang took the lead in picking up the wine glass and looked at his uncle and cousin and said, "Anyway, it's in my own house, so I'm not welcome."

Let's have a toast first, and then talk about this food.

Sun Dawei patted his chest and said, "Brother, don't worry, you can give you all the money!" "

You kid, you're drunk before you drink." Yang Qinggang smiled and pulled Sun Dawei's head, "Drink first!"

"Zi'er~" X3.

"Qinggang, don't worry, our family will never be a brother because of something like money!" Sun Hongsheng also said.

"What did you think of me!" Yang Qinggang patted his head and said with a smile.

"You should also know that we now purchase and sell all kinds of materials, and the control of grain is extremely strict, like usually in the pigeon market, everyone buys and sells grain for thirty or fifty catties, and the officials will turn a blind eye.

But now Dawei Zhang Luo is not a matter of a few catties or dozens of catties, the counting unit is a ton! In case, I mean, if someone finds out, or someone reports it, then this life will be over.

Sun Hongsheng and Sun Dawei were silent, and Sun Dawei even played with his cup with some disdain.

"Smack!" Yang Qinggang raised his neck again and toasted, "Dawei, don't take it too seriously, I am now the personal secretary of the factory director, and I just accompanied the factory director to meet the big leader yesterday, next year! The absolute wind direction will change from next autumn, and I will strictly grasp this matter

!" "Brother, isn't there more than a year left, let's make a quick buck, just one sum, at least buy my sister's dowry!" "

What are you talking about, your sister is not my sister?" Although I don't grasp it strictly now, it's hard to guarantee that I won't find the back account and turn forward. It's still better to be cautious.

Although Sun Hongsheng is a production captain, he has been in the countryside all his life, and he has not even been to the capital dozens of kilometers away.

At this time, I saw my son and nephew "arguing" here, just blindly drinking and drinking, and I didn't know what to say.

Yang Qinggang stared at Sun Dawei and did not speak.

What should have been said was also said, the young man was too iron-headed, and he was also a little worried about how to persuade his cousin.

Sun Dawei also looked at his cousin and drank a glass of wine violently

!"Okay! Brother, I'll listen to you, don't do it!"

Sun Hongsheng and Yang Qinggang both laughed, one because the two stopped arguing, and the other because they finally persuaded their younger brother.

"David, don't worry. Recharge your energy first, improve yourself, and there will be more space for you to display your skills

in the future, so that you will go back with me in a while, I told the workshop, you go to do an apprenticeship first, and wait for the opportunity... No, wait for half a year, and I will help you become a regular within half a year.

At that time, you will also be a city person with a serious job, and if you find someone with a formal establishment, your life will be very comfortable.

Besides, don't I still have a suite for you in that courtyard, it's two rooms, and you even have a wedding house.

"Okay, good ......" didn't wait for Sun Dawei to say anything, and his aunt couldn't stop applauding with a plate of fried beans next to him.

"Brother, I'm ......" Sun Dawei's face showed a hesitant expression again.

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