"Ahem...... Mr. Shu coughed twice unnaturally, "Hey, I'm not kidding you." How's the matter with your job? I didn't give away that

tea for nothing!" Yang Qinggang bared his big white teeth and said: "It must be done, Mr. Shu's tea can be drunk for nothing, and I have to do it for nothing."

Mr. Shu raised his finger and pointed at Yang Qinggang angrily, "You kid, blow it." The family has been doing well lately, huh?" The

smug smile on Yang Qinggang's face immediately turned into a bitter smile.

"There is no one at home, my mother died when I was a child, and my father died in the line of duty some time ago.

"Alas, birth, old age, sickness and death, life is impermanent. Festival mourning~" Mr. Shu said with a long sigh.

He originally thought that the family that raised a child with such a character as Yang Qinggang would definitely be happy and harmonious, but he didn't expect that he was the only one left now.

The two sat at the table drinking tea again, chatting about Yang Qinggang's recent life experience, and Mr. Shu also taught his life experience very seriously.

After chatting for half an hour, Aunt Hu's cold dishes were served two, and Yang Qinggang twisted and pinched some square-shaped manuscript paper from his trouser pocket.

"Mr. Shu, this is a clumsy work I wrote in my spare time, and I hope you will criticize and correct it.

Mr. Shu put down the teacup, rubbed his hands on his shirt a few times, and took the thin manuscript paper very formally.

"Huh?" Mr

. Shu was stunned after reading it, originally he thought that Yang Qinggang might give him prose, poetry or popular novels or something, but he didn't expect it to be a science fiction novel.

After reading it carefully, Mr. Shu put the manuscript paper on the table and laughed a few times.

"Sure enough, I'll say you're an uninhibited person, a poet. Those who can write this kind of romantic work cannot be confined to a frame.

When I was in country M before, I read Wells's "Time Machine", and your work is quite similar, I am not very good at this type of article, but your writing is still a little immature. Is there any basis for reasoning?" Yang

Qinggang watched Mr. Shu discuss serious matters with him, and also put away his hippie smile, and replied with a serious face: "I don't think science fiction needs to be serious about reasoning, because it is just an article to entertain the public, not a scientific paper."

Science fiction isn't written for scientists, any more than it's for vixens. Aunt

Hu, who was carrying the dishes, happened to come in, looked at the two chatting with a suspicious look and said

, "Fox spirit, what fox spirit?" "Poof!" The tea in Mr. Shu's mouth squirted out, but fortunately he turned his head in time, otherwise he would have wasted a table of good dishes.

Yang Qinggang smiled awkwardly and said, "Aunt Hu, we're talking about Zhai Zhiwei." "

Oh, I thought you were going to find some vixen, so I said, since its establishment, haven't we all banned those fireworks occasions

!" "Ahem...... What do you say in front of the child, you can cook quickly!" Mr. Shu said: "Qinggang, you continue, I think what you just said is still very reasonable."

Yang Qinggang first smiled apologetically at Aunt Hu, and then said: "I don't regard my novel as a masterpiece of education or a serious novel, but as something like an ancient Zhiwei novel, just for the leisure fun of the masses."

Mr. Shu nodded, "Your statement is very interesting, don't leave after lunch today, I have a few friends coming over in the afternoon." Let's discuss what this popular work of the masses should look like.

Yang Qinggang asked a little worriedly: "Mr. Shu, your friends are all great literati and great writers, I don't think I can say anything here, and I will be embarrassed to you if I show my timidity." "

Hahahaha...... Mr. Shu smiled: "Don't be afraid, it's not a sour talent who came in the afternoon, it's a literary artist who is really coming out of the masses." "

Eat, eat, eat! Aunt

Hu was holding a pot of fish soup, and it was a good time to interrupt the chat between the old and the young.

"Go and bring me the wine. I'm happy today, and I'm going to have two drinks. Mr. Shu said to Aunt Hu: "Take that bottle of Moutai and give Xiao Yang a bottle of Moutai to drink, it's not a loss!" "

Are you treating me as your family's maid?" Aunt Hu muttered, but still went to the next room to get a bottle of wine.

This is more than six years of Moutai.

On the table were four hot dishes, two cold dishes, a bottle of wine, and three celadon glasses.

According to Aunt Hu's words, I have been a cow and a horse for your surname Shu all day long, and what's wrong with drinking a few mouthfuls of Moutai! Aunt Hu

is also very energetic about today's noon meal, all of them are full of color, flavor, and flavor, and asked about Yang Qinggang's family at the dinner table.

Yang Qinggang said it again, and the distressed Aunt Hu called out heart-to-heart, causing the old man to shed a lot of tears.

"Aunt Hu, don't cry, isn't it all over, and now it's good for me to live alone, unrestrained and unattended. Yang Qinggang comforted.

"No one cares what a good thing it is!? I see you, it's like seeing my son, when he was just born and only two years old, Lao Shu went to WH, and we orphans and widows depended on each other in Qilu.

At that time, the land of Qilu was in danger, the invading soldiers swept everywhere, and I had to blacken my face with the ashes at the bottom of the pot when I went out to buy a meal, which scared me to death.

Mr. Shu said with an unhappy face: "What are you talking about, what am I for, not to contact the patriots in the rear and boost their morale." At that time, how could it be for the sake of the small family?

Seeing this, Mr. Shu no longer acted macho, and hurriedly got up and came to his wife's side, hugged her shoulders and comforted her.

Yang Qinggang sat there very embarrassed, he couldn't walk away, and he didn't know what to say at this time.

"Do you think he is pitiful, think of his son, then let Qinggang come a few more times after that, why cry and cry again, he didn't lose face in front of the children.

Besides, now is a new society, which is different from the previous wars, and one person can live a good life. "

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