Struggle in Russia

Chapter 239 Inspiration

Li Xiao was a little distressed. He fell into a paradox. If he wanted to know the truth, the quickest way was to arrest Petrovna and interrogate her. He believed that this sophisticated courtesan must know a lot. Shuvalov's secrets, among these secrets, there may be plans he may implement.

But Li Xiao couldn't catch her, because if something happened to her, Shuvalov would stop immediately, which would only make it easier for Grand Duke Constantine.

So Li Xiao can only watch and wait for the truth to come out, or else he will be the most hated person. Anyway, this feeling makes him very uncomfortable. He feels that he can't do anything, and he is completely powerless.

This feeling is extremely bad, and Li Xiao is also extremely unconvinced, unwilling to let it go, so he can only lie on the sofa and constantly browse through all the existing information to see if he can find any clues.

I don't know how long he watched it, but he still couldn't get a flash of inspiration. He still roughly knew what Shuvalov was going to do, but he just didn't know how he would do it and how to get all the credit.

This feeling of powerlessness made him particularly distressed, and he couldn't help but walk around the room, knocking on his head from time to time, as if this could enlighten him.

After a lot of tossing, he had to admit that it was useless, and he could only sit down again dejectedly, but instead of continuing to meditate, he wondered what Count Rostovtsev would do if he encountered such a thing.

In fact, he himself was a little surprised, why he would substitute Count Rostovtsev's idea, because he didn't have much dealings with that count, and the relationship was not particularly good, and sometimes he felt that there was a relationship between him and the count. This is the purest utilization relationship.

The earl felt that he was useful, so he helped him casually, or in a harsh way, gave him a little favor. Once you feel that he is useless, ignore him as if there is no such person as him.

Li Xiao didn't feel uncomfortable, but he felt that it was difficult to get close to the earl. Logically speaking, the earl had friendship with his father and his old housekeeper Igor, and both sides had a common enemy. People who have the same interest in reform and liberalism should at least become friends who can talk to each other, if not close friends.

But Li Xiao found that there was nothing at all. It was impossible for him to have a heart-to-heart conversation with the earl, nor could he become friends. Except for some cooperation, the rest of their lives were like two straight lines that could never intersect.

It's never possible for a person to be friends with someone who doesn't know each other, so Li Xiao doesn't expect to be Count Rostovtsev's friend at all, and he doesn't even expect to gain anything from the Count. He just thinks that the Earl is a dick, and his dick-like way of thinking is indeed suitable for solving some difficult diseases.

Li Xiao felt that the problems he encountered might not be worth mentioning to Count Rostovtsev.

Maybe he solved it with just a cup of black tea.

Thinking of this, Li Xiao sighed again. Only he himself knows that there is still a gap between him and a real genius. He still relies more on the knowledge acquired by the traveler. Once he encounters a particularly difficult problem, he will feel numb. .

Li Xiao quickly shook his head to get rid of this depressing thought. The last thing he needs now is self-denial, which is meaningless to solve the problem.

He slowly relaxed his breathing, recalling Count Rostovtsev's way of handling things and characteristics in his mind, imitating the count's appearance, crossing his hands on the desk, and even showing the same mocking smile at the corners of his mouth. The deputy sees through everything.

Of course, these are just appearances. Li Xiao knew the earl's style of dealing with problems, that is, he didn't get entangled in the trivial, pointed to the core problem, and even took the enemy's position when necessary...

Take the enemy's position?

Li Xiao finally had an inspiration. It is useless for him to sit here and think about it. Why not think about what he would do if he were Count Shuvalov.

After substituting those known factors, Li Xiao's jerky brain cells finally started to function:

【That Zhenia must be able to do it. 】

[The consequences can lead to the downfall of a big man like Bestuzhev Ryumen. 】

【It's best to use it to make a big contribution by the way, so that you can succeed Bestuzhev Liuming to the stage. 】

【If I were him, the only thing I can do is to use the time when Bestuzhev Liumin is not present to make a major mistake in his work. This mistake is something that Zhenya can intervene...】

Gradually, Li Xiao probably had a picture in his mind. If he wanted to make Bestuzhev Liumin's major mistake, he must start with his own work. Because of corruption and indiscretion in private life, it's nothing to him, the boss of the third film.

Only a major dereliction of duty could make Nicholas I furious and remove him from office. And what is the job of the third part? Naturally, it is to discover, monitor and eradicate the rebels in Russia who are trying to overthrow the tsarist rule.

Rebel? !

Li Xiao's eyes lit up immediately, and he had an idea. If an important rebel was let go because of Bestuzhev Ryumin's fault, then Nicholas I would definitely not let him off lightly. And this is exactly what Zhenia can do. As Bestuzhev Ryumin's mistress, she is very likely to be able to get in touch with many of Bestuzhev Ryumin's secrets, and may even be able to forge Bestuzhev Ryumin's warrant!

Immediately, Li Xiao jumped up from the sofa, and started ringing the bell to summon the servants, and soon his new adjutant, Vasily, hurried in.

"Sir, what are your orders?"

Li Xiao quickly ordered: "Immediately ask Major Anton to check that Zhenia's past, and see if she has done business in the third part to get people! Hurry up!"

Anton's eyes lit up when he received this instruction, and he also realized that this might be a breakthrough, so he followed Li Xiao's instruction without any hesitation and checked it.

And the result did not disappoint them. This Zhenia did do a lot of people-seeking business by relying on Bestuzhev Ryumin's favor. Many wealthy businessmen and noble children joined certain groups or secrets because of impulse. After the assembly was arrested, she would take the initiative to contact the family members of these people, as long as they were willing to spend money, they would be able to avoid disaster.

"...According to our understanding, this is actually a way for Bestuzhev Liuming to make money. Most of the money actually went into his pocket. This woman Zhenya is just an agent!"

But what Li Xiao really wanted to know was not these, he asked eagerly: "Then, has Zhenia done such a business recently?"

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