Struggle in Russia

Chapter 255 Puzzled

Only Shuvalov knew that the testimony of that flamboyant young man was actually the most reliable. Petrovna was indeed blond, she was indeed wearing a beige dress, and she was not even the wrong age, she was indeed in her late thirties.

So why did the other witnesses testify so far apart?

The reason is very simple. Not everyone has a deep memory of short-term sudden events. Some scholars in later generations have done experiments and found that people's memories of such sudden events are often unreliable. People are very normal, who can make people's brain power so powerful!

To put it simply, many witnesses are not necessarily reliable, and the testimonies given are not necessarily reliable. But they are not lying sincerely, but their brains have made certain "repairs" when restoring the scenes they have seen.

For example, the uncle who drove the car thought that Petrovna's hair was brown. It was probably because the spurted blood poured on Petrovna's head, and it turned black after solidification, which caused him to misunderstand.

As for the beige long skirt and the red long skirt, it is even simpler. The beige color naturally turns red after being stained red by blood. The child didn't realize that it was blood, but the turbulent young man knew it was blood, and the color of the clothes he fed back was the true color after eliminating the interference of blood.

As for age, children are always inaccurate in judging people's age. Petrovna is beautiful and well-maintained, so naturally they thought she was her sister. But the young man is not so naive, so he can basically determine Petrovna's real age.

But these are not important now. Thanks to Shuvalov, Simonov has a bad impression of these witnesses and does not believe their testimony, so the police in Kiev who are responsible for finding people have suffered.

"Go find a woman, what does it look like? Well, it could be blond, it could be brunette, it could be any other color, it's a woman anyway... What? Age? Maybe twenty or thirty , why are you asking so many questions, anyway, it's a woman!"

Looking for someone with such conditions, there are too many women in Kiev within this range, but Simonov still emphasized: "This woman should be very beautiful, you can go around and ask if there are any beautiful ones." The woman escaped from nearby, that should be the person we are looking for!"

Hearing this, the policeman in charge of finding someone almost vomited blood. There are too many beautiful women in Russia. With such a question, who knows how many unreliable answers can come up. How do they find it?

However, he didn't dare to question Simonov's decision. After all, Russia is a country where individuals rule the country, and officials and senior officials crush people to death. Disobedience to superiors is no different from suicide. And to him, it's just a business after all. It's just a business. It's fine to act like you've tried your best. As for whether you can find someone in the end, what does that have to do with him?

This is the true state of mind of Russian grassroots officials,

Anyway, no matter how hard they work and how beautiful they are, most of the credit goes to those gentlemen in the end, so why bother to work so hard?

Shuvalov stayed at the scene for a while, and left happily after seeing that Simonov found no clues at all. He knew that this idiot could not pose a threat to him, and the most important thing now was to catch Petrovna And Fionning and Bruning.

Shuvalov asked angrily, "Has the woman been caught?"

The housekeeper smiled wryly, "Master, we searched Petrovna's residence, and there was nothing in it except for a few maids and servants. That woman never went back."

Shuvalov was not at all surprised by this answer, as long as Petrovna was not an idiot, she would not be able to return home in a fool. He was very unhappy and asked, "You didn't interrogate those maids and servants to see if they knew Petrovna's whereabouts."

The housekeeper hurriedly replied: "I've cross-examined carefully, and according to their confession, Petrovna's behavior has been very strange recently, and she dismissed some of her confidantes, including gold and silver jewelry and land deeds. They said that these were arranged by her personal maid, and I have already arranged for people to capture that maid."

Shuvalov snorted even more when he heard the words, and saw him gritted his teeth and scolded: "Well, you Petrovna, it turns out that you have already prepared behind my back. It seems that you are ready to retreat. I have long been holding back and running away!"

After cursing a few words, he said bitterly again: "We must not let her go, I will arrest her all over the country, and you will find clues as soon as possible, and you must eradicate her as quickly as possible!"

After a short pause, Shuvalov explained again: "But she is not the most important thing. The most important thing is Fioning and Bruning. They are the most important. Have your people found any clues?"

The butler immediately lowered his head, and replied hesitantly: "I'm doing my best to investigate, and I've sent out all the people. I believe I can find their whereabouts!"

Hearing this, Shuvalov frowned. Not only was he dissatisfied with the lack of clues, but more importantly, he also felt that the housekeeper's arrangement was inappropriate. He immediately shouted angrily:

"How can you look for them with such a big fanfare at this time? Are you an idiot for the Kiev police and gendarmerie? Once the people from Bestuzhev Liuming find out that we are also looking for them, they will definitely realize that there is a problem. Then Then there will be big trouble!"

The butler was immediately in a dilemma. He had to look for clues to find someone, but he couldn't make a big show of it. Isn't this contradictory, and he is not a god.

However, Shuvalov didn't notice that his mood was wrong, but ordered himself: "Send away all the people involved in this matter, and let them go to Boulovare for a while... No, send them away , send them back to Moscow. It is not ruled out that someone at the scene recognized them, once they are discovered by Bestuzhev Ryumin's people, it will be terrible!"

The butler nodded and hurried to execute the order, but Shuvalov called him back halfway: "Also, recruit another group of people immediately. It will be impossible to find someone if there are fewer people. Be more reliable. Don't worry." Get a group of 25 boys to come over and do something bad!"

After making the following explanations, Shuvalov sat down and took a breath. He was exhausted enough this day, and now he needs to have a quiet time, and he has to think about who took Fionin and Bruce away. Ning, it seems that this group of people acted fiercely and decisively, and it didn't seem like a temporary idea. Could it be that his plan was noticed? How is this possible?

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