Struggle in Russia

Chapter 326 Suspense

It was fine for Fyodor not to mention Shuvalov, but when he mentioned Peter Barek, he immediately became furious. In his opinion, he managed to temporarily get rid of Shuvalov's control, and was trying to increase his influence (although he did not succeed). Valov, Nima, isn't this what I'm looking forward to?

However, he was not stupid enough to sing against Grand Duke Mikhail. He pretended to be very embarrassed and complained: "Your Excellency, you probably don't know the current situation in Kiev. Since Count Shuvalov was arrested and imprisoned, People's hearts were completely confused, and a group of idiots jumped out to sing against me, and openly opposed me against Count Uvarov. Don't move them! If only those few people under me can do anything!"

Peter Barek gave the idiots a bad medicine as soon as he made a move. If Fyodor listened to his words and asked Grand Duke Mikhail to teach those idiots, then he would try to pull these people to himself side.

Of course, if Grand Duke Mikhail didn't teach those fools, then he would have an excuse to prevaricate, just throw all the responsibility on the fools.

Anyway, he can advance or retreat to take advantage of it, and Fyodor really doesn't know the division of forces within the conservatives in Kiev. He doesn't know that this group of people is already at odds with each other. Lake's words were dubious.

So he didn't immediately refuse or agree immediately, but said: "I will report the situation you said to His Highness, and everything will wait for His Highness's ruling. But your people must be prepared immediately, and they must act immediately if something happens!"

Peter Barek also knew that Fyodor would not agree immediately, and waiting for Grand Duke Mikhail's determination was justified, but Fyodor added later that he asked him to prepare, which made him very unhappy. He felt that the other party seemed to be convinced of him, and he didn't take him as the governor at all.

However, he still didn't dare to stab or directly express his dissatisfaction, but replied with a smile: "I will make preparations immediately, but my team is very limited, and I can't do any big things. I hope you will forgive me!"

Fyodor glanced at Peter Barek again. He had a bad feeling for this man, and even felt that Uvarov was blind when he sent such a guy to Ukraine as the governor. He heard the meaning of Peter Barek's evasion and unwillingness to take charge. Even the boss of the conservatives in Ukraine is like this. How bad the conservatives are in Ukraine!

Fyodor became more and more disfavored of the conservatives, and felt that it was unwise for Grand Duke Mikhail to get involved in this case, but he had tried his best to persuade him, but it had little effect, which made him feel that The outlook was gloomy.

"Count Uvarov's people are in disarray? Peter Barek can't control the situation at all.

And just want to shirk and procrastinate? "

Grand Duke Mikhail was stunned by Fyodor's conclusion. He originally thought that although Shuvalov was arrested, Uvarov's people still had the absolute upper hand in Ukraine. After all, there was Peter. Is Barack, the governor, holding on!

But now Fyodor says that Peter Barek is just a clay bodhisattva, and he doesn't have the slightest ambition to do things. This is simply... unbelievable, okay?

So much so that Grand Duke Mikhail suspected that Fyodor was deliberately alarmist. He asked carefully: "Is this the conclusion you have drawn from your observation?"

Fyodor glanced at Grand Duke Mikhail. He has been with him for so many years. How could he not know what this man thinks? He sighed and said, "Not exactly, Peter Barek told me that he basically controls I can't stand the situation, saying that many people in them don't accept him, and even sing against him specifically, and even hope that you can help him stand on the platform, and prepare to use your name to deter those who oppose him..."

Grand Duke Mikhail stopped talking immediately. He knew that Fyodor could not lie about such a major matter, and he immediately became worried.

Asking him to help Peter Barek deter and subdue opponents, he is not willing to do it, and he is not stupid, how could he not know the truth that names and weapons cannot be faked. If it is really necessary for him to stand up to stabilize the situation, then he should just stand up. Why lend Peter Barek to help him? It did him no good at all.

But if he didn't help Peter Barek, according to Fyodor, he might not be able to control the situation, or even do anything.

This is also what Grand Duke Mikhail does not want to see. After all, he has worked so hard to wade through the muddy water just to play the favor of Uvarov and Crown Prince Alexander. If the brush fails, isn’t it for nothing?

After contemplating for a long time, Grand Duke Mikhail couldn't think of any solution, he could only look at Fyodor helplessly and asked, "What do you think I should do?"

Fyodor looked at Grand Duke Mikhail and said nothing, but his eyes already said everything: the best way is not to participate or get involved. But he knew that Grand Duke Mikhail would never listen to this suggestion, so he could only reply while sighing secretly:

"I suggest you listen to Count Shuvalov's advice, and you must not blindly follow Peter Barek, he is unreliable!"

Shuvalov? Take his advice?

Grand Duke Mikhail thinks this idea is not very good, not to mention that he has not really established contact with Shuvalov, and with the unreliability of Grand Duke Nicholas, don't ask Rostov for his suggestion in the end. Count Futsev caught the right shot, didn't he lose his wife and lose his army!

"Can't I go and meet those who opposed Peter Barek first? Maybe I can convince them?"

Fyodor sighed again and replied very directly: "I don't recommend you to do this. I have told you again and again that you are not suitable for direct contact with them, otherwise you may be exposed prematurely. Now The situation is still unclear, and Count Rostovtsev has not made a final conclusion, you still have time, it is best to listen to Count Shuvalov's opinion first!"

It should be said that Fyodor's suggestion is still reliable, but some of his judgments are still questionable. The situation has actually become clear. Generally speaking, both Grand Duke Constantine and Shuvalov will suffer losses. , this is already a certainty.

The only suspense is how much the two parties lost in the end!

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