Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 1190 Stupid Murder

"What happened?"

The screams startled the customers in the bar.

The Hogwarts students who were drinking butterbeer and chatting with their friends all stood up from their chairs and rushed to the door of the bar. They saw a group of people gathered on the street not far away, and everyone looked up. Sky.

There was a man floating in the sky, screaming in agony.

More people moved closer, but they just stood around and watched, no one stepped forward to help.

In fact, you can't blame them. Many people were panicked and didn't know what to do.

Even the residents of Hogsmeade were helpless. In the end, several Aurors responsible for patrolling Hogsmeade hurried over after noticing the movement here, trying to save the poor girl floating in the air.

"what happened?"

Harry asked Fred, George and Lee Jordan who were helping to maintain order.

"I don't know, but I hope she's okay."

George frowned and looked at the Aurors who were trying to break the curse. He felt that these guys were unreliable, so he warned aloud, "It's best to find a way to put the person down first, and then send the person to Hogwarts, which is far away from here. In the near future, maybe Dumbledore can lift the curse on her."

In his opinion, the Aurors probably couldn't break the spell on Katie.

The Aurors suddenly realized and were about to pick up the girl on the ground. George had already taken out a bottle of potion from his pocket and poured it on Katie's face, which alleviated her pain and screams to a certain extent.


"Do you still have any anti-curse potions there?" George turned around and asked.

"I have a bottle here."

Fred reached into his pocket and took out a bottle of potion and threw it to George, and said to the two dazed Aurors, "It's better to ride a broomstick, that will be faster. Mrs. Rosmerta, do you mind borrowing it?" Take a look at the broomstick in the store.

"Oh, no problem, I'll get it now."

"No, I'll do it!"

Fred used the flying spell to easily summon the broomsticks from the Three Broomsticks bar, and summoned a stretcher out of thin air to transfer Katie onto it.

"What kind of potion is that?" an Auror couldn't help but ask. He found that the curse on the student was relieved to a certain extent.

"The anti-curse agent can wash away most of the curses, but the effect is only average."

The two Aurors looked at each other, somewhat doubtful as to who was the real professional with Auror training. After they immobilized the person, they quickly flew to Hogwarts with a stretcher.

Looking at the departing Aurors, the Wesley twins couldn't help but shake their heads. He found that these Aurors were even more unreliable than expected.

"Does anyone know what happened?"

"You are Katie's friend."

Lee Jordan was one of the first people to arrive here and had already targeted the girl present who was most likely to know the truth.

"Can you tell us what happened here and who put the spell on Katie?"

Everyone turned their attention to the girl who was frightened and crying, hoping to get some useful information from her.

Hermione couldn't stand it anymore, so she hurriedly walked to the girl, put her arms around her, and comforted her softly, "Don't worry, Katie will be fine."…

"Are you Lini? What happened just now? Who cast a spell on Katie?"

", there was a package...and something happened when it was torn open." Lini choked with sobs.

"What package?"

"I do not know……"

"Don't touch that thing." Harry shouted, startling the whispering students.


The boy who was yelled at by Harry was so frightened that he froze in place and stopped picking up the package. Apparently he didn't understand what Harry meant.

"Don't touch the package on the floor, that thing is cursed."

Harry had already seen something peeking out of the package, an opal necklace. He wasn't sure if it was the opal necklace from Borgin Burke's, but it was certainly dangerous.

Like a trick, Fred took out a spy device from his pocket and poked the package. It was soon confirmed that Harry was right. The opal necklace in the package was indeed a dark magic item.

"It has to be sent to Hogwarts. Maybe Dumbledore needs to determine what Dark Curse is on that thing."

George waved his wand and rewrapped the package. For safety reasons, he put another layer of shell on it to ensure safety. Then he looked around and asked, "Who would like to help me take Lini back to Hogwart?" "

Everyone looked at each other, but no one took the initiative to help.

Just when Harry was about to stand up, he heard George say.

"Forget it, I'll go by myself, let's go." George reached out to help the girl named Lini, and left by apparating with her.

"I might have seen it in the Burkin' Burke store, that opal necklace."

In the Three Broomsticks bar, Harry lowered his voice and said to several people around him, "It seems that someone bought that necklace and wanted to bring it into Hogwarts through Katie and use it to kill someone."

"I don't think the probability is high Harry." Hermione shook her head and directly denied Harry's view.

When she noticed that everyone was looking at her, Hermione felt a little nervous. She took a deep breath and explained uneasily, "Hogwarts has strengthened security measures this year. I don't believe that the necklace will be used without knowing it." Enter Hogwarts."

"Maybe someone wanted to kill Filch with that necklace," Ron complained.

"That's impossible Ron. I think after seeing the package, Filch would probably use a secret detector to determine if it was a dark magic item."

"Are you trying to say that the guy who tried to murder others through his necklace was an idiot?" Fred took out a bottle from his pocket, took a sip, and joked with a smile.

"When did you start carrying wine bottles like Mad Eye?" Ron looked at Fred's silver wine bottle suspiciously.

"We don't dare to eat outside now. God knows if someone will add some special seasonings to the food." Lee Jordan also has the same wine bottle.

"You should pay attention to Cedric. If I definitely add something to your drink and knock you down, you will be dead." Fred took another sip and handed the bottle to the person who was always very happy. Interested Harry asked, "Would you like some?"...

"What kind of wine is in it?" Harry asked after smelling it.

"Tempered wine will keep you warm when you drink it." Fred said with a smile, "Dobby helped prepare it. It really helped us a lot."

"Dobby?" Qiu Zhang asked puzzledly.

"The house elf hired by Albert." Cedric said with emotion, "Currently responsible for helping take care of our lives."

"See, even you are not opposed to hiring house elves." Hermione said excitedly.

However, no one answered her.

"I feel like you are becoming more and more like Aurors." Ron couldn't help complaining.

"If you are being targeted, and you don't want to be unlucky, you have to learn to be careful." Fred smiled, shook the bottle, and continued the topic, "I dare say Katie will definitely be targeted. The Imperius Curse was cast on her, and the guy who cast the Imperius Curse on her was also a fool."

"If you ask Albert for divination, you should be able to find the culprit, right?" Harry suddenly asked.

"It should be possible, but I don't think he would waste time on a fool."

George walked up to Harry, smiled, pulled up a chair and sat down next to him. Under everyone's gaze, he lowered his voice and said, "The murderer should be hiding in the Three Broomsticks pub. Lini said Katie went to Three Broomsticks." After coming back from the toilet at the Broom Bar, something seemed a little weird. She was still holding the unmarked package in her hand. She thought that Katie should not agree to hand over the suspicious item. When the two parties were snatching the package, she accidentally After tearing open the package, the opal necklace inside fell out, and Katie was obviously seriously injured when she touched the necklace."

"That's impossible..." Hermione said suddenly.


Everyone looked at Hermione in confusion.

"If a Death Eater or a dark wizard approaches the Three Bars, the detection pocket watch will definitely react." Hermione took out the detection pocket watch given by Albert from her pocket.

"If the person who cast the Imperius Curse on Katie was also cast on the Imperius Curse by someone else, the detection pocket watch would not be able to detect it." Fred reminded kindly. He knew exactly what the shortcomings of detection pocket watches were.

"Is Katie okay?" Harry asked.

"When I left, Snape seemed to be helping her heal..."

"Wait, you mean Snape is treating Katie?"

"Yes, Dumbledore was not at school. Professor McGonagall asked Snape to help check Katie's injuries and provide her with emergency treatment. I heard that they were preparing to send Katie to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Injuries for further treatment. Formal treatment.”

"Who do you think Katie wants to give that necklace to?" Cedric suddenly asked.

"Me or Dumbledore." Harry said without hesitation: "However, I can be ruled out. After all, I am here, and Katie can give it to me directly. If you open the package directly, you will definitely touch the necklace. , no matter who that person is, he will be in bad luck."

Harry felt that he was very lucky. If it had been him, he might have been dismantled on the spot. At least, he never had the habit of carrying a secret explorer with him at all times.

"I don't think Dumbledore will fall for it." Fred shook his head.

"A package without any markings is suspicious no matter how you look at it." George explained, "In the past, we would be particularly careful when helping Albert open such packages to prevent any magic spells or other things from being contained in the package. Dark magic items.”…

All three of them have experience in this area.

In their opinion, even Albert was on guard, let alone Dumbledore, who would definitely be suspicious when seeing such an unmarked package.

"We have been discussing for so long, and we have confirmed one thing, that is, the guy who sent the package turned out to be an out-and-out idiot." Harry felt very ridiculous.

"He is indeed an idiot. Even if nothing happens to Katie, the package will be stopped by Filch and will not be able to enter Hogwarts at all." Ron shrugged.

"Harry, who do you suspect?"


"Tell me about it, it's better than keeping it in your heart. Maybe I can give you a reference." George suggested.

"Well, I suspect that this matter has something to do with Draco Malfoy. Although there is no evidence, I always feel that it is likely that he did it."

After Harry noticed the expressions on the other people's faces, he shrugged pretending to be relaxed and said, "Of course, this is just suspicion, so I think I should ask Albert to help with divination, and I will definitely know who did it." ”

"I don't know if Draco Malfoy did it, but according to Lini..." George secretly looked at Mrs. Rosmerta at the bar counter.

"Do you think Mrs. Rosmerta was under the Imperius Curse?" Cedric immediately realized what George meant.

Several people turned to look at Mrs. Rosmerta, but they couldn't see anything wrong at all.

"It should be just an accident that the necklace was given to Katie. Maybe Mrs. Rosmerta would give it to any Hogwarts student who goes to the toilet alone?" George briefly stated his guess.

"But, how come no one sees that something is wrong with Mrs. Rosmerta?" Ron felt incredible.

"Mrs. Rosmerta is not a strong-willed person, and it is not difficult to control her with the Imperius Curse." Fred looked at Cedric and asked: "You couldn't see that your friend was under the Imperius Curse at the beginning. Take control!"

"You can't tell at all." Cedric shook his head.

"What should we do, expose Mrs. Rosmerta to the Ministry of Magic?" Qiuchang looked at his boyfriend uneasily, where they had just drank a glass of butterbeer.

"No, keep this matter secret for now, and then tell Dumbledore and let Dumbledore handle the matter." George turned to Harry and said, "I think this should be the safest way, and Harry , If you are okay, go back to school as soon as possible. Even if there are Auror patrols here, it is not safe, and we will leave here as soon as possible."

"Wait, don't forget about the Defense Association." Cedric reminded quickly

"Oh, this matter, I'll teach you something simpler next time, and you can discuss it then." Fred said without hesitation.

"We originally planned to teach how to set up a temporary camp to protect ourselves." Hermione said what she planned to talk about at the party.

"This is a good idea. Let's teach you this when the time comes. It's a very practical thing." George made the decision, not forgetting to remind the three of them that it was time to leave.

"I hope I can ask Albert for a divination."

"Don't waste your money Harry, I'm sure Dumbledore can guess who did it." Fred reached out and patted Harry on the shoulder, followed several others outside, and then used Apparition to leave.

"Harry, are you still doubting Malfoy?" Hermione asked on the way back to school.

"Yes, I have an intuition that this matter has something to do with Malfoy." Harry said the reason for his guess, "Lucius Malfoy tried to assassinate Albert at the wedding last time, but he was magically The ambush by the Ministry killed many Death Eaters, and they are still imprisoned in Azkaban. The Malfoy family is basically finished. If the Malfoy family wants to regain Voldemort's trust, killing Dumbledore is undoubtedly the best way. Choice. You also know that Voldemort wants Dumbledore to die."

"But Malfoy is not yet a minor," Hermione reminded.

"You shouldn't judge based on your age, that's ridiculous."

"After all, I'm not an adult either!" Harry showed a rather strange expression, "But I still have to face all that, I have no choice."

"Maybe the whole thing was an order given by the mysterious man to Draco Malfoy."

"Why did the mysterious man do that?" Ron asked puzzledly.

"Revenge, revenge for Lucius Malfoy's incompetence, revenge for his failure to keep the diary, which led to the destruction of the Horcrux by me." Harry said softly, "Voldemort has never been a broad-minded person."

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