Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 864 The Magic Stick

Albert felt that he should seize this opportunity to have a good chat with Dumbledore, and at the same time find a way to get the principal to clarify his doubts.

In the past, he did not want to have too much contact with Dumbledore, purely because his level of Occlumency was not high, and he did not want to expose his magical attainments in advance, but it is different now. He has become an adult and has obtained such a Since he has won many international awards, Dumbledore must have known him well and would not have any ill intentions. I believe both parties can communicate well.

Of course, the most important thing is that Dumbledore may die in a few years.

To be honest, Albert has always felt that it was an extremely extravagant waste for legendary figures like Nico Flamel and Dumbledore to die like this and bring their knowledge and technology into the coffin. Much of the knowledge and techniques they mastered have not been passed down, and the level of magic in the entire magic world has dropped directly with their deaths.

Before going to the principal's office, Albert did not forget to take out his notebook from his pocket and read the records on it. Those were the questions he had compiled in the past few days, and he was going to take advantage of this meeting to get answers from Dumbledore.

At the thought of using the principal as a tool, Albert couldn't help but raise his lips in pleasure, quickened his pace, and walked along the eighth floor corridor to the stone monster.

"Pile of cockroaches." Albert said the password.

The stone monster immediately jumped aside, and the wall behind it cracked in half, revealing the spiral staircase hidden behind.

Albert stepped up and took the magic elevator to the door of the principal's office. He raised his hand and knocked on the door three times.

"Please come in." Dumbledore's voice came from inside the door.

Albert opened the door and walked into the principal's office, and said hello to the old man who looked up at him from behind the desk: "Good evening, Professor Dumbledore, what do you want from me?"

"Good evening, Mr. Anderson, please sit here and let's chat while we drink?" Dumbledore pointed to the chair in front of the desk with a smile and asked, "What are you drinking?"

"Black tea." Albert sat down opposite Dumbledore, not feeling restrained at all, as if he was chatting with an old friend.

"Someone wants me to pass them on to you." After pouring a cup of black tea for Albert, Dumbledore pushed two letters and a package in front of Albert.

"I'm curious, is there anything that needs to be handed over to me through the principal?" Albert did not touch the black tea on the table, and the smile on his face became gentler.

"Letter from the Ministry of Magic, as well as letters and packages from the Wizengamot." Dumbledore made a gesture of invitation towards Albert: "Why don't you open it and read the contents of the letter?"

"This is really a strange thing." A faint smile appeared on Albert's lips, "They didn't just ask the owl to send the package and envelope to me."

Dumbledore pretended not to hear the boy's sarcasm and waited for Albert to open the envelope and read the contents.

Albert didn't care, he tore open the letter from the Ministry of Magic and quickly glanced at the contents.

This is an apology letter with no sincerity.

It was short, meaning he was of age, and the Wizengamot UK Youth Representative title was an award given to underage wizards, so the award was taken away and they apologized for it.

Albert put the letter on the table calmly, without a trace of emotion on his face, as if the letter only contained something insignificant.

Yes, the things mentioned in the letter were indeed trivial to Albert.

He re-opened another letter from the Wizengamot. The letter probably meant that he had become an alternate member of the Wizengamot. The package contained a Wizengamot costume, but Albert was too lazy to do so. Unpack.

"Do those people want you to explain to me?" Albert put another letter on the table and asked casually.

"Yes." Dumbledore asked with a smile, "What do you think after reading it?"

Just now, Dumbledore clearly saw the deep disdain and contempt flashing in Albert's peaceful eyes, and he was obviously not interested in becoming an alternate member of the Wizengamot.

"To be honest, I'm really not interested in that pile of nonsense from the Ministry of Magic, and I think there's no need to bother you with these trivial matters." Albert paused and said with a smile, "Maybe, We can talk about other topics!”

"What topic." Dumbledore happily put aside those annoying things. Albert's reaction was somewhat beyond his expectation. He did not react because the Ministry of Magic deliberately revoked the title of the British Youth Representative of the Wizengamot. Angry, but looking indifferent.

"Do you know how to release the Imperius Curse?" Albert asked. "Professor Moody has used the Imperius Curse on all students in class."

"I think it's not a bad thing to be exposed to and understand these terrible spells in a gentler way," Dumbledore crossed his fingers on the table and looked calmly at the most outstanding student in the history of Hogwarts in front of him.

"I also agree with your point of view, but now I want to know if there is any way to release the control of the Imperius Curse?" Albert lowered his eyes and looked away from Dumbledore. He continued, "What I mean is that besides resisting through will, is there any other way to release the control of the Imperius Curse?"

"Unfortunately, no. You usually need to rely on your own willpower to resist the Imperius Curse." Dumbledore seemed to remember something and sighed, "Otherwise, Voldemort would not have used the Imperius Curse during the First Wizarding War. It brought the Ministry of Magic into chaos."

"As far as I know, after Professor Moody used the Imperius Curse on the students, he quickly lifted the Imperius Curse on the students." Albert continued to ask: "Does this mean that if necessary? , can the caster actually remove the soul-stealing curse from the controlled target?"

"Yes, a skilled wizard can do this," Dumbledore obviously did not expect that Albert would care so much about this matter, and explained, "Ordinary wizards who use the Imperius Curse can only command the controlled person. Do something, and you will usually be freed quickly. However, when a skilled dark wizard uses the Imperius Curse to control a person, it is often difficult to be discovered and difficult to resist. Voldemort was in the first wizarding war. This is how you gain support from others.”

"Is it possible to use the second Soul-Seizing Curse to offset the first Soul-Seizing Curse?" Albert once again raised his doubts.

"Unfortunately, no. If you use the Imperius Curse repeatedly, the effect of the spell will only be strengthened and the control over the caster will be strengthened. Moreover, the person who has been cast the Imperius Curse will be the first to execute the last order." Dumbledore He said gently, "That's why this spell is so scary."

"Can it be washed away?" Albert felt that he was really lucky to have been able to get a skill that could resist the Imperius Curse before.

"I remember that Gringotts has a defensive measure called Thief Falls, which is said to be able to wash away all spells and all magical disguises."

"Yes, the anti-thief waterfall is indeed a very practical thing. As you said, it can wash away all spells and all magical disguises." Dumbledore explained: "But, the anti-thief waterfall The effect of the waterfall is actually limited, but it is undeniable that it can indeed wash away some ordinary magic, but it is relatively powerless in the face of some more powerful black magic."

"It's really hard to guard against." Albert frowned and changed his mind and said: "What if many people use the cracking spell on a wizard controlled by the Imperius Curse? Or let them drink Mangla Is it possible to break the spell with a powerful restorative made from grass roots?”

"I think the method you mentioned should have some effect and can weaken the power of the Imperius Curse. But if you want to break away from the Imperius Curse, you often have to rely on your own will to break free, or wait for the wizard who cast the spell to die." Dumbledore seemed to realize that Albert was here to discuss academic issues with him, his expression suddenly became a little subtle, and he had to bring the topic back.

"Sirius came to see me a while ago, and he said that you helped him prophesy about Peter."

"To be precise, Black paid me to help divine Peter Pettigrew. This happened while watching the Quidditch World Cup." Albert had already guessed what Dumbledore wanted to ask next. , and made the matter clear: You can make prophecies if you want me to, but you can’t do it for free.

"Harry said, do you think he will become a champion in the Triwizard Tournament?" Dumbledore asked again.

"Yes." Albert nodded.

"Why do you think so?" Dumbledore asked curiously, "Have you divined the winner of the Triwizard Tournament a long time ago?"

"Harry Potter is a student who likes to cause trouble." Albert said calmly, "Even without divination, I can guess some things. You can think of it as the premonition you have after mastering arithmetic and divination at the same time."

"It's incredible. I remember Nico once said something similar." Dumbledore asked again, "Do you have any other magical premonitions?"

"There is something wrong with your new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor." Albert said without hesitation, "In other words, there were problems with Harry Potter's Defense Against the Dark Arts professor during his time at Hogwarts School."

Dumbledore opened his mouth, as if he wanted to refute, but thinking of the first three Defense Against the Dark Arts professors, Albert's words seemed to be correct.

"I know you don't believe it, but don't worry, just wait." Albert said mysteriously, "Time will prove my words."

"I'm looking forward to your prediction." Dumbledore suddenly said, "Now, can you also make a prediction for me?"

"Of course, you are my third customer." Albert smiled: "However, I can help you predict for free, but I hope to invite you to my wedding and borrow the house elves to host it. wedding."

"Are you getting married?" Dumbledore was very surprised.

Not only Dumbledore, but also the portraits who had overheard their conversation all looked at Albert with wide eyes.

"Yes, after I graduate from school, I will marry Isobel. In fact, we are already engaged." Albert was not embarrassed. He knew that if he wanted his wedding to go smoothly, he must invite Dumbledore attended the wedding to serve as a talisman to deter those pesky Death Eaters.

"Do you need me to be your witness?" Dumbledore asked with a smile.

This is considered agreed.

"No, Mr. Flamel will be our witness. I think he won't want anyone to take his place." Albert said with a smile.

"It seems that Nico likes you very much." Dumbledore said gently, "Okay, let's talk about our predictions!"

"What do you want to know?" Albert asked

"Do you know about Horcruxes?"

"I know something. It seems that it was invented by the despicable black wizard Herbo in ancient Greece. It is a crazy black magic that can divide the human soul. It is said that this thing was once used to ensure the immortality of its owner." Albert felt that he What a big loss, Dumbledore, the old bee, wouldn't want to drag himself into this!

"It seems that you are not unaware."

"Mr. Flamel once mentioned this matter. He said that he was troubled by a man named Herbo two hundred years ago." Albert recalled.

"Actually, there is information about Horcruxes in the Hogwarts library." Dumbledore stood up and took the books about Horcruxes from the bookshelf behind him. "There was once a student who read those books and He made a Horcrux, I think you can guess who he is."

Albert was silent.

"It was thanks to you that I discovered that Voldemort split his soul." Dumbledore didn't care that Albert chose to remain silent, and said with a smile: "Ravenclaw's diadem, and later Riddle's diary. "

"You want me to predict the mysterious man's Horcrux?" Albert asked with a strange expression. "You plan to drag me down, but I think it should be Potter's job to defeat the mysterious man. After all, he is the savior, and I am just a smarter ordinary person."

"You already knew that, didn't you?"

"The diary that teaches people how to reopen the Chamber of Secrets made me realize this. After all, that thing is a bit evil, and the name itself means flying away from death." Albert also did not deny that he knew how Voldemort made Horcruxes. thing.

"I hope you can help me predict the whereabouts of the Horcrux." Dumbledore waved his wand, and a somewhat old crystal ball appeared out of thin air in front of Albert.

"Okay, as you wish."

Albert focused his attention on the crystal ball. The moment his hands touched the crystal ball, the white mist inside began to billow, and finally a picture of a snake appeared.

Of course, what Albert divined was not Voldemort's Horcrux, but Voldemort's snake named Nagini.

"A snake?"

Dumbledore stared at the crystal ball that had returned to normal for a long time, frowning deeply.

"Very Slytherin, isn't it?"

"It is a very risky act to entrust a part of your soul to something that can move and think on its own." Dumbledore looked away from the crystal ball and said calmly, without any intention of avoiding Albert.

"Although the prediction may change in the future, I am still very confident that there will be no mistakes in predicting the past." Albert said confidently.

"However, this is good news. We have found another Horcrux and are one step closer to defeating him." Dumbledore seemed to be in a good mood, "I hope you can keep this matter a secret."

"Of course, no problem. I don't want the mysterious man to know the secret of my discovery of his immortality." Albert directly stated that he would definitely keep it a secret, then raised his finger and pointed at the portraits around him and said, "It's not me you need to worry about. , but them.”

"They'll keep it a secret."

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