Super All-around Point Guard

Chapter 528 Return to home court!

Sometimes, even if you try your best, you may not be able to succeed. The NBA arena is always full of unknowns. You cannot just rely on who is more capable to win. If this is the case, then there is no need to play in the playoffs. Okay, just award the championship trophy to the Golden State Warriors.

Lady luck has descended on the AmericanAirlines Arena in Miami tonight. No matter how these guys from the Heat shoot, no matter how strange the posture is, no matter how hasty the shot is, the basketball will always slide into the basket smoothly. There is no way around it. Something happened.

Xie Chen's shooting percentage tonight was also terrible, but unfortunately the entire opponent's team's shooting percentage was so high. In the end, the Knicks still lost the game.

The Miami Heat shot 70.7% from the field, tying the record for a single game in history. The Heat just used incredible luck to win this game again.

"Why isn't this Game 7!" James clenched his fists excitedly. The Knicks lost two games in a row, which made James very happy, but he was also very upset at the same time, because if the Knicks and Heat had to play seven games in a row to separate, In terms of victory or defeat, if the Heat can have such luck in Game 7, the Heat will be able to eliminate the Knicks!

Xie Chen on the court also did his best to obey fate. He had done well enough. This result was arranged by God. He had nothing to do. At the same time, he was very glad that this was not the seventh game. If it was the seventh game like this, then No matter how capable Xie Chen is, he will definitely lose.

Everyone in the Miami Heat is very excited. They themselves cannot believe that their shooting percentage is so high. In fact, they are not sure about many goals, but they still go in. It is understandable that a person is lucky. What is rare is that on the court Five people are so lucky at the same time!

"It seems that God allowed the Knicks to lose! It's incredible that the Heat can have such a shooting percentage in the playoffs. I think it's because Xie Chen shot too many times in the past day. God is annoying, and then Such a victory was arranged for the Heat. If this is the case, then Ku Ritian must be careful!"

"The Knicks are 0:2. As long as the Heat win one game on the road, the Knicks will basically settle the series. I have long said that this year's Eastern Conference finals will be between the Heat and the Cavaliers, and some people keep saying I am ignorant!"

After the Knicks lost, football-savvy people on the Internet showed up one after another. Nowadays, many fans are like this. As long as they play poorly in a game, they will be mercilessly criticized. It seems that the purpose of basketball games is just to Just look at the results.

In the West, the Spurs finally showed off their domineering strength for many years and defeated the Thunder at home. The Thunder's second young player was basically suppressed and had no chance to perform. The two sides fought to a one-to-one draw.

After the game, Xie Chen took a shower and was not in the mood to eat late night snacks and went back to the hotel to rest. He was very tired. These two away games, no, strictly speaking, Xie Chen played four games in Miami, which had consumed him too much. He spent more energy and energy, but ended up losing two games in a row. Of course Xie Chen couldn't accept this result.

In the next two games, the battlefield will shift to the home court of the New York Knicks. By then, Xie Chen will have no excuse for losing. He must win both games!

In the evening, unexpectedly, Knicks president Phil Jackson came to see Xie Chen again.

It can be seen that the Zen master is obviously no longer as calm as before tonight. He has always been as stable as a mountain, and he would not say some words even if he is worried, but tonight his expression is erratic and very worried.

Losing two away games in a row is not a big deal, and Zen Master is not that restless. The key problem is that the Miami Heat were the opponents that Xie Chen deliberately proposed to avoid before, but they happened to be defeated twice in a row. Phil wanted to know the truth, he couldn't hold it in any longer.

"Thank you, tell me, tell me the truth about why you are afraid of the Miami Heat and Chicago Bulls. Only in this way can I help you. Maybe many people think that the conditions for us to win the championship this season are not mature, but I always feel that you have the ability to help When we accomplish this feat, we can't have an accident, at least we can't fall in the Eastern Conference semifinals, right?" Phil Jackson asked with a serious expression.

Phil Jackson's suspicion aroused made Xie Chen helpless. He must not let anyone know about his systematic things. No one else would be able to guess this thing unless he said it. This is something Xie Chen has always been reassured about.

Xie Chen pretended to be calm and said: "Mr. President, you are worrying too much. I just felt that it would be uncomfortable to face them, and I was not afraid of them. You must know that there is no problem with my performance tonight. We have been able to win every game, and now we are 0:2 behind. It is entirely due to the Miami Heat's good luck. They have created a historical record. Do you think I could have predicted in the regular season that they would create something like this tonight? Record? You don’t think of me as someone who has traveled from the future, do you?”

Phil Jackson thought carefully about what Xie Chen said, and it was indeed true. Xie Chen gave Phil the feeling that he was afraid of playing with the Heat and Bulls, but after actually facing them, Xie Chen was not afraid. In the first game The second half was a little abnormal. After all, we are all human beings. Who hasn't performed abnormally? Tonight's state was like a miracle. Xie Chen's performance was beyond words. What else can be blamed after scoring 50 points in the playoffs and with such high efficiency? It's just bad luck that the Heat performed exceptionally well. Any team with this kind of Heat would have to kneel down.

Phil Jackson nodded: "Well, since you don't want to talk, I won't force you. I just want you to know that we are on the same front and I will always be on your side. Have a good rest."

When Phil Jackson stood up to leave, Xie Chen made a promise to Phil in order to reassure him: "After four games, it will definitely be a draw, I guarantee you!"

The next day, the Knicks generals flew back to New York, and the Cavaliers and Bulls also started a second game.

To this day, what everyone talks about the most is yesterday's showdown between the Heat and the Knicks. As professional athletes, everyone feels that it is a pity that the Knicks lost.

The Cavaliers are all looking forward to who will be their opponent in the Eastern Conference finals, and the Bulls believe that the Heat have given them hope and confidence. The Cavaliers are indeed strong and difficult to deal with, but sometimes they are lucky, no matter how strong their opponent is. Can be defeated!

The Bulls were very tenacious from the beginning, especially Rose. His breakthrough layup was still such a big threat. Jimmy Butler also entered the state. The two of them worked together to suppress the Cavaliers in the first half until the fourth quarter. Leading by more than 10 points.

"Damn, the Miami Heat's win gave them confidence, and their team's shooting percentage was also very high tonight." James learned a lesson. He really shouldn't have focused all his attention on the next round of opponents so early. The Bulls may not Can be easily taken.

Good luck seems to be contagious. In the fourth quarter, Rose and Jimmy Butler both hit several difficult goals in succession! On the other hand, for the Cavaliers, many goals that should have been scored missed the frame.

In the end, the Bulls also relied on luck to defeat the Cavaliers.

The second game between the Warriors and Clippers, which was also played today, was more or less the same. Chris Paul hit three-pointers one after another at the critical moment of the fourth quarter. The Clippers reversed the score at the last moment, and Stephen Curry's magical three-pointer It never worked again, and the Clippers tied the total score at 1-1.

Many people say that this is the result of too many days between Curry and Xie Chen in the regular season...

In the second round of the series, only the Miami Heat won both games, while the other teams all drew. This made Xie Chen very unhappy.

Similarly, many media also took this opportunity to doubt and criticize Xie Chen's leadership ability.

The two guys from ESPN were arguing endlessly about Xie Chen and the Knicks, and the celebrities from T.NT were equally fierce.

Reggie Miller said: "I feel that Xie did not pay all his attention to the game. He was too unfocused. He even slept during the playoffs. The result? He treated the game so casually and won. ? I think Xie bears a lot of responsibility for the current results."

"Your accusation is baseless, Reggie." O'Neal quickly interjected: "Xie sleeping off the court has nothing to do with losing. You can check how many shots he missed in the second half. Losing The ball is just because the Heat played so well, there is nothing we can do about it. I don’t think there is any need to question Xie’s leadership, but I do not expect the Knicks to advance easily. The Miami Heat is by no means as easy as imagined. Many people think that the Miami Heat are not as good as the Toronto Raptors. The Raptors were swept by the Knicks, and the Heat will have the same fate. It’s all nonsense. Let me tell you, since I helped the Heat win their first championship in team history. After the championship, this team became different. Look, after that, how many times did they enter the finals and how many championships did they win? Chris Bosh, LeBron James, Xie, Hassan Whiteside, the best players in the league are all attracted there, and you have to believe that the Heat are an amazing team."

Smiling assassin Thomas said: "Shaq, how can you use anything to brag about yourself? Listen, my opinion is that with the current strength and momentum of the Miami Heat, they will definitely win a victory in New York. By then, Nick Sky is basically destined to be eliminated. I even think they may become the Eastern Conference champions and then meet the Warriors on the stage of the Finals. Just imagine, that will be a wonderful scene."

Kenny Smith vetoed: "It's impossible. The Miami Heat have reached the Finals too many times in a row. It would be impossible this year. In fact, if it hadn't been for Xie's appearance last year, it would have been impossible. They don't have the magic factor this year. You can't expect them to perform like that every game. I think one of the reasons for their high shooting percentage is that they play very cautiously. Joe Johnson, Wade, Stoudemire, Chris Bosh, they have There are many experienced veterans who will not make reckless moves and control the situation, but they still do not do enough to restrict Xie. As long as they cannot solve the problem of defending Xie, sooner or later they will still lose."

Xie Chen stayed at home with his wife and did not pay attention to any comments or suspicions about him from the outside world. He knew that after two games, these people would shut up.

At the home court, there is no need to challenge any legendary team. Without this kind of restraint, Xie Chen will win the third game in a completely crazy way!

New York, Madison Square Garden, the Eastern Conference semifinals, the third game between the Heat and the Knicks, finally arrived at the home court of New York. Knicks fans are very much looking forward to their return. Although they are not satisfied with the 0:2 result, they I always believe that Xie Chen and Anthony can get the score back.

The Black Eight Miracle has been staged, are you still afraid of the Heat?

Xie Chen's appearance triggered the warmest cheers at the scene. Many people chanted Xie Chen's name and cheered him up. The loss in the last game was really frustrating, which made many Knicks fans very sad. sad.

After Xie Chen entered the venue, he found that two old friends, Stephen Amell and Willa Holland, were present. The two of them stood up and waved to Xie Chen who was warming up.

Xie Chen was full of confidence tonight and was very happy to meet these two old friends. He greeted Vera happily and said, "You are beautiful again."

Vera and Amel both had straight faces and looked very serious. Amel said, "Dude, do you know? We came to New York this time with bows and arrows."

"What do you mean?" Xie Chen asked.

Vera, who was elegant and charming in white clothes, replied: "Amel, if you lose again tonight, he will go to your house at night to shoot you with arrows like he did last year, and then say to you, 'You have failed this person. a city'."

"Haha." Xie Chen smiled and asked Vera, "Will you come too? I remember when you came last year, you gave me a kiss."

Vera was shy, and Xie Chen looked at Amel and said, "Man, I'm afraid you won't have the opportunity to do something like this to me again. The place where I live now is not something you can just break into. Besides, I I won’t give you a chance to say this to me, just wait and see how I win this game!”

Vera looked at Xie Chen with an infatuated expression and murmured to herself: "I really want to fall in love with him. Is there any way?"

Amell smiled: "Yes, just let him play the role of your boyfriend in the next season of "Arrow"."

Vera didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but she was still curious why Xie Chen was so confident tonight. The Heat have proven that they are not an easy opponent to deal with.

Before the game, Dwyane Wade gathered all the players together and said to them: "If we can win tonight and make the total score 3:0, it will be of great significance to us. Then the Knicks will win again." There is no hope of promotion. Don’t think that after winning two games, you can relax your vigilance. This game is more important than any other! Xie and Anthony will launch a fierce attack from the beginning. Tonight we will face a tougher team than the previous two games. We have to hold on to this fierce offensive! As long as we hold on to the end of the game, we can win!"

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