Super Dictator

Chapter 140 It’s time for revenge (Please collect)

Seeing that the Kuri-Iihara regiment had already gained a foothold in the first attack, Oshima Hisashi immediately suppressed the army and ordered another regiment to form a skirmish line and attack from the right wing in an attempt to break through the Ninji Army's defense line in one fell swoop.

Bang bang bang, bullets raining down, cannons booming!

Gunpowder smoke filled the air and sparks flew everywhere. Some sergeants were hit and hid in the trenches and never got up. Or Japanese soldiers were killed by bombs. Their bodies were thrown high and fell heavily.

Both sides tried their best, one to repel the enemy, and the other to attack Haicheng as soon as possible.

Not long after the battle began, the battlefield became intense. The Renzi Army soldiers hid in the ravine and relied on the earth wall as a barrier. When the Japanese came close, they fired a hundred guns. In an instant, countless Japanese were killed.

Kuri Ibara personally went among the fighting units to motivate the soldiers.

He originally thought that he could easily deal with the Yuanzi garrison of the Xu family, but unexpectedly he suffered such losses. He couldn't help but feel furious, hated the Renzi army to the bone, and tried his best to urge the armies to advance.

By the time Japanese Colonel Shibanoshima led the right-wing regiment to join the battle line, the Kuri Iigahara regiment had suffered more than a hundred casualties.

However, there were only three battalions of the Renzi Army. They had just withstood the attack from the left wing, and were attacked by the right wing. The left and right were overwhelmed and unable to withstand.

At this time, the Japanese were like a rushing tide, all of them rushing forward without thinking about their own safety, and gathered together.

Fierce hand-to-hand fighting on horseback and on foot has already occurred in some places. Ensi, the commander-in-chief of the Renzi Army's Zhongying camp, was seriously injured in the head and feet. He was helped to lie down in a nearby house, but his troops still fought to death and refused to fight.

Ji Liang, the deputy general of Luo in the rear camp, was wounded in the chin and foot, and was killed in action while helping to lead Wei guerrillas. Lieutenant General Luo fought endlessly, was surrounded by thieves, and still rushed out of the battlefield amidst a hail of bullets.

The Renzi Army broke out with the greatest enthusiasm since the war began. The two sides fought inextricably and fell into a stalemate.

Katsura Taro, who was watching the battle from behind, frowned when he saw it. Ogawa Jiro said with relief: "The Qing soldiers can only resist for a while because of their bravery. I believe it won't take long for them to flee."

Before Ogawa Jiro finished speaking, the battle situation had already changed.

At this critical moment, Ma Yucuo's troops suddenly abandoned their friendly forces and withdrew from the front in panic.

Hisao Oshima seized this rare opportunity to break through the Renzi Army's front line in one fell swoop, and then expanded the results to the surrounding areas, encircling and suppressing other battalions.

Ma Yucuo's retreat caused the Renzi Army to be in disarray. The troops were soon divided and surrounded. Seeing that nothing could be done, several other battalion officers gritted their teeth and cursed Ma Yucuo, and then they had no choice but to lead their troops to break out of the encirclement.

Less than two hours after the war started, his own army had defeated the Renji Army. Oshima Kuzuki was ecstatic, and then he was furious when he saw his own dead and wounded soldiers.

He immediately ordered a pursuit. In fact, without his order, Kuri Iihara and Shiba Yejima couldn't wait to bite behind the defeated Jinji army and pursue them.

Katsura Taro, who was watching the battle from behind, felt very happy when he saw this. With an order, his troops quickly dispatched and ran towards Haicheng.

Ogawa Jiro suddenly took out a map from his arms, thought for a moment, pointed at the map and said: "Sir, there is a thin line of sky beyond, so the land is dangerous, with kilometers of mountains on both sides, and only a gentle road in the middle. Chidao, looking up from Chidao, we can only see a sliver of sky, hence its name. I'm afraid if the Qing army sets up an ambush here."

Katsura Taro raised his telescope and happened to see the endless mountains. When he looked up at the position, he saw groups of Qing troops fleeing in panic. From time to time, sergeants of the Renzi Army were overtaken. Then he fell to the bullets of Imperial soldiers.

That situation didn't look like a fake, not to mention that the Renji Army only had 2,000 people in total. They also had troops to set up an ambush. Katsura Taro handed the telescope to Ogawa Jiro.

Ogawa Jiro looked at it carefully, then shook his head and said: "Your Excellency, it seems that I am worrying too much. The other armies in Haicheng are too courageous, and I have not heard of that army coming to support the Renzi Army. As long as they cross this line, Heaven, the terrain is flat, the Chinese army has no danger to defend, and is not far from defeat. "

Katsura Taro nodded and said: "Ogawa-kun has always been cautious, but this time the situation is slightly different. The Qing army in Haicheng has no leader and is working on its own. Our 3rd Division should seize the opportunity to pursue the victory and capture Haicheng before Liu Kunyi's reinforcements from the Qing army arrive. Otherwise, it will be too late." Then there will be a change.”

"Let's go!" Katsura Taro raised his whip, and all the staff followed him hurriedly down the hillside, leading the division headquarters to ride forward.

In the sky, Wei Jichen was anxiously waiting for news. The sounds of fighting between the two sides coming from the distance had not stopped yet. Could it be that Ma Jinxu's strategy of luring the enemy failed? The Japanese had already attacked quickly and surrounded him with thunderous force?

Although Wei Jichen's thoughts were changing, he remained calm and even joked and laughed with the sergeants around him from time to time.

Zhang Zuolin, Wang Shizhen, Nie Cairong, Zhao Hu and other battalion officers have returned to their respective armies, waiting for his order to attack.

Bang bang bang, bursts of fierce gunfire came from the distance, and they were getting closer and closer.

Wei Jichen stood up and walked out of the temporary command post. He lay down behind a small mound and raised his telescope to look down.

But when he saw the Renzi Army abandoning their helmets and armor and fleeing in a hurry, with most of the Japanese troops behind them, Wei Jichen was surprised that some brave soldiers of the Renzi Army turned around and rushed towards the Japanese.

What are you doing, just luring the enemy, why do you want to fight so fiercely?

Wei Jichen was puzzled at first, but then he realized that Ma Jinxu must be afraid that the Japanese would see the flaw, and would rather sacrifice his own army in exchange for overall victory.

Seeing that out of the more than 2,000 Renzi troops, only less than 1,000 were able to run over safely, Wei Jichen felt blood boiling in his body.

Come on, let me avenge those brothers who died at the hands of the 3rd Division.

Mr. Cheng, monk, brothers, if you have spirits under the Nine Springs, please come up and have a look. I, Wei Jichen, will avenge my dead brothers here.

At Yushu Fort, we were surrounded and annihilated by the 3rd Division. This time, I, Wei Jichen, will return them all. I will let the Japanese from the 3rd Division die without a burial place to honor the spirits of our brothers in heaven. I will let all the Japanese die. Understand, my Wei Zijun is invincible!

Katsura Taro, Oshima Hisao, Ogawa Jiro, you will become the dead souls of Wei Jichen.

If I want to destroy you, I will make you crazy first. You will not be rampant for long.

The soldiers of Renzi fled all the way and soon fled into the valley. Kuri Ibara, who was chasing at the front, didn't even think about it and led his troops in pursuit without hesitation.

Kuri Ibara held the command knife, feeling excited, excited, and stimulated, all kinds of emotions mixed together.

When he saw the enemy falling helplessly under his sword, all the muscles in his body would tremble.

Chasing down broken soldiers is what he is best at. Firstly, the enemy has little resistance at this time, and secondly, he can use various methods to kill people.

Kuri Ibara saw a soldier in front of him who had no time to escape. He was squatting on the ground like a mouse, shivering. He raised his whip and the army horse ran wildly.

After running behind the soldier, Kuri Iihara pulled the reins, and the galloping horse immediately raised its front hooves, but the whole body still ran forward for a while before stopping, so that the horse's hoof just fell on the soldier.

Ah, just as the sergeant had time to scream, he was trampled until his brains exploded and his flesh and blood were mutilated.

When the soldiers under his command saw Kuri Ibara being so brave, they followed suit one by one. They took no prisoners and ravaged the sergeant who stopped and raised his hands high in the air.

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