Super Floating City

Chapter 440 Underground Mining Area 4

dark elf.

One of the main intelligent races of the underground world.

From the perspective of the outside world, they are evil, cruel, selfish, promiscuous, promiscuous, etc., and they belong to a very difficult intelligent group to deal with. This race still maintains the tradition of the matriarchal society. Women have the supreme status and have many special abilities. At the same time, because of the radiation field of the underground world, they may awaken some spiritual power. In Stephen's opinion, this race is very interesting, because most of the dark elves belong to the chaotic camp, but their social order is very strict and cruel, and the female dark elves maintain the rule over the male dark elves with absolute advantages.

As for the promiscuous attributes rumored by the outside world, in fact, most feminist races have the characteristics of "promiscuous" in the eyes of the outside world.

This is a moral gap!

A woman has strength and power at the same time, so naturally she can sleep with any man she wants to sleep with, and sleep with as many men as she wants. Once a female creature lets go of the bottom line, it is quite cute.

Stephen didn't believe that the dark elves would give up an adamantine mine.

There must be something wrong with the underground of this mining area!

Thinking of this, he immediately became more careful. After adding several protective spells in a row, he let the brass golem guard the entrance, while he led others to grope inside quietly.

This place has obviously been taken over several times.

There are very few things left by the ancient wizards. Except for these brass golems that can still fight, Stephen didn't find anything special. Most of the construction machinery has been damaged, because this is an underground mine, so there are no ancient gadgets worthy of Stephen's attention.

These mining structures are all technologies of the late Thorium Age, and Stephen himself can easily make them.

Even in his mithril mining area, some construction techniques are more advanced and more efficient than here, and Stephen's own alchemy knowledge is an arcane age ahead of ancient wizards.


Accompanied by the sound of bats, a large group of mephits suddenly flew out of the darkness.

These mephits were not small in size, and they quickly approached Stephen and the others. They could emit strange sound waves and rushed towards them with a howl.

——"Burning Cloud Technique!"

A cloud of fire appeared right in front of them, and with the strong magical aura, a large number of mephits fell down, their bodies quickly evaporated water, and turned into many scorched black corpses in a blink of an eye.

These are only monsters with a challenge level of around 3, and they do not pose any threat to Stephen at all.

After entering the deep underground, the frequency of Stephen and others encountering monsters increased significantly. Along the way, they encountered scavengers, black thorn spiders, earth monsters, lurking monsters, etc., which are common in the underground world but also Rather nasty monster. If it wasn't for Stephen being strong enough, he might still have a headache for a while.

It has penetrated deep into the hinterland of the underground mining area.

There seem to be more well-preserved buildings around, and many mined veins can be seen.

But after entering the main road for mining veins, Stephen quickly noticed something was wrong.

"There seem to be fewer monsters." The Gorgon-Essara whispered.

In the beginning, they encountered monsters at intervals, and every area seemed to be owned by them, but now they had been walking for a while without encountering any monsters, as if they all disappeared at once.

"There may be a big guy below!" Stephen said slowly.

The sound of dripping water came.

There seems to be an underground river somewhere in this area, and not a single mouse can be seen along the way.

There are traces of artificial excavation on all sides, and the passage is getting wider and wider, which is much wider than the front. Today, the main road has a diameter of 30 to 40 meters and a height of nearly 20 meters. It seems that It is convenient for some big guys to pass.


After walking a certain distance, Stephen suddenly said in a deep voice: "There is a magic trap ahead!"

A little light appeared in the palm of his hand.

Stephen touched it carefully, and dispelled the spell trap in front of it without leaving a trace. This is an alarm trigger device, and at the same time, it is equipped with an attack spell of the wind system. After seeing this somewhat familiar spell trap, Stephen's expression suddenly became a little playful, because he seemed to have seen a similar picture before.

"Let's go. I think I should know what's down there!" Stephen said lightly.

The sound of dripping water came.

For some reason, the subterranean dwarves following Stephen felt more and more flustered in this dark environment, as if they were very scared. If it wasn't for Stephen walking in front, these subterranean gnomes would have already turned around and fled away.

The Gorgon-Essara also had a slightly uncomfortable expression at the moment, feeling a little flustered inexplicably, as if she had encountered a terrible natural enemy.

"Have you felt Longwei?" Stephen stopped and reached out to comfort the maid next to him.

He said slowly: "Take a deep breath. Relax. Just get used to it."

Longwei? !

After hearing Stephen's words, the heartbeats of the subterranean gnomes stopped for a moment. If Stephen hadn't been here, they might have fled in a panic.

There's a dragon in the ground?


For such a long time, we didn't know that there was a giant dragon under our hometown!

"Dragon? Is it dangerous?" The Gorgon-Essara took a deep breath and asked.

Stephen smiled calmly and said: "It should be just an adult dragon. It seems to be a relatively rare kind. I can handle it!"

He is too familiar with Long Wei.

After getting closer to a certain distance, he was able to confirm that there was a dragon below, and it was still an adult dragon, but he didn't know what species it was.

The front becomes wider and wider.

Stephen cleared seven or eight spell traps along the way, and after passing through the last passage, the front suddenly became clear, and a huge dragon's nest appeared in front of everyone. The subterranean dwarves saw the mountains of treasures piled up in front of them at first glance. There were golden hills more than five meters high, but the color was a little bit wrong. It looked a bit brassy, ​​as if it was not pure enough and mixed with a lot of copper. On the other side are scattered gems of various colors, mainly topaz and topaz, as well as other colorful gems, and some messy gadgets.


The most eye-catching thing is the sleeping behemoth lying on its stomach in the middle, it is a huge yellow dragon with jade luster flowing all over its body, which looks like crystal!

"Master! What kind of dragon is this?" the Gorgon-Azshara asked in confusion.

Stephen cast a spell to cover up the traces of a group of people, and there is no need to worry about disturbing the sleeping dragon. At this moment, his eyes brightened and he looked straight ahead and said: "Topaz Dragon! A kind of gem dragon! The color is so beautiful!"

"I just like this yellow and golden thing!"


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