Chapter 260 President Wu

Xia Fei talked a lot about the characteristics and dispositions of Koreans, and Andre nodded and said: "I heard you say that, but I think of some historical records. Koreans seem to have claimed that Einstein and Confucius in China are both Koreans. Man, this is simply too shameless. (Apex Novels hand typed novel)”

Xia Fei smiled slightly and said, "Let me tell you a story. Once the Koreans planned to land on the sun, do you know what method they decided to adopt?"

Andre was stunned and said: "How is this possible? The sun is so hot that even the hardest metal will be burned into liquid. How did the Koreans do it? Could it be that they have developed the latest super-resistant Metal?"

Xia Fei shook his head with a smile and said: "The Koreans said that they don't need any super-resistant metals, because they plan to go at night."


Andre laughed loudly, his face was red, and he couldn't hold back his anger.

"Xia Fei, this joke is so funny, my God, the Koreans actually plan to go there at night, this is really a wonderful idea." Andre said, clutching his stomach.

After drinking a glass of water and suppressing his smile, Andre said sternly: "Back then we planned to acquire the largest electronics company in South Korea, the Samsung Group, but we were strongly blocked from the Korean Peninsula and failed. Now behind Muraty The biggest sources of funds are these Korean companies and several big families in Italy. As long as we can cut off his source of funds in one fell swoop, Muratti will be able to succumb. In addition, we can also hire a detective company at a high price to investigate Muratti's shady After all, there are many shady secrets behind every politician, as long as you put your heart into it, you will definitely be able to grasp him."

"In this way, we will turn the federal president into a pawn of our own, and it will be much more convenient in the future." Andrei threw out his countermeasures to Xia Fei without losing the opportunity.

Xia Fei lit a cigarette, lowered his head and pondered for a moment, and then said softly: "Your plan is indeed very good, but it's too cheap to let an enemy go."

The voice was extremely flat, but Andre could smell a strong killing intent from it, he frowned and said: "Xia Fei, you don't mean to kill him, since murdering the federal president is a rather big task. The crime, if the news is accidentally leaked, it will be extremely detrimental to Quantum Corporation. More importantly, the world is as black as crows. If Muratti is killed, other greedy guys will continue to occupy the position of president. We still have to find ways to deal with him. "

Andre's worries are very reasonable. Those who can climb to the position of president will never be easy to get along with. If Muratti is dead, the new president will be even more miserable, and the gains outweigh the losses.

Xia Fei laughed strangely, "Murati must die, since he is an enemy, we can't let him continue to exist. This is also a warning to those who peek at our backs. Let them know that the consequences of going against us are only There is a dead end. As for who will succeed the president after Muratti’s death, we need to make a good arrangement, and this time we must push someone we trust, and Quantum will never be led by anyone.”

Andre was taken aback. What Xia Fei meant was obvious. He wanted to manipulate the election and control the entire Earth Federation.

This is definitely a super powerful counterattack. Since the president does not cooperate with Quantum Corporation, then change to a president you trust.

It's not that Andre has never considered manipulating politics, but it takes a lot of courage to do so. The Earth Federation has a population of more than 7 billion and age-appropriate voters of more than 5.5 billion. Only with 3 billion votes can he win firmly.

During this period, I don’t know how many difficulties to overcome. Different ethnic groups and different provinces need to be persuaded one by one. The workload is unimaginable. It is far more difficult than controlling a president. The former needs to persuade billions people, and the latter only needs to take down one person.

With the strength of today's Quantum Company, it's not that it doesn't have the ability to control the general election, but Andre has never been able to make such a big determination. Compared with Xia Fei, he lacks the courage to give up.

"Okay, now that you have decided, we can give it a try. I believe that with the strength of the Quantum Company, there is definitely hope to push our candidate to the top of the federation." Andre nodded heavily.

Xia Fei said: "Is your old man interested in being the president of the Federation?"

This is not a joke. Andre was born in the illustrious Rothschild family, and he is quite well-known in the political and business circles. If he were to be elected, he would indeed have conditions unmatched by others.

However, Andre is a Jew. Although the discrimination against Jews in the world has greatly changed since World War II, in the eyes of many stubborn Europeans, Judaism is still synonymous with traitors and cannot be trusted.

Andre said with a smile: "Are you kidding? I should have retired at my age. I don't think federal citizens will see an old man become president. They should find other candidates."

Xia Fei was silent for a while, and Andre said: "I do know quite a few promising politicians, but with your character, I'm afraid these people are hard to be trusted."

Xia Fei is not used to trusting others, so candidates can only choose from people he knows and trusts, and this person must have a clean background and a decent personality. fell short.

Andre thought for a long time and felt that Xia Fei was the most suitable. Of course Xia Fei didn't have the heart to be a president. Now his vision has already been set far enough. If it weren't for the things on the earth that involved his vital interests, Xia Fei might not be interested at all. It will take care of who will be the president.

Suddenly, Xia Fei patted his thigh heavily and said: "Yes."

"Who is it?" Andre asked curiously, "Do I know this person?"

Xia Fei nodded and said: "Of course you know this person, and you are very familiar with him. His name is Wu Long."

Andre was slightly taken aback. Wu Long had been with Xia Fei for a long time, and he was also a Chinese. Naturally, no one would doubt his character, and he was even more loyal to Xia Fei. However, Wu Long's mind is not brilliant, he is straightforward and careless, and although he is much better than before after two years of experience, he is still far from the presidential candidate in Andre's heart.

"Will Wu Long succeed? It seems that he has some problems with his eloquence." Andre said very tactfully. After all, Wu Long is his brother, so it's hard to say too bluntly.

Xia Fei smiled and said: "No problem, Wu Long has changed a lot in the past two years, and he has changed a lot. He is easy to deal with. I have my own considerations in choosing him. In the entire Federation with a population of 7 billion Who is the most important person?"

Andre thought for a while and said, "Asian?"

"It's true to say that." Xia Fei said, "Whether it's Asians, Africans, or South Americans, most of them are still struggling on the edge of the poverty line. To win the election is to have the support of these people first and foremost."

Andre excitedly said: "I understand, Wu Long is a Chinese, and he can easily get the support of 1.3 billion Chinese people, and like most people in the Federation, he was born in a poor family, relying on his own efforts Success step by step, for these people, Wu Long is simply his idol."

"The story of Wu Long is a dream, a dream that all poor people want to realize. We can use this to make full use of it, publicize the story of Wu Long's success in a miraculous way, and package him as an idol of the poor." Xia Fei added .

Andre was very excited, "Wu Long does have an inherent advantage in this area, but the current federal government is controlled by mainstream factions in Europe and the United States. I'm afraid it will not be that simple to win the support of these people."

Xia Fei laughed and said: "It is impossible for us to get everyone's support, as long as we can get enough votes, it is already half the battle, and Wu Long has a high position in Quantum Company, and he can be regarded as a member of the upper class. He can speak English well. Not bad, I believe that some European and American residents will also vote for him at that time, and if coupled with the full operation of Quantum Company at all costs, the probability of Wu Long winning will become very high."

Andre said: "In addition to these, it is necessary to form a huge campaign team, help Wu Long write speeches, arrange schedules, etc. I have a friend who has been operating in this industry for decades, and several US presidents worked under him. He won the final victory under his strategizing, and you can hear more about his opinions on the campaign team."

Xia Fei asked, "Is this person trustworthy?"

Andre chuckled and said, "Think about it, what he's running is the presidential election, and there are countless shady things behind it. If his mouth is not strict enough, how could he survive until now."

Xia Fei nodded and said: "What you said is very reasonable. Can you invite him to go out again? The price is negotiable."

"He has been retired for a long time, but I can give it a try." Andre said.

"Remember, no matter what the cost, we must invite the top consultants." Xia Fei said in a deep voice.

Xia Fei and Andre discussed it for a long time. Xia Fei's strategy is to win as many votes as possible, and then assist in the strategy of attacking or luring other opponents. Both swords are fired together to start this war without gunpowder in a targeted manner. .

But one thing needs to be resolved before that, and that is how to get the current President Muratti out of office.

For Xia Fei, killing Moratti is the easiest and least desirable way, because once the federal president is assassinated, the entire federation will immediately enter a state of emergency, with the vice president acting as the agent until the emergency is lifted, and then Make a new election.

This period of time can be long or short. What Xia Fei wants is to push Wu Long to the fore as soon as possible. The longer it is delayed, the more detrimental it will be to Quantum Corporation. Besides, it is inappropriate to assassinate the president and cause social unrest.

As a result, they had to do everything possible to find a way for Muratti to force him to step down and hold a new general election. When Muratti stepped down from the presidential throne, even if Xia Fei killed him, it wouldn't cause too much trouble.

Collecting criminal evidence of a president is like a double-edged sword. If it is used improperly, it may be bitten back. After all, those private detectives are also human, who can guarantee that their mouths will be reliable?

After thinking about it, Xia Fei decided to hand over this matter to several famous private detective agencies to deal with separately, and also planted his own nails in the dark, and would kill anyone if the situation went wrong.

Don't forget that Xia Fei has another identity, that is, the agent of the Shadow Killing Sect. He can directly place an order to invite a group of Shadow Killing Sect slayers to work in secret, and it is guaranteed that no one will notice.

After discussing all this, it was already noon, Xia Fei and Qin Mang Yuege said goodbye, and they went straight to New York with Andre on the Vampire to meet the future President Wu of the Federation.


There is a seven-hour time difference between Hawaii and New York, and it was already eight o'clock in the evening when Xia Fei and Andre arrived at Quantum's office base.

The headquarters of Quantum Corporation is the prestigious Empire State Building, located on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan. Of course, this is only a part of Quantum Corporation’s office base. The surrounding skyscrapers are also under the name of Quantum Corporation, but they have different functions. .

On the ninety-ninth floor, Wu Long's office.

It was late at night, but Wu Long was still busy at work, Xia Fei knocked lightly on the door three times, and Oolong's rough voice came from inside.

"Please come in"

Xia Fei and Andre walked into the office with a smile, only to see Wu Long lying on the desk writing hard, the cigarette in his hand was about to burn out, but Wu Long didn't notice it.

"Sit down first and wait until I finish approving these documents." Wu Long said in an unquestionable voice. Obviously, he didn't know who was here, and he only regarded it as his secretary or ordinary visitor.

Andre couldn't help but want to remind Wu Long, Xia Fei stopped him with a slight smile, and the two sat quietly on the sofa beside him, watching him work.

I have to say that today's Wu Long is not the same as the former Ma Daha. With the top handmade suit and his burly figure, he looks quite mature and capable. He wears a luxurious but not luxurious IWC platinum watch on his left wrist. The hair is also combed meticulously, just like a successful person.

Wu Long was extremely serious about his work. He never raised his head for more than ten minutes, and kept writing and drawing with the pen in his hand. He is not very good at using computers, so he still uses the most primitive way to deal with official affairs, just like this Once he came, he would spend more time than others. God knows how many days and nights he has spent in the office in the past two years.

Xia Fei was very happy. Wu Long's meticulous attitude had already explained everything. It was an extremely wise choice to bring him into his camp, who was not very smart.

After a full half an hour, Wu Long raised his head to take a look, and said in his mouth, "Are you in a hurry?"


As soon as he saw Wu Long's big black face sitting on the opposite sofa, he blushed, "Xia Fei Andre"

"What are you two doing? You didn't speak when you came here, so I thought it was the secretary looking for me." Wu Long jumped up from his chair, and excitedly came to Xia Fei's side and said.

Xia Fei smiled slightly, "It doesn't matter, you are busy with your work, we will wait for you"

Wu Long patted Xia Fei on the shoulder, "Actually, there's nothing wrong with it. I'm just reviewing the day's work. My mother doesn't think I'm smart. If I don't review the things I've finished, I can't let go of my heart." Come."

Xia Fei nodded silently. As the saying goes, hard work can make up for weakness, and Wu Long is a typical example of this. A serious and friendly man like him is most admired by Xia Fei.

The three of them said a few words, Wu Long called the secretary over angrily and cursed at him, complaining that he didn't report Xia Fei's matter, Xia Fei hurriedly explained that he didn't let her speak, Wu Long's expression was just like this. Also watched some.

Xia Fei and Andre waited for him for another half an hour, until he finished all the work, then left the office and went to the famous Mayflower Restaurant to taste crabs.

We found a secluded private room, and the waiter delivered delicious and juicy king crab, and the three of us talked while eating.

"Has your old mother asked you to start a family recently?" Xia Fei asked with a smile.

Wu Long sighed and said: "How can I not talk about it? My ears are almost callused. I have to introduce someone to me all day long. I reasoned that if I was busy with work, I would die if I saw her. You said, I have Is that old?"

Wu Long, you haven't been married for nearly forty years. This has become a heart disease for the old mother of the Wu family. She not only talks to Wu Long, but often goes to Andre or Xia Fei to ask them to help persuade Wu Long to marry a wife.

Xia Fei said with a smile: "Brother Wu, you really can't be considered young at this age. In my opinion, it's not bad for you to just find a girl to marry. With your current wealth and status, what kind of girl can't you find?"

When Quantum Company was established, Xia Fei had agreed to give him and Andre 10% of the shares each. Later, the company grew larger and larger, and Andre and Wu Long were unwilling to accept the shares, so in the end they had to The next best thing is to take out the 20% of the shares as the executive fund, Wu Long, Andre, including Sarah, Charlie, Bo Teng, etc., these are the main partners that Xia Fei poached from all over the world Every year in addition to salary, he will receive a special allowance of a considerable amount, but the shares are still counted in Xia Fei's name.

Wu Long frowned and said: "Actually, it's not that I haven't thought about starting a family, but getting married and having children is very troublesome. I don't have so much time. Every day, just these business affairs are exhausting. If you didn't pull me Entering Quantum Company, I, Wu Long, will never be where I am today, so the company must be the most important thing in everything, as for my own mess, I will talk about it later."

Xia Fei was moved in his heart. If ordinary people told Xia Fei how to work hard for Quantum Company, Xia Fei would definitely not believe it, but Wu Long's efforts were seen by everyone, and he just relied on his own stubbornness to support himself For several important departments of Quantum Company, you must know that Wu Long has no mathematical ability, nor has he studied much, and he is able to achieve what he is today entirely due to his own hard work and eagerness to learn.

Xia Fei looked at Andre and said: "In your opinion, with Brother Angkor's current status, what kind of girl can be matched?"

Andre stroked his chin and thought for a moment: "There are really not many, because Wu Long's status is too special. Although the youngest daughter of the Grand Duke of Monaco is still unmarried, she is already a bit old, and her reputation is not very good. Not suitable, the daughter of the Greek ship tycoon is very nice, and she has a master's degree in economics. Selected from the remaining noble descendants."

Wu Long was in a cold sweat when he heard that, he interrupted Andre hurriedly and said, "Stop, what's going on here? It's a princess and the daughter of a ship king. What does this have to do with me?"

Xia Fei smiled and said: "Brother Wu, in your capacity, the fact of marriage is really not sloppy."

"What is my identity?" Wu Long asked with his head tilted.

Xia Fei said lightly: "Oh, if all goes well, you will be the President of the Federation after a while."


Wu Long took a sip of champagne, opened his eyes wide, and looked at Xia Fei in disbelief.

Andre said from the side: "President Wu, why are you so nervous before taking office? If this is at a state banquet, it is very disrespectful to the guests."

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