Chapter 277 Double Perfect Score

Xia Fei's theory is actually easy to understand. The improvised drone cannot have very strong performance, so he fully unleashes the potential of the firepower part. This is like a person's struggle before death. When faced with a In a war that can never be won, a true warrior will never choose to escape, but will use his last life force to fight hard. (Dingding novel hand-written novel)

If you win by luck, you will be very happy. If you lose unfortunately, you won't have any regrets. After all, you have tried your best.

Nian Fuguang and Constantine made the mistake of treating a makeshift unmanned fighter jet with poor performance and no tomorrow as an ordinary machine. They never thought that this machine was already crumbling. Life can be ended at any time, so what use is defense? It would be better to fight like Xia Fei and risk his life with his last remaining strength.

Nian Fuguang nodded. Master Lu Xuan, who always advocated defense first, did not say anything. Strengthening defense is indeed a good thing, but it depends on when. Under the current situation, Xia Fei's choice is the most thorough and free. , and most likely to find a way out of desperate situations.

"We all have scruples in our hearts. We cannot let go of everything we already have. We are afraid of sacrifice and death. Therefore, the best combat drone in our minds needs to have balanced performance, thus forgetting that our situation actually has no way out."

"Xia Fei, you made a good choice. You can only stand up and resist in extremely difficult situations. You can't take any chances. It is stupid to always think that if the armor is thicker, you may survive in the battle. You will eventually destroy yourself. , OK, your creative ideas are clear to the competition committee, now you can go back.”

Xia Fei and Constantine left the room, and Nian Fuguang said to the other chief referees present: "The matter has become very clear, let's start scoring now."

All the old men clicked on the computers in their hands, and there was no doubt about the result. The scores given by the nine referees were exactly the same.

Today's schedule has ended, but the audience refused to leave for a long time, and most of the players also stayed. They all wanted to know the final scores of Xia Fei and Constantine. This bizarre game made everyone puzzled. Know what the Machinists Association is up to.

"Let's see the score soon"

I don't know who shouted, and everyone raised their heads and stared at the big screen. The first thing that came out was Constantine's score.

"One hundred and twenty full points plus ten special points from the organizing committee, totaling one hundred and thirty points."

"What? One hundred and thirty points for the broken iron box he assembled?"

"How is it possible? So many outstanding players only got zero points. Why did Constantine get a high score of 130?"

"Is the referee organizing committee so smart? I really don't know what their scoring criteria are."

The crowd immediately became excited. In their opinion, Constantine's work was not considered excellent, but the score was so high that people couldn't help but wonder. At the same time, posts on the Star Network were overwhelming. The Goldfinger Cup was a This is a top-level competition in terms of scale and influence, with countless viewers in the league. As soon as this news came out, it immediately caused a huge tsunami, directly pushing the Machinists Association to the forefront.

Li Mo's face became ugly. In this competition alone, Constantine surpassed him by 107 points. I am afraid that the future schedule will become more and more difficult. After all, it is not easy to chase more than 100 points. things.

But all this is not the end. When Xia Fei's score came out, people's emotions had turned from shock to anger, because Xia Fei's score was as high as 170 points. The organizing committee had a special score of 50, which was also a perfect score.

"Double perfect score Xia Fei actually got double perfect score"

"This is so strange. This is the first double perfect score in this competition. I didn't expect it to be given to Xia Fei? That thing he made is simply ugly."

"More than just ugly, I have never seen such an ugly drone in my life."

"Call the referee team to come out and explain the situation. Why did Xia Fei get full marks?"

"The Mechanics Association is also a first-class guild. How could it fool us like this?"

"If you ask me, not only does Xia Fei not deserve full marks, but his points should be deducted. Seeing the drone he designed is simply polluting my eyes."

The audience shouted in the stands for the Mechanics Association to come forward and explain their scoring standards. Li Mo was so angry that he was trembling all over. If Constantine's score was a bit outrageous, then Xia Fei's double perfect score was simply outrageous.

Now he was going head-to-head with Xia Fei, wishing he could eat his flesh and get faster. How could he want to see Xia Fei leave him far behind in this competition?

Li Mo turned around with a cold face and strode outside. At the same time, he pressed the button and answered a call.

"Dad, I suspect there is something fishy about the Mechanics Association. I only got 23 points in today's competition, but there was a guy who got double full marks of 170 points. You and the referee this time have always been the same. We are old acquaintances, could you please find out what is going on?" Li Mo said while holding back the hatred in his heart.

Li Mo's father, Li Guan, frowned slightly, "I have told you not to participate in this meaningless competition, but you just don't listen. As the heir of the Li family, one day you will inherit the planet. For a financial group, a Goldfinger Cup title won't do you any good."

Li Mo gritted his teeth and said: "Father, I promise you, this is the last time I will touch machinery. After the competition, I will go to work in the company according to your arrangement."

Li Guan was slightly startled. His precious son had liked disassembling and assembling toys since he was a child. When he grew up, he was even more obsessed with machinery. As a father, he had always been worried that he would choose to be a machinist and refuse to take over the family business. Now Li Mo He personally made a guarantee and decided to work in the company, which naturally made him very happy.

"Okay, for you I will show off my old face this time. I will go over to Nian Fuguang to say hello. You wait for my call."


The video call was terminated. Li Mo looked at Avril in the distance, and then at the eye-catching score on the light screen. He snorted coldly and kicked an innocent red venetian plant by the roadside, causing petals to fly.

"Congratulations, I am convinced that I lost this time, but this is not the whole game. I will fight you with all my strength in the next match." In the elevator room, Constantine pushed up his glasses and said.

Xia Fei said: "Actually, it's nothing. It's just that they have different ideas, so the results are very different. It has nothing to do with a person's technical level. I'm curious, who did you learn your skills from?"

Constantine shook his head and said, "Then who did you learn your skills from?"

Xia Fei smiled slightly and said, "I don't want to say it."

"I don't want to say it either," Constantine said.

The elevator door suddenly opened, and countless spectators rushed over with cheers, surrounding Xia Fei and Constantine. They asked questions all over the place, wanting to know why Xia Fei and Constantine got high scores.

Xia Fei frowned and said to Constantine: "Take care, I have to leave first."


The tricks and movements are unpredictable. Even in the dense crowd, Xia Fei is still as nimble as a loach. He shuttles through the narrow gaps like lightning and disappears in the blink of an eye. Only Constantine is left facing thousands of people. people asked.

"An interesting opponent." Constantine said to himself as he habitually pushed up his glasses while looking at the back that he could no longer see clearly.

The whole world was in a state of uproar, and the Mechanics Association had to have Chief Referee Chang Nian Fuguang personally come forward to explain the matter before calming down the turmoil.

The limelight on the Star Network suddenly changed, from condemning Xia Fei and Constantine to praising them for their adaptability. Of course, the Mechanics Association's examination strategy was still criticized by some people, who believed that they failed to implement the examination rules. Clearly stated, this is a serious violation.

The Machinists Association naturally ignored the voices of these opponents. As the top authority in the machinery industry, they had reason to examine the players' adaptability, and they claimed that more uncertain factors would be added to future competitions. To comprehensively consider the quality of the players.

As the sun set, Avril finally met Xia Fei in a small garden far away from the competition center.

"I was so worried just now. I thought you were stopped by those people." Avril said nervously.

Xia Fei said: "As soon as I saw that the situation was not good, I ran away first, but they didn't do anything to me."

"You are so handsome this time. You have double perfect scores. This is the first time such a result has occurred in the competition." Avril said in surprise. Although there were many doubts about Xia Fei outside the competition, Avril was still sincerely satisfied with Xia Fei's good results. Happy.

Didn't Xia Fei continue to discuss this topic? He just tried his best. As for the result, he was not in control of it. In fact, he enjoyed the process of the game more.

"I know there is a very good grilled fish shop nearby. How about we go there to try it at night." Xia Fei suggested.

Avril looked guilty. She took Xia Fei's hand and said, "I'm sorry, grandpa's birthday is coming soon. I have to go back to practice those complicated aristocratic etiquette. It is said that royal family members from many countries will come. If I don't If you practice well, I'm afraid Grandpa will not allow me to come out to see you."

Xia Fei expressed his understanding and urged Avril to go back early without worrying about him.

"The player named Xia Fei has not violated the rules at all. Don't think too much about it. I think you don't have much hope of winning this competition. It's better to let go and come to work in the company earlier. The heir to the dignified Luo Xing Financial has been working all day long. It’s not a glamorous thing to deal with dirty machinery.”

"Also, the birthday of the old man of the Jian family is coming soon. You have to carefully prepare a gift to please this old man. Although the Jian family's Starlink Company is much smaller than our Star Financial Company, Starlink is of great concern. In all aspects of the entire alliance, if we can control this company, we will severely attack those potential opponents through information channels. Besides, the development prospects of Star Alliance itself are also very good. This matter must not be messed up. " Li Guan. said.

Li Mo curled his lips and said, "Don't worry, father, I really like Avril. Leave this matter to me."

Li Guan showed a cunning smile and said: "What does this have to do with liking? If you like her, you can find a place to raise her. You don't need to marry her home to be the first wife. The reason why you are asked to approach the Jian family is because they have The value of your use is not small anymore. Things like feelings are just children's toys and should not be taken seriously. In the future, you will naturally understand that as long as you have money and power, you can get everything you want. ”

Li Mo nodded heavily and said: "Father, I understand, everything in this world is empty, and only money is the best friend. But this time I am not willing to lose to that boy named Xia Fei. He spends all day Plaguing Avril will be detrimental to our plans."

Li Mo took advantage of his father's happiness to quietly carry Xia Fei out. He also used words very cleverly. He did not talk about the relationship between Xia Fei and Avril, but put him in a stumbling block position.

Li Guan said with a smile: "No matter how much trouble he can stir up, the reason why Xia Fei is with Avril is just because of money. You can give him whatever he wants."

Li Mo shook his head and said: "I tried, but he didn't accept it. Do you think..."

Li Guan was slightly startled and thought seriously about the possibility of killing Xia Fei.

"No, now is not the time, wait a moment." Li Guan said without doubt.

After interrupting the video communication with his father, Li Mo punched the table hard. He couldn't swallow this breath, not only because Xia Fei was ahead of him in points in the Golden Finger Cup, but more importantly because of Avril's love for Xia Fei. Attitude, even a blind person can see that the two of them have a deep relationship, and this is not a general good impression, but a tacit understanding finally formed after the accumulation of time and countless trials and hardships. Although they don't meet often, they both pretend to be each other's hearts. .

"What good is a poor guy from the country?" Li Mo roared angrily. When he thought that even if he got Avril Lavigne in the future, he might not be able to win her heart, Li Mo became extremely crazy. A young man who was born into a wealthy family would always There is a kind of idea of ​​​​who is better than me, and I cannot tolerate what I want to be touched by others.

There was an intercom communicator on the table. Li Mo put his finger on the communication button and hesitated for a long time but still couldn't press it. He retracted his right hand and circled around the table. He only needed one command to make the nail in his heart Disappear forever, but in this case, I am afraid that I will be blamed by my father again.

Like many wealthy families, the relationship between father and son Li Mo and Li Guan is not good. They were born into a wealthy family and were raised by servants and wet nurses. The only thing they could do was have a weekly routine conversation with their parents. The contact with them, coupled with the control of many rules, they are not allowed to do this and not do that, so that they cannot have a childhood like ordinary people.

Perhaps this is the main reason why many rich people appear to be elegant on the surface, but are often able to engage in unimaginable perverted games behind the scenes.

Time continued, and Li Mo hesitated for a long time. In the end, the evil in his heart prevailed over the fear of his father. He gently tapped the encrypted No. 9 key with his finger, and at the same time he breathed a sigh of relief.

Soon, the man with the mustache who had been following Li Mo knocked on the door and walked into Li Mo's room.

"Young Master." The mustached man bent down and said with a smile.

Li Mo took out two wine glasses from the wine cabinet, poured a yellow-orange golden liquid into it, and then gave a glass to Mustache Hu. Mustache was surprised and smiled bitterly in his heart: "Master, pour me wine? I'm afraid I won't be able to do it this time." It will be a small matter, hey.”

As the saying goes, if the master smiles, the slave will lose his life because of it. Mustached Hu, who has been serving the Li family for a long time, has already realized this.

Li Mo took a sip of wine and said, "There is someone I don't want to see anymore."

The mustache was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Master, are you talking about Xia Fei?"


"Master, he..."

Li Mo's eyebrows were raised, and he looked at the mustache coldly and said: "You listen to my father's words, but you won't listen to mine?"

The mustache hurriedly put down the wine glass and bent down lower, "I don't dare, I just follow the young master's instructions."

Li Mo snorted coldly and said: "Huh, you can only succeed but not fail. I will take care of anything. As for how to do it, it is your own business."

"Understood." The mustache said.

After exiting Li Mo's room, he adjusted his mustache and tied a pair of black bows on his collar, and said to himself in an inaudible voice: "These rich grandsons are really difficult to take care of. Who should we find to do it this time? Really?" A vexing question.”

For the convenience of Xia Fei, he lived in the dormitory provided by the tournament. Although this place was not as comfortable as a hotel, at least it didn't cost money. Although Xia Fei was no longer a poor man, he still didn't like luxury and waste, so he was asked to spend 100 million stars. Xia Fei would not hesitate even if he equipped himself with a high-performance battleship, but if he were asked to spend the night in a hotel worth one thousand yuan a night, Xia Fei would never do so.

Avril was busy preparing for Grandpa Sean's birthday, so she left early. Xia Fei had a meal alone in the free restaurant provided by the competition, and then returned to his room to continue his research and practice.

The Black Bat radar system is still a long way from actual mass production. Although the current design has good performance, the production process is indeed difficult. Just modifying a machine tool requires a top mechanic to work for several days and nights. Not to mention the waste of materials in production and the crashes and damage caused by overly complex designs.

Xia Fei wanted to reduce the production cost of Black Bat Radar but was not willing to reduce its performance. After all, Quantum Company was still in its infancy, and every new product was crucial. Xia Fei would not do anything that would damage his own brand name.

It's just that cost and performance are always in conflict. If you want the best product, you have to spare no effort. Of course there will be a market for this kind of luxury product, but Xia Fei's eyes are not just focused on the battleships of those rich people. Of course Xia Fei wants to make money, and Xia Fei will never give up on those ordinary customers.

Xia Fei once said this to Gui Ying, "One day, I will let all spacecraft flying in the star sea use the radar system produced by Quantum Company."

In order to achieve this goal, Xia Fei had to work day and night. He lay on the table with Porter and Harris, who were far away on Earth, working out every detail through the instant messaging system.

Suddenly, the low voices of two people came from outside the door. The quality of the free dormitory of the Mechanics Association was average, and the sound insulation effect was not very good. In addition, Xia Fei's ears were extremely sensitive, so whenever someone spoke outside, he would be confused. About to hear.

Xia Fei didn't pay too much attention. Every day, there were anywhere from a thousand to eight hundred people passing by in the corridor. If he had spent all his energy listening to what they were saying, he wouldn't have to work.



Xia Fei stood up from his chair with a start. His ears indeed heard the people outside the door talking about this familiar name, but other sounds were too weak to distinguish.

After closing the light curtain, Xia Fei quietly came to the door and put his ear against the door.

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