Super Gene Optimization Fluid (Super Gene Optimization Solution)

Four hundred and sixty four chapters first test cloud and rain

Chapter Four Hundred and Sixty Four Initial Test**

"I still don't want to sleep, can you stay with me for a while?" Avril Lavigne said softly.

Holding the wine glass, Xia Fei stood up and came to the window, opened the curtains to look at the night scene outside, it was getting late, the guests gradually dispersed, the moon hung high above his head, a gust of cold wind blew over his body, and the air was fresh and humid.

After closing the window, Xia Fei sat back beside Avril. Avril kept staring at the wine glass in Xia Fei's hand, her little heart fluttered and panicked.

As an adolescent girl, she longed to have some wonderful things with her lover, but as her first time, she felt at a loss for what was about to happen, and even felt a little scared.

Just when Avril was anxious, Xia Fei had already drank the glass of gin, and he threw the empty glass on the netbsp; "It's coming, is it coming?" Avril was too nervous to add, like a The child who did something wrong, buried himself under the blanket, and Lu peeked out at Xia Fei with two eyes.

Taking a deep breath, Xia Fei looked a little tired, stroked his head with his fingers, Xia Fei said with a smile: "Don't you still want to listen to my story? Why did you get under the quilt again in a blink of an eye?"

Avril bit her lip and didn't answer for a long time. She remembered that the female teacher told her to relax. It was just the pain at the initial moment, and it passed after she endured it.

Seeing that Avril didn't answer, Xia Fei thought she was going to sleep, so he got up and left.

"Don't go!"

Avril suddenly rushed out of the bed, hugging Xia Fei tightly with her arms, "Don't go, stay with me for a while."

After all, Avril's face flushed with shame, her heart beating endlessly for her bold move.

Xia Fei hugged Avril and lay down, observing her pretty face, and stroking her hair with his fingers.

"Okay, I won't go."

Avril nodded heavily, buried her head in Xia Fei's arms, and silently counted down in her heart. At this point, she made up her mind to make her beloved man happy tonight. After Xia Fei paid so much for herself, Avril felt that is the only way to repay her.

Time passed by, and the things Avril was afraid of and expected never happened. It seemed that the bottle of liquid had no effect on Xia Fei at all, and he was still as calm as usual.

Half an hour later, Xia Fei fell asleep beside Avril with his clothes on.

Gasps came and went, one could tell that Xia Fei was sleeping peacefully, his arms were still around Avril, but there was no irregularity.

Avril Lavigne turned her back to Xia Fei in disappointment, her eyes were filled with crystal clear liquid.

She didn't understand what she did wrong. Xia Fei obviously liked her, but she was still unwilling to take her own body. Even though she had already achieved this, she still failed.

There were bursts of crying in the silent night, the voice was very low, obviously Avril Lavigne was deliberately suppressing it.

Suddenly, Xia Fei turned over, wrapped his arms around Avril Lavigne tightly, and pulled her closer to him.

Avril quickly stopped crying, and looked at him in panic, Xia Fei's eyes were brighter than ordinary people in the dark night, and he didn't feel sleepy at all.

"Why are you crying?"

Avril wiped her eyes with the quilt, and said softly: " reason."

Xia Fei brushed Avril's face with his fingers, and swayed gently on her earlobes, making Avril's heart itch and a little flustered.

"I like you very much, you should know it too." Xia Fei said softly.

Avril nodded heavily.

"So you shouldn't put that drug in your wine glass."

Avril was stunned for a moment, then lowered her head and said palely, "You're here."


"I'm sorry." Avril bit her lips tightly, and said guiltily: "I was wrong."

Xia Fei didn't mean to blame her at all, and continued to caress Avril's ear with his fingers, and said softly: "You are not wrong, it was me who was wrong, I shouldn't ignore your feelings."

After a pause, Xia Fei continued: "Just now I used the exercises to dissipate the yao power, do you know why?"

Avril shook her head, wondering: "Because you don't want to be with me...?"

Xia Fei smiled and said: "On the contrary, I really want to be with you, but I don't want any other impure impurities in it. We are only together because of feelings, not drugs, do you understand?"

Avril was stunned, she suddenly understood how much Xia Fei liked her, that's why he cared so much, protected the relationship with her, and carefully removed any impurities in it.

Hu Si stared at Avril's fair and smooth neck.

The panting became heavier, and Avril felt the rolling heat and impulse with her body, sinking into the beautiful touch.

Undoing the first button of the pajamas with her fingers, Avril subconsciously wanted to stop Xia Fei from going further, but her hand hung in the air but never fell.

Closing her eyes, Avril let Xia Fei's hands untie the pajamas, and then went deep into those shameful and sensitive positions.

The feeling of the girl who is pregnant with net is keen, and Avril Lavigne began to be a little uncontrollable just by touching her body. With the development of full contact, nothing can stop them from having the most wonderful night.

Like an octopus, Avril Lavigne's soft arms and slender legs wrapped around Xia Fei, and a soft moan sounded from her mouth. The moan of a girl's first night was far more moving than the most beautiful movement of time. In this soft sound , Xia Fei also became more and more agitated.

The momentary pain made Avril frowned, but she persisted, and the deep affection with Xia Fei filled her with courage, fear? Ever since she had Xia Fei, Avril Lavigne no longer felt that there was anything she could fear. As long as he was there, everything would look better.

The pleasure that followed made Avril's whole body tremble like an electric shock. No words could describe the joy that filled every cell of her body, even if it was heaven, it was nothing more than that.

Heavy panting sounds and soft groans came and went one after another. Under the bright moonlight, the two lovers finally merged together and could never be separated again.

"Xia Fei..."

"Xia Fei..."


"I'm so happy, so happy..."


In the early morning, the morning light suddenly appeared, drips of water were still hanging on the blades of grass, the sound of insects gradually started, and hardworking birds began to shuttle among the trees in search of food.

Xia Fei only wore a pair of shorts and stood by the window to light a cigarette for himself. Looking at everything beautiful in front of him, his mind was still immersed in the joy of last night.

The red moiré stone hung back in front of Xia Fei's chest again, he didn't want his actions to be seen by the ghost shadow, so he threw the ghost shadow and the nest where the ghost shadow survived into the space ring.

"Congratulations, after many hardships, I finally got married with Avril Lavigne. A poor boy from the earth can hold a dignified star lady in his arms. If it was a few years ago, no one would have believed it." Ghost Shadow Said.

Xia Fei smiled slightly, "Even now, maybe no one will make irresponsible remarks, but I never care about those insignificant guys."

At this time, Pang Xing happened to pass by the window. Seeing Xia Fei standing in Avril's boudoir naked, he was stunned for a moment, then smiled and waved to Xia Fei. Even a fool can understand what happened last night. What he did was not disgusting.

The weather was still a bit cold, Xia Fei was afraid that Avril would be cold, so he closed the window and walked back to her side. As for the ghost, Xia Fei put it back into the dark space ring.

Stretching for a while, Avril opened her eyes comfortably, the wonderful night was like a dream, Avril couldn't distinguish between reality and dream for a while.

Suddenly seeing Xia Fei's smiling face, Avril realized that she was not dreaming, she quietly lifted the quilt and took a look inside, Avril's face immediately turned red.

Xia Fei hugged Avril gently, "Did you sleep well last night?"

Avril didn't answer, but the sweet smile on her face still betrayed her. Looking at this happy and shy little girl, Xia Fei couldn't help but become impulsive again.

Lifting off the quilt, Xia Fei got in and stuck tightly to Avril Lavigne, restlessly resting his palms on Avril Lavigne's tender buttocks.

"Should we..."

"No!" Avril curled up, naughty.

Unexpectedly, Xia Fei got closer, and his fingers traveled all the way to the pair of bouncy little white rabbits.

Gradually, Avril fell into a half-conscious state again, half pushing and half catering to Xia Fei.

"Remember to take care of it after you're done." Avril lavigne whispered while moaning in a low voice.


It wasn't until noon that Xia Fei and Avril Lavigne got up from netg. After some sex, both of them seemed much more energetic than before.

Avril put her arm around Xia Fei and walked out of the room cautiously, for fear of being bumped into by others.

"Good morning miss! Good morning uncle!"

"It's still morning, so it's time to say good afternoon."

"That's right, Miss Xiao seems to be in good spirits today, she must have slept soundly last night."

"That's for sure, our uncle is such a strong hero, can't he be okay."

The two naughty maids greeted each other, and Avril was so ashamed that she burrowed her head into Xia Fei's arms.

Xia Fei was also a little uncomfortable with the weird eyes he saw along the way, but fortunately, his face was much thicker than Avril's, so he reluctantly greeted everyone.

Walking through the living room, suddenly there was a loud noise.

"Look, Brother Xia Fei is here!"

"Brother, this is my sister-in-law. I have heard that my sister-in-law is beautiful and unparalleled. I am astonished to see her today!"

"Look, my sister-in-law Xiao Niao Yiren is hiding in the arms of my eldest brother. The two of them are so well matched, they are truly a match made in heaven!"

The one who spoke was none other than Douzi, Monkey, Hammer, and Mosquito, the princelings of the Judgment Union. Sun Zhan, who gave Xia Fei Izumo boots, was also among them. A suave character, Avril Lavigne couldn't stand these guys making things difficult, she said she was going to take a bath, and ran away with her head down.

Xia Fei smiled slightly, and walked up to greet everyone affectionately.

These princes are all younger than Xia Fei, so they call Xia Fei the eldest brother with one voice. After this war, Xia Fei can be said to have risen, and all the princes are naturally proud to call Xia Fei brothers.

After saying a few casual words, Xia Fei suddenly thought of Sun Zhan and the mysterious Nanming Guild he belonged to.

The Nanming Guild is good at picking and refining medicines. Xia Fei had obtained a lot of natural white berries and snake-eye berries from Sun Zhan. Unfortunately, after the Zerg party, these berries had already been exhausted.

And as the level increased, Xia Fei felt more and more that fruits such as Bailu could not meet his needs. Even if he ate dozens of them in a row, he still couldn't fully restore his physical strength, and he probably needed a higher level of energy fruit.

"Sun Zhan, I just need to talk to you about something." Xia Fei said to Sun Zhan with a slight smile.

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