Cool silence.

It can be seen that what Wu Cao said was particularly solemn, not like a lie.

But this made Liang Bing even more flustered.

Shi Yan and Zhi Xin also temporarily let go of the entanglement between the sisters, and looked at Wu Cao worriedly, and Zhi Xin took the lead in asking:

"Wu Cao, according to what you say, isn't it...... The so-called supernatural revival is actually an alternative invasion of the outer universe?"

Reached out and rubbed the hot little brain melon.

Wu Cao said:

"It's understandable, but it's not all ...... Let's put it this way, very few people can break through the limitations of their own universe and witness the true Chaos Sea!"

"Therefore, few people know that there may be such a thing as an invasion from the outer universe......"

"However, the invasion of the outer universe exists, but the supernatural revival is not an invasion of the outer universe......"

"Think about it carefully, in the sea of chaos, except for the universe that drifts with the waves on the surface of the sea......"

"What lies beneath the Sea of Chaos?"

It's the sea.

It is by no means two-dimensional, but it can be summed up in a word. 24 is the sea.

Then there must be an ecosystem, even if it is unknown.

The Sea of Chaos is the sea.

Then it must be the same as the ordinary ocean, there is a sea surface, there is a seabed, there is an abyss, and similarly, there must be a special ecology that depends on this kind of environment!

Yan muttered to himself:

"The bottom of the sea, or the abyss...... This is the source of the supernatural revival!"

"Strictly speaking, the revival of the supernatural is a dark tide in the sea of chaos! They swim around like a cold current in the ocean, and in a sense, it is also part of nature, although it seems that this thing is not natural in the first place. "

Liang Bing interjected and asked:

"What about the known universe? Don't tell me that he's caught up in the supernatural dark tide of your mouth!"

Wu Cao was silent.

Just nodding.

He didn't lie!

In fact, from the beginning of the topic, Wu Cao has been telling the truth.

Indeed, from the very beginning.

Wu Cao's cognition of the universe, the Chaos Sea, the outer universe, and even the outer universe all originated from the Comprehensive Network Forum.


Through the recent frenzied containment of the treacherous, and even the supernatural places of all parties.

Wu Cao was able to make his own concept ascend in the supernatural dimension!

Take this ......

Wu Cao was able to touch the deeper and more real worlds of the worlds!


Through the supernatural source.

Wu Cao also faintly touched a corner of the universe with the same concept as this universe, which was also involved in the supernatural source!

That sense of familiarity...... Although it was as blurry as a mosaic on his face, it also made Wu Cao instantly realize that that universe was the primordial plane of the supergod universe!

Wu Cao didn't know what the situation was in that universe.

But conceivable.

Definitely not too good!

Worse, similarly, the universe that has been swept up in the supernatural undercurrent.

Its number, even an existence like Wu Cao feels palpitations!

It seems that every universe or universe set that has fallen into the supernatural dark tide is pregnant with all kinds of tricks inside!

That boiling supernatural effect.

There is even a faint tendency to turn a universe into a dead realm, to build the strongest supernatural land, and even to ascend to the sky in one step and evolve into a gap!


Such a concept of synaesthesia.

Even at this stage, Wu Cao didn't dare to test too much, he was always cautious, but when there was a stir, he immediately ran away.

But even so, Wu Cao was also attacked by various supernatural effects because of this, and died hundreds of times in vain!

After that, it was still under the supernatural effect of the conceptual trickery.

Individuals among the villagers are sacrificed to ward off disasters for the dead.

It's not over!

The supernatural effects of some moonmares, and even the eclipse realm's treacherous gods, must also be incarnated in the form of a drunken capital, slashing themselves with a sword, so as to cut off their supernatural entanglements!

And the above discussion with the three daughters is all what Wu Cao saw and knew with his own eyes in the process of his own death!

Scratching the corner of Wu Cao's clothes with a pale face, he said uncomfortably:

"There really isn't a loophole in logic...... After all, otherwise, there is no way to explain the endless supernatural events!"

"In addition, both the teacher and I detected a very bad fact. "

"In the Milky Way, there are twelve more planets of life that have been confirmed to have supernatural resuscitation reactions! Among them, there are even Xandar stars!"

There was silence for a long time.

Liang Bing suddenly said: (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"Wu Cao, Morgana will soon reappear!And I, I will follow your previous plan and scout and suppress all other dimensions for you!"

"But...... After that, Morgana appeared on Earth, and she was just Morgana!"

"She will be completely separated from me, ...... to her"

There was a flash of unbearableness, but Liang Bing still gritted his teeth and made his own decision:

"To Morgana, you have to kill or chop...... Listen to you!"


Liang Bing's figure gradually disappeared.

You can see it.

Due to the erosion of the situation, Liang Bing has really stood on her side convincingly, and she will also pay the most painful price for this!

Morgana ...... It was an artificial personality with two sides of the same coin.

There's no denying it.

This is the most unique goddess in the known universe, and it really makes Liang Bing, the main body of personality, often have a pain in the brain.

But to say that after tens of thousands of years of coexistence, Liang Bing has no feelings for Morgana...... Pure!

Having a pet doesn't have to be a staple.

What's more, Morgana, who is responsible for Liang Bing's plan, Liang Bing's move is to deny his concept in the past tens of thousands of years!

In this universe where all the gods practice their own ways with their own ideas.

Liang Bing's dedication is huge.

Lian Yan and Zhixin are bowing silently as a sign of respect!

Of course. 083

What's more.

As a materialistic universe.

If you want to separate your personality and let it follow the original form of your life, you have to create a four-generation god who is just like yourself from scratch!

Fine-tuning for memory!

A genetic replica!

A one-to-one replica of the original form of the divine body!

The reinvention of the dark matter computer!

Replication and refactoring of the corresponding system!

After that, I have to guarantee that the newborn Morgana, with her fourth-generation god body and demon number one, will not notice the slightest mistake!

Tell the truth.

Even Hexi shook his head when he heard about this project. []

Cool ice her ...... This time it's going to be a wave of hemorrhage!

In the small size of Morgana's small vault...... Wu Cao even suspected that not only did Liang Bing have to bleed profusely, but even with it, Carl estimated that he couldn't run away......

As for excuses.

Please believe that any female in front of their own licking doggy.

There are more than enough excuses of all kinds, anyway...... Carl reckoned that he was used to it.

Wu Cao, who was smiling at the corner of his mouth, clapped his hands, and his figure landed, standing on the surface of the lake.

Bend over and squat.

Gently press one hand on the surface of the lake.

The next moment.

In the strange lake that was still as dead and silent as a mirror, a corpse that drifted with the current, extremely abruptly turned his neck at 180 degrees, and a pair of dead eyes, staring at Wu Cao and the three of them maliciously! .

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