Super Legendary Superstar

Chapter 357 Sun Zhuo’s restructuring!

June 20, 2006 was definitely the happiest day since Sun Zhuo was reborn. He led his team to win the championship, won the regular season MVP and FMVP in a single season, demonstrated his dominance, and started his glorious moment. On this day, Kerry also became his first "official" woman.

It was a completely different feeling from Larsa...

It was ten o'clock in the morning the next day. Maybe it was because he was under too much pressure recently and his body was too tired. On the first morning after winning the championship, Sun Zhuo still hadn't woken up, but Kerry woke up early and secretly put on some light makeup. , returned to bed and continued sleeping with Sun Zhuo.

At this time, Sun Zhuo's agent Emma rushed directly into the bedroom and opened the curtains to wake up Sun Zhuo, only to find that Kerry was also there.

Sun Zhuo suddenly woke up at this time and slowly opened his eyes.

Emma said: "Congratulations, Sun. I've known you for so long. This is the first time I saw a woman next to you in the morning. Now I don't have to doubt your orientation."

Sun Zhuo looked at Kerry affectionately, and the two first had a happy morning kiss, and then Sun Zhuo said: "Emma has always had the key here. If you are not used to it, I can take her key back."

Sun Zhuo used to be alone, and Emma had a good relationship with Sun Zhuo, but now Sun Zhuo also has to take care of the "mistress"'s feelings.

"It seems that he really wants to be with you. Congratulations, Kerry. It's hard for you to imagine how many women I've handled for him in the past few years." Emma said.

Kerry smiled and said: "I like Emma very much, she can come in at any time, I don't mind."

Emma looked at Kerry and said, "You must often drop things."

Then he said to Sun Zhuo: "Turn off your phone. All the calls are coming to me. You don't know how many people are contacting you. Although today is your first rest day after winning the championship, these things We still have to deal with it today.”

Sun Zhuo nodded. He knew that many people were looking for him, including Ron Artest. Sun Zhuo said to Emma: "Wait for me in the living room for 15 minutes. I will be there soon."

Emma left the room. Sun Zhuo seemed to be infected by Kerry. He couldn't help but laugh when he looked at Kerry.

"It's a new day." Sun Zhuo sighed.

"A busy day." Kerry felt sorry for Sun Zhuo.

"Happy day." Sun Zhuo smiled, kissed Kerry gently on the forehead, got out of bed, dressed and washed, and soon came to the living room.

As soon as Sun Zhuo sat across from Emma, ​​Emma immediately started to report on the work. She held her mobile phone in her hand and said while looking at the call records: "LeBron James, Dwyane Wade, and Carmelo Anthony have all called you. "

"The three of them? And Carmelo Anthony?" Sun Zhuo took a sip of warm water and was a little surprised. It was understandable that James called. The two are playoff opponents, and James has to bear Sun Zhuo's travel this summer. For the fee, it would be more normal for Wade to call him, but why would Anthony call him? Sun Zhuo and Anthony usually don't have much communication.

"Yes, including Anthony." Emma said.

"Well, what else is there?" Sun Zhuo was going to reply to them one by one later to see what the three of them were doing. Was it simply to wish Sun Zhuo the championship or something else.

"You should have guessed it, Ron Artest." Emma glanced at the call record and smiled helplessly, "This guy started calling you last night and kept urging you to make an appointment with you. Let’s have a show together in WWE.”

"Didn't you block his phone number a long time ago?" Sun Zhuo smiled. Sun Zhuo understood Artest's mood very well, and Sun Zhuo had no intention of breaking the appointment.

Emma said: "He always has a way to call in various capacities. I have to admire his social skills. In addition to Ron Artest, the president and staff of WWE also called and asked for your time."

Sun Zhuo thought for a while: "Ron Artest can't wait any longer. I also want to convince him once and for all. I want to resolve this matter before going abroad. You can discuss it with the people in WWE. Recently, Just make arrangements in advance, and tell them that I want them to hire another person, D'Angelo Denero."

Emma wrote down the name, glanced in the direction of the bedroom, and asked, "Aren't you afraid that Kerry will stop you? Women would be worried."

Sun Zhuo said: "It's just an exhibition match. It's okay. Tell the people in WWE that I will design the plot myself."

"Okay." Emma smiled and continued, "In addition to them, Michael Jordan also called, and the boss of the Magic. They seem to want to talk to you about renewing your contract."

"Oh, yes, it's time to renew the contract." Sun Zhuo suddenly realized that he seemed to have guessed something and immediately turned on his phone, "I'll give D-WADE a reply first."

After dialing Wade's phone number, Wade chatted with Sun Zhuo for a few words. After that, Wade asked Sun Zhuo: "The rookie contract will end next year. How many years do you plan to extend it, four years or five years? LeBron and I We also discussed it with Cameron and we plan to extend it for another five years."

"Five years? That's what LeBron James said?" Sun Zhuo was a little confused. In his previous life, except for Anthony, who was extended for five years, everyone else was given four years and a player option in 2010. That's why they formed the Big Three. Why now? What has changed?

"Yes, he thinks 2011 will be a different year. If we continue for five years, there will be player options in 2011. By then... you know, everyone wants to win the championship. If it really happens after five years, , is still so far away from the championship, he thinks we should do something, but before that, we should give ourselves more time, so we don’t sign for four years, but five years.” Wade explained.

"Impossible." After listening to Wade's words, Sun Zhuo kept shaking his head. Wade said that James was thinking about the future and wanted to leave before he could win the championship in a few years. Sun Zhuo believed this, but James said too much Sun Zhuo had some doubts about giving himself one year to work hard in his original team.

I think of the 1+1 that James signed when he returned to the Cavaliers in 2014, and then jumped out of the contract and re-signed for two years. In addition, the situation in this life is more worrying for James than in the previous life. As members of the 2003 generation, Sun Zhuo and Wade are both He won the championship, and Sun Zhuo also won the regular season MVP. He had already left James far behind. James could not endure that year longer.

Sun Zhuo originally said that he would advance and retreat with James. Is James worried that Sun Zhuo will cause trouble in the year when he makes a decision?

Sun Zhuo smiled and said to himself: "James may extend for another five years, but it doesn't matter whether it's four or five years. What's important is my decision. He wants to stay away from me because he's afraid that I'll target him then. "

If James formed the Big Three as he wished in 2010, Sun Zhuo would see it and immediately leave to join the team as a way to target James. James would still not be able to win the championship.

Judging from Sun Zhuo's various attacks on James in the past few years, James does not rule out this possibility.

Sun Zhuo smiled and said: "D-WADE, I haven't decided whether to extend it for four or five years. You don't need to listen to LeBron or others' opinions. Follow your own ideas. You can extend it for as many years as you want. "

After hanging up the phone, Wade, who was in Miami, sighed: "If we still can't stop you next year, how can I not listen to LeBron's opinion? Sun, I also want to win another championship."

"Mr. Michael Jordan! I didn't expect you to call me. I'm so excited. I think I told you before that you have influenced me. I want to thank you for winning the championship this year." Sun Zhuo replied to Jordan again. Telephone.

Jordan smiled on the other end of the phone and said: "I'm also very happy to be able to influence you young people. When I saw in the finals, you and Kobe went back and forth to score using the same methods I used to do, I felt very gratified and also felt a little itchy. I can’t help but want to compete with you. Unfortunately, I am no longer a basketball player, but I can still play golf or go to Las Vegas to throw dice. Are you interested?"

"Oh, are you inviting me to play golf together? It's an honor, but I heard that your level is very high, and I'm still a beginner. It's okay if you don't mind my poor opponent. It's just that there are too many things to do recently. I’m busy, I have to do some preparations for the release of the movie I shot last year, and I also need to renew my contract with the team." Sun Zhuo said slowly.

"Well, I understand that this invitation is purely personal. In the previous meeting, I only talked to you about the sneaker contract. We won't talk about it this time. I know that you already have your mind on renewing the sneaker contract. We belong. Putting business aside, we are both great athletes, and I believe there will be many topics to talk about." Michael Jordan was afraid that Sun Zhuo would misunderstand that he was discussing business with him, so he quickly explained.

"I can't call you great now. Thank you for your praise. After finishing these things, I will contact you as soon as possible. I heard that you bought the Bobcats. Congratulations. I wish you can win the championship as the boss. "

Sun Zhuo made many calls throughout the morning. He had too many things to deal with, including the team's contract renewal, the sneaker contract renewal, the release of "Inception", and the relationship with Artest. However, today, Sun Zhuo doesn’t want to be busy with this. He wants to meet someone, the league president David Stern who is currently staying in Orlando. Sun Zhuo has too many words and too many suggestions. Tell this to the league president.

I heard that David Stern had dinner at the home of Magic owner Richard DeVos at noon, and Sun Zhuo and Kerry also came to visit. Sun Zhuo knew that the league president had many things to do and was much busier than him, so he also took some time to be alone. Got talking to David Stern in the yard.

David Stern lit a cigar. This was the first time Sun Zhuo saw him smoking. He still had a smile on his face. He looked like a kind old man, but after all, he was the CEO. Even though he was very friendly, he was There is still majesty.

Stern smiled and said: "You are the first Asian to achieve such an achievement in the NBA. This has played a great role in promoting our NBA in Asia. I believe that there will be countless young Asian children who will do it because of you." Fall in love with the sport.”

Sun Zhuo smiled and said: "If I can influence them, I will be very happy. In fact, Mr. President, I have many suggestions for our alliance, which will help our alliance become more perfect."

"Oh? You've always been a very thoughtful person, please tell me." Stern praised, but his expression and movements didn't seem so excited.

Sun Zhuodao: "First of all, the 232 format of the finals should be changed. This format puts a lot of pressure on the home team. For example, in this year's finals, when we played the first two games, the pressure was very high, because after two home games, We are facing three consecutive away games, which is not good for us. Even if we can take a 2:0 lead, our opponents have three consecutive home games and can completely reverse it. Once they get the match point, the last two home games will be reversed. , has become meaningless. I suggest changing the finals format to 22111."

Stern leaned back slightly and blew out a puff of smoke, then said: "Did you know? The NBA finals format was 22111 before, but it was changed in 1985. This was to avoid the fatigue of the journey, but now the transportation is indeed developed, and more importantly What is true is that this will indeed affect the teams with better records, and I will consider your suggestion."

Seeing that Stern was listening carefully, Sun Zhuo continued: "I think our award presentation should also be changed."

"Oh? Is there a problem with this?" David Stern was surprised.

Sun Zhuodao: "The most important awards in a season are all moved out one after another in the playoffs. This is not good. We should make it an award ceremony, and all the awards will be awarded on that day. It will be broadcast nationwide at that time. Please have some entertainment. Come on, stars, this is our Grammy."

David Stern laughed when he heard this: "All the candidate players wore suits and ties, walked on the red carpet with their first-class girlfriends on their arms, signed autographs, took photos, and then sat in their seats to listen to the moment the results were announced, haha , Sun, I guess you want to do what you didn’t do at the Grammys and you can do it with us. Yes, it’s very interesting. Keep talking.”

"It's time for the All-Star Game to be reorganized." Sun Zhuo said slowly. Sun Zhuo was sure that the previous two games had happened in his previous life, but for this All-Star reorganization, Sun Zhuo only heard about it at the time. When Sun Zhuo was reborn, the NBA The official has not officially announced whether it will be changed in that way.

"All-Stars also need to be changed? What do you think?" David Stern asked.

Sun Zhuodao: "The format of the game is no longer a confrontation between the Eastern Star Team and the Western Star Team. The two teams are selected by two captains. The top vote-getters from the Eastern and Western Conferences serve as captains respectively and select the remaining eight All-Star starters."

"You mean you can break the boundaries between the East and the West and form teams freely? For example, if you are the captain of the East, you can choose Kobe as your teammate?" David Stern asked.

"If he is not the captain of the West, yes." Sun Zhuo replied.

"This is really a subversive idea." David Stern smiled.

"The All-Star Game is about entertainment, and the most important thing is to improve the viewing experience. We can also live broadcast the process of selecting the captains of the East and West teams. This must be very interesting. Of course, this does not need to be done every year. Do it a few times. , everyone is used to it, and we can go back to the original system. In short, we must always give the audience a sense of freshness." Sun Zhuo felt a little thirsty when he said this.

"A very good idea, you are really a wise man." David Stern praised.

"So, do you plan to change it next season?" Sun Zhuo asked.

"A very good idea." David Stern praised again, but suddenly changed the subject, "Can you write a theme song for our promotional video next season?"

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