Super Lord of the Rings

Chapter 644 [Can still withstand it]

The Bulls beat the Knicks to end their losing streak.

The Knicks are really infighting. The players' locker room competes for the ball. Fans often boo the home team at home and hold signs demanding that "Assassin" Thomas get out of class.

By the end of the 2005-06 season, poor performances by the Knicks and public spats between Marbury and coaches caused Marbury's social reputation to plummet. A New York Daily reporter called him "the most reviled athlete in New York."

By this season, the scolding of Marbury intensified, and everyone said he was the number one cancer in the NBA. Marbury was also disappointing, and the data dropped to 14.4 points and 4.8 assists.

Oden and Chandler share playing time, both guaranteeing efficiency. Only playing more than 20 minutes, the players are full of energy and the chance of injury is greatly reduced.

If Skiles doesn't need Oden, the old Conley can't help it. The rookie's qualifications are still low, and no matter how much he touts, it is impossible to force the coach.

On the 18th, the Bulls defeated the Wizards in an away game and won two consecutive victories.

The Wizards also suffered from injuries. Arenas was reimbursed for the season due to a knee injury. The Wizards relied on Jamison and Butler to attack, and the others were blue-collar.

At present, the Wizards are still within the playoffs with 13 wins and 10 losses, which is already unexpected.

Butler singled out Hill and scored a triple-double with 27 points, 11 rebounds and 10 assists. Jamison also scored 10 rebounds, but no one else scored in double figures.

On the 21st and 22nd, the Bulls played back-to-back games and lost to the Celtics and Rockets one after another.

Last season, the Bulls only lost 7 games in the end. This season, they have lost 8 games before finishing December.

The Celtics only lost three games and continue to lead the league. The lineup is obviously stronger than the Bulls. There is no suspense in winning by 22 points.

The Rockets replaced Adelman as their coach, and a group of bench bandits immediately appeared. Bunche Wells, Luis Scola, and Hyde all played well. The only regret is that Francis shot just over 30%, and was firmly pressed on the bench after a few games.

Christmas game on the 25th, Suns VS Lakers, Cavaliers VS Heat. The Bulls are at home against last season's Finals opponent, the Spurs.

The Lakers defeated the Suns 122 to 115. Kobe scored 38 points himself and actively helped his teammates create opportunities.

The Sun's Stoudemire goes out,

Brian Keener of 206CM has to play the center forward. The team signed Diao and Barbosa too much. The bad results have already appeared. The Suns did not have a well-signed insider with a salary, and they let the veteran Kurt Thomas go.

The current Suns have weaknesses inside and forward, and Dior has no qualified substitutes for rest.

Bynum made 11 of 13 shots and 6 of 8 free throws. Scored 28 points, 12 rebounds, 4 assists and 2 blocks; Odom also scored 15 points, 14 rebounds and 2 assists.

Trevor Ariza, who just joined the Lakers, also performed well. He scored 14 points, 7 rebounds and 3 assists as a substitute. Kobe has a qualified No. 2 substitute.

The Lakers traded Maurice Evans and Brian Cook for Trevor Ariza from the Magic. Ariza is a marginal bench in the Magic, but he has excellent defense, poor offensive ability with the ball, and can shoot from mid-to-long distance. He is a good fit for the Lakers, the team doesn't need him with the ball.

The strength of the Lakers is getting stronger and stronger, and they have become the favorite team to win this season.

The Cavaliers defeated the Heat 103 to 85.

This is a game without suspense. Wade's performance is not inferior to James, and the other positions are far worse than the Heat. After leaving Percy. The Heat don't even have a small forward who is good at defense, so they can only let the marginal man Dorell Wright.

O'Neal's pick-and-roll defense was a colander, and Bibby got rid of it with off-ball screens on the outside, shot the ball as soon as he caught it, and made six three-pointers.

The Heat very much hope to trade O'Neal, and no other team is willing to ask for it. His contract will not expire until 2010, which is too big.

The Bulls played two overtimes with the Spurs at home and defeated their opponents with difficulty.

Even if it was a Christmas battle, Wang Jun was unwilling to use physical Coke props. Rely on perseverance to compete with opponents to the end.

The Spurs veteran was exhausted in the end. Wang Jun opened the score with three consecutive mid-range shots. He made 15 of 37 shots and 5 of 13 three-pointers. 11 of 14 free throws scored 46 points, 10 rebounds and 4 assists.

Bowen and Finley were bullied by Wang Jun in overtime, and the small forward has become the biggest weakness of the Spurs.

The Spurs' bench has also become weaker, and they can only rely on Ginobili, Bonner and Udoka to play a little role. As for Holly and Barry, the two veterans are just dawdling along and are about to retire.

If it weren't for the Bulls not having big men who can pull out inside, they wouldn't be playing so hard.

Win the Western Conference powerhouse Spurs. Everyone in the bull breathed a sigh of relief, the bull can still stand it.

At the press conference, the reporter asked Wang Jun: "The Bulls have suffered injuries this season, and the Celtics are a strong opponent in the East. Are you confident that they can defeat the Celtics and successfully defend their title?"

Wang Jun replied: "We are indeed weaker than last season, but I still think the Bulls can win the championship. When our teammates come back, we are not afraid of any team in the playoffs. I believe that no team is willing to meet the Bulls in the first round. We were relatively low in the regular season.”

What makes Wang Jun more depressed is that if the record is too low, even if he plays luxurious statistics, he will not be able to become the MVP this season. Looking at the current situation, it is useless to compete for the first place in the regular season. Thank goodness for keeping the home court advantage in the first round.

The reporter asked: "Oden's playing time has increased during this period, and the statistics are also very beautiful. Can you comment on him?"

Wang Jun smiled and said: "He works very hard and has strength, and there are some areas that need to be strengthened. If he can practice mid-range shooting well, it will help the team even more."

Oden is now averaging 24.8 minutes per game, his data has increased to 12.8 points, 8.5 rebounds, 1 assist and 1.8 blocks, and he only takes 8.7 shots.

He didn't score a lot, but he was efficient, better than Dwight Howard in his rookie season.

This is a good start, Howard is now able to compete with Yao Ming for the league's No. 1 center position.

The reporter interviewed Oden and asked: "Greg, I heard that you had conflicts with Tyson Chandler before. Is it because you forced him to become?"

Oden shook his head. "No, we just had a little misunderstanding, we don't have any contradictions."

The reporter asked another sensitive topic: "Your efficiency is very high, and your shooting percentage has reached 60%. Do you want more possessions?"

"What I want most now is victory. In the team, I am willing to obey the coach's arrangement." Oden was afraid to answer too casually in the interview, for fear of irritating Chandler again.

Now his playing time and stats are higher than Chandler's, and he will be good when he gets it cheaply.

Of course Oden wants more possessions, as long as he grabs 1.5 more rebounds, the feeling will be completely different. In terms of strength, 12+8 is similar to 10+10, but not as impressive as 10+10.

The Bulls are now playing with a remnant team, and their strength is mediocre. At least the locker room is united, and the media can no longer catch them.

After the game, Wang Jun returned home with Abby who was in charge of the interview.

Gina, who works as a pet nanny, usually lives in a villa, helps them look after the house in summer, and keeps company with animals.

After entering the room, the two found that Gina was chatting with someone in the living room. Abby's heart beat wildly when she heard the familiar voice. When she approached and saw the person sitting on the sofa, she frowned.

"How did you come?"


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