Super Lord of the Rings

Chapter 744 [Black Brain, Big Mouth of China]

When Tony Allen entangled Kobe, the latter's shooting percentage began to decline, only 40.2% of the game. ◢Щщш.suimeng.lā

However, the Lakers still lead by a big score, because Gasol's shooting rate is too high, 9 goals in 13 shots, plus 6 free throws, the audience scored 24 points, 11 rebounds and 3 assists.

Garnett also had 20 points and 8 rebounds, but he made 8 of 18 shots and 4 of 4 free throws.

Wang Junyi was happy, and sprayed Garnett's offensive style near the end.

"Comparing the data, you will find that the tough guy Garnett averaged 4.8 free throws per game in his career, and 6.7 in his peak season. Free throws per free throw, 7.7 in the peak season. Is this statistic accurate? Except for the last two seasons, Garnett averaged more minutes per game than Gasol."

Barkley laughed loudly and said, "Say he's a softie, have you thought about it for a long time? I don't want to expose you..."

"Didn't you say he was soft?" Smith asked.

"Of course I did." Barkley blinked, with an expression that made him want to slap him twice.

The Lakers substitute had no suspense to maintain the advantage until the end, winning 102 to 84. After two games in the regular season, both teams won one game each.

After the game, online fans did not comment on the focus game, and many discussed Wang Jun's commentary. The guests stole the limelight from the players and created a miracle.

"It's too dark. Is he going to be a troll in the future? The big mouth is not as powerful as Barkley."

"Damn it, Wang Jun didn't say it, I didn't even know that Garnett's offense was softer than Gasol's. I've learned a lot."

"If I don't play, I can only play tricks."

"You say my team is inefficient? Is my shooting rate low? Fuck you, look at your dog eyes. How many people at the 2nd position have a higher shooting rate than my team? I don't believe that the Bulls can beat the Lakers when he comes back this season."

It is common for Comey to abuse Wang Jun. A "prince" who knows the ball couldn't stand it anymore. He listed a data sheet on the Internet to analyze Kobe's shooting percentage.

In fact, there are too many players with a higher shooting percentage than Kobe at the 2nd position. It is almost possible to pull out a 2nd position and have a higher shooting percentage than him, because there is something called true shooting percentage in this world.

True shooting percentage equals points divided by (2 times (number of field goals attempted plus 0.44 multiplied by free throw attempts)).

Experts believe that this data can better reflect the efficiency and value of a player on the court. Because many guards mainly shoot three-pointers, their shooting percentage must be lower than that of players who shoot close to the basket, but their scoring efficiency is high. So the true hit rate is the real hit rate, and many fake fans don't even know that there is such a thing.

The outside line ahead of Kobe includes Ray Allen, Ginobili, Redick, Maggette, Morrow, Matthews, Afflalo, etc...too many to list, if described in English, write a novel Can water half a chapter.

Jason Kidd, known as the "blacksmith", ranks ahead of Kobe in true shooting percentage, with more than 20 more.

Kobe's true shooting percentage was very low before, and this season is even more outrageous. Where does he rank on the list? The answer is No. 94 in the league, ahead of Chase Budinger, the second-round rookie the Rockets acquired from the Pistons.

Fans' evaluation of Budinger is just like his name, he is really "dead".

This data is rarely mentioned. If you look at Kobe in terms of true shooting percentage and the average number of irons per game in the top three of the year, then his name can be called Kobe-Dangdang-Dangdang-Bryant.

The highest true shooting percentage of the Lakers is Andrew Bynum, who seldom received passes from Kobe and was scolded by Kobe. He ranks tenth in the league, averaging 15 points and 8.3 rebounds in 10.6 shots per game.

In the season of Wang Jun's fourth championship, he hit a lot of irons, and his true shooting percentage also ranked 29th in the league, far better than Kobe who was 70 and away.

Then, the "prince" of this column of data was scolded by Comey, and a label was given to him-brain-dead black!

Is the data comparable? Comey will tell you the correct method of comparing data.

Kobe and other No. 2 players only compare statistics, and ignore the amount of playing time; compare shooting percentage with Iverson, which proves that Kobe is not iron; Jordan's three-point score proves that our department is more comprehensive; compared with James, Wade, Paul and others for rings, they are helpless fish!

Finally, compare the age with Wang Jun.

Wang Jun, what's so great about bullying a veteran? I think back when my department was young... I can't say it. When I was young, I was the fat man's younger brother.

David Stern also has a headache about the data column. He doesn't want to admit that Kobe is just an ordinary star who has been praised to the sky. The biggest highlight is that high shots are exchanged for high scores.

A list of statistics, Kobe is really inferior to many people, even in the peak season, the efficiency value is only the third in the league, and the total efficiency is even lower in history, ranking 20th in the league.

In short, Wang Jun almost aroused public anger when he said that Kobe was not good.

After a day off, he was a guest again, explaining the Clippers VS Bulls game at the Staples Center.

Barkley asked: "Do you think the Bulls can still compete for the championship?"

Wang Jun said categorically: "Of course not, there is no 1% chance this season, unless Crawford takes the owner's money and whistles every game of the Bulls. I heard that this guy is coming back to make money. "

Barkley laughed: "You hate the Bulls so much?"

"It's not annoying, I'm just stating a fact. Now the Bulls have only stable three-pointers Lewis. They rely on defense to win the game. Every day, we are playing with iron barrels. We used to be the best offensive team. It's true to play like this Pity."

Smith asked: "So do you think Thibodeau is a bad coach? Should he be responsible for the Bulls' degeneration?"

"On the contrary, I think Thibodeau is very good and an underrated coach, especially he has done a very good job in arranging the defensive system. If the Bulls cut him, the team that needs a coach will definitely find him." Wang Jun smiled.

The game scene was drowsy, and Barkley and Wang Jun chatted about Yao Ming.

Barkley commented: "Deng Levy doesn't use Yao Ming, and letting him pick and roll in the high position is simply a waste of insiders. If Yao Ming plays in the low post, the Clippers will have a chance to compete for the playoffs even if Griffin can't make it, not now. so."

Wang Jun shook his head: "I have a different opinion this time. Yao Ming's speed is slow. If he doesn't play like this, he will be easily counterattacked by the opponent. After the high pick-and-roll, he can return to the defense in time to protect the basket, reduce the low attack and reduce the injury. odds. I think that's pretty good."

Smith smiled and said, "You said that because Yao Ming is from the same country as you, right?"

"Yup. "


In order to stabilize the defense and prevent the opponent from breaking through, Yao Ming averaged only 30 minutes per game in the new season, sharing playing time with Camby.

Wang Jun's evaluation is: "It doesn't matter, it won't be too late for him to work hard when he has good teammates. Now he can make money in a healthy way. Anyway, the Clippers have a bunch of bad contracts, and there are not many capable people."

Barkley said with a smile: "Tim Thomas is your old teammate, isn't it okay for you to say that?"

"Thomas's attitude in training made me too lazy to complain, otherwise he would not have been cut by the Bulls that year." Wang Jun said happily.

The boss, Sterling, was not so happy. After the game, he angrily criticized Wang Jun for talking nonsense and grandstanding.

In the two games, Wang Jun has already offended many people. Some people on the Internet said that he is "China's big mouth".

PS(to be continued.)

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