Super Lord of the Rings

Chapter 800 [I'm really a big star]

Rivers had no other choice but to make another substitution, letting Butler play the 4th position, replacing Milden, and Daniels playing small forward.

The backup center is useless on the offensive end, and Wang Jun will take advantage of his slow movement on the defensive end.

The big baby Davis continues to play. He has a precise mid-range shot, which can open up space and is more effective. If all the meat shields are replaced on the inside, the Celtics are no match for the Kings in a purely small ball tactic.

Rivers' adjustment is already the best way. Garnett cannot play. If he plays too long, the chance of injury will increase. O'Neill couldn't get on either, moving too slowly.

The game continued, Wang Jun emptied Daniels and helped his teammates double-team the breakthrough Robinson.

Robinson scored the ball, Daniels took aim and scored a mid-range shot. 51 to 33.

Bibby led halftime, Wang Jun ran to the left to catch the ball, played a pick-and-roll with Yi Jianlian in the middle to get rid of Daniels, Butler switched defenses in time, Wang Jun took a step to the middle, and Gibson made a second block.

This time, Davis had to switch defenses.

Wang Jun lost his way to get rid of Butler, two steps before the free throw line in the middle, and shot with his right hand.

Davis tried his best to jump up to block the shot, the jump was not low, but the speed of the bounce was too slow! By the time his huge body vacated, the ball had already flown to the basket. The arc is good and the hollow hits. 53 to 33.

Barkley shouted: "Wang Jun's 41st point, he may score 50+ in halftime, this is too easy."

Smith said with a smile: "I don't think there is any need for James to play again. Wang Jun can defeat his opponent by himself, but if he doesn't play, his statistics will drop significantly."

Barkley gloated: "The Celtics will be unlucky in the second half, and they will definitely have to face two stars. Wang Jun will not only play 30 minutes, he will not be polite."

The Greens attacked, Davis made an air cut after the pick-and-roll, caught the ball and squeezed Ray Allen, and scored an inside shot. 53 to 35.

If Ray Allen doesn't defend with all his strength, people will change. He couldn't do it if he didn't try his best when he was in the Celtics. If he defended desperately in the Kings, he would be a fool. He can't handle Davis at his age.

The Kings attacked, but Butler double-teamed Wang Jun on the outside, Wang Jun passed the ball to Louis Jianlian in the center, and it was empty.

Davis can't ignore Gibson's low position, and there will be obvious gaps in the peripheral double-teaming. Yi Jianlian adjusted the jumper,

The ball goes wide. He didn't necessarily score in the open space, and he still had flaws. Davis grabbed the rebound.

In the positional battle, Davis attracted the defense to score the ball, West caught the ball and shot, and missed a three-pointer on the right without interference.

West has good skills and can shoot, but he hasn't hit it all the time, and his state has also declined this season.

He's a weirdo who doesn't fit in. He was suspended by the league for 10 games because of the gun incident.

On October 30, he had a conflict with Vaughan Weaver in a three-on-three confrontation, and then boxed the latter in the locker room. This behavior dissatisfied the team and coach Rivers.

Angie wanted to trade West, but unfortunately no team wanted it.

Ty Gibson grabbed the backcourt rebound, Bibby dribbled to the frontcourt, and the ball was still passed to Wang Jun.

He caught the ball to the frame, attracted two double-teams, and was assigned to the middle. Yi Jianlian was more prepared this time, and continued to shoot with a higher arc, hitting a three-pointer. 56 to 35.

Wang Jun not only scored more points, but also assisted his teammates.

The Green Army attacked, and Wang Jun continued to double-team Robinson, which made Robinson very depressed.

Why does he always come at me?

Am I really a big star?

The ball went out, and Daniels missed the shot. His finger was injured, which affected his shooting touch. Yi Jianlian grabbed the rebound, or picked it up, and the Green Army players didn't dare to grab the offensive rebound.

As soon as Wang Jun made a quick move, Butler and Daniels quickly returned to defense. Davis grabbed the backcourt rebound, but the frontcourt rebound was useless, and he couldn't jump up at all.

Wang Jun catches the ball on the right side and covers his back to observe the situation. Butler dare not come up to double-team, because the peripheral double-team is too obvious.

Wang Junyun took a step towards the middle, turned around and retreated, looking for double teams by himself, daring to walk the tightrope.

Daniels broke through the defense, Butler blocked the shot from the side, Wang Jun jumped up and made an unconventional move, flicked the ball back, and passed it behind his head outside the three-point line in the middle.

Butler jumped up, unable to control Yi Jianlian, and Daniels was far away.

Yi Jianlian made a jumper with the ball and made three consecutive shots from the same position. After finding the feeling, he made another shot. 59 to 35.

When returning to defense, Wang Jun and Yi Jianlian clapped their hands. "Beautiful casting, keep this feeling."

The Green Army made a substitution, Martin played, replaced Daniels, and added a shooting point. Rivers felt that Daniels was not good at attacking and couldn't defend Wang Jun, so he might as well fight.

Zhang Lili smiled and sighed: "The two cooperate very well. Yi Jianlian was really brought out by Wang Jun this season, and his confidence is getting stronger and stronger."

Yu Jia sighed: "All the work of attracting double-teams is done by teammates, and Ah Lian can concentrate on shooting. It's a pity that he didn't have the current strength in 2008, otherwise the men's basketball team would have a chance to win the gold medal at home."

On the sidelines, while applauding his teammates, James compared himself with Wang Jun in his heart.

He has to admit that Wang Jun is stronger, not only in technique, but also in mentality. Watching Wang Jun play from the sidelines feels like playing, easily killing his opponents.

On the defensive end, when the opponent was replaced by Martin, Wang Jun still went wide and went to double-team the defender who broke through the middle.

Some fans may not be able to see it, but the commentators and people who know the ball can see it. Of course, "Little Potato" has no fatal attraction. Wang Jun is letting the opponent shoot and speeding up the offensive rhythm.

No one can say anything about this kind of release of water. The king is too strong to defend well, and he despises his opponents. What should we do?

Do the Celtics want to express their dissatisfaction? Uncomfortable shooting with no one defending in front of you?

If there is an empty space, it is impossible for the Celtics to spend all 24 seconds. If they fail to score, the ball will be sent to the Kings.

Of course, it would be too embarrassing if the vote was not made.

James may never do this kind of thing, but Wang Jun will, he dares to play in a game that must be won, and forces his opponent to follow his own path.

Martin seized the opportunity with an open three-pointer and made a hollow hit. 59 to 38.

The king attacked, Wang Jun took the ball on the right side to explore, and stepped into the three-point line with his left foot, and missed Martin. He leaned his back to protect the ball, shook his left and right shoulders once, turned around towards the baseline, and passed Martin with one step at a very fast speed.

Davis let go of Taj Gibson's defense, Wang Jun took the ball, swayed it and failed to pass, stepped on the penalty area line, and took off with both feet near the bottom line. He turned around.

There was no defense on the other side, and Wang Jun immediately decided to perform. It seemed difficult, but the actual turn was just a backhand layup.

He turned from the right to the left, with a light backhand with his right hand, the ball hit the board and fell into the basket.

61 to 38, personal 43rd point.

Barkley exclaimed: "My God, Wang Jun is another wonderful individual performance. I love this sport. Today's five best goals will be taken by him."

Smith exclaimed: "This action is too stretched. Carter has staged such a layup. Now Wang Jun always gives me the feeling of being possessed by Carter. He should participate in the dunk contest during the star weekend."

Barkley said with a smile: "I think he may become the slam dunk king, and his movements are more beautiful than Griffin."

PS (to be continued.):

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