Super Marshal

Chapter 583 A good start

"right here?"

Somewhere in the BJDX area, Gao Han pointed to the overgrown grove in front of him and looked at Xiang Tianming in disbelief. His eyes seemed to say, just this shabby place, just such a piece of land, is going to be sold for two thirty million?

Was there any mistake?

Xiang Tianming seemed to have been mentally prepared for Gao Han's surprise. He put his hand on Gao Han's shoulder with a wry smile, "Boss, you have to understand that this is BJ, and every inch of land is precious."

Gao Han can understand, but isn't this too outrageous?

They just set out from BJ's home and drove for more than half an hour and more than 20 kilometers before arriving at the place.

According to old BJ, this place is already considered a suburb within a suburb.

"Isn't this too expensive?" Gao Han shook his head and smiled bitterly.

At this moment, he even had some doubts about whether he should continue to run a youth training center.

Xiang Tianming certainly understands Gao Han's thoughts. The youth training center must recruit students, and must properly arrange cultural courses for players, so it is best to be as close to an area with complete facilities as possible.

"Boss, this is located between the Fifth Ring Road and the Sixth Ring Road. It is relatively convenient to travel to and from the city center. Moreover, the subway line here has begun to be planned. There is huge potential for future appreciation."

"But does this have anything to do with me?" Gao Han asked.

These words are enough to sell a house, but what he wants to build now is a youth training center.

"Yes, what I mean is that the DX District Government is very interested in your project, so it has given you a big discount on the land price. There are two to three hundred acres of land here, which was originally planned to be a park. , now it’s reasonable for you to build a football theme park.”

As he said that, Xiang Tianming pointed to a winding and rugged dirt road that entered the woods in the distance, "Look there is a river there. According to the subway plan, there will be a subway station exit to the east, and to the west it will connect the fifth and sixth rings. Main road, boss, there’s no place like this anymore.”

Gao Han believed this, because Xiang Tianming had been helping to find him in the past period of time.

But even if the government considers it cheap, once construction is started, the investment is estimated to be over 100 million.

"Let me tell you, boss, the whole of BJ is hyping up rail transit this year. There is a line planned in Daxing, and the housing prices in the surrounding areas are rising accordingly. Don't look at it. It's only seven or eight thousand now, but it's estimated to be over ten thousand by the end of the year. I've already heard from my uncle. As I said, there will be two pieces of land up for auction in the DX area at the end of the year. They are very popular and there will probably be two land kings."

"By that time, I'm afraid even if we want to buy it, the government may not be willing to sell it at the current price."

Gao Han looked at the small forest in front of him, and then at the large-scale construction projects in the distance. He really felt so small and helpless.

Perhaps, in the eyes of fans, he is the most successful head coach in football today, but so what?

What can he change?

Could it be that, relying on this false reputation, he could go to negotiate with the government and ask the government to give him a piece of land?

"Boss, look, there is a large-scale real estate project by a powerful real estate company. The investment is very amazing. Many famous schools will be introduced from BJ. I have talked with them and the government. In the future, students from the youth training center can directly enroll. I believe these prestigious schools will be very attractive to many students’ parents.”

Gao Han nodded. He was indeed not as good as Xiang Tianming in this respect.

"In addition, during the holidays, we can host some activities. You know, there are many football enthusiasts in BJ, but they suffer from no venue and no professional referees. But here, we can provide complete one-stop services and even help them Arrange meals, accommodation, leisure vacations and various friendly competitions.”

Gao Han understood what Xiang Tianming meant.

When he first met Xiang Tianming, it was because his amateur team was competing for space with a foreign team, and Xiang Tianming was also well-known in the BJ amateur football circle. I believe he had such an idea and it would be feasible. It will be very high.

"What do you think?" Gao Han asked Lin Xia.

Lin Xia shrugged, "In terms of business, frankly speaking, none of us are as good as him."

Gao Han agreed with this.

After hearing this, Xiang Tianming immediately laughed quite proudly, "Don't worry, boss, my dad also supports my investment, so just give me 10% or 20% of the shares. I will advance and retreat with you together."

"Didn't your father refuse?" Gao Han was a little surprised.

When he wanted to set up a youth training center, Xiang Tianming's father was opposed to it.

"One moment and another, boss, think about it, two to three hundred acres of land, even if the youth training does not make money, the football business does not make money, and the vacation service does not make money, how much is this land alone worth?"


Gao Han and Lin Xia looked at each other, and they were speechless.

It was at this moment that Gao Han suddenly remembered, no wonder from the ring road, there are golf courses everywhere. Could it be that they are all taking up territory?

"Don't worry, boss, our old man won't do business at a loss." Xiang Tianming said with a smile.

Gao Han also understood that he was away from home all year round. Although he was better at football and more famous, when it came to business operations, he was not as good as Xiang Tianming.

Don't talk about other things, just communicate with other developers and the government. Gao Han's eyes are blank and he has no way to start.

"Then it's settled, you will be solely responsible for this matter."

Xiang Tianming did his part, "But, boss, you are still responsible for the football field, training ground, and other related supporting facilities. I am just a layman in this regard."

Gao Han agreed immediately.

The land price is so expensive, it is estimated that the entire investment will not be very low, at least one or two hundred million.

Not to mention anything else, just the turf of the football field and its future maintenance are quite expensive.

According to Gao Han and Xiang Tianming's wishes, the land should be acquired first, the overall plan should be completed first, and the first phase should be developed, and then gradually improved in the future. Moreover, Gao Han would not be able to draw too much from the China Town Youth Training Center in Spain for a while. More manpower is coming, not to mention that there will definitely not be that many students at the beginning.

Therefore, this is a long-term project and must be taken slowly.

But at least, it's finally off to a good start.



Xiang Tianming's work efficiency is still very fast.

In less than half a month, the government formally signed a contract with Gao Han and introduced the Chinatown Football Theme Park project through investment promotion.

Once the news was announced, it immediately caused a huge response in the domestic football world.

As Gao Han's reputation in European football has risen in the past few years, everything about him has attracted much attention, especially the Chinatown team, which has made many domestic fans feel more familiar, coupled with the legendary experience of being upgraded every year , which makes this team have a large number of die-hard fans in the country.

Previously, Gao Han was hired as a technical advisor to the Spanish Football Association, and the Chinatown team was also included in the Spanish Football Association's key youth training projects, which made many domestic fans feel proud. Later, news continued to spread that Gao Han was going to include the Chinatown youth training team. The introduction of the center into the country has made countless professionals and fans look forward to it.

Everyone knows that one of the weaknesses of Chinese football is youth training.

At this press conference, Gao Han explained the youth training that the outside world is concerned about to all participating government and football association officials, media reporters and people in the football industry, saying that he will introduce the best and most advanced youth training process in Spain and even Europe.

Gao Han promised that the youth training center will also regularly arrange for the team to go to Europe for training, exchange and compete with youth teams of the same age in European professional teams, and will also actively invite the world's outstanding youth teams to come to China for training.

"I not only hope to build it into the highest level youth football training base in China, but also the highest level youth training center in European football."

At the same time, Gao Han also focused on the concept of the youth training center, saying that even in Europe, cultural courses occupy a very high position in the youth training system, and this will be inherited in China, so the youth training center All students from elementary school to junior high school to high school can enroll in branches of nearby famous BJ schools for free, ensuring that even if players are unable to develop in football in the future, they can continue to study in cultural courses.

This has also been affirmed and supported by the district government, which can be regarded as relieving the worries of some parents of young players.

In addition to youth training, Gao Han said that a professional coach training center will also be established.

Gao Han had already reached a cooperation intention with Coverciano before, so this time, chief lecturer Renzo Ulivieri and famous coach Lippi were both invited to BJ to attend the press conference.

Renzo Ulivieri showed everyone Covilciano's achievements in the past, and also expressed that he would fully cooperate with Gaohan's football project in coach training to cultivate a team of Chinese football players. Appoint outstanding coaching talents, especially youth training coaches.

Lippi also said that he was shocked and moved when he heard Gao Han's detailed plan.

"Chinese football is indeed still facing many problems, but it has unparalleled resources, that is, a large population, and a group of professionals like Gao Han who are enthusiastic about improving the level of Chinese football. I believe that as long as we persevere, In the near future, Chinese football will definitely usher in a period of rapid development."

Everyone present was shocked by Gao Han's generosity.

If the introduction of the highest-level youth training center from Europe is enough to shock and anticipate people, then now even Covelciano, known as the palace of Italian football, will be introduced to China, which will inevitably make many domestic football players, and young people who aspire to work in the football industry are excited.

At the end of the interview, Gao Han expressed his gratitude to many people in the industry and fans. At the same time, he also called on more fans who love Chinese football to actively support and participate.

"Chinese football is football for each of us Chinese. It cannot be changed and improved by one person or one policy. It needs to gather the power of countless Chinese people and eventually form a trend of forward development."

"What I'm doing now is very insignificant, and I didn't expect to receive anything in return. Everything I have now comes from football, so I just simply hope to give back in the way I can. To football.”

"There is no doubt that my power alone is very small, but I hope to do my part for Chinese football with my small power."

Gao Han's true confession, as well as everything he showed to everyone at the press conference, quickly spread with the support of many friends in the circle and media reporters, and soon It attracted huge attention in the country.

Almost all professionals and fans believe that youth training and coaches are the foundation for revitalizing football, but they are also the biggest weakness and shortcoming of domestic football at present.

Gao Han's ability to see this and do something about it deserves everyone's recognition.

For a time, not only people in the football circle paid attention to this news, but also high-level government officials paid great attention to it. A certain deputy national-level official even called him personally to express concern about this matter.

But at this time, Gao Han had already left BJ.

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