Super Psionic Technology

Chapter 258: The court is in action

The secret guard was secretly investigating, and was investigating in a hidden way. Although he could not investigate all of them, he also found a hidden place. I only know that this is a secret base of the New Japanese Church. As for the core members of the New Japanese Church, if they are not here, the Secret Guard will not know.

However, even if it is not the most central place, it can be regarded as a gathering place of the Protestantism. Even if the leader is not here, you can catch a lot of new Japanese people.

The secret guard has been investigating for so long, and so much has been investigated. The follow-up things are too secret. If you want to continue in-depth investigation, for example, to find out who is the leader of the New Japanese Church, I am afraid that you will be scared.

With so much news, it is almost possible to act. Yang Tianci once again accused Xiao Tianjing of entering the palace, and discussed with the Secret Guard about the specific matters of the suppression of this new Japanese religion.

Yang Tianci also had his own plan. He would first use newspapers to promote some of the bad things that the New Japanese Church had done, and the emergence of such crops would allow more people to eat. Such a move is equivalent to the court knowing that the New Japanese Church did it, and may be tempted.

Therefore, Yang Tianci finally decided that on the day when he went to pay off the Protestantism, he immediately used newspapers and the government to appease the people.

Of course, this operation is not only here in Beijing, but also in Tianzhou and Huazhou. Because these two states suffered disasters last year, they are also the best place for the development of the new Japanese church.

After several days of preparation, everything is ready, the prepared newspaper is ready, and Xiao Jiajun is quietly ready.

As far as the end of the state is concerned, there are not many people at all, who originally wanted to develop the church among the people who built the canal, but it is obvious that the New Japanese Church thinks too much.

When the time came, with the cooperation of the covert guards, Xiao Jiajun and covert guards carried out a surprise attack on the secret bases of the New Japanese Church in these three states. At the same time, the local government was also mobilized as a countermeasure and aftermath.

A manor on the outskirts of Beijing, this manor has been occupied by the Protestant Church, as a secret base.

The Secret Guard has also found here, so he cannot continue to investigate further, but it is enough to investigate here.

Xiao Jiajun was also hiding outside the manor, and when the time came, he rushed in and seized these New Japanese teachers. It is best to be able to catch nature alive, and it is normal for someone to be injured in the chaos.

The time had come, and under the orders of Xiao Tianjing, the people of Xiao Jiajun launched an attack on this manor. The members of the Neo-Japanese Church in the manor soon discovered Xiao Jiajun, but in the end, this group of believers was only a group of Wuhe, and it was not comparable to Xiao Jiajun, the strongest army in the Dawei Dynasty.

The high wall of this manor was nothing at all in front of Xiao Jiajun. The explosives exploded in the corner of the wall. This so-called high wall suddenly collapsed and a large gap appeared.

The Protestant church members in the manor only resisted a little bit, and it was not long before they had fled away.

"Rushing in, catching alive, and meeting resolute resistance, you can also kill it."

Xiao Jiajun's men drove in and rushed in. Xiao Jiajun's strength prevented the New Japanese Church from breaking into an army. Soon, under the force of Xiao Jiajun, most of the people of this new Japanese religion were controlled by the pit. Individuals who wanted to escape were captured by the covert guards or killed.

Outside this manor, there are many members of the Protestant Church who are kneeling. Many people seem to be ordinary people, and they have yellow skinny skin. They look no longer malnourished, but look like they have not been full for a long time.

"You are the secret base of the New Japanese Church here, let's say, where are you, the leader and the elders of the New Japanese Church?" Xiao Tianjing was in contact with the New Japanese Church. There are also elders, similar to the forces of the rivers and lakes, but they can actually do things that are far worse than the forces of the rivers and lakes.

"Don't say it, it doesn't matter. There will be time for interrogation. Although His Majesty is kind, he won't kill you, but death is not a escape from living sin, and hard work is inevitable. Those who have explained these core members are also If you count the merits, you can pass the merits and get a better life."

Xiao Tianjing is suitable for soldiers to fight and use his troops as gods, but he is not good at interrogating prisoners or something. This question was asked a few times, but no one answered, but Xiao Tianjing did not respond too much, just continued to ask. Just come out and hand it over to someone special.

"Go back to General, in this manor, I found a secret room. In the secret room, many women were detained, and there were some silver two who could not be transported away."

While Xiao Tianjing was still interrogating, a small guardian of the secret guard reported the incident to Xiao Tianjing. Naturally, Xiao Tianjing also knew the way of doing things in the New Japanese Church. These deceived female teachers are probably just the playthings of the core characters.

"Rescue the girl in there first, let me calm down first, and I will tell your majesty first."

Soon, according to Yang Tianci's will, these women were rescued and temporarily placed in a place. The members of the Protestant Church have not yet disclosed the news. However, Yang Tianci is not in a hurry, there are many ways to let these people open their mouths.

Many methods of torture are available. Of course, not only these cruel means, Yang Tianci has a better way.

This used two things, sweet potatoes and potatoes, and these people who were caught were held together.

Then, when he was going to have lunch, Yang Tianci made people prepare sweet potatoes and potatoes as staple food, and distributed them to the detainees.

When these people have lunch, there are special people next to them who are introducing these three crops. Of course, it is not limited to these people, but also other people. Under the propaganda of the government and newspapers, the people have a sufficient understanding of these crops.

When planting in the spring before, most of the government still chose a more tough method. Propaganda must be propaganda, but it is only a superficial effort. It is different now, and the introduction is very detailed.

In addition to these kinds of crops, there is also a sense of propagating the people’s patriotism and supporting the court. Talk about the disadvantages of this new Japanese religion and shake up the bad things that the new Japanese religion did. Of course, it is not limited to the New Japanese Church. Those who endanger the people are classified as cults and are not allowed to appear.

These captured church members ate mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, and it was called incense, and it was called gobbling. There is not only food, but also water to drink. The most important thing is that these foods are full.

They also learned that the high yields of these crops, if these crops exist, grow some rice and wheat, and grow this, and eat it in a mixed way, it will not be hungry all year round.

Many people began to waver, because they can live a normal life after they report it, and they will be able to get full. What else do they do by joining this new Japanese teaching that only speaks empty words? Everyone here has regrets and a desire for a new life.

End of this chapter

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