Super Weapon Exchange System

Chapter 3245: The best

For the Eagle Nation Army, the past few years have not gone smoothly. Although they invaded the Butterfly Nation and then invaded the Date Palm Nation, although they all achieved victory, the casualties were definitely not small. Therefore, the Eagle Nation Army has been Can be considered ashamed.

Especially, every time the war was fought, it was obvious that the people of the Eagle had paid for the money, the people and the equipment. In the end, it was the people of the Han. Take the last largest date palm war, for example, when the war is over, the people of Han Selling weapons is soft, but Eagle Nation has not gained any benefits.

This time, it was the same again. Although the Han people only served a pirate gang, they were clean and tidy, especially with zero casualties. It was a textbook-level special operation.

Since the Han people do a good job of confidentiality, the outside world does not know the details, but it is said that a lot of advanced equipment is used, such as drones, four-eye night vision devices, etc. Equipment is the most important part to ensure that they have zero casualties. As for the advanced future fighter system, if it is not surprising, it should be used.

After all, in the version that is constantly circulating, there is that kind of future warrior, carrying a terrible machine gun, rushing to the forefront, and crying the pirates.

This statement has even gained more and more recognition. Later, there were noses and eyes, and the version became more and more detailed. To the name of each soldier, every action is clearly recorded, and it is just like what you saw with your own eyes. See the same.

Of course, they didn't know that the strategic deception bureau of Han State had already started its work.

As for now, Eagle Country is holding back its energy, and this opportunity has finally come.

With olive camouflage on his face, Sergeant Blackburn of the Delta Force, sitting on a Black Hawk helicopter, was listening to the commander's encouragement.

"This time, we are to seize the leader of the rebel army and solve the chaos here in one fell swoop. We are to help the people here." The commander said in a roaring helicopter, "We want the world Look at the strength of our Eagle Nation Special Forces!"

This time, it was indeed a big operation united by their special forces. The participating troops had many people on one side, including many units: the Army’s Special Forces 75th Infantry Regiment. This unit has a resounding The name is called "Rangers" and the sixth team of the Navy's "Sea Leopards". As for their current Delta units, they are "Ace of Aces" because the soldiers of the Delta Force are selected from various special forces. The elite that came out, well, should be called the elite of the elite.

At the same time, the top commander of this mission is General Garrison, the head of the "Delta" unit. He is responsible for the overall overview in the rear. At the same time, there is also a front-line command post under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Tom Mattis. The helicopter is responsible for air command.

The Eagle Country is almost all the elites this time.

Blackburn was holding the M16 rifle in his hand, and his eyes were full of excitement. That's right, this time is a stage where their special forces focused on display. They must show their full strength.

Compared with Han, their conditions are too superior. They originally had a base in the oil palm country, so they don’t need to travel across oceans. At the same time, they still have enough intelligence. This time they have been repeatedly verified by the informant. I am sure that the target is within the city. In addition to the air assault team, they also have a fleet on the ground, which is quite safe.

At this time, the OH-58D helicopter that set off in advance has already begun to transmit the situation on the spot in real time. This is the most advanced reconnaissance helicopter in the Eagle Country. When it comes to modern weapons, the Eagle Country will definitely not be inferior.

"The target is in a meeting, we have to go down immediately!" the commander shouted loudly: "Climb down, get down!"

At this time, the Black Hawk helicopter has arrived over the narrow street on the south side of the target. For the elite special forces, this is nothing at all. The rope was thrown down and Sergeant Blackburn was the first to grasp it skillfully. The rope slid down.

However, at this moment, suddenly, an unexpected air current blew over, and the helicopter swayed slightly, and Sergeant Blackburn on the ropes, driven by the ropes, slammed towards the nearby buildings. !

The hover of the helicopter can’t stay still. Unexpected air currents are everywhere. If it’s on an open field in the wild, it’s nothing. Now, it’s about to hit a building on the side, so Black Byrne had no other choice but to quickly release his hook, and then, when he was approaching the building, he rushed over and grabbed something.

However, he did not grasp anything, his body, like throwing mud on the wall, clung to the building tightly, and then fell silently.

"Oh, damn!" the man behind shouted.

The cable drop continued. When the follow-up personnel went down, they found that Blackburn, who was the first to come down, was already seriously injured, and his whole body was broken with a lot of bones, almost a waste person.

The action has just begun, and they have lost a good player. They are the most famous Delta Force, the elite of the elite!

After the captain on the helicopter got down, he looked at Blackburn for a while, but there was no other way. He said to his hands: "Set aside, Sergeant Shchuk, you wait here and wait until the convoy comes. , First take three Hummers and send him back."

He didn't know that this had actually exposed one of their weaknesses. They did not have the advanced means of transportation for a large number of people. They could come by helicopter, but it was impossible to get all the prisoners on the helicopter, so they could only go back in a convoy. This also laid the groundwork for their hard fight.

It's definitely not good news that Sergeant Struck stayed here to take care of Blackburn, while the others had already swarmed over.

The battle started like this.

Although one person was lost, the beginning went smoothly.

The Delta team arrived first. After getting off the helicopter, they immediately threw smoke bombs into the courtyard of the building, smashed the iron door, rushed in fiercely, and rushed into the opponent’s meeting room from the stairs. , Fah was not found, but Fah's men were all caught upright!

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